Chapter [-] The confidence of self-preservation

The wedding was relatively low-key, and Jiang Lin did not ask Zhang Han to invite anyone. Although there were not many people, the wedding was still quite festive.

What Jiang Lin didn't expect was that Nianying's dowry was extremely rich, and it was literally red makeup.

The commander took Zuo Nianying's dowry for [-]% of the treasures he got from two tomb visits.

If Jiang Lin knew about the commander's thoughts in advance, he would have given him a part of it to help the poor, but since the dowry had already been made, Jiang Lin wouldn't say anything more.

After entering July, Jiang Lin put down his research first, and was ready to deal with the equipment that had exploded.

The Shang Fang sword dropped after killing the Corpse King, cut off the eight-foot Qionggou jade that Abe Yewang exploded, and the Fang Tianhua halberd obtained by getting rid of the Jizo Ghost King.

Among them, Shangfang Baojian has only a part of the material left, and he used the rest to make the spirit sword.

After taking the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Sun Divine Pearl, Jiang Lin arranged a magic circle and spent a few days to transfer the divine power contained in the Gou Jade to the Emei Erbao with the true fire of the sun.

"Even if there is no spiritual power, this gouyu is also a good material, and this Fangtianhuaji is also a rare material in the world."

Jiang Lin took these strange gold and iron up the mountain. The research on the meridians of the dead body is not something that can be completed in a short time, so we need to upgrade it first.

"Tom, protect the Dharma from a mile away, there is a person within a radius of one mile and I peeled your skin."

After explaining the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin found a water pool and sat cross-legged beside it.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [-]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [-])

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [-])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (fourth stage - five layers)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Charm (Perfect), Fire Collection Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Fire Talisman (Level [-]), Voice Transmission (Level [-]), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Level [-])+

Violence value: [-]

"I haven't experienced the feeling of ecstasy for a long time."

When Jiang Lin thought of the pain of upgrading the Body Refinement Art last time, he felt a little terrified.

But no matter how painful it is, you have to upgrade, otherwise your strength will be difficult to improve.

After ordering the first-level Sword Mastery, Jiang Lin was going to divide the remaining suffocation value among the exercises and body training techniques.

Now that he has the attributes of strengthening defense, he needs to break through the realm as soon as possible. If he also reaches the peak of the Celestial Master, with the divine weapon in his hand, he may be able to severely damage Fei Zong.

Even if there is no news of Fei Zong now, Jiang Lin does not dare to have any luck.

As long as Fei Zong appears, it will definitely come to the door.

There are two levels of exercises and one level of body training techniques. It was such a happy decision.

After clicking the two-level Yang Mian Art in a row, Jiang Lin found that the three-legged golden crow that jumped out of his body became more and more solid.

Because of the assimilation of the fire spirit and the refining in the Xiantian Taiji furnace, the current three-legged Golden Crow is more three-dimensional than before.

The fluff on his body also became more and more clear.

The three-legged Golden Crow, which was about [-] meters tall, led the neck and chirped, making the colorful tiger king shiver from a mile away.

Its owner is really horrible.

Even if the three-legged Golden Crow pecks it, it is estimated that it will be disabled.

Jiang Lin felt that the spiritual force liquid ball in his body was extremely compressed, and the corpse poison essence in the body and the spiritual energy from the outside world gathered and filled the corona again.

The spiritual power transformed by these corpse poison essences has no attributes, but because of the corona layer, the spiritual power will gradually have the fire attribute, and finally completely become the yang spiritual power, and the back-feeding of the spiritual power can make The sun flames in the corona gradually grew stronger, and so did the original flame sun fire.

Whether it is Yang Yan Jue, Yang Mian Jue or Heavenly Corpse Transformation, the system is tailor-made for him, and there is no other person who is more suitable for his own exercises and body training techniques than him.

After upgrading the Body Refinement Technique, Jiang Lin still gritted his teeth for half an hour, and finally soaked in the water.

The effect of the upgrade is still to increase the physique on the original basis.

Jiang Lin speculates that the green stiffness may be level [-] or [-]. After all, the previous purple stiffness was level [-], and the stiffness was level [-]. It is very likely that it will increase according to the law of three, six, nine or thirty or sixty.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin took out the Zhengbone Sword, smelted the three ingredients with Yang Yan containing the true fire of the sun, and was finally swallowed by the Zhengbone Sword.

Jiang Lin could feel that the Zhengbone Sword was like a child, and a feeling of joy spread to his mind.


After rising two levels in a row, Jiang Lin wanted to try the power of his own methods.

A stone the size of a freezer was smashed into rubble and scattered everywhere.

"It's awesome!"

Jiang Lin was a little surprised. In the past, his Yang Zhi Qi had a strong penetration effect, and the explosion effect was relatively weak, but now that Yang Mian Jue reached the sixth level, the explosion effect was much greater than before.

Panlan Tiger King saw the disintegrating gravel from a distance, and lay down on the ground with his head in his arms.

It's really scary to have a master who refers to whoever is dead.

"I improved the Emei Second Treasure and gained the corpse attributes of gliding and strengthening defense. Now my cultivation has improved a lot. Finally, I have the confidence to protect myself."

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fei Zong had always been a sharp sword hanging over his head. During this time, he had been fighting almost all in order to get rid of this nightmare as soon as possible.

Now even if Fei Zong arrives, with many means, he shouldn't be so pressed that he can't even breathe.

At the very least, facing Fei Zong alone, he will not be killed in seconds.

After returning, Jiang Lin planned to go to a zombie forest fifty kilometers away tomorrow to kill the zombie king. When he came back from Kunlun Mountain last year, he received news of the zombie king, but because the zombie forest was surrounded by a protective formation. , he couldn't come out to harm people, and Jiang Lin wanted to relax for a while, so he didn't pass.

Later, Master Hong Jinbao had something to do with Xiaoleiyin Temple, and Jiang Lin wanted to go to Shu again, so he kept delaying the matter.

Some time ago, the formation around the zombie forest was broken because someone wanted to get the coffin fungus. When the zombie king was able to leave the forest, Jiang Lin was ready to go and get the coffin fungus. The materials that can be used as medicine from the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice were almost used. It's over, now he needs the coffin fungus as medicine for his daughter-in-law.

But the next day, the commander sent someone to inform Jiang Lin that the inscriptions obtained from the tomb of Jin had been translated, and the commander asked his men to transcribe Zuo Ci's information. Lin's business was put down, and he went to the county seat first.

"Brother Lin, it's been nearly three months since I came here. The microwave pie can't be without a backbone. I want to go back before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Bai Miner found Jiang Lin alone, she was going back to the ancient tomb.

"Alright then, I'll give you a ride, just as I need to go out to do some errands."

Jiang Lin brought some medicinal materials and left Renjia Town with Bai Miner.

After ten miles and ten miles, Bai Min'er never asked Jiang Lin to go back. Her heart already belonged to Jiang Lin, and she wanted to stay by her lover's side for a while longer.

Chapter [-] A duck to the mouth, can you still fly?

In the evening, Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er came to a town and found an inn to stay.

Bai Min'er knew that even if she was reluctant, there would be a moment of separation, and she knocked on Jiang Lin's door early in the morning.

"This is my understanding of Taoism written during this period of time. It includes the Taoism of Chen Taoism and Maoshan, as well as some experience of formation. You have less experience and experience, so it will help you. The swordsmanship that combines law and body training is suitable for women to practice."

Jiang Lin took out two books, handed them out, and then handed a spirit sword in his hand to Bai Min'er.

"The spirit sword made from the leg bone of a thousand-year-old red scorpion has a lot of rare materials added to it, which is much higher quality than the spirit sword you are using now. If you use this sword to re-cultivate your swordsmanship, your progress will be much faster. "

Bai Min'er looked at the book and the spirit sword in Jiang Lin's hands, and was a little afraid to pick it up for a while. These three things are valuable treasures for cultivators.

"It's too precious."

Bai Min'er shook her head, with an expression of shame.

Jiang Lin's face was a little unsightly. Now that it's this time, are you still parting with him?

"If you don't want it, I'll throw it away."

Jiang Lin said this, if Bai Min'er didn't answer, no matter her temperament or temperament, her ass would still be open.

Bai Min'er had no choice but to take the book and the spirit sword over.

Looking at Jiang Lin, she leaned over and kissed Jiang Lin on the cheek.

Jiang Lin looked strangely at Bai Min'er, who was blushing. Before, he could hold hands around his waist, but he wouldn't give him a kiss.

Now he's taking the initiative to kiss him.

Stretching his finger to his lips, Jiang Lin gave Bai Min'er a look.

What is a kiss on the face, you have to kiss here.


Bai Miner refused.

"Refused? Then I have to go back, or I will suffer."

Jiang Lin went up to hug her and kissed her directly.

After pushing Jiang Lin away, Bai Min'er's crystal-clear nose moved, and her ears turned red.

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