The few ghosts should have told Judge Lu about the problem of escorting the wild ghosts, but Judge Lu seemed to frown when he heard their report from beginning to end.

Say good report, say good confrontation?

Judge Lu stretched out his palm towards Jiang Lin and said politely, "These fruits are barely edible, so try them."

After hearing this, the four ghost messengers rolled their eyes one by one. How can such a good thing still be able to enter?

If they hadn't become ghosts, they'd be drooling.

Jiang Lin smiled, ready to make it clear with Judge Lu, don't give a shit about anything, so as not to be soft-hearted.

"Judgment Lu, you won't get paid without merit. Although Jiang Lin's knowledge is shallow, he also knows that the things in this case must be extraordinary. Pindao was brought down by the ghost, and it is still unclear whether the ugly man should be judged Lu. Solve the doubts of the poor road?"

Although Judge Lu was the Secretary of Yin, he couldn't control Jiang Lin, so Jiang Lin was not like ordinary people, servile and polite to each other.

Judge Lu rubbed his hands and winked at a few ghost messengers, who then left the hall.

"Since the Taoist priest said this, I will speak directly. I want to ask the Taoist priest for help. I won't bother about what your master, Lin Fengjiao, and the others have done. You just need to take the ghosts back."

"Please help me?"

Jiang Lin looked at Judge Lu in disbelief. Judges in the underworld were not petty officials, and even Ninth Uncle might not be able to use a single word for the judge.

He is a masculine man, and he is just a celestial master. He can help Judge Lu, and he has no underworld duties.

"Judgment Lu, your words are still not straight enough, and it has made Pindao more and more confused. Pindao and Your Excellency are seeing each other for the first time today, and their abilities are low. How can you help Your Excellency?"

Jiang Lin shook his head. He was busy with his own affairs all day, and he didn't have much free time, so how could he help others casually.

Besides, even if it helps, what's the benefit?

"Don't belittle yourself, the Taoist priest. You can live past six years old, you can deceive the sky and the sun, your physique is rare in ancient times, and you can't be considered humble in ability."

Since Jiang Lin said he wasn't speaking straight enough, Judge Lu simply kept to the end.


Jiang Lin had a guess when Judge Lu swung the astigmatism beam. Maybe his physique was discovered by the ghost and the judge. Now Judge Lu's words prove that his guess is correct.

With a smile, Judge Lu continued to go straight.

He wanted Jiang Lin to be a Yin Si, but not a Yin Si in the general sense.

There is an area that no one can step on in the world, a place where there is no return, and the same is true in the underworld.Not all places in the underworld can go to ghosts, and even the underworld has to stay away from some areas.

Some of these places are places of extreme sun, where the soul is difficult to enter, and some are Jedi, and even if the ghost king arrives there, they will gradually disappear.

Hundreds of years ago, the underworld's Jizo prison began to loosen, and many ghost kings and even ghost emperors escaped. The escaped ghosts went to these underworld forbidden places, and survived with difficulty in the periphery with the help of some unique treasures in the forbidden land. , the soul body gradually transforms into the body, after which more and more ghosts gather in the forbidden area.

In particular, the loosening was the most serious two hundred years ago, and the periphery of the forbidden area has now become an intractable place in the underworld.

But most of the forbidden places in the underworld contain some terrifying beings, such as Rahu, because the eighteen layers of hell can't keep them, so they can only be locked in the center of the forbidden place.

It is imminent to exterminate the fleeing ghosts on the periphery of the forbidden area, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable after they help those terrifying existences break the confinement.

The above task was handed over to Judge Lu and other judges. Since Judge Lu received such a task, he has not scratched his head for a day, and often goes to the world to find cultivators who can enter the underworld in the flesh.

Now Jiang Lin's physique is fully qualified.

Let Jiang Lin single-handedly kill the forbidden place in the underworld and take the ghost head on the necks of all ghosts!

Jiang Lin endured his anger and listened to Judge Lu. He now has blue veins and black lines all over his forehead.

What are you asking for my help?Aren't you asking me to die?

The dog said let me be the ultimate soldier in the underworld?

Is there something wrong with his mother's head?

Jiang Lin carried out a series of three qualities against Judge Lu in his heart.

"I'm sorry, my daughter-in-law is still waiting for me to go back, it's not too early."

Jiang Lin refused directly, and Judge Lu gave him the worst joke of the year.

The forbidden place in the underworld is the same area as the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Sea in the underworld.

"Master, don't, sit down for a while. You must know that there are many treasures of heaven and earth that are rare in the underworld in those forbidden areas, which can improve your own cultivation. Even when you go there, your body has a large body. The benefits. And as long as you agree, everything is easy to talk about here.”


No matter how good things go, they have to come back alive.

The Ghost King and the Ghost Emperor also have a group of wandering ghosts. Whoever loves to slay whoever slays them is a matter of the underworld anyway. What does he care about as a masculine man?

I'm sorry, this errand can't be done.

"Judge Lu, Yangren don't care about the underworld, I'm going back to hug my daughter-in-law."

Even if Judge Lu offered the best conditions, Jiang Lin was not interested, a fly in the world would be enough for his head, and he had to deal with ghost kings and ghost emperors in the underworld, making some international jokes.

"Don't think it's just a matter of the underworld, just a while ago, Rahu's imprisonment was loosened by these wandering ghosts, and he let out a breath again. Now it is estimated that the parasite has been found in the underworld. If the time is right, the parasite will be able to Release the body of Rahu in the world, and it will be the end of the world at that time."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Jiang Lin made a gesture, he didn't want to stay here anymore.

Anyway, if the sky is falling and there are tall people standing on it, even if there is Rahu, there will be gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

He wants to improve his strength now, to deal with the flying zombie that he does not know when it will appear. Zuo Ci in the immortal burial coffin is also mostly feathered, maybe it is another flying zombie.

It would be funny if he was killed by Fly Zombie before the end of the world.

If you have immediate worries, don't worry about the future.

Chapter [*] is good!

Judge Lu was really speechless to Jiang Lin, what if he could say no?

It's a pity that Judge Lu can't give Jiang Lin a hard time. If the ghosts really need to be investigated, because Uncle Ninth has the identity of the general manager of the bank, at most they will make them pay more money and bring the ghosts back.

After thinking about it for a while, Judge Lu still gave up and insisted. Jiang Lin is not a leader who is threatened, as can be seen from the momentum on his body.

Even the celestial body can't get past that kind of place, and it's hard to find a person who meets the conditions. Did you just give up?

No, never give up!

"Judge Lu, it seems that before me, you have found a qualified candidate."

Jiang Lin wanted to repeat Judgment Lu's words. If this red beard had found someone else before, it might have been a slap in the face, but according to Judgment Lu's words, that person should not be his last life.

Is there still a Yang body in the world?

When Judge Lu thought of the one he found earlier, he had a grumbling expression on his face.

"Don't mention it, I can't understand human words, I can't understand ghost words, I can't communicate with corpse language, and I almost swallowed me. Hey, why should I tell you?"

Judge Lu gave Jiang Lin a roll of eyes halfway through speaking, and he almost shook out his embarrassment.

Jiang Lin looked indifferent, he heard a little bit of information from it, it was useless, but for him, it was just to satisfy his curiosity.

"You told me that the flow of time in the underworld is much faster than that in the sun. It's about ten times the relationship. I've been here for a long time, and it's time to go back."

Jiang Lin stood up, going back late, Uncle Ninth should be worried.

Just as he was thinking about how to hold Jiang Lin back, Judge Lu flashed a light in his mind, and then a confident smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Lin was on guard, the red beard smiled a little weirdly.

"Hey, have you had sex with your wife?"

"You can deceive the sky and hide the sun. What about your women? Did you find that something was wrong with them? Although the life expectancy is longer, the price is a bit high."


Jiang Lin's heart throbbed violently. He knew that because of his love, his women would absorb the essence he gave for a long time, and the level of life would also change.

Not to mention immortality, at the very least, the lifespan will become very long.

After Judge Lu's reminder, Jiang Lin suddenly thought of Li Yingqi. Although he was still alive, he was like a living dead.

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin remembered that when he consulted the system, he did not specifically ask about the changes in the life level of his women, other than the need for natural resources to support them, what other disadvantages would there be.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin felt that his breathing had become much heavier.

"Looks like you found it."

Looking at Jiang Lin's expression, Judge Lu felt a little joy in his heart, because he cared about his woman very much.

Don't you agree now?There are some medicinal materials in the forbidden area, which can improve the situation of Jianglin women.

In fact, Jiang Lin is not only thinking about Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and the others, but also Ninth Uncle, Zhang Han, and Master Hong Jinbao.

"Tell me how to solve this situation."

Jiang Lin was going to get some information from Judge Lu first. After he went back, he asked the ninth uncle of the system if they would also be affected.

"There are medicinal materials in the forbidden area."

Judge Lu then added: "It can be solved perfectly."

Jiang Lin learned from Judge Lu that the medicinal materials in the forbidden area had properties that were not found in mortal medicines, which were enough to shield the ominous omen that had been added to his daughters-in-law.

In addition, the accumulation of Yin De can also offset it.

No wonder Li Yingqi had a problem in those thousand years. Jiang Lin didn't kill many evil creatures during the monk era.

"It is estimated that the master and the uncle are similar."

Jiang Lin's original intention was to make Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle healthier, but now it seems that they have done bad things with good intentions.

But fortunately, it can be fixed now.

Even if there was something Jiang Lin needed in the underworld, he did not immediately settle the matter of the underworld with Judge Lu.

Since he has such a big role, he can talk to Judge Lu about the conditions.

Knowing the problems of his women and Ninth Uncle, Jiang Lin believed that even if he didn't go to the forbidden place in the underworld, he should find a way to find the system.

Can't let this red beard feel that he's got him.

He hates being yelled at the most.

"Judgment Lu, if I become the underworld division, although it is recommended by you, I don't want to be controlled, and the same is true for other judges. Let's cooperate."

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