Jiang Lin's daughter-in-law is not someone who can look at it casually, beware of long needles.

With the addition of Caiyi and Ayan, the printing speed of paper money is much faster.

Wen Cai glanced at A Yan's figure, and then felt an extremely terrifying momentum, and the whole person was blown up.

"Ha ha……"

Qiu Sheng couldn't help laughing.

The woman who secretly glanced at the wife and the mad demon, I really don't want her eyes.

The six of them worked together and finally finished printing all the paper money on the night of the Ghost Festival.

"It's finally finished, Master, why is it five thousand taels this year and four thousand taels last year?"

Qiu Sheng flicked the paper money in his hand, still reluctant to part with it.

This money can buy a ghost.

"Now that prices are rising, everything is added to the top, and the bottom is also appropriately added."

Jiu Shu held a pen and responded to Qiusheng while preparing to write a notice to burn down.

"Master, I didn't expect you to have no human touch, but you have quite a ghost touch."

Qiu Sheng teased, during this period of hard work, Ninth Uncle never mentioned any wages or the like, and Jiang Lin was willing to give him and Wen Cai pocket money.

The younger brothers know to be considerate of them, but the master is unrelenting.

"There are a lot of nonsense, hurry up and get the template for Chapter [*]."

Ninth Uncle glared at Qiusheng, this kid is always wandering beside him, what do you want to see?

"I hereby authorize the principal sealer to use the signature as evidence to identify counterfeit..."

Ninth Uncle was writing, Qiu Sheng rushed over, and when he saw Ninth Uncle's signature, he had a "Sodisnai" expression.

"It turns out that Master's real name is Lin Fengjiao? It sounds so nice, Ajiao, Fengjiao~"

Qiu Sheng was lying on the table, shaking his head at Ninth Uncle, not to mention being beaten up.

Jiang Lin, who was accompanying Ren Tingting to burn paper money, mourned for his senior brother below. Life is so beautiful, why did senior brother die.

"Stinky boy!"

Ninth Uncle was going to knock Qiusheng with a pen, but Qiusheng turned down from the second floor one step ahead of schedule.

"Junior Brother, A Jiao~"

Qiusheng was in the air, smiling at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin pretended not to hear, he knew that if he responded, he probably wouldn't have anything good to eat.

Ren Tingting couldn't help laughing because her tears hadn't dried yet.

With a "bang", Qiusheng had a stick under his feet, throwing him all over the place.

If Qiusheng could run away under Jiu Shu's hands, Jiu Shu would not be called Jiu Shu.

"A Jiao, A Jiao's, doesn't it sound good? I warn you, if anyone else knows this name, I will only ask you!"

Ninth Uncle held onto the railing on the second floor and scolded Qiu Sheng who was oh oh oh.

Jiang Lin squatted beside Qiu Sheng and threw him a money bag. The fifty oceans in it were half of the literary talents. With pocket money, they could also buy some gifts for their girlfriends.

"Senior brother, you have a pretty good relationship with 'Uncomfortable', look for it every day."

Qiusheng: "..."

"By the way, Wencai, let him come over, you burn the notice and paper money, and let Jiang Lin rest."

Qiusheng got up from the ground and responded, "He knows that he is short, so he will go to take a seat and watch the play first."

"Occupying a seat? Tonight's play is for ghosts, you idiot!"

Ninth Uncle almost lost his footing and slapped his forehead with a slap.

Tonight on the Ghost Festival, Wen Cai went to the ghost's den to watch a play for ghosts. He really wasn't afraid of death!

Jiang Lin felt sad for Ninth Uncle, why such a capable person accepted such an apprentice.

Not to mention the cultivators, even ordinary people know that on the night of the Ghost Festival, the gates of ghosts are wide open, and the ghosts walk at night, and it is not suitable to go out.

On the night of the Ghost Festival, when all the ghosts go out on the street, it is very easy for people to commit ghosts, and they may unknowingly provoke things that they should not provoke.

If a person commits a ghost, a ghost can commit a crime, and when that time comes, you will have nowhere to reason.

Ke Wencai has been with Ninth Uncle for so many years, yet he still doesn't know these rules.

However, he is still a stunner, and does not cause trouble and is uncomfortable.

After learning Taoism for so many years, all of them have gone to the dog.

Jiang Lin can only label Wen Cai as a talent, a true talent!

Chapter [*] The female ghost Xiaoli appears

It seems that the plot of Zombie Supreme should begin.

On July [*]th, paper money was printed, and Wen Cai went to the theater. These were similar to those in the movie.

Jiang Lin wondered if Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng could bring Wen Cai back.

This time he chose not to help.

First, because he is a Celestial Master, going there will only cause more turmoil. Even if he puts on the breath-holding talisman, he may be sensed by ghosts.

The second is that he is still a zombie king, and the power on his body is enough to make little devils and the like feel the fear of their souls. If the ghost shouted a zombie king to swallow the ghost, it would be funny.

Another reason was that Jiang Lin didn't want to meet the ghosts in the underworld. No matter if there were four ghosts guarding the tent as in the movie, he didn't want to go there.

"How long have you been gone?"

Although he was so angry that he wanted to kick people, Jiu Shu still cared about Wen Cai's safety.

"Just half an hour."

"Come over quickly!"

Ninth Uncle took the guy and went to the theater on the street first.

"Junior Brother, Master is in such a hurry, why are you so calm? Hurry up, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, there are many murderous ghosts."

Qiusheng saw that Jiang Lin had no intention of leaving, and beckoned him to follow.

"What am I going to do as a Celestial Master? You think ghosts are fierce, and I am more fierce than ghosts. Isn't a ghost going to cause trouble?"

Jiang Lin gave Qiusheng a blank look, not even thinking of this.Not to mention the celestial master, even the ninth uncle and even an alchemist could not enter the theater.If you startle the ghosts and run around like wild horses, it's all on them.

Although Ninth Uncle was hired as the general manager of the bank in the underworld, if he caused such a problem on the Ghost Festival, he would also be punished, and he might have to be punished by one more crime.

Qiusheng felt speechless. He was also a human being. He felt that ghosts were fierce, but Jiang Lin was able to be more fierce than ghosts.

"Don't keep up! Jiang Lin, you burned the paper money and the notice."

Ninth Uncle really had the urge to kick people when he saw Qiu Sheng still grinding.If Wen Cai was dragged into the eighteenth hell by the ghost in the tent, even if he was the president of the underworld bank, there was no way to save him.

Wen Cai originally didn't know yin and yang, and if he was unlucky, he could only be unlucky. If he wanted to save him, he would reverse the yin and yang.

The following will not allow such a thing to happen.

After Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng left, Jiang Lin comforted Ren Tingting.

In fact, even if she burns paper, it is useless. After the zombies are completely transformed into corpses, they will lose the qualifications of reincarnation and will be excluded from the six realms.

Zombies are completely gone when they die, and there is no such thing as reincarnation.

But it was finally a kind of consolation, Jiang Lin would also accompany her to burn some paper money collected by no ghosts every year on the Ghost Festival.

After accompanying his daughter-in-law to burn paper for his father-in-law, Jiang Lin burned some paper money for Xiaohong's mother. After all, Xiaohong has been protecting Ren Tingting and the others. She is a yin and can't burn paper money, so Jiang Lin helped this filial daughter.

"Tingting, go home and rest first."

Ninth Uncle's paper money here is of better quality than other places. Otherwise, he would not have been hired as the general manager of the underworld bank, so this year's paper money was sold a lot, but more was burned down there.

Jiang Lin couldn't finish burning it for a while.

"I hope this troublemaker doesn't make a fuss tonight, or the trouble will be big."

Jiang Lin shook his head, unable to do anything about the lack of heart and soul.

Feeling a headache for Uncle Nine.

Wen Cai had a problem here, and Jiang Lin went upstairs to see the situation of the little zombie. If it swallowed the ghost by mistake, it would be more serious than the moonlight.

Uncle Ninth's measures are in place, and there is no problem with the little zombie and the jar.

After burning the paper money, Jiang Lin lay down on the rattan chair in the yard.


The moonlight on July [*]th is very compensating, and the sun is very enjoyable.

He has to wait for the ninth uncle to come back before going home, otherwise if something happens, he will be woken up in his sleep, which will be very annoying.

"No one came when the gong started, I knew I wouldn't occupy a seat."

In the theater on the street, Wen Cai, biting a sugar cane, looked around at the empty space, full of complaints.

No one came to the show, what seat does he occupy?

What this joker doesn't know is that no one is fake, but there are a lot of ghosts.

"Don't this kid know that no one can come here?"

The martial artist on the stage was puzzled while performing, and then he waved at Wen Cai: "Come on!"

Even those who acted only dared to be on the stage, and they didn't dare to go off the stage at all. This kid actually came to the ghost's nest alone.

Either stupid or bold or stupid, or stupid or stupid.

Wu Sheng kindly reminded Wen Cai, but Wen Cai bit the sugar cane and applauded with both hands.

"Oh my mother."

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