Although the commander thought about using fire to burn, but since Jiang Lin didn't do it, it must be justified.

"Why not burn it?"

Commander Sun turned his face to ask Jiang Lin again.

"I can't burn it. If the commander wants to burn it, you can try it."

Jiang Lin looked at Commander Sun quietly, and felt that this guy was a combination of a second-hand and an idiot.

Are you an idiot?Can you burn him with fire?

The ordinary flame of Dianbo in this canyon can't burn at all, unless he uses his own sun flame.

However, in order to explore a tomb and spend a lot of Yang Yan, Jiang Lin does not have the leisure.

"Come on, bring petrol in with me."

Commander Sun led his own team carrying gasoline barrels and entered the canyon.

"A bunch of idiots, listening to Taoist nonsense, and saying that there are trees that can eat people, and they will not find a good reason for being lazy. If they can't pass, they can pass if they burn."

"That's right, commander, I think they just don't want to complete the task. When they go back to the old commander to read their book, and the adjutant Wang, they must have received a benefit."

"It must be like this. We burned the woods, banged open the door of the tomb, and let them pick up the rest."

Hearing Commander Sun swearing at people there, the people under him also echoed.

Jiang Lin listened to the words of this group of people, he chuckled in his heart, burn it, and take two more steps.

Some people do not shed tears without seeing the coffin. The commander has explained it to General Sun many times, but he does not believe it.

"Commander, this is not a fire."

"First light a cigarette for Lao Tzu, and use the cigarette to light it."

A soldier held a torch in front of Commander Sun. Commander Sun was about to use the fire above to light a cigarette when suddenly the torch was stretched out in front of him, almost burning his face.

"His grandma's..."

Before Sun Commander could finish his curse, he saw that the soldier had been swallowed by a huge banana leaf, with dagger-like teeth on the edge of the leaf.

After that, the soldier was left with only half of his body and blood spattered everywhere.

Jiang Lin knew exactly what was going on inside, but he had no plans to call anyone.

Suicide, don't live!

The voice of crying father and mother came from the canyon. Captain Sun and the others found that their hands and feet seemed to be out of order, as if they were incense.

A few minutes later, only half of Sun's hundred and ten men fled back, and the rest were basically covered in blood.

Even Commander Sun himself had a piece of meat bitten off his arm.

When the commander saw the appearance of Commander Sun and the others, he shivered a few times. Although he had seen such a scene before, it was still shocking to see him again.

"Tell them not to listen to the words of the Taoist priest, each one of them is the same as Neng Yuetian, this is not, admit it?"

"What is the sky? They think they want the man-eating tree inside."

"It doesn't look like it's done."

When the commander's subordinates saw the embarrassment of General Sun and the others, they were all mocking in a low voice.

They followed Zhang Han to the tomb several times, knowing that foreign guns and artillery are useless.

Disobedient, self-righteous, that is too long for life.

"Commander, is it good to burn?"

Jiang Lin gave Commander Sun a shot with a serious look on his face.

He thinks he's smart, but he's actually stupid in the eyes of others.

Commander Sun: "..."

Looking at the miasma that was pushed out by the smoke over the canyon, Jiang Lin instructed: "Commander, tell all the soldiers at the entrance of the cave to come back, and I'm going to burn the Dianbai in here."

"Master, the trees in this place cannot be burned."

Commander Sun was stunned. He couldn't even light the gasoline inside the cigarette butt. How could it burn?

"I burn you, can it be the same?"

Jiang Lin laughed, and compared to burning fire, this Commander Sun was a small match.

Jiang Lin left Taniguchi with his hands behind his back.

Aren't they all burning?Why is it different?

Commander Sun really wanted to go with Jiang Lin to see how he burned, but he was seriously injured and could not exercise for the time being.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin reached the cliff on the side of the canyon. He condensed his spiritual power and Yang Yan, and the three-legged Golden Crow manifested, diving into the depths of the canyon.

The flames in the sky suddenly illuminated the entire canyon. The residual miasma in the valley was stimulated by the high temperature, and most of it was burned. The remaining part was discharged from the hundreds of holes at the bottom of the mountain wall along with the fire smoke in the valley.

Commander Sun looked at the raging fire over the canyon, and his mouth was almost closed.

This is so fire!

The Taoist priest's fire is different from him, really different!

Chapter [*] is courting death, no one speaks

In the canyon, the raging flames covered down, the soaked sand was transpired by the high-heat flames, and a lot of white smoke rose from the ground.

Jianglin does not need to evaporate all the water on the surface of the canyon, and it is not good to have no water at all.

The flames advanced along the canyon, and many Dianbo were burned to death because they could not bear such flames. Some Dianbos who had become little demons also died under the flames.

Seeing that Dianbai below could no longer maintain the shape of a fierce dragon, Jiang Lin felt relieved.

In the past, tens of thousands of kilograms of waste rice were dumped on the cliff, which has changed the position of many Dianbai, and now it has basically broken the first round of this fierce dragon.

If it weren't for the shoal of sand and waste rice, and the miasma clouds in the canyon, I am afraid that Jiang Lin had exhausted his spiritual power to maintain the appearance of the three-legged golden crow, and there was no way to break this pattern.

When the fierce dragon enters the cloud and gets the water, these Dianbai can live endlessly.

Jiang Lin sat on the edge of the cliff, recovering his nearly depleted spiritual power.

He broke this fierce dragon and returned to the first round, which seemed to be light, but without the support of a huge army and manpower, it would be impossible to break the game.

The structure of this cemetery cannot be broken by one or two people. Even if Jiang Lin and Master Hong Jinbao and Jiu Shu Zhanghan join forces, without a large number of people, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Ten thousand jins of shoal sand, ten thousand jins of white or waste rice, and hundreds of large and small holes for venting evil spirits and expelling miasma clouds, all of these conditions are indispensable.

Taniguchi, because the miasma cloud in the canyon has dissipated, the scene has become clear.

"Damn it! My brother is awesome!"

The commander is still illiterate, and the two are arrogant.

"Oh, it's not a loss for Nianying to marry my brother and be a concubine. I have the ability!"

The way Jiang Lin managed the canyon surprised the commander.

Even if he has an army and guns, he can't. The canyon is long and narrow, and cannons can't bombard it. As for bombs, people need to stack them, but as long as people go in, they can't get out.

"Brothers! Duck!"

Commander Sun saw that many of the trees in the canyon were burned to death, and the scars were not healed, he forgot the pain, and let his men rush into the canyon.

Although the commander was also impatient, he still chose to stand still and wait for Jiang Lin's arrival.

His subordinates were also very obedient, and quietly watched Commander Sun rush into the canyon.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin came to Taniguchi again, and the Flying Rat King jumped on Jiang Lin's shoulder and said, "The master missed an annual drama, the canyon survives."

Jiang Lin glanced around, and his eyes fell on Sun Jun again. Not only did he lose a few pieces of flesh on his arms, but his thighs were also bloody.

Life is so beautiful, why do you do it?

Jiang Lin shook his head. He was so anxious to die, he had only seen the group of people from Commander Sun.

If you don't want to die, it's not easy for anyone to speak.

"Brother, you are here to direct, what should we do now?"

The commander was thankful that he didn't rush into it as desperately as Sun Jun.

"Burn! Let your subordinates go to my tent to get a soul-relieving talisman, one per person, and enter the canyon to set it on fire. You prepared the other materials, but I made these talisman papers. It's not too much to ask for some compensation."

The commander was too busy to say that after the event was completed, the remuneration would definitely not be less, and Nianying's dowry would also increase.

As for the commander, Jiang Lin could not collect the payment first, but General Sun would not have this VIP privilege.

"One Spirit Talisman thirty oceans."

Jiang Lin took the opportunity to set up a business. In fact, the soul-soothing talisman doesn't need to be so expensive at all. He used ordinary strokes to draw it, and there is no rhyme on it, but the effect is definitely better than the ordinary soul-suppressing talisman.

The tomb is right in front, and the baby is in the tomb. Jiang Lin doesn't mind playing with one hand and starting the price.

Sun Junchang's face turned green, a small yellow croaker gold bar for a charm?

"Daoist, you are sitting on the ground and slaughtering customers."

The corners of Sun Junchang's mouth twitched, wanting to bargain with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin ignored him at all and said, "If you don't buy it, you can, go in and take two steps."

When Sun Jun's men heard Jiang Lin asked them to go in and take two more steps, each and every one of their legs became weak.

I don't know what evil things are in the canyon. It's very evil. Once inside, it's top-heavy. There are still some man-eating trees that haven't died, and they have lost more than ten brothers.

Watching the commander's men and horses enter the canyon with the magic talisman, they are full of energy.

Entering the tomb, the more treasures you take, the more oil, water and military merit.

If this is too late, he will lose his manpower in vain.

"Thirty oceans are thirty oceans!"

Commander Sun asked his subordinates to share the soul-relieving talismans they had obtained, and shouted "Chong Duck" again.

The commander couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Brother, do you want to tell them, this is the soul talisman."

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