"Can't you see that I'm also a cultivator?"

The black line at the end of Jiang Lin, as long as a cultivator reaches the level of a Taoist, the temperament on his body is fundamentally different from that of ordinary people, but this Daoist Xu couldn't see it, and persuaded him to cherish life.

How blind is this eye...

Jiang Lin thought that Daoist Xu should see an ophthalmologist. Now that he had received the corpse poison, the aura of the Celestial Master was exposed, but Daoist Xu could not find it.

Blind, go see an ophthalmologist!

"Even if you are a cultivator, this zombie is very powerful, don't be brave and sacrifice your life in vain."

Daoist Xu was still trying to persuade him. He believed that even if Jiang Lin was a cultivator, he would not be able to do much at such a young age.

"I'll block him, you go away."

Xu Daochang breathed a sigh of relief and stood in front of the zombie, but unfortunately, after taking two moves with the zombie, he was kicked over again.

"The action is very ghostly, but ordinary Taoist priests really can't deal with it."

Looking at the flexible movements of the zombie, Jiang Lin once again speculated on the strength of the zombie, and the method of dealing with ordinary zombies cannot be used to deal with this zombie.

Even his own Chen Dou Gong, which specializes in dealing with corpses, can't play a big role.

Ordinary zombies are not too troublesome, because their bodies are rigid, and as long as they are flexible, they can still deal with it.

Even if Qiusheng encounters the black zombie, although he can't deal with it, his life will not be in danger in a short time.

Afterwards, the martial arts zombies performed their breakdance moves and launched their knives one after another to attack Jianglin.

"Wu Zhuangyuan, right, come on, let's make two moves."

The zombie came to Jiang Lin and invited him to dance with him.

However, Jiang Lin was not interested in breakdance with this champion Wu like Daochang Xu and Zhang Dandan did.

He clasped the zombie's wrist with one hand, and slapped the back of the other palm, directly slapping its face.

A slap and fan fly.

Wu Zhuangyuan among the zombies is also unbearable in front of Jiang Lin.

Seeing this scene, Xu Daochang almost bit his tongue.

What's happening here?

He used all his strength to kick the zombies down. How could this young man slap the zombies far away?

The zombie who claimed to be the champion of martial arts was dizzy by Jiang Lin's slap. It was very unconvinced and wanted to fight Jiang Lin again.

But Jiang Lin has not given it a chance.


Jiang Lin didn't want to waste time on this zombie and compete with zombies?He has no interest in that.

And this zombie is not as strong as a bronze armored corpse, even if he wants to move his muscles and bones, he will not choose this martial arts champion.

Pointing the index finger a little at the zombie, a yang finger blew the zombie's entire neck to pieces.

No matter how high your kung fu is, you are still afraid of kitchen knives.

"It's still shooting."

Jiang Lin blew his fingertips, feeling like a gun god.

The head and body of the zombie are separated, and one head is silent, but the body still dances awkwardly there.

"It's a zombie obsessed with dancing."

"Crack! Kill Zongsha and get [-] points of suffocation."

Xu Daochang's face was stunned, and the zombies who beat them to death just died?

After that, the expression on Xu Daochang's face became very exciting. When he thought of pretending to be a big tail wolf in front of Jiang Lin, he wanted to find a hole to drill.

He was clearly a king, but he was still trying to persuade the king not to die.

Daoist Xu finally understood why Jiang Lin had never shown fear. With such a profound cultivation, does he need to be afraid?

Jiang Lin glanced at Xu Daochang and gave him a suggestion.

I suggest you see an ophthalmologist.


"Dao... Brother Dao."

Xu Daochang looked embarrassed and said hello to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin nodded, and continued leaning on the pillar to sleep, and it was estimated that someone would send warmth in a while.

"Are there really zombies in the world?"

Zhang Dandan was still afraid for a while, and it was incredible that a dead person could jump up and bite.

"I told you that my senior brother wanted to kill you, but you still don't believe it. My senior brother took other people's money and deceived you here and wanted to take your life. If this daoist brother was not here today, I couldn't even protect it. You. Hurry up and call Master."

Daoist Xu showed a cold look to Zhang Dan. Zhang Dan is just an ordinary person, and he will not make the wrong object this time.


Zhang Dandan walked in front of Jiang Lin under the eyes of Daoist Xu, and knelt down.

Jiang Lin pointed at Daoist Xu and said, "You worshipped the wrong person. It was the Daoist Xu who wanted to accept you as a disciple."

Although Zhang Dadan's qualifications are good, Jiang Lin has no intention of accepting apprentices. Even if he has not promised not to accept apprentices, he will not accept Zhang Dadan as his apprentice.

How could his apprentice be a man with a green hat?

"You got the wrong person, you want to worship me as a teacher."

Xu Daochang was so angry that his nose was smoking. He was the one who got the wrong person before, but now it was Zhang Dadan's turn to get the wrong person.

"But this real person is much more powerful than you."

Zhang Dandan doesn't call Jiang Lin his boss anymore, that's too vulgar, such a powerful Taoist priest must be a real person.

Daochang Xu was heartbroken by this sentence, and his apprentices, who had a relationship with him, disliked him.

However, when he thought of the method Jiang Lin had used to remove the corpse, it was not enough for him not to recognize the dish.

Chapter [-] No Contrast No Harm

No matter what Zhang Dan asked for, Jiang Lin could not accept him as his apprentice. In the end, Zhang Dan thought of his own life and worshipped Daoist Xu as his teacher.

Xu Daochang did not feel any joy in accepting his apprentices, he felt like a leftover.

His apprentice came to worship him only after failing to worship others.


Zhang Dandan suddenly felt that his arm was stabbed, and then his right arm could not move.

"Oops, it must be my senior brother who is doing it. He must have got your birthday."

"How is that possible? Only my wife and Master Tan know my birthday."

Jiang Lin raised his eyes and saw that Zhang Dadan was indeed being used as a trick by Maoshan techniques.

Birthday horoscopes cannot be given to anyone, but Zhang Boldly gave his horoscopes to his wife and Master Tan.

It's nothing to give to his wife, but to Master Tan is completely his own and doesn't take his life seriously.

As long as there is a person's birth date and name, anyone who knows a little about Mao Shanshu can make him miserable, and even kill him directly.

If it falls into the hands of wizards and head descendants, it will be even more terrifying, and it may not even be possible to die.

At this time, Daoist Xu also told Zhang Dan the cause and effect of the incident, and then contacted the current situation. Zhang Dan finally knew that his wife had an affair with Master Tan.

"Hey, you, even if you find another woman, you will weave a green hat for you. You are born with a green life. Learn Taoism with me in peace."

Daochang Xu was very unkind to Zhang Dadan.

Zhang Daan's face turned green with anger, how could there be a master who said that about his apprentice.

Jiang Lin also nodded slightly, Zhang Dadan was a Hulk in this life.

"What should I do, Master, save me, I can't move my feet."

Zhang Dan had never believed in Mao Shanshu before, but now that it happened to him, he couldn't help not believe it.

Daochang Xu was also very anxious, but he didn't know where his senior brother opened the altar. If he couldn't interrupt the practice, Zhang Dan would be dead.

"Drip Zhang Da's blood on that zombie."

Jiang Lin couldn't bear it any longer. Being used by someone using the eight-character method of birth date did not mean that he had to wait to die.

And since he is here, Chief Xu would rather sweat profusely than ask him if he can do anything.

With him, do you need to hurry?

"But if you drop blood on a zombie, wouldn't it be possible for the zombie to be resurrected?"

"The head is gone, and the corpse qi has been blasted away. How can it be resurrected? Use the zombie's body as a puppet and transfer the Taoism that acts on Zhang Dandan's body."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Xu Daochang patted his forehead, but he didn't even think of this method.

Zhang Boldly looked at his newly recognized master, and always felt unreliable, but Jiang Lin was unwilling to accept him as his apprentice.

According to Jiang Lin's instructions, Daochang Xu dripped Zhang Dadan's blood on the zombie's body. Just after the arrangement was made, there were several holes in the zombie's body out of thin air.

If it was a little later, these holes would have appeared in Zhang Dan's body.

"Now I'm here to wash your body. Only in this way can you save your life."

Daoist Xu asked Zhang Dadan to take off his clothes and painted his body with runes.

Jiang Lin went directly outside the ancestral hall. He had no interest in seeing a fat man's body.

"I remember that in the movie, Daochang Xu's senior brother seems to have sent a few ghosts here."

Jiang Lin didn't leave here, just waiting for someone else to send a ghost to kill him.

Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew outside the ancestral hall, and several ghost figures flew over.

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