Jiang Lin, who was resting in the inn, heard the noise coming from behind. He opened the window and looked out. Jiang Lin raised his brows. Zhang Dadan was actually in the alley behind the inn.

Zhang Dandan held a cloth shoe and said to himself, "You can't go wrong, this shoe must belong to an adulterer!"

"It turns out that Zhang Dadan's home is here. It's really...the sky is green."

Chapter [-] Don't know that my name is Jiang Dadan?

After Master Tan returned to the mansion, he told the master in his mansion about the situation, and wanted to get rid of Zhang Dadan to ensure that the secret would not be leaked.

He is now running for mayor, and there can be no negative news.

The master was worried that ordinary people would not be able to deal with Zhang Dan, who knew martial arts, so he recommended Master Mao Shan Qian Kai to Master Tan.

As long as the money is in place, it must be done cleanly.

On the same day, the master went to Qian Kai and asked him to help get rid of Zhang Dan, and happened to meet Qian Kai's junior brother Xu Daochang.

The two brothers had a conflict because of their incompatible ideas. Daochang Xu decided to protect Zhang Dadan and prevent his brother from killing innocent people indiscriminately.


In the evening, Zhang Dadan found the inn where Jiang Lin stayed.

"Brother, why are you here? I will leave in two days."

Zhang Bingdan apologized and explained: "Boss, I don't think I will take you. My wife stole someone, and I don't want to leave the town."

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. The other men were wearing green hats and wished they could hide it. This foolish man even spoke out.

"Boss, I'm very sorry, I'm going to the Ma Family Ancestral Hall, and I made a bet with others."

Horse family ancestral hall?

Jiang Lin remembered that there was indeed such a place in the movie, and there was a zombie in it that could break dance.

"Hey, brother, what bet did you play with others?"

Jiang Lin stopped Zhang Dadan, who turned around and left.

"Hey, Hua Laojiu doesn't believe that I am so bold, and bet me ten oceans, saying that there is a ghost in the Ma family ancestral hall, bet I don't dare to spend the night there."

Zhang Dandan looked disdainful, how could his Zhang Dandan name be called in vain?

There are ten oceans to take in one night, what a good thing.

Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Dadan and felt that this fat man had a very simple head.

When things go wrong, there must be demons, and others will give you ten oceans for nothing without purpose?

Jiang Lin didn't wake up a bit, and he didn't want to miss out if there was only one zombie he could take away. Anyway, there was nothing left or right, so it would be good to go to the show.

"Is there a ghost? I've never seen a ghost, and I don't believe in ghosts. How about I go with you?"

"Boss, it turns out that you are the same as me. Well, let's go together."

Zhang Bold readily agreed that it would be good to have someone talk to relieve the boredom at night.

Jiang Lin left a note, and then went to the Ma family ancestral hall outside the town with Zhang Dadan.

In the woods outside the town, Daoist Xu, who had been following Zhang Dadan, was already waiting on the road.

He found that his senior brother had tricked Zhang Daan to go to the Ma family ancestral hall, so he came here to intercept people.

After seeing Zhang Daan, Daochang Xu had a relationship with himself as a master and apprentice. In this case, he couldn't let Zhang Daan have an accident.

Daoist Xu greeted Jiang Lin and Zhang Dandan, and asked for directions on the pretext: "May I ask how to get to the ancestral hall of the Ma family?"

"You also go to the Ma's ancestral hall? What are you doing? Did someone ask you to sleep there for a night?"

Zhang Dandan thought that Xu Daochang was a fellow traveler with him, and greeted him with enthusiasm.

"No, I'm going to collect the bodies of two people. Tonight, two people will go to the Ma's ancestral hall. They will die in the morning. One of them is still fat. I will go to the Ma's ancestral hall to see."

Jiang Lin gave Xu Dao a long look. Although he was well-intentioned, it sounds easy to get beaten up, you know?

Zhang Dadan did not believe Xu Daochang's words, thinking that he was with Hua Laojiu to defraud him of money.

Xu Daochang saw that Zhang Dadan could not enter the oil and salt, so he looked at Jiang Lin.

"Little brother, if you go to the Ma's ancestral hall tonight, you will definitely die."

The black line at the end of Jiang Lin, this leader thought he was scared?

"Brother, you've got the wrong person. It's useless to scare me. My name is Jiang Dandan."

Jiang Lin pointed at Fatty and asked Daochang Xu not to do useless work.

He is a celestial master and the thousand-year-old zombie king. He wants to scare him, unless the sow climbs the tree and the boar slaps the tree.

"Let me tell you, my senior brother is a Taoist priest from Maoshan, and he will try to kill this fat man. If you go with him, you will surely die."

Daoist Xu still persevered and showed Jiang Lin that white paper turned into money, but unfortunately, he did not find the right person.

What should I do? It's annoying. Do you want to punch him?online etc.

Jiang Lin looked at Xu Daochang quietly. This man is very warm-hearted and upright, but he has no eyesight to see.

Can't you feel that he is a fellow at all?

A flash of fire flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes, and Xu Daochang was stunned for a moment. After that, he looked at Jiang Lin, who looked harmless to humans and animals.

Daoist Xu stopped holding Jiang Lin, and said to Zhang Boldly: "Fatty, let me tell you, if you want to survive, you have to worship me as a teacher, so that I can protect you."

"If you want me to worship you as a teacher, unless I, Zhang Dandan, are scared out of my guts."

Zhang Dandan ignored Daochang Xu and took a step straight to the ancestral hall of the Ma family.

"Little brother, there are zombies in Ma's ancestral hall. They are very powerful. Once they are awakened by my senior brother, ordinary Taoist priests can't control them."

Daochang Xu followed Jiang Lin and was still there to persuade him.

"Ordinary Taoist priests can't control it? Is it so powerful?"

Jiang Lin paused. Daoist Xu was at the level of a Taoist. Even he said that ordinary Taoists couldn't control it. It is estimated that the zombies in the ancestral hall should be black zombies or refined zombies.

When Xu Daochang saw Jiang Lin stopped, he thought that Jiang Lin was frightened, and just wanted Jiang Lin to persuade Zhang Bold to go back, but Jiang Lin's words shocked him.

"Ordinary Taoist priests can't control it, it's not bad!"

"You...you are really courting death."

Daoist Xu couldn't stop Zhang Dandan and Jiang Lin, and followed them to the Ma family ancestral hall.

Jiang Lin released the corpse poison in his body, absorbed the moonlight projected by the hole in the roof, and fell asleep leaning against the pillars of the ancestral hall. Anyway, there were coffins in the ancestral hall, and the whole ancestral hall was filled with corpse gas. He was not worried about what Daoist Xu found.

During the second watch, the lid of the coffin in the ancestral hall was suddenly lifted off, and a zombie jumped out.

"Really... there are really zombies!"

Zhang Dandan saw a dead body jump out, and his face turned pale with fright.

All ordinary people who claim to be bold have never seen a ghost, and Zhang Dan is no exception.

With sleepy eyes, Jiang Lin sensed the strength of this zombie. It was stronger than the average black jerk. He didn't open his eyes and he didn't become refined.

Go to sleep first, talk about it later.

"Little brother, there are zombies, zombies!"

Xu Daochang's face was speechless, Jiang Lin could still fall asleep when he saw the zombies.

The zombie sensed the corpse aura on Jiang Lin's body and jumped a few steps.

When did a big brother come to his house?

But this guy seems to be sleeping.

Well, catch the two people in the ancestral hall, and leave the fat man to say hello to this eldest brother.

Zombie showed its Michael Jackson-style devil pace, pounced on Zhang Dadan and Xu Daochang.

"Master, help, help!"

Although Zhang Dandan had good martial arts skills, this zombie also knew martial arts skills and beat him to the point where he could not fight back. At this time, he thought that Daoist Xu had said that if he wanted to survive, he had to be a teacher.

"I told you earlier that you will die when you come here, but you still don't believe it!"

Disturbed by the noisy voice, Jiang Lin yawned, amused by this zombie chasing Zhang Dandan and Xu Daochang.

This is the first time Jiang Lin has seen a local zombie who knows martial arts, and it is considered a rare breed.

"Boss, stop laughing, there are zombies here, oh! Boss, why are you so bold?"

"I think he's freaked out with fright."

Daochang Xu had nothing to say to Jiang Lin, and he could still laugh when he saw the zombies.

"This zombie can scare me? Don't you know my name is Jiang Dan?"

Chapter [-] Bronze persuades the king not to die

Jiang Lin really admires Xu Daochang's reflex arc. Most people must be afraid of zombies when they see them. If they are not afraid, they must be seen frequently. Is this unexpected?


At this moment, the zombie roared, making Jiang Lin almost burst out laughing.

Great Qing Wu champion, dare to fight?

It turned out that this zombie was the champion of martial arts before his death. No wonder Daochang Xu and Zhang Dadan, who were very skilled, both shriveled in its hands.

Daoist Xu and Zhang Dandan were kicked away by the zombies and landed in front of Jiang Lin.

After Jiang Lin put the corpse poison in his bones, the zombie immediately sensed the breath of a living person. It didn't care why the big brother just now disappeared, and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

Although this zombie could sense a dangerous aura in Jiang Lin's body, it was very confident in its own kung fu and believed that it was the champion of martial arts among the zombies.

"Little brother, is your life unsatisfactory, hurry up, life is precious..."

The zombies came, and Jiang Lin didn't mean to run away, so Daoist Xu thought that he was just begging for death.

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