After it opened the hole, it saw a palace below, and after confirming that it was the main tomb, it didn't look good, so it ran to sleep.

Jiang Lin's face sank, and this mouse boy didn't even take a walk.

"I don't need pets that only play tricks."

Jiang Lin glanced at the mouse, and made it shiver.

"Master, I'll go check it now!"

The Flying Mouse King hated himself why he didn't take the time to go to the underground palace to take a look. This is good, the favorability value accumulated before has dropped a lot.

Master, master, please don't buckle my drumsticks.

With a "whoosh", the Flying Rat King disappeared in front of Jiang Lin.

"It seems that the daughter-in-law of the family is so kind to the cat and mouse that they really treat them as pets."

Jiang Lin thinks it's time to let these two pets know about his situation. He is now pressed by the mountain of Fei Zong. If these two pets are as lazy as before, he doesn't mind changing two who know how to share the master's worries. 's pet.

Then Jiang Lin sat in front of the tree palace and drew the layout of the underground palace on the ground.

"How does this look like..."

Jiang Lin jumped up, climbed the giant tree, looked down from above, and observed the underground palace again.

"Master, in addition to a large number of human treasures in the palace here, there are nine dragon-shaped carvings that are more conspicuous."

Hearing the cry of the Flying Rat King, Jiang Lin scolded me in his heart!

"Nine-five Corpse Raising Array!"

Jianglin has seen this formation in the classics in the Emei Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. Other corpse raising formations generally raise adult zombies or zombie kings, but this corpse raising formation can raise the emperor in the corpse. come out.

There is also luck in zombies, some zombies can live in the world safely, and even get a good chance to advance to the zombie king or even go further, but some are unlucky enough to encounter Taoist priests or monks, and then be killed.

This kind of nine-five corpse raising array can change the fortune of a zombie, and eventually it may even become a zombie supreme at the level of a corpse.

All the way to grow, smooth sailing.

Before Jiang Lin saw the layout of the underground palace, he felt a little familiar. When he saw this corpse raising array in the classics, he basically didn't take this corpse raising array seriously, so he didn't think of it for the first time.

As for why he didn't take it seriously, it was because the conditions of this corpse formation were a fantasy for him.

The first condition of the Ninety-five Corpse Raising Array is that the corpse raised must be in constant contact with the emperor before his death, and the leader must be the emperor.

The era he traveled through was the Republic of China, and the Qing Dynasty was dead, and there was no emperor for him to contact.

Therefore, Jiang Lin just glanced at it and turned it over. Except for the first condition, the other conditions were even more outrageous, and it was useless for him to read it.

"Damn, I didn't want to be an emperor before I was alive. I made my cemetery into a fierce dragon and turned back to make it possible for future generations to appear as emperors. After death, I want to be an emperor in zombies. This is how much the emperor's power has. obsession.”

Jiang Lin was powerless to complain about this tomb owner. Through previous investigations, he had determined that the tomb owner was not an emperor, but a person who wanted to be an emperor, but he did not expect that the tomb owner wanted to be an emperor and wanted to go crazy.

Jiang Lin fell to the ground and kicked open the gate of the tree palace without saying a word.

If he wanted to be the king of zombies, he wouldn't agree. He was a zombie king himself, so how could he tolerate other zombies surging on his head in the future.

Moreover, having a flying zombie has already made him devastated. Now he has explored the tomb of the tomb owner and has already made a revenge. Therefore, the corpses in the nine-five corpse raising array must be strangled in the cradle.

As soon as the palace gate opened, Jiang Lin immediately sensed the breath of the tomb owner inside.

Zombie King.

No wonder there are no other organs in the underground palace, and what is more effective than a zombie king.

Basically, the ending of who will come and who will die can also send warmth to this zombie king.


The roar of zombies came from a sapphire coffin in the tree palace.

When his sleep was interrupted, the zombie king shook the coffin and jumped out of the sapphire coffin.

A zombie king with a green face in a dragon robe.

Zombies in dragon robes?

Jiang Lin suddenly felt that his vision had greatly increased. He had seen many zombies wearing python robes, and he had seen nine pythons with five claws or eight pythons with four claws.

But it was the first time he saw the zombie in the dragon robe.

It is basically the emperor who wears dragon robes, and the emperor cannot allow himself to become a zombie. To become a zombie means to lose the qualification of reincarnation, and he cannot even reincarnate.

The corpse rests on the clothes and the horse rests on the saddle. After Jiang Lin saw the dragon robe on the zombie king, he felt that the zombies he had encountered before were extremely low.

The Zombie King pointed at Jiang Lin and shouted: "Bold thief, dare to sleep peacefully, I want to punish your nine clans!"

To Jiang Lin's surprise, the zombie king said not corpse language, but human language.

The Flying Rat King sensed the breath of the Zombie King from the tree palace, and suddenly shivered.

Although it is a demon king, it is still very difficult for it to deal with a zombie king.

The defense and vitality of the zombie king are too strong.

The commander at the entrance of the tunnel and his subordinates were so frightened that their legs were weak. This tomb owner was still able to speak, isn't he dead? !

"Run for what? Don't run, whoever runs will kill him!"

At the critical moment, the commander still stabilized. If he retires at this time, it is estimated that the relationship with Jiang Lin will end here. Even if Jiang Lin marries Nianying, he will not be ignored.

"Bold! Do not kneel when you see me!"

The Zombie King shouted at Jiang Lin with his hands behind his back, staring at him.

"If you want me to kneel, why don't you send your emperor's dream! The Qing Dynasty is dead!"

Chapter [*] The idea of ​​playing the dragon robe

  "I want you to die without a burial!"

  "Fuck you!"

  Jiang Lin threw out the Yang Yan whip, and the whip snake wrapped around the neck of the zombie king almost instantly. With a force of his hand, Jiang Lin threw it out of the tree palace.

  There are many funeral objects in the tree palace, and many of them are antiques of porcelain. It would be a pity if the fighting spreads.

  "I am the honor of the ninety-five, boldly making trouble for the people..."

  "I, I, I, what size are you!"

  With a flick of his wrist, Jiang Lin gave the Zombie King a whip in the face.

  If you haven't woken up from a dream, wake it up.

  The Zombie King is mad at Sanzang, and it was slapped in the face by a lowly swindler with a whip. Is it because it can't hold a knife, or is the swindler too floating?

  "It's tricky."

  To deal with a zombie king wearing a dragon robe, Jiang Lin didn't underestimate it at all. This zombie's dragon robe was not for play, it was nourished by the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Array, and it was indeed qualified to wear a dragon robe.

  This zombie king is no longer dominated by jumping, and is more flexible, although not necessarily stronger than other zombie kings, but definitely more difficult than them.

  Seeing that the zombie's face didn't change at all after being whipped, Jiang Lin was ready to fight.

  "Master, you all leave first."

  Jiang Lin reckoned that dealing with the dreaming zombies in front of him would require him to show his true skills. Daoist techniques alone might not be able to accomplish meritorious deeds, perhaps even corpse.The secret of his corpse can't be known to outsiders, and the commander and the others can't help at all, so it's better to leave early.

  "Come on, brother! Nianying is waiting for you!"

  The commander supported the wall of the corridor, and after shouting these words, he collapsed.

  Omg, a zombie in a dragon robe has soft legs just thinking about it.

  The black line at the end of Jiang Lin, this handsome dare not believe that he can go out?

  "Jerry, prepare to fight."

  For the Ghost Soldier and the Shrouded Body of the Golden Armor that he had encountered before, Jiang Lin was only quick on his own, and did not let the Flying Rat King do it. Now that it is idle, the free labor is unnecessary.

  Although the Flying Rat King really wants to run away, at this time it can only bite the bullet and manifest its body.

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