These two scumbags!It seemed that she was fascinated by a female ghost named Xiaoli.

Jiang Lin's impression of Xiao Li in the movie is quite clear, a female ghost who likes "black and white, boys and girls".

"These are my master's two disciples. What happened?"

Since he was in Yizhuang, Jiang Lin didn't say that the ninth uncle was the uncle. In order to make sure, he still chose to ask.

"Lin Fengjiao's two disciples attacked us, causing the hundreds of soulless souls we escorted to flee."

"You must give an explanation!"

"Let them take full responsibility!"

"Confront us with going to the underworld!"

After the four ghosts confirmed that the two idiots were the disciples of Ninth Uncle, although the expressions on their faces remained the same, Jiang Lin could feel the anger in his thoughts.

"Four, please wait a moment, my master is probably coming back soon."

Jiang Lin didn't make any statement. Anyway, he didn't cause the disaster. If Uncle Ninth was in trouble, he would help.

But let him be angry for Qiusheng and Wencai, sorry, not interested.

Don't shoot him when you are angry.

And for the specific details, Jiang Lin had to ask Uncle Ninth if there was really a female ghost who had fascinated Brother Huobao.

Chapter [*] wants you to go down

Not long after, Ninth Uncle came back from town. Jiang Lin saw that Ninth Uncle was the only one who came back, so he asked, "Master, where are the two brothers?"

"I'm so pissed off, these two bastards, fascinated by ghosts, don't know where they went."

From a short distance, Jiang Lin could feel Jiu Shu's anger.

"Is it a female ghost?"

"Or else? You even used the soul-suppressing charm you gave to save your life to bring down the ghost messenger."

Ninth Uncle then briefly told Jiang Lin what happened in the town.

Both are talents!

Jiang Lin could imagine the scene when Qiusheng and Wencai came back, the sound like killing a pig, just thinking about it gave a sense of the picture.

Use the talisman paper I gave you to please the female ghost, hehe.

Jiang Lin decided that if these two living treasures asked him for a charm in the future, he would let these two sluts know what cruelty was.

Pointing to the inside, Jiang Lin said, "Master, the ghost messenger has come to the door."

Uncle Jiu frowned, he didn't expect the ghost to be free so quickly.The apprentices got into trouble, the teaching was not strict, and the teacher was to blame. He could only bite the bullet and enter the hall.

The business travelers sat in the guest seats, staring at Jiu Shu with four pairs of eyes, and Jiu Shu felt very embarrassed for a while.

The ghost messengers didn't speak, they just kept staring at Jiu Shu.

"You, human head and pig brain, I tell you..."

At this moment, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai pushed open the door of the hall.

When the four ghosts saw Qiusheng and Wencai, their eyes were bigger than cows.

A gloomy wind blew towards the two brothers.

It’s over.

Qiu Sheng was so frightened by the aura of the ghost that he froze, and at this time, Xiao Li's figure gradually disappeared from his mind.

The two stinky boys were finally willing to come back.

Ninth Uncle's eyes seemed to be able to shoot fire, but he didn't get angry in front of the ghost.

The apprentice must be beaten to death, but not in front of outsiders, no, outsiders.

Shame cannot be thrown to ghosts.

This is really over, Master has never been so angry as he is now.

When Qiu Sheng thought of the look in his Ninth Uncle's eyes just now, his hair stood on end, and the literary talent was not much better. Although he didn't know it, he was also confused by Xiao Li's fans, and he also had his share of the stickers.

Junior Brother!

Qiusheng and Wencai just wanted to get closer to Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin paid them overtime at night. Maybe he could help them talk things out this time.

Moreover, all evils around Jiang Lin are hard to invade, and they want to use Jiang Lin to drive away the chills from their bodies.

Go aside, don't look for me.

Jiang Lin gave the two of them a big back. These two bastards forgot their master for the sake of a female ghost, and wanted to borrow his light?

Stay where it's cool!

Seeing that the ghost messenger didn't speak, Jiu Shu could only ask: "It has already happened, what do you guys think?"

The ghosts looked at each other and didn't understand what Uncle Jiu meant.

"Sorry, I forgot for a while that you don't understand human language."

Jiu Shu's cultivation base is not enough, he can't directly talk to the ghost messenger like Jiang Lin, he can only bite the bullet and eat the mud pill he prepared just now.

Sour and enjoyable.

"You attacked the ghosts and caused all the escorted ghosts to escape. You should take full responsibility for this."

"And the means of attacking us are extremely vicious, almost making us go to pieces, we need to make up for it. [*] million taels!"

"The lost ghosts need to be caught before dawn."

"Catch the ghost, make compensation, and bring someone to the underworld to explain the situation. All three conditions cannot be missed!"

The four ghosts sent you a word and I did not give Ninth Uncle a chance to speak at all.

Almost lost your soul?Fifty million two?

You might as well go grab it!

The black line on the end of the ninth uncle, although Jiang Lin's soul-relieving charm is very effective, it can cause a lot of damage to the ghost body, but the soul is scattered?This joke is not funny at all.

Moreover, [*] million taels, this is not the case for corrupt people. In previous years, their Yizhuang only prepared [*] million taels.

Although the main responsibility is on the two apprentices this time, it does not mean that the ghosts have no responsibility at all. It is definitely dereliction of duty that they can be brought down at the ghost festival.

If it wasn't for the four ghosts watching the play, how could they not have noticed the approach of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

Ninth Uncle bargained with the four ghosts, and finally gave the conditions, the compensation was at least [*] million taels, and Jiang Lin had to go with them.

Let Jianglin go to the underworld?

Talking about the third condition, Jiu Shu was very surprised. It was Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who caused trouble. What did Jiang Lin do?

But for whatever reason, Uncle Ninth couldn't agree to this condition.

Qiusheng and Wencai can go down if one person does things alone, but he absolutely does not agree to let Jiang Lin go down.

Jiang Lin does not have a position in the underworld, and he will suffer a lot of damage when he arrives in the underworld.

After some negotiation, Jiu Shu's face was very ugly.

Talk broke.

These ghosts are unwilling to give them [*] million taels, so they want Jiang Lin.

Ninth Uncle is simply strange, with these paper money, the ghost can open up a lot of relationships below, except for the necessary work, enough to be happy for a long time, maybe it won't take too long to be promoted.

Are these benefits inferior to a Jianglin?

The more this was the case, the more uncle Ninth couldn't agree. If the four ghosts sent Jiang Lin down for no purpose, he wouldn't believe it at all.

Even if the ghost messengers assured Jiang Lin that nothing would happen, Jiu Shu was unwilling.

Thinking of how things had turned out like this, the blue veins on Jiu Shu's forehead rose, and he glared at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai again.

It's all good work done by these two stinky boys!

Qiusheng and Wencai were already in a cold sweat, and the ghosts would look at them if they had nothing to do.

Seeing Ninth Uncle looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, Jiang Lin asked, "Master, what's the situation?"

Jiang Lin didn't eat mud, and he couldn't understand the nonsense that the ghost messenger said, so he didn't know the specific content of the negotiation, but he was definitely negotiating conditions.

"It's nothing."

Uncle Jiu was unwilling to say the content and conditions of the negotiation.

The four ghost messengers stood up together, looked at Qiusheng and Wencai together, and took out the hooks in their hands.

The legs of the two senior brothers went weak, and the ghost messenger took the chain, it must be tempting.

Jiang Lin's face sank, and he said, "Master, is there anything you can't let me know? Are you not taking me as your apprentice?"

"Their condition is to let you go to the underworld."

After a moment of hesitation, Uncle Jiu responded.


Jiang Lin really has a big question mark in his head, can this involve him?

Recalling the expressions of the ghosts when they first saw him, Jiang Lin felt that there was definitely something tricky in it.

"I think a few of you have made a mistake? Let me go down. You are not joking with this condition, are you?"

Jiang Lin questioned the four ghosts directly with his thoughts, but he wanted to see what medicines were sold in the gourds of these ghosts.

Chapter [*] The judge's honored guest

Seeing this scene, Jiu Shu and the four ghosts didn't talk to each other. Unlike in the movie, the four ghosts in the plot also corrupted some money.

But now, the ghost is about to take people.

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