"Then they will take you back."

Nianying pouted, unwilling to sleep with Jiang Lin.She remembered that her sister said that she lost her life before she got married. If she was abandoned by a man, she would cry without tears.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth, and he opened his arms.

Shouldn't you be hugged back?bring it on.

Nianying actually thought that Jiang Lin was just going to hug her, so she leaned over.


"Nianying, did you know that you entered the wolf's den?"

Jiang Lin looked at the silly Bai Tian in his arms, without concealing his thoughts.

"Brother Lin, will you marry me as your concubine?"

Nianying found that she was wrapped around her waist by Jiang Lin and couldn't break free, so she quickly asked the question she cared about.

If Jiang Lin had promised to marry her, there was nothing wrong with sleeping together.

Jiang Lin is not a man who breaks his promise.

"will not."

Jiang Lin immediately shook his head.

Nianying's nose moved, and she was about to cry. She didn't want to marry her. What did she want?

"I only marry wives. I don't have a concubine. My concubine is a concubine. After entering the door, I won't let you be a child."

Jiang Lin did not tease the beautiful girl in his arms, but said a peace of mind.

"Really? Hmm~"

Perhaps because Nianying likes to eat candy, the girl's teeth are sweet.

Nianying lay on the brand new quilt, covering her cheeks with her hands, she was about to become like her sister.

Lift up the hem of the skirt, widening the last layer of protection.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that silly Baitian turned out to be a cute tiger in vain.Ahem, white tiger.

Heard of such a woman Kefu?

Jiang Lin did not have such feudal thoughts, perhaps it was a different experience.

"Husband, you are so rude."

Everything is indescribable.

Meimei enjoyed the night, and the next day, Jiang Lin called the Flying Mouse King back to protect the sleeping Nianying, and laid a corpse formation around the tent to prevent the outside disturbance from disturbing his woman's sleep.

After setting up the formation, Jiang Lin accompanied the commander to attack Santou Mountain.

Jiang Lin originally thought that before the two countries fought, there would be some brain holes such as the martial arts situation, but now the facts are in front of him.

If Jiang Lin had crossed earlier and had been to the Baidu Bridge in Hongkou, he would have known that this had happened.

The great master Huo Yuanjia was poisoned to death by the Japanese.

It seems that when we go back, we will set up a defensive formation around Daotang and Jiu Shu's Yizhuang.

It's easy to hide with open spears, but difficult to guard against dark arrows. Jiang Lin has experienced this experience himself. The ghost witch has been in the dark all the time, causing him a lot of trouble many times.

After Jiang Lin took the lead, the commander and his subordinates seemed to be reassured, and they were all brave and incomparable.

"Duck rush!"

The soldiers charged up the mountain with their spears, and Jiang Lin followed behind to watch the battle. If there were Japanese demons and warlocks, he would wipe them out with thunder.

It didn't take long for the soldiers to attack the bandit village on the top of the hill.

When the bandits were retreating, Jiang Lin felt a demonic wind emerged in the bandit village, and a dozen men dressed as red boys jumped out of the bandit village.

"It turned out to be a magic trick, please God, and there are also horsemen from the northeast."

These ten or so bandits were extremely ferocious, and their movements were more flexible than apes. They had wine gourds on their bodies, and every time they took a sip of spirits, they could spew out a ten-meter-long fire snake.

In just one or two minutes, many of the strikers caught fire.

Jiang Lin did not let the commander continue to lose hands, and came to the gate of the bandit village with his hands behind his back.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

The dozen or so "Red Boys" saw Jiang Lin empty-handed but calmed down, and they didn't dare to be careless for a while.

Samadhi is really hot?

Do you really think that if you invite a god, you will become the King of the Holy Infant?

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and made a sound of biubiubiu. All of these bandits were shot in the knees and fell to the ground.

These people's magic tricks are all wild ways, and under Jiang Lin's hands, they can't walk two positive directions at all.

It's just some crooked ways, vulnerable.

"Where's the Japanese magician?"

Jiang Lin didn't kill him immediately. He didn't see the Japanese demon that the soldiers described. It was about the safety of Uncle Nine and the others. He wanted to pry out more information from the Japanese demon.

"Since it has failed, if you want to kill or slash, please listen and respect."

The middle-aged man at the head was very tough, and the next second his head fell off.


While murdering the loyal and good people of the country, while pleading with foreign enemies, this person grew up eating shit?

Jiang Lin then turned his attention to the other people, and dropped his head without saying a word. It was a very simple matter.

It's so easy to want to die.

In the end, someone could not stand the threat of death and revealed the hiding place of the Japanese demon.

Jiang Lin nodded and moved the head of the person who spoke.

They all have to die without a word.

Food is wasted in life, and land is wasted in death.

"If you want to murder cultivators like Uncle Jiu and the others, I'm afraid they don't know that there is a me in the Republic of China."

Jiang Lin threw a few flaming talismans and burned the corpses of these bandits, and walked into the bandit village.

Chapter [*] Yuan Jing Memorial

After entering the bandit village, Jiang Lin arrived at the location mentioned by the bandit just now, but did not find the existence of the magician.


Jiang Lin dissipated his spiritual sense, and then pointed his index finger to the sky, shooting a hole in the hole.

The magician is also clever, and immediately released a smoke bomb after he fell.

But unfortunately, Jiang Lin doesn't need to see things at close range now. He stretched out his fingers and made the surgeon kneel on the ground. Then he disabled the surgeon's limbs to prevent him from committing suicide.

"What is the purpose of assassinating the Taoist priest of the Republic of China?"

Jiang Lin was condescending, looking at the magician, not afraid of what tricks he might play.

The magician's mouth was like a zipper, and it was really tough.

Jiang Lin felt that there was nothing to ask, so he sent the magician to the west.

After searching the corpse of the sorcerer, Jiang Lin found nothing but a roll of paper, all in Japanese.

Jiang Lin can understand a small number of Japanese, but he does not recognize much Japanese.

The scroll was about the assassination of the Taoist priest. For the specific content, Jiang Lin had to ask the commander to find an expert in this area.

"Brother, none of the bandits escaped. We also rescued a few girls and children who were kidnapped."

The commander entered the room excitedly. This time he had done a good job in suppressing the bandits. If he reported it, he would be rewarded.

Jiang Lin handed the scroll in his hand to the commander and asked him to have his subordinate translate it.

A few minutes later, a soldier who knew Japanese was pushed out, looked at the content on the scroll, and translated it for Jiang Lin on the spot.

Carry out the plan of Yuan Jing's memorial?

Jiang Lin frowned after hearing this. The scroll did not mention the content of the memorial, but judging from the information translated by Bingdanzi, it seemed that it was not difficult to scrutinize.

Before the military, the battle of culture was fought first. The plans in the scroll were mainly aimed at martial artists in the Republic of China and Taoist monks and other monks.

It mentioned the martial artist Huang Feihong who fought against Japan and defended Taiwan, Huo Yuanjia set off a martial arts upsurge in Shanghai, and the Taoist priests who went down the mountain in chaos. Therefore, for the smooth war, these people must be removed first.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Yin Yang Dao and Jiu Ju faction came to China, not just to explore the tomb and the dragon veins."

Only at this time did Jiang Lin know that the main task of Abe Yewang of Yin-Yang Dao and Yamada of Jiuju's faction was to target their cultivators.

At that time, Yamada stole the Dharma body of Kuhua Dharma Corpse just to clear the obstacle of Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Jiang Lin was also amused. The two big men in the oriental demons had not done much yet. As a result, one was beaten up and the other was blinded.

The plan in the roll paper was almost dead.

Without these two people, the Japanese demons had to resort to assassination.

Although he learned this kind of information, Jiang Lin felt that all he could do was ask Uncle Jiu and the others to remind other comrades to beware of hidden arrows.

In addition to guarding against demons and ghosts, guard against people.

Jiang Lin put away the paper and asked the commander to search the bandit village. These bandits knew how to use sorcery, and they even grabbed medicinal materials. Maybe there was something in the village that could catch his eye.

After returning to the Commander's Mansion, Jiang Lin and Nianying stayed for two days before returning to Renjia Town.

After killing another ghost queen, Jiang Lin decided to hold a wedding for Caiyi Ayan and Nianying.


Ren Zhuzhu and Ayan were teasing the cat at the door, and when they saw Jiang Lin, they jumped into his arms together.

In the past, there was only one Ren Zhuzhu who was the most clingy, but now there is another man, Ayan, who waits for them at the door every day.

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