"Junior brother, you are so powerful, can't you solve it with your master? It will take a few days for the uncles and uncles to arrive."

The two brothers started to be afraid at this time. The longer they dragged on, the more dangerous they would be. If more people died, it would not be a problem that could be solved by burning paper money.

It's like someone pranked a bunch of death row inmates from the prison, and these criminals killed a lot of people outside, and the person who opened the door was definitely shot.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "I'm fiercer than ghosts because I'm good at killing ghosts. I'm good at catching ghosts, hehe. Do you think it's easier to catch ghosts than to kill ghosts? Even if I can catch hundreds of ghosts, I don't have three heads or six arms. ."

For Jiang Lin, killing ghosts is much easier than catching ghosts.

Don't look at the wild ghosts escorted by the ghost messengers, there are people like Sheqing ghosts, it's really not too difficult for Jiang Lin to kill them all.

You don't even need to set up an array, just use a compass to match your perception, and just carry a Yang-finger air machine gun.

Disliked the slow sweep of the gun, he turned into an Ultraman, no, turned into a light, and he could kill a large area in one fell swoop, still the kind of full-screen attack.

But these ghosts can't be killed, they can only be caught, otherwise they can't explain it to the ghost messenger, or the ghost messenger will take Qiusheng and Wencai down to taste the taste of Daoshan oil pan.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other, killing ghosts and catching ghosts are not easy, okay?

"In addition to the thousands of oceans for printing paper money, all kinds of materials are needed to catch ghosts. With so many ghosts, it is necessary to set up a large-scale trapping array, and the cost is not more than a thousand oceans. The savings you have made with your uncle for so many years are this. I was defeated by you this time, and even Shanshan and Zhenzhen lost their dowry."

Jiang Lin said with a smile, after these two living treasures were written, they floated, and they floated hard.

Two spoiled boys!

"Actually, it's not a big problem that can be solved with money. Uncle Master is so arrogant and good-looking. This time, he has to show off his scandal and let his peers watch the joke. If Uncle Master has a choice, I would rather spend thousands of dollars. Dayang, I don’t want to ask for help, but can this be solved with money? You can ask for more blessings for yourself.”

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Jiang Lin went to the outside yard to help Jiu Shu.

It is estimated that Uncle Ninth is annoying at the moment. There are not enough people. He has to notify the nearby colleagues, and the brothers in the same sect must notify them. Otherwise, they will know that he has asked outsiders to help them, and the friendship between the brothers has come to an end.

Therefore, in addition to the colleagues who are very far away from Renjia Town, Shi Jian, Ma Ma Di and others must be invited.

"It's all you, go to the theater on the Ghost Festival!"

"Aren't you still fascinated by ghosts?"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both blamed each other, this is good, even the most awesome junior and junior can't handle it, the master asks others, and it's over.

They seemed to be able to imagine Uncle Nine's attitude towards the two of them after he was busy with the wild ghosts.

He lost thousands of oceans in one fell swoop, and even made his master lose face to ask for help, and he would not be able to sleep for several nights after catching ghosts.

This is all a good thing they do!

Quickly print the paper money, or you will be seduced!

The two brothers endured the pain and went up to the second floor. Tonight, they wanted to print money and they were too soft.

"Jiang Lin, why did the ghost send you down?"

"It's nothing, I just want to give me an official Dangdang, Shishu, we will be colleagues in the future."

Jiang Lin didn't say much. If Jiu Shu, Zhang Han and his daughter-in-law knew that he was going to enter the forbidden area in the underworld, they would definitely not agree.

Ninth Uncle sighed, although he still had some doubts in his heart, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Uncle Shi, are you going to use a lot of sound transmission?"

"The distance of sound transmission is limited, and it is too slow. It requires the use of gossip faxing. I don't know if it will be too late."

"Uncle, don't worry, I've already given the ghosts a grace period for another day or two."

With that said, Jiang Lin began to help Jiu Shu arrange the materials needed for faxing.

Ninth Uncle nodded, remembering that Jiang Lin could talk to the ghost messenger without eating mud. To be honest, he was very envious.

After finishing the arrangement of the fax array, Jiu Shu stood up and pointed at the gossip on the altar.

A huge gossip phantom flipped up from the table and covered it in midair.

"Fellow brothers and sisters, the poor road is in trouble now and needs manpower to help. I also ask you to take the time to come and help, and thank you."

At the same time, colleagues around the county where Renjia Town is located all received information from Uncle Jiu.

In Qingniu Town, Jia Le, who was burning paper money, saw the image of Ninth Uncle projected on the gossip, and hurriedly called.

The four-eyed Taoist priest who was awakened by his apprentice slapped Jia Le's face with his hands. He was beaten up from a dream, and even the gods wanted to kick him.

"Jia Le, is it because Master doesn't love you hard enough to disturb Master's sleep?"

Jia Le's face was deformed by rubbing, he explained with a bitter face: "Master, Master has come to ask for help."

"Senior brother for help?"

Rubbing his drowsy eyes, the four-eyed Taoist priest suddenly lost sleep.

Now his senior brother is with Zhang Han and Jiang Lin. If he still asks for help from outsiders, something must have happened.

"Jia Le, hurry up and prepare the guy. Your uncle never asks for help. This time, you must be in big trouble."

The four-eyed Taoist threw the robe up, jumped up, and put on his clothes after landing.

Looking at the stunned Jia Le, the four-eyed Taoist priest patted his face again with his hands.

"What are you still doing, do you think that the master's love is not cruel enough!"

Enough, enough!

Jia Le covered his face full of fingerprints and ran to prepare the guy.

Daoist Qianhe was preparing the goods in the Yizhuang in a town, and the gossip in the bag projected the image of Jiu Shu.

"what's the situation?"

Daoist Qianhe blinked, but a senior brother who never asked for help would send a message for help?

It's groundbreaking.

In the past, it was him, the four-eyed Taoist priest, and other brothers and sisters who sought help from the ninth uncle, but there has never been such a situation today.

And Jiu Shu and Zhang Han are still neighbors now, plus a perverted Celestial Master like Jiang Lin, if there is any problem that cannot be solved, he still needs to use gossip faxing?

Could it be a flyaway?

"Southeast, northwest, quickly pack up and go to Renjia Town!"

Daoist Qianhe didn't care about his guests, and quickly asked the four newly recruited disciples to prepare guys to help.

Even if it was Feizong, he would have to pass. In the past, the ninth uncle had saved his life, and Jiang Lin had helped him take corpse poison. No matter how dangerous it was, he would have to pass.

"Master, look at the gossip!"

On the barren mountain in the wild, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang in the tent woke up numbly.

The two of them went to Jinshan to mine gold, and they almost became exhausted, and they returned to Mamadi to become Taoist priests.

"Bah, looking for death!"

Ma Ma spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm on Ah Hao's face, and turned to look at the gossip beside him.

Ah Hao: MMP!

"Huh? Lin Jiu? Haha... You will also beg for help, don't you want me to accommodate you? This time I will pick my nose, my feet and my butt in front of you!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were speechless, and they said so confidently in front of others with their feet and buttocks, but no one else.

In Dongtou Village, the county seat, there was a scream from Gu Gu's Taoist hall.

"Lin Zhengying, you have today too! Last time, I would rather sleep in the mountains than spend the night with me, but today I actually invited me to your place, and my mother will spend the night in your room!"

Gu Gu was excitedly dancing in the Taoist hall, feeling that her chance had come!

Putting on the broken chrysanthemum dress, Aunt Zhe packed her things and hurried to Renjia Town.

Chapter [-]: If you meet your opponent, you will meet a good talent

After the news was passed, Jiang Lin went out of the Yizhuang, touched the medicine box in his pocket, and jumped onto a big tree with lush foliage.

Uncle Jiu and Zhang Han and their problems Jiang Lin need to figure out.

After inquiring about the system, Jiang Lin felt a little heavy. Just as he guessed, Jiu Shu, Zhang Han and Master Hong Jinbao were not spared.

Although the system also provided a way to solve the problem, Jiang Lin felt that it was more difficult than going to the underworld to break into the forbidden area.

After pushing open the door, Jiang Lin picked up a few strands of hair on the ground.

Now his daughters-in-law take Polygonum multiflorum, and the damaged hair will fall off and regenerate, and these hairs cannot be thrown around.

Daoist people attach great importance to hair and blood, and they cannot be freely obtained by others.

Looking at the woman sleeping on the bed, Jiang Lin smiled slightly. He wanted them to stay by his side for a long time. No matter how much danger there was in the underworld, he would go through it.

"Master, there is trouble in Yimei, why should we go?"

Shi Shaojian followed Shi Jian down the street, not quite understanding what his father was thinking.

"Do you think I want to go? He used gossip faxes, and everyone around him knows it. If I don't go, I will leave a story to your uncles. But since he has a problem, can't we see a joke?"

Shi Jian stroked his beard, squinting and smiling.

"Then let's watch their jokes now."

"Idiot! Of course I'm the finale of a person of such status. Let's take a walk around town first. Since I've come to his territory, I'll grab a wave of business."

The first people to come to Renjia Town were Shi Jian and his illegitimate son Shi Shaojian, but they did not go to Yizhuang immediately, but wandered around the town.

"I didn't expect that the Maoshan traitor in Hangu to become a neighbor with Yimei, hehe."

Shi Jian sneered. When he taught Zhang Han, he was contradicted by Uncle Ninth. This time Uncle Ninth is in trouble. He wants to let others know that it is not good to fight against him.

"Jiang Lin, what happened?"

Except for Wuliu Village, where Shi Jian was located, Qingniu Town, where Taoist Master Simu was located, was the closest to Renjia Town. In the afternoon, Taoist Master Simu came over.

"Let's talk inside the house."

Ninth Uncle went to prepare the materials for the formation, and Jiang Lin was in charge of the reception at the entrance of Yizhuang.

Qiusheng and Wencai's two living treasures are not firm in their mouths. It's okay to know that they have a good relationship with Jiu Shu. If others find out, Jiu Shu's face will have no place to rest.

"Uncle Simu, it's not the two brothers Qiusheng and Wencai. One went to the ghost festival to go to the theater, and the other went to save them, but they were all fascinated by the female ghosts. I used the soul-suppressing charm I gave them to save the ghosts and lie down. Yes, all the escorted soulless souls have run away. If it wasn't for the fact that Master was the bank president and negotiated terms with the ghost courier, these two goods would have gone to hell. The ghost courier demanded compensation, and let us take the escaped ghost within a time limit. Capture it. But there are not enough manpower, so I can only turn to my uncles and colleagues for help."

"It turned out to be these two idiots."

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