Chapter [*] The fierce dragon returns!

"It's really cool to have a brother-in-law like this."

Not to mention how comfortable the commander is, Jiang Lin is more powerful than foreign guns and artillery.

Nianying's dowry must be more prepared!

Jiang Lin learned that Nianying and her sister had returned to their parents' home, and they were not going to stay in the commander's mansion. The next day, the commander and himself went to the canyon to check.

With his back against the seat, Jiang Lin really missed the feeling of riding in a car. He hadn't been in this kind of car for a long time.

"Well, if it wasn't too troublesome to refuel, I really want to get one."

Imagining the scene of taking his daughter-in-law for a ride, Jiang Lin really wanted to buy a classic car.

But he just thought about it, there are so many daughters-in-law, one car can't fit.

After driving for two or three hundred miles, in the evening, Jiang Lin, Dashuai and Adjutant Wang arrived five miles outside the canyon.

Further ahead is the mountains, and the car can't get in.

"I'll go by myself."

Jiang Lin did not let the commander follow him, and asked them to climb the mountain without knowing how long it would take to get up.

"Commander, Daoist Li Yang can really let us enter the cemetery smoothly?"

Adjutant Wang didn't dare to speak all the way. He felt like he was sitting on pins and needles in the same car with Jiang Lin. Now that he got out of the car, he dared to have a conversation with the commander.

The commander raised his face and said, "If Daoist Li Yang can't let us in, we probably have to give up this tomb."

Really so godly?

Adjutant Wang's first reaction was disbelief, but when he thought of the little mouse on Jiang Lin's body, he shuddered.

"I guess it's so godlike. You're better prepared, Commander."

The commander was very satisfied with Adjutant Wang's current attitude. He smiled and said, "My wife's sister is his wife."

After learning about the relationship between the commander and Jiang Lin, Adjutant Wang looked a little ugly, and then politely handed the commander a cigarette.

With such a brother-in-law, why didn't you say it earlier!

Jiang Lin climbed to the top of a mountain to check the surrounding terrain.

The mountains in front are continuous, the terrain is dangerous and full of jungles, so there are few people, and the possibility of placing the cemetery here is very small.

"I really know how to choose a place, the cloud is the water, and a fierce dragon turns its head!"

Burying in such a feng shui treasure is extremely beneficial to future generations. The worst of the descendants are the rich and noble of one party, and there may even be characters like Wang Mang and Li Zicheng.

Looking at the overall shape of the canyon, Jiang Lin once again determined that the owner of the cemetery in the canyon was either a prince or a general.

Moreover, this tomb owner must have had the heart to subvert the imperial power before his death.

The terrain pattern around the canyon was originally the first round of Qinglong's return, but because the dragon's body was composed of hundreds of cypresses, the pattern changed.

Not to mention Zhang Han, even if Master Hong Jinbao came, it would be very difficult.

"Master, this canyon is very evil. When my subordinates go in, few of them can come out. Even if they come out, they won't survive for long."

The Flying Mouse King saw Jiang Lin's brows furrowed, and reminded him at the right time.

It has an instinctive premonition that if it wants to enter this canyon, even it has to lose a layer of skin.

"After your little mice entered the canyon, they were either eaten by Dianbo or their souls were deprived. This cemetery pattern is to take the lives and souls of other creatures to increase the luck of future generations. Except for Dianbo, it is estimated that Not even a worm."

Stripping the soul?

The Flying Rat King shivered involuntarily. If he entered this place rashly, he would have to consume the source to get out.

Although Jiang Lin also felt more troublesome, he had to go here.

In order to ask him to help, Dashuai has helped him find a lot of medicinal materials for the past six months. Since Dashuai has shown his sincerity, he cannot regret it.

"Let's see if you are a fierce dragon, or if I am a powerful man."

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. This was the first time he had cracked the Feng Shui pattern. Although there was a little pressure, Jiang Lin was still eager to try it.

When the commander saw Jiang Lin's return, he hurried up and asked, "How is it, brother?"

Jiang Lin didn't see Adjutant Wang present, so he said, "It's more troublesome, but if the tomb is opened, and if you get the funeral objects inside, it can be used by the commander to raise soldiers for ten years."

"Ten... ten years?"

The handsome man swallowed his saliva, and his eyes were wider than bull's eyes.

"The owner of the tomb inside is very likely to be a very noble official in an era, and he is not a good bird. The commander thinks about how many treasures there are in it. It's still the same way, when the tomb is opened, you have to share [*]% of the wealth to help. poor people."

Jiang Lin's help in exploring the tomb of the commander was not for nothing. In addition to asking him to help find the required materials and clues, he asked the commander to take [*]% of the treasures buried in the tomb to benefit the common people.

In the feudal society, the wealthy and wealthy are mostly exploiting the common people. It is nothing to live on the golden mountain, and even if they die, they will bring those people's fat and cream into the ground.

Now that Jiang Lin has taken up such a job and let the treasures inside see the light of day, he must return some of them.

Although tomb robbing is not a glorious thing, Jiang Lin is now cooperating with the official, and even if Jiang Lin does not do it, he will hand over these treasures to the Japanese.

There are many treasures stolen during this period.

As for destroying the fate of the tomb owner's descendants, Jiang Lin had no psychological burden at all. There was more than one dead bone in this canyon, and basically all of them got lost in and never came out.

When you die, you have to take other people's lives to increase the luck of your descendants. Does everyone in the world owe your descendants?

"No problem no problem."

The commander was really satisfied with Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin basically didn't want the treasure he dug up. After [*]% of it was scraped, almost [*]% of it was in his hands.

Although part of it needs to be turned over, it is nothing compared to what he actually got.

"Okay, let's go back now. You ask your men to ship [*] catties of shoal sand and [*] catties of waste rice that has been gnawed by rice elephants and has become moldy. You must not use good rice. The materials and tools you need to use later include manpower. I'll give you the list."

There is water in this canyon, and the river forest will let the fierce dragons swim in the shallows, which is the function of the shallow sand; white rice maggots can be used to restrain the dragons and dragons.

Originally, it was better to use good white rice, but Jiang Lin didn't want to waste food for visiting tombs, otherwise many people would starve to death.

Jiang Lin also believed that the handsome man would not take good care of him, otherwise he would not give him a good look.

Three days later, the commander looked at the prepared carriage, stepped forward, and shouted, "Brothers, this time we have the help of Daoist Li Yang, let me say a few words, um... let's go!"

Jiang Lin originally thought that the commander had heard some mandarin words again, and was ready to improve his composure.

However, the handsome man has no culture.

Although there are a lot of materials to be prepared, when the commander thinks of the treasure in the canyon cemetery, it is like a chicken blood. In only three days, he has prepared everything Jiang Lin asked him to prepare.

Once again near the canyon, the large team camped on the spot.

"Jerry, it's up to you, it's up to you to eat a few drumsticks."

"Master, is it a thousand-year-old ginseng stewed chicken?"

The Flying Rat King rubbed his hands excitedly.

"When it's done, there is still a thousand years of Lingzhi."

The Flying Mouse King let out a whimper, and the commander's men released the captured voles and mice from the bags of sacks.

"Little ones, dig for me!"

Jiang Lin smiled, looked at the canyon in front of him, and said to himself, "Clouds are like water, so you will have no clouds and no water."

Chapter [*] I will burn you, can it be the same?

Thousands of voles and mice began to march in groups to the mountains that formed the canyon under the call of the Flying Rat King.

These voles and mice are used to burrow for ventilation.

There is a strong miasma in the canyon, forming a layer of miasma cloud, which is the cloud phase.

"Brother, I have already ordered my men to start digging tunnels, and I have also sent people to the top of the canyon to sprinkle waste rice and sand. What should I do now?"

"What's the hurry, wait."

Three days later, nearly [*] big holes and small holes were opened on the mountain walls on both sides of the canyon.

"Ignite it in the big hole and send the smoke into the canyon."

Now that Jiang Lin was the leader of this operation, he didn't need the commander in chief, his subordinates automatically conveyed Jiang Lin's arrangements.

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, I don't know what Adjutant Wang thinks, there are explosives and artillery, just push it horizontally."

Commander Sun sneered not far away with an impatient look on his face.

Because of corruption in other places, someone was sent over to serve as an overseer.Not only the commander here, but other provinces as well.

These Overseers had arrived two days ago, and they had to wait until now.

Jiang Lin turned a deaf ear to the words of these people. As for their identities, he didn't bother to pay attention to them. The lieutenant of the military governor had nothing to do with him.

If you want to die, just go in.

Adjutant Wang and Army Commander Sun didn't deal with it in the first place, but now that Army Commander Sun has an opinion on Jiang Lin, he can't wait for this enemy to find Jiang Lin's bad luck and get shriveled.

"Brother, this time it is estimated that there will be less treasure to help the poor people."

The commander looked disappointed. Originally, if there was only Adjutant Wang, he would have given away a few treasures, but now that the Overseer is here, it will be a big trouble.

"What are you in a hurry, do you think the treasures in the tomb are clearly for the number of people?"

Jiang Linruo glanced at the handsome man meaningfully. If he wanted to talk about the lack of treasure in his hand, he would just say it directly, and he had to say it so euphemistically.

Who to see?

The commander smiled shyly, and then asked, "Brother, are you saying that the treasure inside is not easy to get?"

Jiang Lin nodded, since the owner of this tomb had set up such a fierce array outside, how could it be easy to enter the tomb.

"I said Ma Dalong, why don't you burn all the trees inside?"

With an open belly, Sun Jun came to the commander and asked an idiot question.

"The Taoist priest didn't let it burn."

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