"Min'er, when will you live with me?"

Jiang Lin knew that Bai Min'er seemed to be a little resistant to the three sisters and sisters marrying together, so he said it a little more euphemistically.

"See you next time."

"Then I'll find you when I'm done with Xiangxi."


What made Jiang Lin speechless was that Bai Min'er didn't let him go to Shu, and it didn't count if he went to meet.

Waiting for you to come to me?

When are you going to wait?

Hearing Bai Min'er say maybe one or two years, maybe seven or eight years, Jiang Lin was completely angry.

Looking at the corridors on both sides, Jiang Lin asked, "Have you brought enough luggage? Do you have a change of clothes? Do you want to accompany you to buy them?"

"Yes, you don't need to buy it." Bai Min'er didn't know what Jiang Lin was thinking, so she nodded.

Since there are clothes to change...

Pull people into the room, close the door!

Ducks that reach their mouths can still let you fly?

There was a sound of clothes being torn in the room.

Jiang Lin pressed Bai Miner onto the bed.

Now that you've kissed hard, let's do it again.

"Brother Lin, you... uh!"

Qiang) (Go on... Sister Yu, let's see through to the end.

What a joke, let him wait for seven or eight years, it's really silly and cute, even stupider than silly Baitian.

"Lin... Husband, it's been two days, I'm leaving."

Bai Min'er lay on her side, rubbing Jiang Lin's chest with her hands, whispering softly.

She didn't get out of bed for the past two days, she didn't even wear clothes, and Jiang Linkou fed her food.

She didn't blame Jiang Lin for being forced to lose her body, it was a matter of time anyway.

"I don't know how long it will take for your junior sisters to take your place. Even if I want to see you often in the past few years, it will take a year and a half to see you. Sleep a little longer."

Jiang Lin's waist stretched, Bai Min'er snorted, her gums trembled slightly, and she bit Jiang Lin's shoulder.

came in again.

"Husband, I'm afraid that when I go back I'm pregnant, I'll be laughed at by my junior sisters."

Bai Min'er was beating in her heart, Jiang Lin had left so many things in her body that it would be difficult to think that there would be no children.

"My life level is different from yours. It is difficult to have children. If you are pregnant, I can spoil you."

Jiang Lin showed his zombie teeth, reassuring Bai Min'er.

After spending money to borrow the kitchen of the inn, Jiang Lin boiled herbal chicken soup for Bai Miner. After feeding her, Jiang Lin packed the herbs into Bai Miner's luggage and asked her to take her medicine on time.

"Husband, didn't you say you have something to do?"

Jiang Lin smiled and kissed the person in his arms on the forehead.

"It's just for you."

If he doesn't do anything, what does he do with the medicinal materials?

Bai Min'er: "..."

After seeing Bai Min'er off, Jiang Lin went to the Grand Marshal's Mansion and stayed there for a few days.

"Zuo Ci's tomb is in the south, and it is a place with strong dragon energy."

Jiang Lin got such a clue.

In this case, after you go to Xiangxi, let's talk to the master about the matter of leaving the school.

Jiang Lin planned to go to the south for development. In the next few years, because the Japanese launched the Fengtian Incident and the war started, it would be better to go to the south.

After returning to the Taoist Church, Jiang Lin knew that Zhang Han and Chen Yu had gone to Xiangxi during the time he was away.

Zhang Han learned the news of Chen Yuniang's relatives, and couldn't wait, so he and Chen Yu took the Flying Mouse King to the road first, and asked Jiang Lin to join them after helping Jiu Shu.

"Junior brother, you are finally back."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were printing paper money, saw Jiang Lin as if they had seen a life-saving straw.

"Didn't I come here to help?"

Jiang Lin took the template and started printing paper money.

Jiu Shu also greeted Jiang Lin and continued his work.

very busy.

Ninth Uncle has some relationship with the Yin Division below, and is considered a ghost in the world, so there are many altar buckets on the second floor of Yizhuang, which are all ghosts, and will be handed over to the ghosts below during the Ghost Festival.

Every year on the Ghost Festival, Uncle Jiu has to print a lot of paper money, one is to sell it to the town, and the other is to burn it down below.

But last year, because of Jiang Lin's disappearance, Jiu Shu was in a very bad mood. He even refused some business, and he was not prepared for the paper money below.

Later, after Jiang Lin came back from Kunlun, he let the ninth uncle rest and did not let him do anything. Taking care of himself became his first task.

So last year's Ghost Festival, I didn't receive the paper money printed by Uncle Jiu.

It is precisely because of this that the following thought that Uncle Jiu was unwilling to do this job, so he specially hired Uncle Jiu as the general manager of the Underworld Bank.

Therefore, after entering July this year, Uncle Ninth and the others are very busy.

Jiang Lin thought that with Zhang Han and Chen Yu there, Uncle Ninth's workload would be reduced, but when the father and daughter went to Western Hunan, he could only come over to help.

The matter of going to Xiangxi will have to wait until after the Ghost Festival.

Chapter [-] True Talent!

"Wow, five thousand taels, give me a fortune."

Qiusheng gave some of his work to Jiang Lin, so he had to read the contents of the paper money.

"It's more than just getting rich. You can marry Shanshan, I can marry Zhenzhen, and I can buy them a different field (villa). After we get them, we can learn from junior and junior brothers and hold two pairs of sisters. Take them all in one by one."

Wen Cai had a wretched look on his face. Before a woman, he was thinking of three wives and four concubines.

God is so wild.

Saying it makes people laugh out loud.

Jiang Lin almost laughed out loud, with this virtue, he still wanted to hug the sister flower, and the piranha flower was almost the same.

"If only it were true."

Qiusheng looked regretful, if the money was real, he would also want to hug it.

"If you like it, take it all. There are no women, but there are still quite a few female ghosts. Five thousand taels can take a lot of ghost girls, as long as you are not afraid of being sucked dry."

"Wow! Junior Brother, you're making me and Wen Cai's peony flowers die."

"Can you really marry a ghost with this money?"

Qiusheng and Wencai raised their eyebrows when they heard that this paper money was really going to be spent.

I really want to spend this dead man's money, and I'm not afraid of losing my life.

Jiang Lin shook his head, he couldn't do anything with these two brothers who liked lust.

It's not difficult to make money and marry a daughter-in-law, but they just don't want to.

Now Qiusheng and Wencai are a little more serious than before, but in Jiang Lin's opinion, this degree is far from reaching the standard.

Qiusheng said that he should study hard, and Wencai also stated that he should practice hard, but let’s not talk about the heat for three minutes, three months have passed.

"I see, you are still lightly tired. If you want money, who will send it to you if you don't have the ability? Master Shi's business basically starts with ten oceans. In any case, there will be a hundred oceans left in the year."

Jiang Lin is not afraid of attacking Qiusheng and Wencai. He is now the head of the family and has the ability to protect Chen Yu and the others, but Chen Yu is still practicing diligently every day.

But this pair of Huobao senior brothers were fine last year, and this year they are just a little more serious than before.

There is still some distance from the realm of Taoism.

With such ability, let alone five thousand taels, even five hundred oceans do not know how many years it will take to earn them.

"It was fine some time ago, but now they are indeed less tired."

Jiu Shu also gave Qiusheng and Wencai a knife at this time.

Jiang Lin is right, as long as Qiusheng and Wencai work hard and learn their skills, they can't say how rich they are, but at least they are definitely not poor.

These two apprentices did not use whips to chase after them, so it was easy to get lazy.

Qiusheng and Wencai had a bitter look on their faces, they didn't dare to be obscene, and they worked honestly.

Wei Wei fantasized about it, and was met with a mixed doubles fight between the master and the younger brother.

"Don't be so sad. I'm so tired this year. In the end, it's my reason. If you work overtime, you will get paid for overtime."

In order to keep the pair of Huobao brothers not slowing down and wasting time, Jiang Lin gave them some hope.

This year, the ninth uncle just took office, so we can't delay the affairs of the underworld.

When Qiusheng and Wencai heard that they had money, they suddenly became more model workers than model workers.

"I'll let Caiyi and Ayan come over."

Jiang Lin saw that the second floor of Yizhuang was full of blank sheets of paper to be printed, and felt that without adding more staff, he might not be able to finish the printing until July [-]th.


Wen Cai nodded like a chicken pecking rice, a beautiful woman can't eat it, and it's good to have a feast for the eyes.

Qiu Sheng shook his head, a schadenfreude smile on the corner of his mouth.

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