After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin decided to upgrade the Body Refinement Technique. Under the circumstance that he couldn't deal with the flying stiffness, naturally the thicker his skin, the safer he was.

Jiang Lin had imagined that if he faced the flying stiffness alone, he would have to focus on running.

If he leaps with his strength, and if he can glide at a low altitude, the flying zombie may not necessarily be able to catch him.

But in the process of running, he needs to be able to withstand the attack of the flying zombie.

Jiang Lin also analyzed during this period that the flying stiffness encountered in Yaochi Immortal Castle was indeed the bottom of the flying stiffness, and his feet were no more than one foot off the ground.

But even at the bottom, it's not something he can deal with now.

Prepare for the worst.

"Physical Refinement Technique Upgrade!"

After consuming [*] points of hostility, Jiang Lin raised the Body Refinement Art.

There is no special change this time, but the physical strength has been partially improved on the basis of the previous one.

But the pain of the upgrade process is still there, even worse than the pain of the first three upgrades combined.

Flesh, bone marrow and viscera are painless.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin recovered.

After that, he jumped onto a [*]-meter-high tree and strenuously leaped. The corpse poison in his body was decomposed into corpse gas, which was used as a consumption for gliding.

When Jiang Lin landed, he was already half a mile away from where he was jumping.

"More than two hundred meters, not bad!"

"I'm a man who knows how to do light work!"

Jiang Lin was in a good mood. He stepped on the tops of big trees and gliding in the air, as if he was fighting against the wind.

Chapter [*] The green air is soaring to the sky

"This feel is so refreshing."

Jiang Lin enjoyed the feeling of being free from gravity, but the fly in the ointment was that his ability needed to be corpse to use it.

Fortunately, as long as it is slightly corpse, the fangs do not need to be bucked out, and the corpse will not be too strong.

It is safe to demonstrate this ability without being particularly noticed.

He could call it the effect of Swordsmanship.

Jiang Lin hopped over the woods for a long time, before falling to the ground after he was so addicted.

"I don't know if the two abilities of low-altitude gliding and hovering can be used in combination."

Jiang Lin's brain hole is wide open, and the low-altitude gliding will get closer and closer to the ground until it hits the ground, but if it can cooperate with the suspension, it may be able to achieve the effect of flying.

"Don't think too much, save your anger first."

After returning to the ancient tomb, Jiang Lin told Bai Min'er that he was going to leave Shu in the next few days. He has been here for more than three months, Xie Ji has been eliminated, and he still has work to do.

Bai Min'er just nodded slightly and didn't say anything, but she felt a little different in her heart.

She was used to living with Jiang Lin by her side.

Three days later, Jiang Lin rode his horse to Mount Emei, where he stopped for a long time.

After that, Jiang Lin went to the place where the Yaochi Immortal Castle was located, and walked around a hundred miles, but there was still no news of Daoist Chunhua and Fei Zong.

"Caiyi, Ayan, go."

Outside the tomb, a carriage was parked, and Jiang Lin urged his two women to go on the road.

Caiyi and Ayan said goodbye to their junior sisters with tears and got into the carriage.

"Min'er, who are you?"

Bai Min'er also came out of the ancient tomb, carrying a burden, and walked in front of Jiang Lin.

"I...I think...I still can't understand some of the knowledge taught by seniors. I want to study with seniors for a while."

Jiang Lin: "..."

I have taught everything that needs to be taught, and the rest is just a matter of comprehension.

Are you really following along?

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er with a strange expression.

Caiyi and Ayan lifted the curtains from the carriage, and saw that their big sister's ears were a little red, and they both looked at Jiang Lin.

What's the matter, husband?

"If I study, I have no opinion..."

"It's just learning!"

Bai Miner was afraid that Jiang Lin thought she had other ideas, so she left a sentence to block Jiang Lin, and got into the carriage by herself.

After getting on the carriage, when Jiang Lin also came up, Bai Min'er coughed lightly and said, "I have temporarily let Fourth Junior Sister take care of the microwave dispatch, and I have also asked them to cultivate well."

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er with a slight smile, and if he wanted to go home with him, he would just say it.

Seeing Bai Min'er's dodging eyes, Jiang Lin smiled and went out to sit with the driver.

It's not good to shame people and run away.

"Brother, what's your name?"

The driver was a fat man, and his face seemed to be related to Xiu Dao, so Jiang Lin started chatting with him.

"Boss, my name is Zhang Dandan. Because I spent the night in the cemetery when I was a child, others called me Dandan. Since then, I've been called Zhang Dandan."

Is the driver Zhang bold?fat man?

Jiang Lin recalled in his mind, it seems that the protagonist of a zombie movie is Zhang Dandan.

Because this movie is the beginning of the Hong Kong zombie ghost movie, Jiang Lin's mind is relatively clear.

"Do you usually drive cars for a living?"

Jiang Lin wanted to know some more information to confirm.

"I usually drive the car to the squire Master Tan in the town. Because Master Tan is out doing business during this time, I go to the surrounding area to get some extra money. It just so happens that the direction you are going, boss, will pass through our town."

"Could it be really the plot of the movie ghost fight ghost? But it seems that the plot hasn't started yet."

Jiang Lin had a general idea of ​​what the driver Zhang Daan would encounter later.

"Hey, let me tell you, the old man Tan in our town, who is rich and powerful, likes other people's wives. He often says that there is no wild flower fragrance at home. He likes to take my car to pick up other people's wives very much."

Zhang Bold is more talkative, and as soon as he opened the chat box, he talked to Jiang Lin about their town.

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhang Bold's face again, and saw that he had targeted women and villains, and he was a man with a green hat.

Hearing Zhang Dan say how much Master Tan treats him, Jiang Lin immediately felt sympathy for Zhang Dan.

Brother, Mr. Tan's wild flowers are your home flowers, and he is often your wife in your car!

Others steal your wife, and you say they are good.

This is no one.

Love is a light, so green that people panic.

"Is your car carrying that Master Tan?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of a serious problem. He didn't want his woman to sit in the car that the unclean man had been in.

"No, Mr. Tan is very low-key and rides in a small car. He doesn't dare to be so public about taking a good car."

Jiang Lin nodded, Zhang Dadan's carriage was still unaffordable for most people, perhaps because of this, the Master Tan he said did not dare to sit.

Steal people to be low-key.

"Brother, I feel like you are more in tune with you. When I arrive in your town, I will stay for a few days and contact you when I leave."

Jiang Lin remembers the development of the plot, there will be a pair of Maoshan brothers fighting, and the Taoist priest who accepted Zhang Dadan as the master is still dead.

In that case, he didn't mind pulling the Taoist priest, and just in the town he also asked the three girls to change their outfits.

Because of the legend of swordsmen in Shu, the clothes of the disciples of the Microwave School are not very rare here, but once they go out of Shu, they become exotic clothes.

"Okay, I also feel that I have a good relationship with you, boss."

The carriage traveled for two days and came to Tanjia Town, where Zhang Dandan was.

"Zhang Darren, don't just focus on doing business, go home often to see."

Jiang Lin reminded Zhang Dandan, after the two days of getting along, he felt that Zhang Dandan was a good person.

If he had been kept in the dark, Zhang Dandan might not be called Zhang Dandan, he would have to change his name to Wu Dalang, and he might even be killed by an adulterer and a prostitute.

"Isn't the senior in a hurry to go back?"

Ayan couldn't wait, she wanted to go home with Jiang Lin and marry him.

"We're about to leave the land of Shu. We will be staying at the inn in this town for two days. You need to change your clothes. And since Min'er wants to learn more, I will make arrangements."

If there is a situation where one good and one evil senior brothers and sisters are fighting, Jiang Lin wants Bai Miner and the others to take action and help the good Taoist priests secretly.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to bring some fashionable clothes of this era and hand them over to Bai Min'er and the others.

Jiang Lin buys clothes for his women, and they always fit well. As for Bai Min'er, although Jiang Lin has never seen the clothes inside, he still remembers about the body shape.

Zhang Boldly asked his friends to find out that Master Tan just came back today, and it happened that Jiang Lin would not be leaving in a few days, so he went to find Master Tan.

"Xiao Zhang, you really know my heart."

Master Tan wanted to kill Zhang Dadan's wife, so he hurried to the special seat.

When he arrived at the destination, Master Tan still wanted to ask, but Zhang Boldly said, "Don't worry, Boss Tan, I'll be back in time for a stick of incense."

Master Tan was very satisfied. He entered a house, and then slipped through the back door and went to Zhang Dan's house not far away.

"By the way, the young boss told me to let me go home often."

Zhang Dandan, who was eating tofu nao, remembered Jiang Lin's words. The old man who happened to sell tofu nao said that the driver is easy to wear a green hat, so he wanted to go back and see his wife.

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