"Brother Lin, would you like to go shopping with me?"

Nian Ying looked at Jiang Lin tenderly. She knew that Jiang Lin had been in the county for a long time, so she probably would go back in the next two days.

But Jiang Lin didn't stay in the marshal's mansion for long, she wanted to accompany Jiang Lin every day.

Jiang Lin pinched Nianying's cheek and dragged her to the market.

Along the way, Nianying was full of laughter and laughter. Jiang Lin looked at this beautiful girl and felt that he had become much younger.

To describe Nianying in the words of later generations is a typical silly white sweet.

"Brother Lin, I want to eat a lollipop."

Hearing Nianying's words, Jiang Lin paused and glanced at her.

"Do you like lollipops?"

"Like it."

Jiang Lin snorted. If you like lollipops, don't run away at night.

After Jiang Lin and Nianying went back, the commander told Jiang Lin a piece of news that made him angry.

The commander's men bought a thousand-year-old Tianma and a thousand-year-old Cordyceps, but they were snatched by the bandits on the way.

"Brother, my subordinates are so useless."

The commander blamed himself very much. Jiang Lin helped him so much, but the medicinal materials he helped Jiang Lin find were robbed.

But they came down and reported that the bandits knew sorcery, were not afraid of their foreign guns and bullets, and that the hills they occupied were easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Steal my stuff?"

Jiang Lin felt that these mountain bandits were really tired and crooked.

"Let's go and see how many heads those mountain bandits have."

"Brother Lin, I'll go too."

Nianying shook Jiang Lin's arm and wanted to follow him together. Jiang Lin had just come back, he was going out again, and he was going to leave when he came back.

Jiang Lin also knew that Nianying was reluctant to leave him, so he promised to take her there.

"Brother, you just need to go ahead, I want them to know how to write dead words!"

The commander's nose was smoking. This group of unscrupulous mountain bandits made him lose face in front of Jiang Lin, and he had to beat them into a hornet's nest.

With another battalion of troops, the commander drove to Santou Mountain, more than [*] miles away, which was the base camp of the mountain bandits.

"Go up the mountain!"

The commander held a pistol and roared at his subordinates.

Although it was already night, the medicinal materials Jiang Lin wanted had to be taken back no matter what, even in the middle of the night.

The soldiers who followed were also high morale, and they really had nothing to fear against the mountain bandits.

And what was lost this time was a gift for Jiang Lin. After they learned the news, they could not wait to rush directly to the bandit den.

Because of Jiang Lin's sake, the treasures from their tomb robbing can be distributed to everyone, and they are also very angry that the gifts given to Jiang Lin are lost.

Jiang Lin quietly watched the commander and the others go up the mountain. This time, his original intention was to fight the battle.

He has already done what he helped, but the commander ruined his affairs, do you still want him to contribute?

After the large army went up the mountain, Jiang Lin followed.Nianying followed behind Jiang Lin. Although there were torches in front of her, the light was still relatively dim, so Nianying pulled Jiang Lin's belt.

Every now and then, he would hug Jiang Lin around his arms.

Jiang Lin was short, Nianying bumped up, and he took advantage of the situation to carry him on his back.

I'll eat you tonight.

Let you always hug.

On the mountainside, several camps have been set up, and there are still many soldiers bandaging wounds on the ground.

"Master, the Taoist priest's medicinal materials have been taken."

A soldier carried two wooden boxes to the commander.

After the medicinal materials were taken away by the mountain bandits, the soldiers of these companies reported the news to the commander, while frantically attacking the mountain.

They knew that it was because of Jiang Lin that the commander got a lot of treasures. If Jiang Lin's medicinal materials were lost, I'm afraid they would all have to eat a gun.

So under this kind of pressure, these soldiers were desperate to attack the top of the mountain.

Fortunately, I just grabbed the medicinal materials.

"it is good!"

The commander was overjoyed, and hurriedly handed over the medicinal materials to Jiang Lin.

Seeing Jiang Lin nodded, the commander finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, set up camp on the spot, rest well, and kill these gangsters who don't know how to live or die tomorrow."

Jiang Lin ignored the commander's bragging, opened the box, and checked the Gastrodia and Cordyceps, which turned out to be excellent medicinal materials.

"Commander, those mountain bandits have the support of Japanese wizards, so they dared to grab the Taoist's medicinal materials. Our brothers were killed and injured a lot."


Jiang Lin frowned. Could it be that there are some tombs nearby that Little Japan took a fancy to?

"This is a list that our brothers grabbed when they raided. It also has the name of the Taoist priest."

Another soldier gave the commander a roster, and the commander glanced at the firelight and said, "Why is there Douchiying on it?"

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed a cold light, and he took the roster in his hand.

Then he clenched his fists. The list above included him, Ninth Uncle and them, but there was a red cross on the back.

Looking at the text on the list, Jiang Lin's aura suddenly burst out, and the shocked commander didn't have a firm footing.

"court death!"

Jiang Lin looked at the top of the mountain, and at this moment he gave up the idea of ​​not doing anything.

These bastards actually wanted to cooperate with Japanese demons to assassinate Jiu Shu and the others.

"Brother Lin, you are so scary."

The momentum that Jiang Lin burst out is very obvious to ordinary people, and it frightened Nianying so much that he didn't dare to approach it at all.

"It is my fault."

Jiang Lin took away the anger in his heart, and the momentum on his body became introverted again, pulling Nianying by his side.

"Commander, set up camp, I don't want to see a bandit running away tomorrow."

"Don't worry, brother."

The commander wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He had never felt such a terrifying aura from Jiang Lin.

Murder is a little scary.

Chapter [*] You will die if you say nothing

Now as long as Jiang Lin asks, the commander will basically not refuse, especially since Jiang Lin has become so terrifying just now, he must fulfill this requirement no matter what.

In the future, Jiang Lin will be his amulet, and he has to give it all his strength.

Jiang Lin was talking with Nianying, and stopped thinking about bad things, such as killing and seeing blood tomorrow.

Wait, see blood?

Gotta see blood tonight.

Jiang Lin looked at Nianying, who liked lollipops, and his eyes lit up with brilliance.

After setting up camp, the commander was embarrassed to find that there were not many tents with him, and the other tents were crowded with people, leaving only two new empty tents.

But he, Jiang Lin and Nianying have no place to sleep yet.

"Brother, why don't we make do with one night?"

The commander smiled at Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin felt that the commander was too wretched.

Whoever wants to make do with you for one night.

"Nianying sleeps with me."

Jiang Lin didn't even look at the commander, and under the eyes of everyone, he pulled Nianying into the tent.

The Flying Rat King consciously jumped out of Nianying's pocket. The lord and the mistress had to do business, so keeping it is purely courting death.

The big man: "..."

Nearly a hundred eyes are all staring at Jiang Lin and Nianying, I don't want to do this!

In this era, most soldiers in the army have no money to marry a wife, so they can do these hard-working jobs. Except for the commander, they are all bachelors.

The commander also admired Jiang Lin. He had seen the dog abuser, but he had never seen the single dog abused by a battalion.

After Nianying entered the tent, she looked at Jiang Lin with precaution.

what to see?If you look at it, it will eat you up.

Just now, he didn't control his emotional fluctuations and scared his fiancee. The best way is to love him well.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin set up a soundproof array in the tent, and it was not good to hear the sound of Hehuan.

"Brother Lin, are you laying the floor?"

After Nianying laid the quilt, she said something that made Jiang Lin almost fall over.

They are living together tonight, and they even let him lay the floor?

Really stupid and naive.

And Nianying is still wearing a dress, will he let go of such a convenient opportunity to do errands?

"Xiao Nianying, you always hug me from behind, shouldn't you sleep with me?"

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