At this time, Daoist Xu had already finished washing Zhang Daan's body and came outside the ancestral hall.

"Brother Dao, you rest first and let me deal with them."

"Okay, you can do it."

Jiang Lin didn't refuse either. He probably knew Daochang Xu's mentality, which was similar to the previous Zhuge Kongping.

After meeting fellows, they all want to show their hands and show their abilities.

Especially when there is an expert by your side, this kind of psychology will be more obvious.

Since Daoist Xu took the initiative to request, Jiang Lin temporarily stayed on the sidelines.

However, he is not optimistic about Xu Daochang. As a Taoist, it is very difficult to deal with four Specters at the same time.

Xu Daochang was in high spirits, and surrounded the four ghosts with a peach wood sword and a gossip mirror.

He wants to single out these four Specters.

Zhang Dandan came out of the ancestral hall wearing a red belly pocket. After seeing the zombies, his cognition has been refreshed, and his psychological endurance is relatively strong. When he saw these ghosts, he was no longer so scared and sweaty as before.

"Wow! Master is also very powerful."

Seeing Daochang Xu's majesty, Zhang Dandan also applauded him.

However, Daoist Xu was a real man for three seconds, and it didn't take long for him to be beaten by four ghosts.

These ghosts are not ordinary. Qian Kai is paid by someone and does everything. Therefore, in order to be dealt with by his colleagues, the ghosts he drives have a certain immunity to Taoism.

Daochang Xu wanted to scold his mother in his heart, so he wanted to put on a little pretence to get some face back in front of Jiang Lin, but was beaten by a few ghosts.

"Help... help."

Even if he didn't accept any of the four Spectre Ghosts, he lost face, and Daoist Xu had to ask Jiang Lin for help.

Is face more important or life is more important?

This is a question worth exploring.

Jiang Lin threw out an exorcism talisman and helped Daochang Xu to clear the siege.

Elder Xu Dao blushed and reminded Jiang Lin, "Brother Dao, you must be careful, this is my brother's finale, these are all ghosts."

Although ghosts are easier to kill than zombies, ghosts are difficult to entangle and can fly off the ground.

"Isn't it a ghost?"

Jiang Lin didn't care, even if he was a ghost king, he had to be afraid of him for three points. A few little ghosts were really not worth his attention.

Isn't it a ghost?

Daoist Xu almost choked on his own saliva, this Xiongtai has such a big tone.

Generally speaking, a Taoist with good strength can kill Li Gui, but it takes a lot of effort. Even if his strength reaches the level of an alchemist, he can't kill Li Gui in seconds, or he may be injured by Li Gui.

"Brother Daoist, I advise you not to be careless, these ghost-like ghost-expelling talismans can't handle it."

As soon as Xu Dao finished his long words, biubiubiu's voice came from outside, and the few ghosts didn't hold on for three seconds in Jiang Lin's hands.

Before Jiang Lin could do anything, a few ghosts fell.

There is only one left, and there is only half a ghost left. This is because it has special protection on its body.

The air was very quiet, and neither Daoist Xu nor Zhang Dadan knew what to say.

Now Daochang Xu is very regretful that he has to show off in front of Jiang Lin.

If he hadn't made a show, no matter how powerful Jiang Lin was, he would still be lacking in comparison.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

"Master, did you release water on purpose before? I don't think these ghosts are very powerful."

Zhang Bingdan looked at Xu Daochang with strange eyes.

You learn Dao, others also learn Dao, so what you learn is probably false.

Director Xu: "..."

After coughing a few times, Daoist Xu concealed his embarrassment and shouted to Jiang Lin, "Don't kill all of them first, ask him where the money is opened to open the altar."

Jiang Lin also pointed at Li Gui's forehead, and then he pointed at Zhang Daan, who suddenly lost his eyes and said, "At the Longevity Inn."

Chapter [-] Just move your mouth

  Jiang Lin moved his wrist and sent Li Gui on his way. Although he didn't get as much malaise as a zombie, no matter how small the mosquito's legs were, it was still meat.

  "Zhang Daran, let's go back to my Taoist hall first, and then go to the Changsheng Inn to fight with me for money. He won't stop until he takes your life."

  Daoist Xu had already felt outraged at the viciousness of his senior brother. As a disciple of Maoshan, he had to put an innocent person to death for the sake of money.

  "Brother Dao, there is a little gap between my cultivation base and my senior brother. He has a disciple. Zhang Dadan just finished washing his body today. I have no one to help. I hope Brother Dao can help me."

  let me help?

  Jiang Lin raised his brows. He didn't expect Daoist Xu to ask him to help. Generally, if there is a problem in the Maoshan sect, they will solve the problem by themselves. It is rare for Daoist Xu to ask for foreign aid.

  Seeing that Jiang Lin did not immediately agree, Daoist Xu thought Jiang Lin was in trouble, so he explained: "Actually, it is really inconvenient for outsiders to intervene in this kind of thing. It should be me and the newly recruited disciple Zhang Dadan to clear the door. Brother, it doesn't matter if you fail, just ask Daoist brother to help me protect this disciple."


  Zhang Dadan did not expect that Daochang Xu only accepted him as a disciple today, and he was so concerned about his safety that his eyes were a little warm for a while.

  Jiang Lin nodded. He originally intended to pull Daochang Xu, but since Daoist Xu opened his mouth, he just followed.

  Although this Daoist Xu was quite showy, he was willing to make sacrifices for an innocent Zhang Dadan. For such a person, Jiang Lin was willing to save him from death if he could.

  According to the development of the plot, Xu Daochang will lose his life because he gave the red belly pocket to Zhang Dandan.

  "It's good to test Min'er's ability."

  Jiang Lin followed Daoist Xu to his Taoist hall. On the way, Jiang Lin used the sound transmission to make a paper crane and let it fly back to the inn.

  Because he was mentally prepared before, Jiang Lin walked around the town during the day and knew where there was a place to sell the materials and utensils for opening the altar. Bai Miner and the others just went there to buy it.

  After Bai Miner and the others got Jiang Lin's voice transmission, they went to prepare the utensils for opening the altar.

  Half an hour later, the three girls chose a suitable place for placing the altar near the Changsheng Inn, and opened the altar in a microwave-style way. After Jiang Lin received the sound transmission, he silently recited the magic formula.

  A light curtain appeared in the mid-air where the three women were, and the figures of Jiang Lin, Daoist Xu, and Zhang Daan appeared in it.

  At this time, in the Longevity Inn, Qian Kai had a hunch that his junior brother would come to trouble him, and he had already made Master Tan raise the altar.

  In their lineage, the two fight against each other, and the higher the altar position, the greater the advantage.


  Daoist Xu and Zhang Dadan pushed a cart with the altar and knocked open the back door of the inn.

  Qian Kai glanced at the altar on the cart, and scolded with his halberd: "If the surname is Xu, get out when you come."

  "Senior brother, the altar you set up is quite high."

  When Xu Daochang saw the [-]-meter-high altar behind Qian Kai, a trace of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  Altar high?For a moment let you know what is really high.

  When Qian Kai's eyes swept across Jiang Lin, he suddenly lost his footing.

  This young man is also a fellow, and he is also a fellow with a very advanced cultivation.

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