"Uncle Qianhe, are you here too?"

"Yeah, I rushed to Renjia Town after receiving the news from my senior brother. I didn't expect that there would still be Fei Zong in this world."

When he thought of Fei Zong, he couldn't help but fight a cold war. He had almost died under the mouth of a zombie, and he felt a little shadow of the zombie in his heart.

"I really didn't expect your kid to be able to team up with others to confront Fei Zong head-on, and still remain invincible."

Now he can no longer see through Jiang Lin. When he first met Jiang Lin, he only thought that Jiang Lin's aptitude was very good, but he never imagined that Jiang Lin had already arrived at the Heavenly Master after only a year or two had passed. boundary.

Also capable of fighting.

Their Maoshan lineage has been advancing for five hundred years, and there may not be anyone who can join hands with others to deal with Fei Zong, and even make him retreat.

Thinking of Jiang Lin's future achievements, I really want Jiang Lin to return to Maoshan.


Aunt Zie Xue Nianying wore a floral dress, walked out of the back room, and looked at Jiu Shu with affection.

Jiang Lin was almost blinded by the light. The old woman in her thirties was wearing a dress. This style of painting was no one else.

The point is that the flowers on the skirt are chrysanthemums.


A year has passed, and the ninth uncle still can't see the chrysanthemum until now. Now he sees Aunt Zhe's dress, and even spit out his breakfast.

"Sister-in-law, Master and Uncle and I are going to Wulin now."

Jiang Lin was worried that the ninth uncle would even spit out the yellow bile water, so he quickly asked them to move their positions.

"Jiang Lin, if you brat helps Gu Gu, I will beat you."

"Uncle, you have wronged me. Do you think I am someone like the two brothers?"

Qiusheng and Wencai suddenly felt an arrow in their knees, and they were shot when they were lying down.

"Lin Zi, what problems have you encountered that you can't solve by yourself?"

The commander's subordinates didn't pass the message in place, so Zhang Han and Jiu Shu didn't know that they were dealing with the fog demon.

From Zhang Han's point of view, Jiang Lin doesn't need their help now even if he encounters the zombie king.

"It's the fog demon."

fog demon?

Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle looked at each other in dismay. They had subdued demons and eliminated demons for most of their lives, and they had never encountered this type of demon.

There are Snow Maiden, Shiji and Huo Ling who belong to the same type as the fog demon. These are extremely rare monsters.

Although Ninth Uncle and the others have seen a fire spirit, it is not a monster with a spirit.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin told them about the situation of the fog demon, and both Jiu Shu and Zhang Han felt a little troubled.

The fog monster is different from other monsters. Even if the general monster has some magical powers, the main body is not difficult to find. It is much easier to find the main body of the monster to attack.

But the fog demon is different, its body is fog, invisible and uncertain, even if their Taoism is aggressive, it can only be a punch on the cotton.

Although Jiang Lin has pinned the fog demon in the fog forest, it is still very difficult to get rid of it.

"Lin Zi, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Han pondered for a long time, but there was no good way to deal with this fog demon, so he asked Jiang Lin what countermeasures.

Uncle Jiu thought of some materials that Jiang Lin asked them to bring, and asked, "Jiang Lin, do you want to use the innate gossip array?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, the innate gossip formation was fine, but it didn't have much attack power to kill the fog demon.

The fog demon is not difficult to deal with, but it is difficult to kill, unless the white fog of the entire fog forest can be completely dissipated.

"The gossip array is not enough, you need a gossip furnace."

Jiang Lin handed the blueprint in his hand to Jiu Shu and Zhang Han.

"Gossip furnace???"

Uncle Jiu and Zhang Han looked stunned, where in the world is there a gossip furnace.

However, when the two saw the blueprint handed to them by Jiang Lin in their hands, they were stunned for a while.

Array layout that has never been seen before.

Seeing his senior brother and Zhang Han staring at the blueprint, they also got together.

What is this?can't read!

His level is still low, and he is not good at formation, so he is like a primary school student reading high school textbooks.

The Bagua Furnace was actually a name given by Jiang Lin himself. When he saw the Ninety-Five Corpse Raising Formation before, he recalled some of the formations he had seen in Emei before, and modified it to form this "Bagua Furnace Formation". .

The formation has not yet been completely formed, but it should not be a problem to kill the fog demon in the fog forest.

I don't know how many precious materials will be used to arrange this formation, but even if he feels distressed, Jiang Lin will continue to arrange it.

Although this fog demon is at the level of a big demon, because it has the spirituality of hundreds of ghosts, and it is so difficult to kill, there must be a lot of hostile energy that can be obtained.

In addition to the [*] points of malice he had obtained from killing the Fameng Zombie before, he could gain the corpse attribute again, and he would not delay his own upgrade of his exercises and body refining techniques.

"Lin Zi, did you create this formation yourself?"

"In Caiyi's division, I read some classics, saw some formations, and integrated them into the gossip formation, and made some changes."

Zhang Han looked at Jiang Lin and really wanted to see if Jiang Lin had grown a tail. His disciple is really too demonic!

Changing the formation method is much more difficult than changing the Dao technique, and it is even more difficult to reform on the basis of the Bagua formation.

"Senior Brother Hangu, it's really not many that Jiang Lin has two masters. One person can't teach him at all."

Ninth Uncle patted Zhang Han on the shoulder. The two of them are now full of emotion. The distance between Jiang Lin and them has grown bigger and bigger.

"Master and Uncle, it's not too late. It's more difficult to set up this formation. Since Uncle Qianhe is also here, the four of us will arrange it together, and the two senior brothers Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai will be coolies."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were cooing aside, a little reluctantly, but they were scolded by the ninth uncle.

Others don't know how much they look forward to witnessing the birth of a new formation. No one else can have such a good opportunity if they want to have it.

It is your honor to see this gossip furnace!

Chapter [*] Do you really think that you are an onion?

Jiang Lin distributed the Breathing Talisman to Jiu Shu and the others, and rushed to Wulin.

"Uncle Shi, you go first to attract the attention of the fog demon, in case we are found by it when we are setting up the formation."

Now the fog demon is only confined in the fog forest. Although it can't stay away from the fog forest, it is still possible to escape if it detects that someone is forming a formation outside.

"it is good."

Ninth Uncle made preparations and rushed into the foggy forest with a peach wood sword in his hand.

He has never seen a dead thing become a demon in his life, and he is just about to see the means of seeing the fog demon.

After Ninth Uncle entered the fog forest, Jiang Lin asked Zhang Hanhe to nail eight wooden stakes in eight positions outside, and first arranged an innate gossip array to trap the fog demon.

After that, Zhang Hanhe occupied two positions respectively, and started to form the array according to the array layout.

Ten minutes later, Ninth Uncle came out of the foggy forest with blue veins on his forehead.

"This fog demon is very lewd) (swing."

Turning to look at Wu Lin, Uncle Jiu said again: "It must be killed!"

"Master, why is the fog demon so lewd) (Dangfa?"

"Yes, Master, talk about it, let us also raise our eyes."

Jiang Lin looked at the pair of living treasure brothers and mourned for them. He had to touch Ninth Uncle's brow at this moment, except for itchy skin.

"Two senior brothers, don't call out there, you just got beaten up, hurry up and hand the guy to me."

Jiang Lin didn't sympathize with Qiusheng and Wencai, and found someone to blame himself.

Jiu Shu attracted the attention of the fog demon in the fog forest and bought time for Jiang Lin and the others. In addition, Jiang Lin and Zhang Han also cooperated well. Not long after Jiu Shu came out, the Xiantian Bagua Array was arranged.

Now that the fog demon discovered that there was a formation outside the fog forest, it was too late.

"Haha, little white face, what you left in my body has been forced out by me."

When Jiang Lin was arranging the big formation, he was struck by a voice in the fog forest.

"Junior Brother, what did you leave behind in Wu Yao's body?"

"Yes, yes, tell us."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are just doing some hard work of handing over materials. They don't need to spend much energy.

Jiang Lin, who was arranging the big formation, was shocked by the voice of the fog demon, but was interrupted by two living treasures, and almost made a wrong measurement.

"You want to know?"

Jiang Lin smiled brightly and turned to look at Qiusheng and Wencai.

"No...I don't want to know."

The two waved their hands again and again. They now understand that Jiang Lin is not scary when he is angry, but sometimes it is the most scary thing when he laughs.

Jiang Lin went up and grabbed Qiusheng and Wencai, stuffed the demon talisman and exorcism talisman into their mouths, and pasted a few more on their backs.

With one kick, Jiang Lin kicked Qiusheng and Wencai flying and fell into the foggy forest.

"Free, let me let you free."

Jiang Lin laughed, it's fine that these two treasures can't help much, and they want to do a disservice. Since they are so interested in the fog demon, let them accept the caress of the filthy demon king.

Anyway, Qiusheng and Wencai swallowed his demon talisman and exorcism talisman, and the fog demon couldn't enter their bodies to make trouble, and there would be no danger.

Recalling the thoughts just now, Jiang Lin continued to set up the furnace array.

In the evening, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu finally completed the arrangement of the big formation outside the Xiantian Bagua formation.

Jiang Lin entered the foggy forest. First, he threw Qiusheng and Wencai out, and secondly, he set fire to the foggy forest.

"Junior Brother! You are here!"

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