After asking about the location of the Taoist temple in Mai, Jiang Lin took Bai Miner to the Taoist temple.

In front of the Taoist temple, there happened to be a big fat man playing with a cannon.

There is an Italian cannon of the second battalion commander in front of the Taoist Temple?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Cannons and Taoist temples were as different as possible.

When his eyes fell on the fat man, Jiang Lin thought he had seen Zhuge Kongping. This fat man and Zhuge Kongping belonged to the same tonnage, and their appearances were somewhat similar.

The big fat man Zheng Chuyi didn't notice anyone visiting, and has been researching his cannon. Jiang Lin stepped forward and said hello, "Is he the head of Maimen?"

Hearing the greeting, Zheng Chuyi discovered that there were guests visiting. After learning that Jiang Lin was the famous Daoist Li Yang, he pulled Jiang Lin to the front of the cannon.

"Daoist Li Yang, this is the cinnabar Shenhuo Tianlei Cannon that I invented to bring down the old and bring forth the new. It is currently being tested..."

Zheng Chuyi spoke eloquently behind the cannon, and said that he was going to use his cinnabar Shenhuo Tianlei cannon to deal with the ghost king.

Why are all fat people addicted to technology and unable to extricate themselves?

This fat man is even more beer, addicted to fighting) (Cannon.

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. The fat man didn't even have a cup of tea, so he pulled him to see his invention.

Can this cannon deal with such a flexible ghost king?

Just living in a dream!

He turned into a fighter last night, and his Yang Zhiqi was like a laser beam, and most of it was dodged by the ghost king. He hit the ghost king with such a cumbersome cannon, thinking it was standing still?

Bai Min'er also shook her head there. Originally, she thought that when Jiang Lin came to the Maiyi Taoist Temple, she could find a helper, but now it seems that she is a Taoist priest with no cure.

Jiang Lin asked about the ghost king, but Zheng Chuyi asked Jiang Lin to wait until he finished shooting.

You like fighting so much) (Cannon, does your grandfather know?

Jiang Lin was quite convinced by Zheng Chuyi and stood aside with his arms folded.

Zheng Chuyi put talisman paper all over the cannon, worshipped the gods and incense, and finally stuffed a cannonball into the muzzle.

Seeing that Zheng Chu was using sandalwood with the thickness of a finger to light the fuse, Jiang Lin felt that this fat man was completely helpless.

Cannons are fired on the basis of physical and chemical principles. If the cannons can be fired smoothly by worshiping God with incense sticks, Newton's coffin board will not be able to hold it down.

Zheng Chuyi smiled wickedly and lit the fuse with incense.

After about ten seconds, Zheng Chuyi's smile disappeared, and he fired a squib.

"My friend, it is indeed a good thing to bring forth new ideas, but it must be realistic. Even if this Tianlei Cannon is successfully tested and it can subdue demons and destroy demons, you can count on it? Can you push a few thousand kilograms of iron lumps? How far?"

Seeing that Zheng Chuyi was about to stuff artillery shells, Jiang Lin quickly stopped.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Zheng Chuyi was stunned on the spot, yes, even if the Tianlei Cannon test is successful, how to use it to subdue demons and eliminate demons is still a problem.

What a talent!

Jiang Lin didn't care what Zheng Chuyi had in his mind, he directly asked about the ghost king's situation. As long as he got the information he wanted, how would the big fat man study and fight) (Cannon, he doesn't care what position he uses to fire the cannon. thing.

He can't handle it every day.

"Hey, this ghost king has a great relationship with our Mai Yimen..."

Zheng Chuyi talked about the entanglement between his teacher and the ghost king.

Two hundred years ago, the Ksitigarbha prisoner in the underworld was loosened. This Ksitigarbha Ghost King escaped and was born near Happy Town, endangering the world.

At that time, the head of the Maiyi Sect, the ancestor of Maiyi, got the dream of the patriarch, and knew that the ghost king of Ksitigarbha would absorb seven, seven and forty-nine places in the human world.

Ancestor Mai, who was at the level of the Heavenly Master, trained a holy sword to stop the Ksitigarbha Ghost King, and finally killed himself and perished with the Ksitigarbha Ghost King.

However, the Ksitigarbha Ghost King had already slaughtered three surrounding villages and absorbed the yin of forty-two young girls. His vitality was extremely powerful. Although the old ancestor of Mai had destroyed the ghost body of the Ksitigarbha Ghost King, his heart had already begun to have problems. signs of extinction.

Two hundred years later, a doctor in the town went up the mountain to collect medicine, and took the ghost king's heart as herbal medicine. come over.

"It turned out to be the Ksitigarbha Ghost King. No wonder he has such a strong yin and evil energy on his body, and even his heart is about to become an immortal heart."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and went through the information Zheng Chuyi had told in his mind.

This Jizo Ghost King is difficult to get around and can exchange lives with his own subordinates. The subordinates he controls all have his heart and blood, and at a critical moment, he can act as his surrogate ghost.

Back then, the old ancestor of Mai was the one who dealt with the ghost king after he had eliminated all the men of the Ksitigarbha Ghost King with holy knives.

In addition to this, the Ghost King of Jizo also has a Fang Tianhua halberd, which is a vaginal weapon in the underworld, which is enough to fight against the holy sword.

The situation is not too bad, except for these two points, Jizo Ghost King has a higher defense, and has no other strange abilities, at least it has not been shown.

"Brother Lin, we must kill this Ksitigarbha Ghost King."

Bai Miner listened to Zheng Chuyi's narration and felt outraged at the evil deeds of the ghost king.

Not even the baby girl.

Also a woman, Bai Min'er hated the ghost king more than Jiang Lin and Zheng Chuyi.

"I won't let it go."

Jiang Lin wanted to kill the Ksitigarbha Ghost King before he became an indestructible body. Otherwise, this Ghost King might be just like the original thousand-year-old evil girl, with a life force so strong that it would explode.

But now the Ksitigarbha Ghost King is hidden, and even Jiang Lin can't perceive the existence of evil energy in him. Once it goes to other villages to absorb Yuan Yin, it will be very troublesome.

"I just don't know where the Jizo Ghost King is hiding now."

"Brother Dao, are you worried that the Ksitigarbha Ghost King will go to another village? You can rest assured on this point. I have already helped. Although my grandfather did not completely kill the Ksitigarbha Ghost King back then, he was still there when he was dying. Ksitigarbha Ghost King has done a trick on the heart, and it can only move around the town and its surroundings until it becomes immortal."

Only in the surrounding activities?

Jiang Lin raised his brows, this was easy to handle, as long as the Ksitigarbha Ghost King was brought out and executed, it shouldn't be a problem to get rid of it.

Chapter [*] Attracting the Ghost King

Since the Ksitigarbha Ghost King is hiding in Happy Town, Jiang Lin needs his help even if he doesn't want to fight Ai.

Who knows which girl the Jizo Ghost King will target next.

"Brother Dao, Miss Bai, please come in and drink tea. I'm rude."

It was only at this time that Zheng Chuyi remembered that he was only interested in testing the Tianlei Cannon and hadn't invited the distinguished guests to a cup of tea.

When Jiang Lin wanted to get rid of the ghost king, he was helping him a lot.

The feud between the Ksitigarbha Ghost King and their Maimen is endless, and with him alone, it is estimated that Maimen will be destroyed.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the rudeness of this fat man with a big brain. He came to Happy Town to be the Ghost Slayer King.

"Fellow Daoist, since the resurrection of the Jizo Ghost King, how many girls have been killed in Happy Town?"

Taking a sip of the tea, Jiang Lin began to ask about the situation in Happy Town.

"There are already five, and two are children."


In addition, there were six brides in the sedan chair last night, so is the last one left?

Jiang Lin told Zheng Chuyi about the murder of the bride in the woods last night, and Zheng Chuyi also felt that it was imminent to kill the Ksitigarbha Ghost King.

"Hey, Daoist brother, I have a method. It can prevent the ghost king from becoming an immortal body."

A flash of light flashed in Zheng Chuyi's mind, and an extremely wretched smile appeared on his face.

As long as all the girls in the town are turned into women, the Jizo Ghost King will not be able to absorb their Yuan Yin.

Jiang Lin looked at Zheng Chuyi, who was drooling, and found that this fat man really had a problem with his brain.

It would be better for him to stay away from someone with such a dirty mind.

"Brother Lin, does this fat man really have a way to prevent the ghost king from becoming immortal?"

Bai Min'er looked at Zheng Chuyi's serious look, and didn't know what method he had.

Although Jiang Lin made a similar joke last night, Jiang Lin and her are considered a couple, and it is not difficult to guess if he wants to have the same room with her.

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er, and Fu Er told her a story, the story of a warrior and an evil dragon.

Once upon a time, there was a village in which an evil dragon appeared, which only ate young (virgin) girls. One day, a warrior came to the village, and after that, the dragon was starved to death.

This dirty joke was released by Jiang Lin eighty or ninety years earlier.

"Do you think this fat man wants to be that warrior?"

Although he just met Zheng Chu, this big fat man pouted) (share, Jiang Lin can guess what he wants to fart.

"It's disgusting!"

Bai Min'er turned her face away, lest she see this filthy fat man.

Jiang Lin just watched Zheng Chuyi rubbing his hands in a presumptuous way.

No wonder the head is so big, it turned out to be caught by the door.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you thinking? I think your ancestors refined the holy sword, in addition to being able to deal with the ghost king, you can also let the disciples swing the sword from the palace."

Jiang Lin felt that if the patriarchs of Maimen knew that Zheng Chuyi wanted to be a warrior who starved the dragon to death, they would probably have jumped out of the coffin and castrated this unworthy disciple with the holy sword.

Zheng Chu consciously clamped his legs and smiled embarrassingly.

"In this case, Daoist brother, let's gather the places in the town) (women together, one is to protect them, and the other is to attract the ghost king."

Jiang Lin nodded. It was a very wrong way to gather the victims together for protection, and it could be used to lure the ghost king into the net.

"It's not us, it's you. I'm going to look for the ghost king's trace, and you can handle the matter of attracting the ghost king."

This fat fat guy likes the girls in his town so much, so he will leave the job to him. Jiang Lin didn't want to go door to door and ask people about such private matters.

It's unfortunate that someone will throw dung water.

Just in case, Jiang Lin wanted to detect the trace of the Ksitigarbha Ghost King in advance. The scope of the Ghost King's activities was limited, and he might be able to be found before nightfall.

Now that he knows its specific capabilities, he also has a way to deal with it.

Since Jiang Lin requested this, Zheng Chuyi had no choice but to nod. Now he has to obey Jiang Lin's words. I am afraid that only Jiang Lin can deal with this ghost king in the world today.

He had previously sent a letter to his colleagues asking for help, but after the other party learned that he was the Ksitigarbha Ghost King, he never replied.

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