Before Jiang Lin could talk to the two daughters-in-law, there was a mournful cat meowing.


The colorful tiger king was used to being treated as a cat by the mistresses, so after being kicked by the little mouse, it meowed out subconsciously.

Because the Flying Rat King swallowed a celestial body, his strength has increased a lot. As long as he consolidates his cultivation for a period of time, he can fly.

In the past, it was often bullied by this stupid tiger. Now, after making great contributions to its master, it immediately went to a place.

Jiang Lin looked at the little mouse who was showing his muscles to the colorful tiger king under the tree, and didn't say much. The lazy cat was enjoying the cool under the tree all day long.

The Flying Rat King took a peek at Jiang Lin, and saw that the owner didn't mean to be unhappy, so he showed off his might and taught his opponent a lesson: "Now you are watching Laozi eat chicken, Laozi wants to eat five chickens, and the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum , Tianma, Cordyceps, Lingzhi, and ginseng, and I even ate a Celestial Master! I dream of Duke Zhou every day here, I can't share the master's worries, get out of here!"

At first, Panlan Tiger King was so angry that his seven orifices smoked, but after hearing his opponent's words, he immediately became stunned.

Damn, eat chicken?Five more chickens?

Wait, did you eat a celestial body?

There was a humanized expression on the face of the colorful tiger king, with extreme envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Jerry's performance is very good, and his attitude is also very good now. He has made rapid progress and is rewarded."

Jiang Lin glanced at the colorful tiger king and gave it a meaningful look.

Now that he has more women, he might as well use tiger leather to make up for it.

"Thank you master for the reward, Jerry will move things in, and then he will go to practice."

The Flying Rat King is shrewd and knows how to please his master.

Tiger King Panlan felt the chill between his hind legs, so he hurriedly bowed and shouted, "Lord... man, Tom is going to practice first!"

It doesn't even want to eat chicken now, for fear of being castrated.

"Husband, I haven't come back for nearly a month after I've been gone. Is it because I don't miss us anymore with Nianying?"

Seeing the two pistachios, the cat and the mouse, Ren Zhuzhu giggled, and then slapped Jiang Lin on the chest again, making them stay in the empty boudoir, which was too much.

Ayan also has a look of resentment on her face. I don't know that she has only become a woman soon, does she need the love of her own man?

Jiang Lin kissed the two clingy goblins, and took them by the waist into the Taoist hall.


When Bai Miner saw Jiang Lin, she was also happy, but just as she was about to go up to her, she stopped and smiled at Jiang Lin.

If A Yan was not by Jiang Lin's side, she would be embarrassed to get closer, but when the junior sister was here, she was afraid of jokes.

"Min'er, I'll go to Happy Town in the north in two days. You can follow him. You haven't met the ghost king yet, so you can get to know him."

Jiang Lin also saw that Bai Min'er seemed to be struggling a little in her heart. In that case, let her be alone with him.

After a little intimacy with a few daughters-in-law, Jiang Lin asked Zhang Han to go to Yizhuang next door.

Jiang Lin usually doesn't talk about things in the Taoist hall. The room is full of women, not a place to talk.

After listening to Jiang Lin's description of the two tomb visits, Zhang Han and Jiu Shu wiped cold sweat on their foreheads.

The fierce dragon turned back, the ghost soldiers and the corpse, there was actually a corpse emperor.

The most terrifying thing is that someone actually wants to use the ghosts and living people to refine the absurd immortality elixir.

One after another, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han were thrilled to hear them.

Jiang Lin said what he should have said, and he also slightly modified what he should not have said, but even so, it was enough to shock the two of them.

"Thanks to Lin Zi's ability."

Zhang Han was afraid and at the same time scolded Jiang Lin. He dared to go to such a dangerous place. If something went wrong, what would happen to his disciples and wives.

Ninth Uncle also said that Jiang Lin was too risky.

For them, these two places are simply places to go, especially the last mass grave.

"By the way, Master and Uncle, before I came back, I accompanied the commander on a trip to the mountain bandits..."

Jiang Lin informed the two of Yuan Jing's memorial.

"Yuan Jing's memorial?"

Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han's faces were a little unsightly. Although cultivators had extraordinary abilities, facing foreign guns or pistols in the dark, they were not too different from ordinary people.

Chapter [-] The first encounter with the ghost king

"Master, uncle, I'm going to set up a big formation in Daotang and Yizhuang to prevent accidents."

Jiang Lin was determined to form an array to protect him, but he still had to ask Zhang Han and Jiu Shu for their opinions.

Although Zhang Han no longer takes over, the Daotang still belongs to him.

Jiang Lin has not yet started his apprenticeship. If he wants to set up an array in the Daotang, he must at least talk to Zhang Han. If he is to set up an array in Yizhuang, he also needs to nod his uncle.

"Lin Zi, look at it, I have no opinion."

Zhang Han can go fishing and play chess now if he has nothing to do, or he is meditating on the formation in a place rich in spiritual energy, and he is relieved to have a big formation at home.

"But after the formation, if the townspeople come to Yizhuang to find it, it will be very inconvenient."

Although Ninth Uncle knew Jiang Lin's good intentions, he still politely refused. Anyway, there was at least one demon king watching at the door, so it wasn't a big problem.

Since Ninth Uncle is unwilling, Jiang Lin is not reluctant, he just asks the two demon kings to keep more snacks.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han learned about the conspiracy of the Eastern Demon Dao, and they both felt that it would be better to immediately notify other colleagues by letter to let them be careful.

Jiang Lin also went back to study the great formation. He combined the Eight Trigrams Fascinating Soul Formation with the Nine Thunder Formation of the Celestial Pole and the Golden Dragon Buddha Seal, and changed it into a Heavenly Dragon Barrier.

It is not particularly difficult for Jiang Lin to change the formation method now. He has been in the monk era for three hundred years, and he has read many classics. Now, he is completely able to build a high house.

Three days later, Jiang Lin spent a lot of materials and finally laid out the Heavenly Dragon Barrier.

This barrier is impregnable, and even if it is bombarded, it cannot be broken for a while.

Even if they attacked inside, there are still fascination array and Tianlei waiting.

Guaranteed to let the invaders die without even slag left.

"Come on, this is the talisman, which can guarantee you to enter the house freely."

Jiang Lin hung the talisman wearing a red rope on his hands around the necks of his daughters-in-law, stuffed it into the ditch in front of their chests, and took the opportunity to squeeze a handful inside.

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting pouted and looked at Jiang Lin, they were eaten tofu every day.

The two guardian pets, Zhang Han Xiaohong and Sanbaisan Jianglin also shared their talismans.

After that, Jiang Lin brought the guy to go to Happy Town to talk to the ghost king about his ideals in life.

"Min'er, this is the enchantment symbol, you can come and go at will."

Taking a talisman, Jiang Lin hung it around Bai Min'er's neck and said, "This will also be your home in the future."

Bai Min'er blushed slightly and nodded slightly.

She followed Jiang Lin home by herself, Jiang Lin's words had already hinted very clearly.

As long as she opened her mouth, she went straight in, but she couldn't open her mouth. The Microwave School and the junior sisters were waiting for her.

"Let's go."

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er and smiled softly, this girl is still a royal sister now.

In addition to wanting Bai Miner to spend alone time with him, Jiang Lin also planned to increase Bai Miner's experience.

Bai Miner lives in the ancient tomb in Shu, where the heaven and earth are full of spiritual energy, so she can enter the level of alchemist at this age, but because Master Baimei is too unable to teach him often, she is even better than Daoist Qianhe in terms of experience and experience. not on.

The same is true for Caiyi and Ayan, who have gone out of the sword control skills, their abilities are not as good as the disciples of Maoshan and Longhushan.

Along the way, Jiang Lin also talked to Bai Miner about visiting the tomb and taught her some knowledge about Feng Shui.

Before she knew it, Bai Min'er was getting closer and closer to Jiang Lin, and she was almost side by side.

Jiang Lin took the opportunity to hold Bai Min'er's hand, and they all came to the house with him. They were still struggling. Now that the two are alone, are they afraid that Caiyi and Ayan will find out?

Just know what to do, and I already have him in my heart. Is it just dragging on like this all the time?

"Senior, you..."

Bai Min'er wanted to break free, but where Jiang Lin let her get rid of, he directly intertwined his fingers.

"When we first met, you held my hand, and I'm going back. Otherwise, I would suffer a lot, and I almost forgot about it."

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er badly. If he tried to break free, he wouldn't mind doing something more extreme.

Bai Min'er frowned, you seem to have forgotten, you clearly remember it clearly!

In the end, Bai Min'er didn't struggle anymore. Now that the window paper between her and Jiang Lin was pierced by Jiang Lin, can she still turn against him?

On the second night, Jiang Lin and Bai Miner went to the woods five miles away from Happy Town.

Coincidentally, at the other end of the forest, a group of sedan chairs was about to leave the forest.

Carrying the sedan chair in the middle of the night, it is estimated that it is either a ghost relative or a concubine.

Jiang Lin looked at the sedan chair and turned to look at the beautiful woman beside him.


Seeing the resentment on Bai Min'er's face, Jiang Lin smiled, and at this moment, his smile froze, and there was an evil spirit and a strong smell of blood not far away.

The bearer was carrying the large sedan chair, unaware that the bride in the sedan chair was dead, and a lot of blood was dripping from the bottom of the sedan chair.

"Hey, the groom will be upset this time."


"The bride is on her period. You smell the blood."

Several bearers were still feeling sympathy for the bridegroom and could not have the same room after worshipping the church.

At this moment, a ghost with green face and fangs and a cloak rushed out from the top of the sedan chair, staring at the sedan chair below with its fangs exposed.


The bearer was so frightened that the three souls lost their courage and fled in all directions.

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