Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai each wore a pair of big pants, and Wen Cai's pants were all stripped off, revealing a light) (chubby.

Looking at Qiusheng and Wencai who were disheveled, Jiang Lin laughed unkindly.

I don't want to know how lewd the fog demon is.

Jiang Lin didn't continue watching the jokes between the two. Two yin fire whips came out, entangled Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's bodies, and threw them out of the fog forest.

"Little white face, you've ruined my good deeds!"

The skeleton head in mid-air shouted at Jiang Lin, and it was about to use up the power of Qiusheng and Wencai's magic talismans. As a result, at this time, the prey was rescued.

Although extremely angry, Wu Yao did not attack Jiang Lin. It knew that it had nothing to do with Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin could not help it, so Wu Yao went after Qiusheng and Wencai directly. It had not eaten people for several days. .

The fog surged in the forest, and the fog demon came to the edge of the fog forest, only to find that he was trapped by the formation.

"Do you think you can deal with me with a formation? I'm immortal!"

The fog demon's sharp and rebellious voice reverberated in the fog forest. Although it was only at the level of a big demon, it was too difficult to be killed, so the fog demon was arrogant and thought that nothing in the world could threaten it.

"And you are immortal. Who gave you the confidence, Rejoice? Who gave you the courage to say such a thing, Liang Jingru?"

Jiang Lin really couldn't stand this extremely narcissistic and arrogant fog demon. He turned his hands like wheels, forming a seal, and a crimson light began to appear on the ground around the fog forest, and finally the light formed a block. The light and shadow curtain wall gradually extends upwards.

After the three-legged golden crow appeared, the fog demon suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura.

This big bird is so scary.

Although the fog demon is conceited, it is not stupid. There is a big formation trapping it outside, and this big golden flame bird appears inside, which makes it feel a sense of crisis.

"Want to kill me? You are courting death!"

The fog demon controlled the hundreds of corpses under the grave and surrounded Jiang Lin. Its attack power was relatively weak, and it could not cause any damage to Jiang Lin's internal organs. It could only attack Jiang Lin in this way.

Jiang Lin didn't want to fight at all, and now he wants to jump out of the formation and start the big formation.

The fog demon is getting more and more flustered. Since it was born, it has never felt this kind of panic.

It may be obliterated.

"I will let you live forever and ever!"

"It's just a fog demon, do you really think you're an onion? Bagua stove, Kai!"

Jiang Lin retreated outside the great formation and drilled out of the light and shadow curtain wall. After the last demon-suppressing seal in his hand was completed, a huge gossip pattern appeared on the ground of the entire fog forest, and the light and shadow curtain wall outside formed a Illusory furnace body.

The three-legged Golden Crow in the fog forest turned into a sky of fireworks.

Jiang Lin formed a Taoist seal with his hands, and the spiritual power and Yang flames in his body were continuously injected into the furnace array.

This forest of hundred ghosts and fog has completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The fog demon was screaming and roaring in the foggy forest. A moment ago, it was so arrogant that it said that it was immortal, but now it was grilled in a closed oven, and it was impossible to escape.

"Think you're a scallion? You're still awesome, but now you're a scallion!"

The area of ​​the fog forest is not too large, and the materials for the formation are ready. Now this area has become a large pressure cooker, and the pot is still burning.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Three Cut Hu, Go!

Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han couldn't help but gasp when they saw this scene.

This furnace array is really terrifying, much more terrifying than forest fires!

Although they were shocked by Jiang Lin's ability to change the formation method before, they were still not optimistic about the power of this furnace formation.

After all, it is a combination of other formations into the gossip formation, and it is not bad to be successful.

None of the three thought of the power of this gossip furnace, it was so terrifying.

Five minutes later, Jiang Lin sat on the ground, the furnace formation also dissipated because it was not completely stable, and the fog demon had completely disappeared from the world.

Three hours to set up the formation and a few minutes to destroy the demon.

"Pop! Kill the fog demon and get [-] points of suffocation."

Although he was not lightly tired, Jiang Lin was still pleasantly surprised after hearing the system's prompt. Killing this fog demon was enough to kill eight or nine zombies.

"The gossip furnace in this forest is a little scary."

Zhang Han felt that his tongue was a little dry. The cemetery has no white fog now, only the curls of ashes after the burning, and the bones on the ground were turned into ashes by the wind.

The power of this furnace was beyond their imagination.

"Senior Brother Hangu, I think it's time for Jiang Lin to leave his apprenticeship."

Jiu Shu knew that Jiang Lin was very strong, and it would not be difficult to fight the Zombie King alone, but today he realized that he still underestimated Jiang Lin's ability.

With this formation created by Jiang Lin, it is estimated that there would be no problem in burning three or four zombie kings.

With this kind of strength, Jiang Lin can go outside and gossip.

"I'll mention it to him."

Zhang Han also had this idea in his heart for a long time, but Jiang Lin used to be outside often, and sometimes he didn't come back for a few months. He still wanted to spend more time with this good apprentice, but he never told Jiang Lin about leaving the school. matter.

"Jiang Lin, we won't go back. It just so happens that your master and junior brother Qianhe are also there. Let's go back all the way, and we can exchange Taoism on the way."

Ninth Uncle didn't want to go back to Aunt Zhe's Taoist Church, and when he thought of the chrysanthemum on Aunt Zhe, he had to vomit.

Jiang Lin also understood what Uncle Ninth meant. There was a town in front of them, where they could settle down. Jiang Lin didn't have to worry about Uncle Nine and their accommodation.

Before leaving, he informed Jiang Lin that there was a happy town a hundred miles north of Renjia Town, where there seemed to be a ghost king.

"I have dealt with the demon king and the zombie king, but I have never faced the ghost king."

Jiang Lin decided on this matter, so he went to the Happy Town he mentioned.

When he returned to Gu Gu's Daotang, Jiang Lin didn't stop there, and directly rode Nianying back to the commander's mansion.

A woman in her thirties who has not been married is quite scary.

Knowing that Uncle Jiu would rather go back overnight than spend the night with her, Aunt Zhe almost demolished her Taoist temple.

The next day, Jiang Lin and the commander set off again, driving two hundred miles away to explore the ancient tomb of the Jin Dynasty.

The car stopped in front of a big mountain, and the location of Jin's tomb was in the low mountain behind the big mountain.

Jiang Lin climbed the mountain and first checked the feng shui pattern around the tomb of the Xia Jin Dynasty.

"It really is the tomb of the emperor."

The feng shui pattern around the mountains is extraordinary, and it is not something that ordinary people can bury.

Jiang Lin was about to go down to investigate the specific location of Jin's tomb, when two figures in the distance caught his attention.

The mountains here are steep and inaccessible, how could there be other people here?

Moreover, the movements of the two figures are very vigorous and flexible, not ordinary people.

Could it be a tomb robber?

Jiang Lin looked at the direction of the two figures, which happened to be the location of Jin's tomb, and couldn't help but suspect.

"Follow those two and find out what they do."

"A piece of cake."

The Flying Mouse King on Jiang Lin's shoulder jumped down. Because of its small size, if this little mouse was on all fours, it would be no different from an ordinary mouse.

Since the master asked him to follow, the Flying Rat King didn't dare to show any prestige, so he followed behind the two and listened to the conversation between them.

Half an hour later, the Flying Mouse King returned to Jiang Lin's side.

"Master, these two people are from the East. I don't understand what they said, but the smell on them is the same as the Japanese I encountered before."

Because the Japanese often eat some sashimi and sashimi, the smell on their bodies is different from that of ordinary people.

"It's really a narrow road for the enemy. Follow them and see what they do. If you can find the gathering place, follow the mark I left to find me and the commander."

There was a smile on Jiang Lin's mouth. It seemed that this Jin tomb had already been taken care of by the Japanese, who wanted to steal the treasures in it.

Since the Japanese want to visit the Emperor's Mausoleum, let them do it. It's not bad for him to be a oriole once.

Although the feng shui around the tomb of Jin is quite good, there are some demonic auras around the low mountain where it is located. I am afraid that snakes, insects, birds and beasts have become demons entrenched there.

Since someone is helping them play the outpost, why not do it.

Jiang Lin asked the commander to settle in the village at the foot of the mountain, put on the clothes of ordinary people, and waited for the news of the Flying Rat King.

That night, the Flying Mouse King brought definite news that the Japanese really wanted to rob the tomb of Jin in the mountains.

There are probably hundreds of Japanese staying in a village seven or eight miles away. All of them can speak Chinese and even dress like the Chinese.

These Japanese people visited Jin tombs in one or two days.

"You said you heard someone calling Abe-sama?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to take a look at the adults they said, but I didn't act rashly when I found that there was an enchantment around me."

Hearing the words of the Flying Mouse King, Jiang Lin raised his brows, guessing that the Lord Abe that the Flying Mouse King said might be the Abe Yewang.

Jiang Lin gave the Flying Rat King a magic talisman to suppress its demonic energy and let it continue to explore.

"Abe forced the king, if it's really you, then prepare to die."

The last time Jiang Lin abolished this pretentious Ye Wang, but he escaped. Later, he went to the military camp to find him without a trace, which made Jiang Lin very unhappy.

In the morning, Jiang Lin was lying on a rattan chair in the farmyard, when the King of the Flying Rat jumped on his shoulder and said, "Master, great news."

Afterwards, the Flying Mouse King told Jiang Lin the news he had inquired about. For Jiang Lin, the news was indeed heavy enough.

"I don't know where the Japanese got the information. I learned that there is an elixir in Ge Hong's elixir room. The adult named Abe wants to get that elixir to restore his cultivation."

"Sure enough, it is King Abe Ye, it seems that I have to go."

Jiang Lin stretched his back. He was going to follow behind the Japanese to see how the monsters in the mountain tore the devils with their hands.

An annual show not to be missed.

As for the treasure, Jiang Lin is not worried, there is a great commander, if the medicinal pill is obtained by Abe Yewang, it will be wasted.

"Come on, Jerry, let's cut the Hu."

"Master, let's go!"

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