Jiang Lin, who sensed the existence of the ghost king, rushed over and saw the ghost king hanging in the air. He also had a serious expression. This ghost king was very strong.

Pointing at one point, two yang fingers shot out and hit the ghost king's chest.


The ghost king screamed, his eyes staring at Jiang Lin, then he unfolded his cloak and fled outside the forest.

Jiang Lin was about to go to chase and kill him, but he was caught by a ghost hand under his feet. With a swipe of his sword, the ghost hiding in the ground was cut off half of his body by Jiang Lin.

"Fly? It's not that easy to escape!"

Jumping up, Jiang Lin took advantage of the height of the branches to leap forward, following behind the Ghost King.

At the same time, his ten fingers shot out Yang Zhi Qi one after another. Although the Ghost King tried his best to dodge, he was still hit on the body.

This ghost king is really not easy.

Jiang Lin was amazed at the vitality of this ghost king. The damage of his yang finger qi to ghosts is much higher than that of zombies and monsters. Even if the demon king is hit by a few of his yang finger qi, he will suffer a lot of damage. , but the ghost king was not shot down by him.

After Jiang Lin landed, his toes touched the ground, and he galloped instantly. After approaching the Ghost King, he waved his arm, and the eight-meter-long Yang Finger Sword slashed towards the Ghost King's body.

After a scream, the ghost king's body became two pieces.

"Crack! Kill the monsters and get [*] points of anger."


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, how did he become a monster?

When Jiang Lin was stunned, Bai Min'er, who was still in the woods, called out for help.


What is he a scapegoat!

Chapter [*] What is this hobby?


Jiang Lin rushed back immediately, striding like flying, this ghost king was by no means ordinary, and Bai Min'er couldn't deal with it even with the swordsmanship.

It was the first time he had seen a ghost with this ability to transfer ghosts.

Although he had never seen other ghost kings, Jiang Lin believed that the ghost king he met this time was definitely the best of his kind.

In only ten seconds, Jiang Lin was still twenty or thirty meters away from Bai Min'er.

At this time, Bai Min'er also pointed to controlling the spirit sword to resist the attack of the ghost king. Although her spirit sword was not as good as Jiang Lin's bone sword, it was much sharper than ordinary bronze swords. The wounded ghost king had no effect.

The ghost king's defense...

Jiang Lin felt that what he encountered was not a ghost king, but a zombie king.

The spirit sword slashed at the ghost king's body, making a rattling sound and splashing sparks.

Seeing Bai Min'er dodging the ghost king's attack in a dangerous and dangerous way, Jiang Lin did not hesitate to point out his anger, but the ghost king still repeated his old tricks, and the one who was killed was a surrogate ghost.

In the dead corner of Jiang Lin's attack, the ghost king reappeared through his body, and his face appeared lewd.) (With a dangling smile, he hugged Bai Min'er with both arms.

Bai Min'er felt a chill, and if she was hugged by this disgusting ghost king, it would be like falling into a cesspool.

But the appearance of the ghost king was too abrupt, and it was so close that Bai Min'er was too late to retreat.

"Want to hug my woman?"

Jiang Lin was furious at the crown, and directly used his strongest means.

His eyes lit up and turned into a light source. At the same time, a yin fire whip wrapped around Bai Min'er's waist and threw it away.

Now Jiang Lin has been able to control the area illuminated by the profound light of the Yang Mian, so long as he runs the Yang Mian Jue along a specific meridian, he can achieve partial illumination.

After the ruthless Yang Xuanguang disappeared, there was no trace of the ghost king in the woods.

Jiang Lin let go of Lingjue and checked the ghost king's trail. After a while, he was sure that the ghost king had escaped.

Running fast enough.

If the Ghost King didn't escape, Jiang Lin wouldn't mind letting him know what would happen to him.

"You are hurt?"

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er in his arms, then grabbed her soft palm. There were several bloodstains on the back of her hand.

"Let go of me first. Who is your woman."

Bai Min'er was embraced by Jiang Lin, surrounded by Jiang Lin's breath, which made her a little embarrassed.

Jiang Lin pretended he didn't hear it, so he found a clean place and helped Bai Min'er to sit down to treat her poison.

The ghost king's body has a very strong yin and evil energy, and its sinister poison is no less harmful to people than corpse poison.

"Don't worry, there will be no scars."

Jiang Lin applied Corpse Poison Essence on Bai Min'er's wound, which would heal quickly.

Seeing the distress and concern in Jiang Lin's eyes, Bai Min'er hesitated for a while, but put her face on his shoulder.

Jiang Lin recalled the details of the confrontation with the ghost king just now, and felt that he needed to know more about this ghost king.

Compared with zombies and monsters, ghosts have more changes. When the level is low, their ability to change cannot increase too much for themselves.

But once the level is high, ghosts will become difficult to deal with.

Jiang Lin had speculated on how difficult the ghost king would be before he came here, but he didn't expect that this ghost king could cultivate the ghost body to be only slightly inferior to the zombie king.

The defense is relatively high, that's all, this ghost king will also transfer the ghost body to die in place of it, and even Luyang Xuanguang didn't kill it.

Jiang Lin checked the situation in the sedan chair, and the bride inside had been torn into several pieces, a piece of blood blurred.

Looking at the sedan chair full of blood, Jiang Lin couldn't find out the Ghost King's abilities for a while.

"Looks like I'm still going to ask."

At the level of the ghost king, if you want to deal with it, you must have a certain understanding of its abilities, otherwise it may be a waste of time.

When he arrived in Happy Town, Jiang Lin planned to find an inn for one night, and then go to the Taoist Temple in Mai in the town the next day.

Daoist Qianhe once told him that the watcher of the Maid Taoist Temple is his friend, and that he can get in touch with the watcher when he arrives in Happy Town.

What surprised Jiang Lin was that the shopkeeper of the inn was a kind person and was unwilling to let them stay in Happy Town.

"Oh, two guest officials, I'll tell you the truth, because I often go to the Taoist temple in Mai in the town to add sesame oil, and the master told me that there was a very powerful ghost in the town, and asked me to transfer my family away first. , I have also been to other towns in the past two days. Now because of fear of causing panic, the news has not spread, so you should leave early. "

Jiang Lin thanked the shopkeeper for his zealous reminder, that there are not many businessmen who care about the safety of others without making money.

Later, Jiang Lin also showed that he was a Taoist priest and was not afraid of demons.

"It turned out to be a Taoist priest, but that evil ghost is really powerful, and even the spectator can't do anything about it for a while. You are so young, and you have a girl with you. If the girl is the Taoist priest's wife, it's fine. You are still a big girl, you should leave early."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was in his early twenties, the shopkeeper didn't believe that he had any ability, and he still gave his advice.

Jiang Lin was a little baffled. Why would Bai Min'er leave early if she was a big girl?

Bai Min'er was a little strange to hear this. Listening to the shopkeeper's meaning, if she was Jiang Lin's wife, she could stay here. What's the point.

After questioning, Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er were both speechless.

It turns out that the ghost king only harms people, only harm) (women, men and broken women have never been patronized by the ghost king.

This ghost king has such a high vision, as long as a woman is a woman, don't be a jerk.

What kind of hobby is this?

The black line at the end of Jianglin, the bride in the sedan chair was torn, but not) (did, tearing people also have to pick and blame) (Where?

Knowing this hobby of the Ghost King, Jiang Lin decided that he had to kill this disgusting guy.

It is a human tragedy that the young girls who are about to be released are ruthlessly harmed.

Moreover, it was originally a situation where there were more men than women, and the ghost king also harmed all the big girls. Could it be that all the honest people in the town bought second-hand goods?

"The shopkeeper, don't worry, I still have a little bit of morality, and if the evil ghost comes, I won't be afraid. These are two talismans, and the shopkeeper can put them on him."

Jiang Lin gave the shopkeeper two ghost-repelling charms. No matter what, the shopkeeper was well-meaning for their lives.For such people, Jiang Lin is still willing to give away some spiritual talismans for free to protect them from evil spirits.

"Min'er, if you are afraid of the ghost king, I will protect you at night."

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Since the ghost king is not interested in women with broken bodies, then...

"no need."

Bai Miner thought that Jiang Lin was talking about serious protection, but after seeing the smirk at the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth, she realized it.


Bai Min'er was so angry that her chest heaved and Jiang Lin wanted to break her body. As soon as he pierced the window paper, he wanted to stab someone.


Glancing at Jiang Lin fiercely, Bai Min'er entered the guest room and slammed Jiang Lin out.

Chapter [*] The watcher who loves to play

Jiang Lin shrugged. They had known each other for nearly half a year. Even if it was a long stream, it should now converge into a small stream.

He also held hands and hugged his waist, even if he went further, it wouldn't be too much.

It seems that Bai Min'er is not ready yet, so wait.

The next day, Jiang Lin got up early and walked around the town.

Happy Town is not too big, far less than Renjia Town, and the streets are quite deserted.

After inquiring about the situation in the town, Jiang Lin realized that the townspeople hadn't realized that there was a ghost king at work, and they also thought that the death in the town was a strange disease.

"It turns out that the ghost king's killing of girls didn't all tear them apart."

From the townspeople's mouth, Jiang Lin learned about the situation of the deceased, and most of them were directly turned into mummified corpses.

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