For the first time, Uncle Ninth was slapped with face. He said whatever, but he didn't agree. After the talk collapsed, he even pretended to take someone.

The threat of red fruit.

"No mistake, we have opened the conditions, you catch ghosts, you compensate [*] million taels, and you go down and explain the situation."

A ghost clerk responded to Jiang Lin, while secretly looking at the palm of his hand.

Although the ghost's movement was very small, for Jiang Lin, who had a strong spiritual sense, this movement did not deceive him.

There is a spar in the hand of the ghost, and it emits a faint light.

Jiang Lin glanced at the four ghosts and smiled.

Go down just to explain the situation?

Are these ghosts insulting his IQ?

To explain the situation is also Qiusheng and Wencai, what does it have to do with him?

No wonder Ninth Uncle didn't want him to know the conditions they were talking about.

"If you go down with us, we will guarantee your safety. We can consider waiving part of the compensation fee. I believe that after you go down, you will feel that this trip is worthwhile. There is only so much we can reveal. , we will catch the escaped ghosts, we will take the two idiots and send them to fry, and we will also read a copy of Lin Fengjiao below."

The four ghosts pointed at Qiusheng and Wencai together, and the two foolish melons immediately hugged each other, begging for the master but not daring to ask, and relying on Jiang Lin and being ignored.

Jiang Lin frowned. He and Ninth Uncle had the same idea. After all, it was during the Ghost Festival. There was a problem with these four ghosts, and they were dereliction of duty.

The best situation is that everyone don't make a big deal, make concessions and discuss conditions with each other, hello me hello everyone.

Nothing can be solved with money.

But now, a few ghosts can be cheap, but they must be people.It's okay to want people, idiots don't want it.

They are not afraid of things getting bigger.

"I need to discuss it with Master."

Jiang Lin needs to clear up a few doubts in his heart and learn about ghosts.

Ninth Uncle often deals with Yin Si, and he has a position himself, but Jiang Lin is not, a position in the underworld cannot be obtained with high strength.

Need a way.

Simply put, you need a leader.

Ninth Uncle also mentioned it to Jiang Lin, but it was too early at that time, and Jiang Lin refused to go to the monk era.

Therefore, in terms of his understanding of Yin Si, he is far from Ninth Uncle.

What Jiang Lin wanted to ask was about his safety. These ghosts obviously had little Jiujiu in their hearts. It would be funny if they got him down and did it.

The answer given by the ninth uncle is that Yin Si can't do things that disturb Yin and Yang, and for Yang people, they can't hurt unless Yang's lifespan has expired.

"What did they tell you? Are you going down?"

Jiu Shu's eyebrows became V-shaped, but he still did not agree to let Jiang Lin go.

Although the ghost guards assured Jianglin that nothing would happen, they obviously have other goals, and the ghost guards are not willing to reveal the least bit about this purpose.

If Jiang Lin stays below for a few years, then Jiang Lin will be fine.

Jiu Shu was unwilling to let Jiang Lin take such a risk.

And most importantly, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are now in trouble, why should Jiang Lin take the blame for them?

"These guys are not joking. Either the two senior brothers die, or I go down for a walk. They are not afraid of things getting bigger, Master, aren't you afraid?"

Although Jiang Lin didn't want to be angry for Qiu Shengwen, he couldn't just watch them die.

This time, Jiang Lin won't take a second look at them until they have only half of their lives left, but it's not enough to take them back directly to the underworld.

After these two living treasures entered the underworld, as long as they knew that they were disciples of the ninth uncle, and they were held accountable, the trouble of the ninth uncle would be big.

Jiang Lin is still more concerned about this issue.

Uncle Jiu didn't expect that the four ghosts actually wanted Qiusheng and Wencai to go to the underworld to commit crimes, not afraid that things would get worse.

Patting Ninth Uncle's shoulder, Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and said, "Master, after I go down, these two living treasures will be shot to death for me."

He didn't ask Uncle Ninth to do any multiple-choice questions, and directly communicated with the four ghosts: "Let's go, the compensation fee will be halved, and the ghost will be caught."

From Uncle Ninth, Jiang Lin learned that ghosts don't like to lie, especially ghosts, especially to colleagues, they don't tell lies.

He wanted to see what the trip would be worth while keeping him safe.

The four ghosts looked at each other and reiterated the conditions with Uncle Ninth, and then each took a photo of Jiang Lin with a spar in his hand.

A rectangular beam of light appeared around Jiang Lin to protect him, and in the next second, one person and four ghosts sank into the ground.

Not out of body?

In the dark passage, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He thought that the ghost was going to take his soul down, but he pulled the whole person down.

Although Jiang Lin can turn into a zombie, he is different from other zombies in that he has a soul, but after turning into a corpse, his soul will be locked in his body.

"How did you take someone down?"

In Yizhuang, Uncle Ninth was a little stunned, the soul of the Yangren will be hurt when it enters the underworld, let alone the body.

"Two brats!"

Ninth Uncle looked at Qiusheng and Wencai, picked up a cane whip to make them kneel, and beat them to death!

If he doesn't fight back to last year's state, he won't leave the whip in the future.

After Jiang Lin entered the underworld, he followed the four ghosts with the thought that he would be at peace when he came.

Looking around, Jiang Lin found that the underworld was very different from the yang world. The yin here was extremely dense and gloomy.

The extremely yin place in the yang world may not be comparable to this.

The ghost messengers took Jiang Lin into a large hall. In the hall, Judge Lu with a red face and a beard was pacing, shaking his head and reciting poetry.

"Lord Judge."

The ghost came forward to report the situation to Judge Lu.

As soon as Judge Lu saw Jiang Lin, a surprised expression appeared on his face, with two eyes and a mouth, all in the shape of an "O".

"Very...very good! Shangxiang, I want to have a drink with this person."

The eyes of the four ghosts are full of ecstasy, this promotion is proper!

Judge Lu walked in front of Jiang Lin, and his eyes couldn't stop staring at him.

That smile and eyes are so special...

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, the bearded man in front of him looked at him, he had seen it in Shu.

Nima is the expression of Zhuge Kongping looking at the bronze armored corpse in Xishuangbanna!

I rely on!Isn't this guy also a collector who likes to collect zombie kings?

Just when Jiang Lin was about to communicate with the bearded man with his thoughts, he flicked his long sleeves and scattered the beam of light around Jiang Lin.

The invisible heavy pressure immediately fell on Jiang Lin's body, and the thick yin qi seemed like thousands of steel needles, trying to get into his body.

Instinctively, Jiang Lin chose to corpse, and the extreme discomfort was relieved a lot.

"Finally found it again...cough, wow! It really is ice muscle and jade bone."

Jiang Lin was a little surprised that Judge Lu was able to speak at this moment.

But after the surprise, Jiang Lin was speechless again.

Go to your second uncle's ice muscle jade bone, pull me down, is this going to collect me as a collection?

Judge Lu went up and took Jiang Lin's hand, patted the back of his hand, and said enthusiastically: "I'm Judge Lu, the one who changed people's hearts and heads in Liaozhai Zhiyi, I should have read about me in the book. Right? Today, the subordinates invited the distinguished guests here without authorization. I'm really sorry. Haihan Haihan."

Jiang Lin's brain entered a stuck state for a short time.

Lu sentence?VIP?Let him Haihan?

After a short period of confusion, Jiang Lin withdrew his hand.

Sorry, we don't know each other well.

And you are a bearded man, always touching my hand, are you crooked?

"Chen Dao sent Jiang Lin, Lin Fengjiao's disciple."

Although he was extremely frustrated, Jiang Lin bowed to Judge Lu and introduced himself.

Chapter [*] This errand can't be done

"Sit and sit."

Judge Lu didn't seem to be interested in Jiang Lin's identity at all, so he pulled Jiang Lin's wrist and made him sit on the guest seat in the hall.

Depends on what tricks you play.

Jiang Lin didn't resist much and let Judge Lu entertain him. Judging from Judge Lu's performance, he was really a bearded guest, but he didn't know the specific reason for the time being.

Wait and see.

Jiang Lin went through the scene after seeing Judge Lu in his mind. In addition to his expression and expression, he became interested in the sentence that Judge Lu had not finished.

Finally found it again...

Did Judge Lu ever find someone else, a distinguished guest like him?

After some attention, Jiang Lin relaxed, his nose moved slightly, and he found that the hall was filled with a kind of fragrance, which was refreshing.

"Hey, this is a rare fragrance of consciousness, smelling it can nourish the soul, and the bigger effect is that the place where the smell permeates, it can transform language. You listen to me now that what I say is the language of yangren because of this fragrance. Because of this, I won't take it out for ordinary people."

Judge Lu raised an eyebrow at Jiang Lin, how is it?Are you satisfied with this treatment?

Afterwards, Judge Lu waved his sleeves, and on the table next to Jiang Lin's seat, a lot of fruit, which he had never seen before, appeared on the table.

Jiang Lin glanced at the envy in the eyes of the ghosts waiting not far away.

I really don't understand this big beard.

Jiang Lin had never been in contact with Yin Si, so he wondered if the ghosts below were all weird.

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