Can you die without blowing?

But there are only six lives left, the big deal is to kill seven times.

I'll just watch you blow it silently.

Jiang Lin didn't interrupt the Ksitigarbha Ghost King's bragging. At this time, he was thinking about how to quickly kill a few surrogate ghosts.

"Damn Fatty, are you courting death or courting death?"

When Bai Miner was fighting with the four ferocious ghosts, she saw Zheng Chuyi's performance, and she was so angry that she exploded.

A dead fat and wretched look, and even committing suicide, and more importantly, it will cause them trouble.

After being killed by Li Gui, Zheng Chuyi finally stopped thinking about fighting) (Cannon, fled back to the Taoist Temple to get the holy sword that looks like a saber.

Specter didn't choose to besiege Bai Min'er with the four monsters. It would be better to get rid of the weaker Fatty first.

However, it miscalculated. The holy sword left by the ancestors of mai was able to seriously damage the existence of the ghost king of Jizo. After being held by Zheng Chuyi, he immediately suppressed it.

Jiang Lin's side is also gradually gaining the upper hand. Although the Ksitigarbha Ghost King's physical defense is almost comparable to that of the Zombie King, his strength is not as good as that of a Zombie. disadvantages are revealed.

Jiang Lin held the bone sword in his hand and slashed at the halberd, knocking the Jizo Ghost King into the air. Then he gathered his spiritual power and made a big move.

"How can it be so powerful?"

The Ksitigarbha Ghost King was shocked by Jiang Lin's power, and when he heard a clear snort, he immediately felt an aura that made his soul tremble.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Three-legged Golden Crow to hold the Ksitigarbha Ghost King, Jiang Lin unleashed two yang finger qi, destroying the two fierce ghosts.

But at this time, the effect of the formation suddenly disappeared. The ghost king of Jizo disappeared from the feet of the three-legged Golden Crow and moved to Bai Min'er's side, overlapping with a stand-in.

At the same time, Jiang Lin threw out the yin fire whip and pulled Bai Min'er into his arms. The three-legged golden crow fluttered, and the hundred and ten yang-fingered swords pinned the Jizo ghost king to the ground. The ghost was immediately wiped out.

"Want to merge avatars?"

Jiang Lin snorted, stretched out his arm, and pierced the Li Gui, who shot the lightning towards the Ksitigarbha Ghost King, into the air.

There was a sudden explosion on the ground, and the only remaining life and alternate life of the Jizo Ghost King was suddenly reduced by one and a half.

At this time, it was lying on the ground, and one forearm had disappeared. If it wasn't for the protection of Fang Tianhuaji's vaginal weapon, I'm afraid it would still lack another forearm and calf.

"Who was there just now bb 'I am immortal'? Will you die if you don't blow it?"

Jiang Lin carried the bone sword and walked towards the Ksitigarbha Ghost King step by step.

Chapter [-] New Skills

"Don't kill me, I won't blow it!"

Don't blow, never blow again!

The Ksitigarbha Ghost King has never been so frightened before, even when he faced the ancestors of Mai, he was not so frightened now.

The old ancestor in linen was incomparable with the young man in front of him!

In the past two hundred years, although the Ksitigarbha Ghost King had only one heart, he had forty-two hearts.) (The woman's Yuan Yin has been completely absorbed, and her strength has greatly increased, but this young man still has half of it left. Life.

This is horrible.

Why is there such a strong guy after two hundred years?

At this moment, the Ksitigarbha Ghost King wanted to scold his mother very much.

"Can the blown bullshit be taken back?"

Jiang Lin laughed. It took so much effort to kill all the ghosts of the Ksitigarbha Ghost King. Could this ghost king think that begging for mercy can save his life?

Really silly and naive.

Running the only remaining spiritual power in his body, the bone sword in Jiang Lin's hand began to glow with a dark golden light, and when he clicked it out, Jiang Lin turned around and held the bone sword in both hands, and plunged it into the heart of the Jizo Ghost King.

Even if the ghost king's heart already showed signs of immortality, under Jiang Lin's sword, it could only be pierced.

There are strands of true sun fire on the Zhengbone Sword, even if the heart has become an indestructible body, it can't hold it.

This time, the ghost king of Jizo is completely scattered, even if there are more places) (female blood, it cannot be resurrected.

"Pop! Kill the ghost king and get [-] points of anger."

Only one hundred thousand?

Jiang Lin was a little dissatisfied, but thinking that he had killed a lot of ferocious ghosts and ghosts, he felt it was reluctantly acceptable.

Almost [-].

Looking at Fang Tianhuaji on the ground, Jiang Lin popped out a fine fire talisman, and added his own yang flame to refine the yin and evil energy on it.

Now that his Sword Mastery has reached the fifth stage of the fourth stage, after this stage is halfway through, he can let the Zhengbone Sword absorb some special materials.

Killed the Jizo Ghost King and exploded the equipment once. Although it cannot be used directly, it can be decomposed.

It is also a good harvest.


At this time, Zheng Chuyi's Italian cannon shot into the sky, and the previous cannon went muted.

"Hey, celebrate we got rid of the ghost king."

Zheng Chuyi's face was full of embarrassment. If he had used the holy sword early in the morning, he would not have become scarred and embarrassed.

Jiang Lin ignored this idiot, and Bai Min'er even disliked him.

"Many thanks to the Taoist priest for destroying the ghost king and bringing peace to the town."

Doctor Bian and Furong came out of the Taoist temple and bowed their thanks to Jiang Lin and Bai Miner.

Jiang Lin didn't stop at the Taoist temple either, he could see Bai Miner's panic.

After staying at the inn for one night, the two of them traveled on the road like a pair of lovers, and hurried back to Renjia Town unhurriedly.

Since Bai Min'er changed her name to Jiang Lin, she has acquiesced in her relationship with Jiang Lin, but if Jiang Lin wants to develop further, she still resists a little.

Jiang Lin didn't go too far, anyway, sooner or later, it was his, and it was estimated that he would shoot at Bai Min'er soon.

A girl's heart has accepted him, will a girl's body still be far away?

When they arrived near Yizhuang, Bai Min'er let go of Jiang Lin's hand, fearing that the junior sisters would see her.

After returning to the Daotang, Jiang Lin got the news that Shi Jian, the elder brother of Jiu Shu, moved the Daotang to Wuliu Village near Renjia Town.

Shi Jian?

Could it be that the plot of Zombie Supreme is about to begin?

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it. Anyway, with him there, if Shi Jian wanted to move Jiu Shu, then he couldn't let Shi Jian die any longer.

Especially Shi Jian once humiliated his master Zhang Han in public. It's okay to set up a Taoist temple nearby, but it's best not to provoke him.

In the next time, Jiang Lin did not go out. Now he finally has free time, he can study the dead body meridians in detail.

A room was deliberately set aside as a training room, and Jiang Lin began to repeatedly verify and reason about the meridians in his body.

If the research has good results, maybe it won't take a lot of anger to get some corpse attributes.

It is also because of this reason that he has not used the system's hostility value for the time being.

Although he had made countless guesses, when Jiang Lin started to study the meridians of the dead body, he discovered that even if there were two corpse attributes for him to verify, it was still too difficult to summarize the relationship between the meridians of the dead body and supernatural powers. .

It can't be done overnight.

When Jiang Lin first had this conjecture, he also tried to open up the dead body meridians in his body, but he couldn't do it. Even if he could do it now, it would be too difficult.

So he didn't want to waste his efforts until the research came out.

After more than a month of research, Jiang Lin worked hard to get through a dead body meridian and some branches in his body. He was surprised to find that he could manipulate objects with his mind without the help of magic.

Although it was only a little bit of manipulation, it did confirm his guess.

"It's a pity it's not floating."

Jiang Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He went for the power of hanging in the air, but he turned into a mind control object.

There are drafts everywhere in the training room, with various meridian patterns on them, covering the floor.Jiang Lin suspected that he was not a Taoist priest, but a researcher.

"Test the research results."

Pinching his chin, Jiang Lin walked out of the training room.

Looking at the pair of sisters who were chatting in the room, Jiang Lin pointed one hand on his forehead.

"Zhuzhu, how did your buttons open?"

As soon as Ren Tingting's words fell, a bra fell out from under her sister's clothes, which was still leopard print.

Jiang Lin was sweating profusely, and his headache felt as if he had been pricked by a needle.

The research has to continue, the ability of this mind control object is incomplete.

Although he was a little unwell, Jiang Lin was still in a good mood.

Undressing without using your hands, this skill is still very good!

What about unzipping the chest with one hand)...(The hood is all weak, and unzipping the bra without a hand is really awesome.

Ren Zhuzhu glanced around and finally found Jiang Lin with a wicked smile at the door.

"Husband, how are you?"

"Tingting, Zhuzhu, let my husband love you all."


After studying for a few more days, Jiang Lin didn't know how many brain cells he had died, so he didn't continue.He brought some materials and left for four or five days. When he came back, he brought a spirit sword made of red skeleton bones.

In late June, Jiang Lin's wedding date is imminent, and he will give Caiyi and Ayan the title of "Yingying".

In July, Uncle Jiu and the others were busy with the utensils for the Ghost Festival, and they had to print a lot of paper money every day. They didn't want to rush Jiang Lin's happiness, so it was better to get married in June.

"Husband, go pick up sister Nianying tomorrow."

Caiyi and Ayan came to Jiang Lin's training room and hugged Jiang Lin's neck from behind. They were going to be brides tomorrow.

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