Jiang Lin glared at the handsome man and went up to cut the newly transformed ghost soldiers and zombies under the sword.

"Master, we were bitten."

At this time, Sun's subordinates came to Jiang Lin for help. After they were bitten by the zombies, they had already started to feel cold all over.

"Daoist, we were wrong, you have great skills, save us."

Commander Sun also lost his prestige now, and both he and Adjutant Wang were bitten on the arm.

"The arm and leg were injured, and they were cut immediately."

Jiang Lin gave them a simple and effective method to directly remove the wound from the body, drink some glutinous rice porridge, and the corpse poison can be resolved.

"Ah? No, how can I hold a gun after I cut my arm?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Commander Sun and said, "Amputee or become a zombie, you choose."

Chapter [*] This underground palace is not simple

Although Jiang Lin can deal with corpse poison for these people, he is not idle.

He came to visit the tomb, not to wipe his ass) (Stock.

Will this group of people who have more than enough success in failure really have a long memory?

Jiang Lin held a negative attitude towards this.

If these idiots are allowed to go deep into the tomb, he will definitely become a father and a babysitter.

Jiang Lin wanted to say something to the giant baby who has not changed his mind after repeated teachings: Where should I go?

Commander Sun and the others would turn into zombies if they couldn't hear it, and their faces were the same as blank sheets of paper.

Jiang Lin ignored the choices made by Commander Sun and the others, and he would kill him if he became a zombie.

The golden armor on the ground has a strong corpse qi, and it can also sense the yang qi of living people. Like a zombie, it slams onto people's bodies and turns them into zombies. Therefore, Jiang Lin burns all these golden armors with a fire talisman. .

These armors can be taken out only after the corpse gas and runes on them have been eliminated.

Jiang Lin asked the commander to rectify his subordinates and followed him into the depths of the tomb.

Behind them came the wailings of Commander Sun and the others, they had to cut, or they would die.

However, Jiang Lin really didn't expect Sun Jun Commander to be so obsessed with the baby. After dressing up with medicine, he didn't want to rest on the spot, so he followed.

Seeing the darkened Yintang of Commander Sun and Adjutant Wang, Jiang Lin shook his head. Originally, if they rested outside to recover from their injuries, they could have lived a day or two longer, but now, it is estimated that they will be farting within two days of leaving the canyon.

After entering the copper gate, there is a long and narrow corridor. Jiang Lin was present along the way, and all the organs were broken by him.

Even the fierce dragon returning to the first game outside was destroyed by Jiang Lin, not to mention the small organs in the tomb.

There are several small tombs where the corridors fork, where the wives and concubines of the tomb owner were buried.

There are a lot of funerary objects inside, some of which were not originally funerary objects, but after so many years, they have become antiques.

Jiang Lin came to a slightly larger tomb and checked the condition of the bones in the coffin, which made him feel ashamed.

It seems that the tomb owner's male pet is sleeping in the coffin.

And this male pet seems to be favored more than the other women of the tomb owner, and there are more burial objects than those in other tombs.

It just so happened that the gorgeous clothes the male pet wore were still well preserved. Jiang Lin felt that he could use this to fool Commander Sun and Adjutant Wang.

The real treasure in this cemetery should fall into the hands of the commander rather than fall into the hands of Sun Jun or turn it over.

When the commander gets the treasure in the main tomb, he will do some good deeds according to his words, but will Commander Sun and Adjutant Wang do it?

Moreover, the fat and water do not flow into the field of outsiders, and in the future, the commander will have more motivation to help him find things.

"This should be the main tomb."

Jiang Lin pointed at the bones and clothes in the coffin, and spoke nonsense to Adjutant Wang and Commander Sun.

Adjutant Wang and Commander Sun were originally not very educated. They looked at the many funeral objects in the coffin, and then they were fooled by Jiang Lin, so they had no doubts at all.

The commander pulled Jiang Lin aside and asked in a low voice, "Brother, although there are quite a few of these treasures, they are not as many as you said."

"Alright then, let's go to the main tomb with Commander Sun and Adjutant Wang now."

Jiang Lin looked at the handsome man like a fool. He really couldn't blame others for being stupid.

He has the heart to leave good things to the handsome, but this stupid handsome can't see his intentions.

The commander was stunned for a moment, and then showed an expression that I understood.

"Brothers, move me!"

The commander let out a roar and asked his subordinates to take away all the treasures inside.

Jiang Lin instructed the Flying Mouse King to find the main tomb, and then went out of the canyon with the commander and others.

Because of the presence of Commander Sun and Adjutant Wang, the treasures that the commander took this time were basically taken away.

"Brother, I hope it won't be in vain this time."

The big marshal was in a very unhappy mood, and no one would be in a good mood if the treasures that he had dug up so hard were taken away.

"What they took away were just some ordinary funerary objects, not a few priceless treasures. I think that the tomb owner is either a prime minister or a general. Do you think that such a person will only have this in his cemetery?"

Jiang Lin didn't think that the owner of the tomb in the canyon was so poor. Judging from the layout of the cemetery, the owner of the tomb was probably also a traitor like Qin Hui and Shen.

Two days later, the commander selected some personal soldiers and came to the canyon with Jiang Lin again.

"Master, there is a cave inside, it is simply an underground palace."

The Flying Mouse King, who was standing outside the tomb, saw Jiang Lin and reported to him the situation in the deeper part of the tomb.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Jiang Lin knew that this large tomb would not be so simple, whether it was the return of the fierce dragon or the ghost soldiers and golden corpses in the tomb guard square, it was not something ordinary people could deal with.

If there are only those organs in the corridor in the entire tomb, this tomb will seem too strong and dry.

Jiang Lin led the soldiers to the end of the corridor, and the commander immediately let someone stack explosives.

"Master, do you think you have a long life?"

Jiang Lin's face was speechless. He dared to use explosives underground. If the structure of the entire tomb was blown loose, he would only end up being buried alive.

"Dig it with manpower."

After half a day, the tunnel was dug through, and the front suddenly became clear.

Not to mention being a handsome man, even Jiang Lin felt an eye-opener.

It's an underground palace.

In the open space in the center of the underground palace, there is a cypress tree with a height of nearly [*] meters, but there is no sign of maturity.

The tunnel opening that has been dug through is just in the crown of the tree.

"There are nine palaces in the clear, and gossip together. This underground palace is not simple. Don't go down yet."

Jiang Lin looked at the layout of the underground palace below, and asked the commander and others to wait in the corridor. Then he jumped up and flew straight down.

"Lord...Master, you can...fly?"

The Flying Mouse King pulled Jiang Lin's cuff, and even stuttered when he spoke.

"Aren't you nicknamed the Flying Mouse King, but your body is Flying Squirrel? Why haven't I seen you fly?"


"Uh... Momonga was originally able to glide on the wing membrane, but my body has become too big, and even if I compress the volume, I can't glide unless the cultivation level is further improved. After the transformation, I have no wing membrane."

"Do your job well, follow me, and you will fly."

A mouse head of the Flying Rat King nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Following the master is definitely much better than cultivating on its own.

Millennium Ginseng and Millennium Ganoderma Lucidum are not so easy to come across.

After landing, Jiang Lin observed the huge cypress tree up close, and its root position was transformed into the shape of a palace.

"A tree is used to raise a corpse, but the tree has not become an essence. I am afraid that the dead corpse in the tree palace has already become an essence."

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes and spread out his spiritual sense, but the tree palace seemed to be able to block his perception and could not sense the situation of the corpse inside.

Chapter [*] Let me kneel?Send your emperor dream to go!

"Master, there are so many dead bones."

The Flying Rat King glanced around, except for the buildings, which were the bones and skulls on the ground.


Jiang Lin had discovered the bones of these dead people long ago. It is estimated that after the tomb owner was buried, those workers and servants who entered the tomb were killed and buried with the tomb owner.

Jiang Lin glanced around, and there was no corpse gas in the surrounding area, only a faint corpse gas overflowing from the tree palace.

That is to say, there is basically nothing else in the entire underground palace, except for the tomb owner in the tree palace.

Jiang Lin didn't understand very much. If you die, you will die. What's the use of building these underground palaces?

Even if he nourishes himself with Dianbo's essence, will he still live in the underground palace after the corpse is transformed?

Jiang Lin couldn't understand this cancer of feudal society.

How much human and financial resources have to be spent to build this underground palace.

Jiang Lin was very emotional, and after preparing to open the palace gate for a while, he would criticize the corpses inside.) (Fight.

"Jerry, go tell me what's in the underground palace."

Jiang Lin always felt that there should be a barrier in or around the underground palace, so that it could match the corpses of ghost soldiers and the Fierce Dragon Bureau outside.

The construction of this underground palace is somewhat famous, but he is not clear about what it is used for, and he needs to get more information.

The Flying Rat King hesitated for a while, but didn't say why.

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