"Master, are your eggs hurting? Are you in a hurry?"

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at the handsome man. You are still stopping others when they want to kill you. What if they try to fight with you?

Commander Sun's group is just looking for death, and it's not easy for anyone to speak.

The handsome smile embarrassed, he seems to be a bit of a pain in the ass.

"Master, your talisman doesn't work. My brothers and I were eaten by the man-eating tree."

Sun Junchang's nose gasped, and he came to Jiang Lin's theory.

Thirty oceans and one magic talisman are useless!

Jiang Lin was too lazy to look at Commander Sun, for fear that the idiot would affect his IQ if he watched too much.

Don't you need to test your IQ to be a military commander these days?Can you have one nose and two eyes?

He touched the commander's subordinate beside him and said, "Brother, tell the commander what this talisman is."

"Yes, Dao Master. This is the soul-suppressing talisman, which allows the commander to go in and take two steps."

The soldier couldn't hold back and laughed.

Army Commander Sun came here in a haughty manner, and he has lost most of his manpower before he even touched the door of the tomb.

Rather, it was he who took the lead.

This big brother with (delivery) head is good!

"Brothers, the Taoist priest said that there is danger ahead."

The commander shouted to his subordinates.

"Always follow the Taoist priest!"

The soldiers lined up in a queue and followed Jiang Lin neatly.

"Jerry, there shouldn't be any threat in the canyon now, you go to the tomb to explore first."

Jiang Lin decided to harvest a wave of Dianbai monsters outside first, and let the rat king go to the tomb first. He still trusted the ability of the flying rat king, which would save a lot of time.

An hour later, Jiang Lin wiped out all the Dianbo demons in the canyon.


The Flying Rat King ran back out of breath, his breath a little sluggish.

"what happened?"

"Master, it's so dangerous."

Chapter [*] Amputation or becoming a zombie, choose by yourself

"Ghost soldier, the body wrapped in golden armor."

The Flying Rat King had lingering fears. After it punched into the tomb, it was suppressed by the power of a superior and manifested its body, and then hundreds of ghost soldiers and dozens of golden corpses in the tomb rushed towards it. come over.

"Can you tell what level those golden corpses are?"

Jiang Lin killed these Dianbai monsters outside, and the gains were a little small, which made him very dissatisfied. Now he wants to surprise him.

"There are mostly white zombies, a small number of black zombies, and two zombies. But because their armors are extremely defensive, they are difficult to deal with."

Jiang Lin nodded. Normally, an alchemist would be devastated by a single zombie, and the arrangement in the tomb can indeed prevent many people.

Even if a team of a thousand people entered, there would be heavy casualties, and it was very likely that they would not be able to get out.

However, such a battle can prevent others, but it can't prevent him.

"I don't even have a zombie king, I'm so sad."

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed. He thought that if he could make the Flying Rat King so embarrassed, there would at least be a zombie king or a ghost king in the tomb, but he didn't expect one.

The hostility gained from killing one zombie king is almost equal to a hundred black zombies.

The Flying Mouse King fell directly from Jiang Lin's shoulder.

Is the owner still human?

Do you think the zombies in the tomb are not strong?

If other Taoist priests knew that there were so many ghost soldiers and zombies inside, they would sweat coldly on their foreheads, but its owner was melancholy because there was no zombie king inside.

This master is a ruthless man!

"Brother, what happened?"

"It's nothing, you can go to open the tomb. If you don't want your subordinates to lose their arms and legs, let them be honest."

"Don't worry, brother, they are very honest. Brothers, go ahead!"

Half an hour later, the soldiers started digging at the dragon's head according to the position given by the Flying Mouse King. A day later, the door of the underground tomb was blown open.


Seeing that the space in the tomb was not small, Commander Sun was so excited that he forgot the pain on his body again.

"Duck rush!"

Jiang Lin winked at Commander Sun, and Commander Sun sneered, this time he didn't dare to take the lead again.

"No wonder the Flying Rat King will manifest his body when he digs a hole in it. It turns out that there is a strong atmosphere of fierce dragons here."

Feeling the momentum in the tomb, Jiang Lin spread the yin fire around his body and wrapped the Flying Rat King inside.

Now the Yin fire in Jiang Lin's body is part of the Yang flame, and it can condense together with the strange fire into a golden crow. Therefore, with the isolation of the Yin fire, the little mouse on his shoulder will no longer be unable to suppress the urge to deform.

The commanders and soldiers behind Jiang Lin, without Jiang Lin's care, were frightened by the aura of the fierce dragon, their legs weakened.

"Just get close to the priest!"

Some more careful soldiers found that as long as they were close enough to Jianglin, they felt much less terrified.

The black line at the end of Jiang Lin, these fierce dragon energy will not cause any harm to the human body in a short period of time, what is there to be afraid of!

The soldiers behind him were huddled together, almost face to face.

"Master, here we come!"

Because torches are used for lighting, the lighting range is limited. Previously, the corpse of the golden armor and the ghost soldiers were in the dark, but now they all appeared under the firelight.

The gloomy wind was blowing, and even the torches in the soldiers' hands showed signs of going out.


Although many of the commander's subordinates had been tombs before and had seen some ghosts, they had never seen such a battle.

This is simply a company of ghost soldiers and a company of zombies!

"Old... brother, this time it's up to you."

The handsome face turned pale, thinking that they would not enter the underworld.

Although the armors on those corpses were all gold, the commander had no interest at all at the moment.

Jiang Lin held the bone sword in his hand and asked the Flying Rat King to protect the commander and the others on the spot, and rushed up by himself.

For these ghost soldiers and the body wrapped in golden armor, Jiang Lin was like a ferocious tiger, rushing into their flock.

Other Celestial Masters may not be able to kill Specter in seconds, but Jiang Lin can, but it is more troublesome to wrap the body in the golden armor. The armor on their body is engraved with Buddhist scriptures and runes, which can resist a certain degree of Taoism attack.

Without much effort, Jiang Lin used the bone sword to break the golden threads on the armor, and the golden armor fell off the zombie's corpse.

"Master is really a swordsman!"

The Flying Rat King has seen many Taoist priests since his cultivation, those who used peach wood swords, those who used bronze swords and those who used money swords.

But no Taoist priest could swing the sword in his hand so smoothly.

Jiang Lin now relies on the control of his own body, even if he has not deliberately practiced swordsmanship, he can still be called a swordsman master.

With the movement of the bone sword, those golden-shrouded corpses lost the protection of their armor, and their defense was greatly reduced. Basically, Jiang Lin had one sword.

As for the ghost soldiers flying up and down, they were shot by Jiang Lin, one at a time.

"The Daoist is mighty!"

"Come on, Daoist!"

Seeing Jianglin's unparalleled power, the commander waved his fist and took the lead in shouting.

Jiang Lin heard the thunderous shouts behind him, and almost slipped under his feet. These soldiers were like little scoundrels cheering for the King of the Mountain.

Ten minutes later, the ground was littered with broken limbs and pieces of golden armor.

The tomb protection measures that the tomb owner painstakingly arranged were not worth mentioning in front of Jiang Lin.

"Commander, burn these corpses, don't move the armor, I'll go first, you wait."

After instructing the commander, Jiang Lin pushed open the copper door on the wall and ducked into the depths. He sensed that there seemed to be a smoldering fire inside.

Although Jiang Lin is now mainly looking for strange fires, but since he has encountered Yin fires, he will accept them by the way.

Jiang Lin didn't think that the mosquito's legs were disgusting, he still understood the reason why it added up.

Now that the fire-collecting talisman in Jiang Lin's hand has improved a lot in collecting flames, within five minutes, he swallowed the smoldering fire in the depths of the tomb.

When Jiang Lin came out, he realized that the previous open space was already a mess, and there were golden corpses and ghost soldiers.

"what happened?"

Jiang Lin frowned. Before he entered the depths of the tomb, he had already sensed the surroundings. The ghost soldiers and the body wrapped in golden armor should have all been disposed of.

"Master, it's Commander Sun and Adjutant Wang. After seeing the master entering, they went up to grab those golden armors, but they were put on by the armors, and they were directly transformed into zombies, and their souls were also stripped out and turned into ghost soldiers. Some of the commander's subordinates also participated."

It really is more than success and failure!

Jiang Lin felt that these people were really hopeless. Before he left, he specifically instructed not to move those armors, but each of them asked for money and not death.

"Brother, I'm really sorry. My subordinates have never seen the world. When they saw Commander Sun and the others going to collect the golden armor, they also went up and grabbed it. I promise, next time whoever dares to act rashly, I will kill him!"

The commander apologized to Jiang Lin with an embarrassed look on his face, this time it really wasn't Jiang Lin's fault.

"Didn't you say that your subordinates are very honest?"

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