"Of course it's good to have such a beautiful sister with me."

Jiang Lin held Nianying's hand and rode a bicycle to take her to Dongtou Village.

There's a troupe singing there tonight.

"I don't know how Aunt Cane is doing now."

Jiang Lin thought about visiting this elder when he arrived at Dongtou Village. The last time he met was a year ago.

"Oh, Jiang Lin."

Aunt Cane was very happy to see Jiang Lin come to visit her. She looked behind Jiang Lin and found no one else, and she was disappointed again.

Jiang Lin also knew that Aunt Zhe was looking to see if Ninth Uncle was coming, and he also understood Aunt Zhe's affection for Ninth Uncle, but he had no plans to match these two old men, unless he also wanted to taste the taste of the rattan whip.

"Qiusheng and Wencai are really white-eyed wolves. They take so many good things from me, and now they don't even want to come here."

Aunt Zhe complained very much about Qiusheng and Wencai. If they didn't come, she didn't know the current situation of Jiu Shu.

"The two of them were soaking up the nuns. Of course, they forgot my aunt to the sky. Shi aunt, I saw that you frowned before, did something go wrong?"

Jiang Lin's impression of Aunt Cane is not bad. If there is anything she can't handle, he can help her.

"Originally, I was going to write a letter to my senior brother for help and ask you to come over. It is estimated that only you can handle this matter, not even senior brother."

Can't even Ninth Uncle come?

Jiang Lin would like to hear what happened. Uncle Ninth's current cultivation is much improved than before. When Jiang Lin first met Uncle Ninth, it was only with the help of a few of them that he took the old man of the black level. Get killed.

But now, even if Uncle Jiu encounters a zombie alone, he has the magic weapon sent by Jiang Lin, and the flame talisman of the paper crane, etc., he can still fight, even if he encounters the zombie king, he can also fight. life.

It can be said that if Jiang Lin is not included, who else is most capable of subduing demons and eliminating demons, basically it is Jiu Shu and Master Hong Jinbao.

Aunt Cane said that Ninth Uncle couldn't handle the problems here, so the problems she encountered were really not small.

"There is a cemetery five miles outside the village. I don't know how long it has been abandoned. I don't know when it started, and it has become an extremely yin place. A powerful fog demon appeared in it. I went there three times, and even the fog demon I haven't seen his real body, but he was injured and recuperated for a month, just a few days ago."

Chapter [-] You are so dirty, do your family know?

When it comes to the fog demon, Aunt Zhe is also one of the top two. It's not a problem if it stays around the cemetery and doesn't come out.

But she still can't take this fog demon.

"Sit first, sit first."

Aunt Zhe called Jiang Lin and Nianying to sit down, and wanted to ask Jiang Lin if there was any way to target the fog demon.

"It turned out to be the fog demon, it's really hard to deal with."

Jiang Lin tapped the handrail with his fingers and felt a little headache.

In terms of the level of danger, even the average fog demon is higher than the green ghost, and killing the fog demon may be more troublesome than killing a zombie king.

The body of the fog demon is a dead thing in nature, and it is basically difficult to appear spiritual, let alone become a demon.

But once it becomes a demon, it will be very powerful, and it is especially difficult to get rid of it.

"Master, tell me about the fog demon."

Since Aunt Cane wants to get rid of this fog demon, it must be the one who is killing life. Jiang Lin needs to know more information to deal with this fog demon.

Aunt Zhe didn't provide much useful information either, so Jiang Lin decided to go to the cemetery where Wu Yao was located in person.

With Gu Gu led the way, Jiang Lin came to a forest.

Although it was two or three o'clock in the afternoon, there was thick fog in the woods, and even sunlight could not penetrate.

"No wonder Shi-gu can't even see Wu Yao's real body when she goes in. This is a forest of hundreds of ghosts and fog."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, thinking about how to deal with the fog demon inside. Because of the special feng shui, the ghosts in the cemetery couldn't leave the cemetery, nor could they enter the reincarnation. I don't know if they were voluntary or forced, and their spirituality was engulfed by the dense air above the cemetery. The fog is sucked away, and the fog demon is also formed.

Hundred Ghost Forest?

Aunt Zhe looked bewildered. She entered the cemetery several times, but she didn't feel the existence of ghosts at all.

"Nephew, you didn't even go in, so you can see the weirdness in this cemetery?"

After hearing Jiang Lin's explanation to her, Aunt Zhe was stunned. She also knew that Jiang Lin had advanced to the Heavenly Master, but she didn't expect that Jiang Lin would know Zi Chou Yin Mao in the cemetery just after a few glances.

"You don't have to go in, it's easy to be confused when you go in. It's easy to see the doorway outside."

"Easy? Easy for you, right?"

Aunt Cane rolled her eyes, feeling deeply hit.

She is still Jiang Lin's elder, but Jiang Lin's current cultivation base is boundless.

After looking around the cemetery for a long time, Jiang Lin was about to enter the fog forest to explore the methods of the fog demon.

"Sister-in-law, you stay outside, I'll go in and take a look."

"Didn't you say it's easy to be confused when you go in?"

Jiang Lin gave Aunt Cane a speechless answer: he was not afraid of being confused.

"Hey, hey, are you going in without taking any protective measures?"

Gu Gu took out a handkerchief from her pocket and was about to put it on Jiang Lin's face.

What the hell!

Jiang Lin's black thread, can he use this handkerchief?

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Lin rejected Aunt Zhe's kindness. He has Yang Yan in his body, so he is not afraid of inhaling something unclean.

In addition to the graves, there are also many animal bones and human bones in the fog forest. Even in the daytime, it is still gloomy.

Jiang Lin felt that the spread of his spiritual sense had decreased a lot, which meant that these mists were no longer ordinary white mists, and were probably the bodies of the mist demon.

"It seems that Aunt Cane has had great luck a few times before, otherwise as long as the fog demon does some tricks on these fogs, even if there are protective measures, they will be tricked."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lin felt a pungent feeling in the air he inhaled into his lungs.

Then, there was a strange laugh around.

"Jie Jie, little white face, I have entered your body."

The disgusting voice of the fog demon came from Jiang Lin's body.

"Is this a fog demon or a dirty demon? It even entered my body."

Jiang Lin snorted, and Yang Yan jumped out from his dantian, a cloud of mist that directly enveloped his body, and then the mist let out a stern scream.

This is where the fog demon is difficult to deal with. It can control the mist to enter the human body. Once inhaling the white mist containing the demonic energy, it is very likely that the fog demon will destroy the lungs and other organs.

"It turned out to be a Taoist priest, stinky Taoist priest, I want you to die without a burial!"

In the mid-air in front of Jiang Lin, a huge skull appeared, with two dark blue ghost fires beating in the two eye holes the size of human heads.

Jiang Lin raised his hand and drew horizontally and vertically, and the Yang Finger Sword chopped the skull into four pieces, but then the skull turned into mist, and after a while, it condensed into a skull.

"I'm immortal! Stinky Taoist priest, I'm going to squeeze you dry!"

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at the skull in the air. He really didn't understand what this big monster grew up eating and why it was so dirty.

He even wanted to drill up from his trouser legs.

As soon as the flames came out, there was another scream around.

The method of the fog demon is indeed very strange, but it can't help Jiang Lin, but if Jiang Lin wants to get rid of this fog demon, it is not an easy thing.

"It's just fog as the main body. I really think no one can treat you? Do your family know that you are so dirty?"

Jiang Lin scattered his spiritual senses around, and when he reached a place, he took a copper coin, smeared it with his own blood, and ejected it.

Below are the corpses of the ghosts.

The fog demon can't be too far away from the fog forest, its roots are under this cemetery, but Jiang Lin is just in case, first completely nail the fog demon here.

"Ah~ Stink Taoist priest, what have you done to me! It hurts!"

Jiang Lin really couldn't stand this filthy demon king, so he burned the surroundings with his Yang Yang Palm.

"Dare to disgust me? Tomorrow I will let you know that there is a price to pay for filth."

After walking out of the fog forest, Jiang Lin said: "Master, go back first. I'm too troublesome to deal with the fog demon inside, and I need manpower."

He was going to let Jiu Shu, Zhang Han and Qiu Sheng Wencai come together. If he wanted to remove the fog demon inside, he needed to arrange a large formation.

"Let my senior brother come over?"

Aunt Cane learned that Jiang Lin was going to let Ninth Uncle come over, so she jumped up excitedly, and trotted in circles on the spot, which was simply indecent.

Jiang Lin sighed, guessing that Aunt Cane would be helpless for the rest of her life.

Ninth Uncle's character is relatively calm, and he doesn't like other people's frizz. I am afraid that even if Aunt Zhe waits for another [-] years, Ninth Uncle will still not accept her.

After returning, Jiang Lin drew the layout of the formation in Cane Gu's Taoist Temple. The fog demon uses thick fog as its body. As long as it walks through a cloud of fog, it says that it cannot survive.

Since he chose to take action, the fog demon couldn't escape.

Chapter [-] Change the formation method

"Brother Lin, we won't go to the show tonight. If you're busy, you won't go."

Nianying sat beside Jiang Lin and acted coquettishly at him.

"Go, I'm not here to watch the show with you."

Jiang Lin pulled Nianying into his arms and let her sit on his lap.

Being disgusted by the fog demon, Jiang Lin wanted to hug the beauty to dispel the disgust in his heart.

It is a must to accompany your fiancee to the theatre.

In this era, movies have not been developed, but they are not as interesting as operas.

In the early morning of the second day, Jiang Lin asked the Flying Mouse King to return to the commander first, and asked the commander to send someone to pick up Jiu Shu and Zhang Han.

At noon, Master Jiu and Zhang Han came to Aunt Zhe's Taoist Church, and they came with them.

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