"All right."

Judge Lu nodded without hesitation.

"Because I have always been a person in the underworld, I have to put the affairs of the underworld first. Although I have become the secretary of the underworld, I will not participate in the convocation or meeting of the underworld. If you need to contact me for something next, I will naturally come."

Judge Lu shook his beard, does this Nima want to hear the tune or not?

"All right."

After thinking for a while, Judge Lu still nodded.

"In addition, I think Judge Lu should have the materials or medicinal herbs that I need to use. Give me some of them. Of course, I will burn paper for you on it."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and smiled. If Judge Lu didn't give it, he asked Uncle Ninth to contact other judges when he got there.

Judge Lu: "..."

Before taking office, do you want to get oil and water first?

"I met a Ksitigarbha ghost king in the earth. It was two hundred years ago, that is, two thousand years ago in the underworld. He escaped from the Ksitigarbha prison world. Its ghost body is like a zombie king. The ghost king in the forbidden land If it's all at this level, you don't want to give me anything, and you want to pull me on board?"

Jiang Lin remembered the Jizo ghost king in Happy Town, which should have gone to the underworld to prepare for an immortal body before going to the forbidden land in the underworld.

Judge Lu thought he didn't know how difficult it was to deal with a ghost in the forbidden area, but unfortunately he had already killed one.

Although there will be other ghosts to help when going to exterminate the wandering ghosts, but the main force still depends on him. For such a difficult task, Judge Lu would have to say first that he would find someone else.

"If you are not willing, I will solve the problem of my woman by myself, or find another judge."

Seeing Jiang Lin smiling, Judge Lu suddenly felt that it was a mistake to remind Jiang Lin, does this kid really have a way to solve his woman's problem?

Judge Lu didn't dare to gamble, he finally found such a suitable candidate, and he couldn't be taken away by others!

Now other judges are also looking for capable people, and he is not the only one in the forbidden area.

You are awesome!

Judge Lu felt that he had invited a pit god to come over, and he didn't do anything, so he would pit the things in his hand first.


In the end, Judge Lu gritted his teeth and agreed to Jiang Lin's request.

All right!

Jiang Lin really felt that his trip to the underworld was worth it!

Chapter [*] was beaten, I don't know why

Guided by the ghost messenger, Jiang Lin walked through the cumbersome procedures, and it was five days after he obtained the status of the underworld.

Although some medicinal materials and cultivation materials were corrupted by Jiang Lin, Judge Lu was still very satisfied. Jiang Lin was pulled over by him. In the future, with Jiang Lin's help in the area he was in charge of, he could advance step by step.

Can envy others.

"Rahu's parasitic body, I hope it won't be like the last time."

The last time Rahu changed, although Judge Lu had not personally experienced it, he had heard some legends.


Whether it was the underworld or the yang world, there was chaos. The parasitic body of Rahu in the yang world held the ceremony of burying the moon, almost freeing its body from its imprisonment.

Now that Jiang Lin has agreed to the forbidden area, he should be able to remedy it in a short time.

Thinking of this, Judge Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

A square hole appeared on the ground of Yizhuang's courtyard, and Jiang Lin and the four ghosts rose to the ground from below like a lift.

Seeing the four ghosts with joy in their eyes, Jiang Lin pouted, no wonder these guys weren't afraid of making things worse. They solved Judge Lu's problem. This little mistake was nothing at all.

As long as he takes this promoted baby down, Judge Lu will not care about their dereliction of duty at all.

"See you later."

Having become a colleague, Jiang Lin also nodded to the four ghosts.

"It seems that the two senior brothers are enjoying the caress of the cane whip."

Since he came up to Jiang Lin just now, he heard Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai slaughtering pigs, and they never stopped.

In addition to this, there are the sobbing sounds of Nianying and Ayan.

"Nianying, Ayan, Caiyi, why are you crying?"

After Jiang Lin entered the door, he felt a little inexplicable. Who bullied them?


After the three women saw Jiang Lin, they went up to hug him, and they either pinched or pinched him.

The daughters-in-law were chatting with each other, and Jiang Lin realized that after he arrived downstairs, the three daughters-in-law came to look for him. Uncle Ninth could only tell the truth.

His husband was brought into the underworld by a ghost messenger, and the three girls burst into tears for a while.

Jiang Lin: "..."

When Uncle Jiu saw this, a big stone in his heart fell.

Looking at Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiu Shu felt that he had been in the underworld because of Jiang Lin, and he had been in a bad mood and had been playing a little harder.

All seven cane whips were interrupted.

Now that Jiang Lin is here, he is also relieved, so let's break a few more cane whips.

"Junior Brother, help."

"Rescue Junior Brother, Master has broken eight cane whips."

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were all red and swollen, and cried out to Jiang Lin for help.

"Calling for help? I remember that I gave you two a lot of life-saving charms. Why don't you take out two, such as the soul-suppressing charm, and the one with rhyme."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and looked at the pair of living treasure brothers, how dare he call for help?

I gave you a life-saving talisman, one of which is worth at least forty or fifty oceans, but in the end, rushed to the crown and became a female ghost.

As soon as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai heard the three words of the soul-suppressing talisman, they suddenly became dumbfounded. No matter how thick-skinned they were, they were too embarrassed to ask Jiang Lin for help.

"Two senior brothers, don't worry. I have a lot of medicinal materials there. Even if my uncle broke your legs, it can be cured. Uncle, don't worry, you can be cured if you are disabled."

"Okay, then, I won't hit one if I break it again. I'll make up ten cane whips as a souvenir."

Seeing that Uncle Ninth went to get the cane whip, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both wanted to die.

"Uncle Shi, hit! If you have a girlfriend, you can still be fascinated by ghosts like that. When you see a beautiful female ghost, you can even forget your master and your girlfriend."

"Uncle Shi, keep fighting! We made a mistake and let our husband take the blame."

Caiyi and Ayan have no sympathy for Qiusheng and Wencai at all. Uncle Ninth raised them so much. Shanshan and Zhenzhen are such good girls. The last time they visited Uncle Ninth, it was considered a meeting with their parents. All the brothers and sisters were left behind.

After the fight was over, Uncle Ninth asked them to print paper money with injuries. If they couldn't finish printing before dawn, they asked the ghosts to hook them down.

"I'm going to set up the materials first, Jiang Lin, you give some medicine to the two brothers, and then come to help."

When Jiu Shu was about to set up the formation, he asked Jiang Lin about the ghost messenger letting him go down. Now that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai have come up with such a thing, he wants his classmates to come and help.

Otherwise, relying on him and Jiang Lin or even adding Caiyi Ayan will not work.

"Caiyi Ayan Nianying, you have been here for a while, so go back first."

Jiang Lin hugged his three daughters-in-law and told them to go back to sleep first. It was estimated that he would be busy until late.

"Two senior brothers, the female ghost must be more beautiful than the gods. She must be much more beautiful than Shanshan and Zhenzhen. No matter how bad it is, she will be better than the master."

Holding the medicine, Jiang Lin looked at Qiusheng and Wencai with a smile.

"No no, no Shanshan (really) pretty."

The two brothers waved their hands again and again, and they are now afraid that Shanshan and Zhenzhen will know about it.

"Junior brother, we will come by ourselves, you can rest well."

Qiusheng took the wound medicine and did not let Jiang Lin do it. Jiang Lin had already gone down for them.

"Alas, [*] million taels, paper is so expensive now, and thousands of oceans have been smashed out like this."

"Thousands of oceans?"

Qiusheng and Wencai's voices suddenly rose an octave, and they still didn't know what the ghost messenger wanted to compensate.

Jiang Lin sat on the side chair and said leisurely, "You two have done a good deed. Originally, I would have to pay fifty million taels, but if it is replaced by the ocean, it will be five thousand oceans. I will dig out the two of you. If you sell it, it's not worth the money. If I hadn't been willing to go down and accompany them, you would still want to marry a daughter-in-law? It's not enough to work as a coolie for the master for a lifetime."

"Didn't we just stick a talisman? This is definitely a touch of porcelain!"

At the thought of a thousand oceans being smashed out, Qiu Sheng felt that they had been touched.

Shameful to touch porcelain!

"Still touching porcelain? You have released so many ghosts, and it's the ghost festival. If you don't take them away sooner, you will be blamed for your life. Do you think the four ghosts took the ghost chain at night to scare you? It's not too much to take your lives directly! You should be lucky to have a master who is the president of the underworld bank, otherwise next year will be the death day for both of you."

Looking at Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiang Lin was also convinced. These two people still don't know what happened to them.

Just being fascinated by ghosts can beat you like this?

"And they don't care about the ghosts that are released. They must be collected by us, but we can't collect these ghosts. What do you think the uncle is going to do, and go to the same sect for help!"

"Uncle Master has always been arrogant in his bones. You have been with Master for so long, have you ever seen him ask for help from others? It's all thanks to the two of you. You've been beaten so much, don't you know why?"

The [*]rd chapter gossip fax, help the same door

"I really thought you guys were simply fascinated by ghosts and posted a few soul-suppressing charms? Do you know how to write a curse word? People who are about to get married."

Qiusheng and Wencai only now know how much trouble they have gotten into.

Lost ghosts kill people, should they be counted on their heads?

The two looked at each other, and then shivered all over. If those unjustly killed people turned into ghosts and came to them, neither Jiang Lin nor Ninth Uncle could do anything.

The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner.

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