Looking at the eyes of the four-eyed Taoist priest, both Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were embarrassed.

"Qiusheng, Wencai, the two of you are too arrogant. You dare to fight ghosts, be fascinated by ghosts, admire and admire!"

As soon as the four-eyed Taoist priest finished speaking, Jia Le laughed out loud.

But before he could laugh twice, the four-eyed Taoist slapped the back of his head with a slap.

"Are you very proud? People are fascinated by ghosts anyway. What about you, you want to learn from Xu Xian, saying snakes! You still have a face to laugh at others."

Simu Dao was so angry that his lungs hurt, he pinched Jia Le's face fiercely, and scolded: "People are obsessed by ghosts, anyway, I have a chance to relax before I die, how about you? You are looking for holes in the beautiful snake, and you are sweating in a hurry. Where is the shouting."

Jia Le's face completely changed into Guan Gong's, and he felt like he had eaten Huanglian.

Master, how could you say such a thing!

Jiang Lin couldn't hold back and laughed.

I can't imagine that picture.

This taste is so admirable that Xu Xian's white lady has turned into a human. Thinking about it this way, Xu Xian is simply weak compared to Jia Le.

Jia Le dared to recognize the second place in the snake world, but Xu Xian would never dare to recognize the number one.

Looking at the three senior brothers, Jiang Lin felt sad for the ninth uncle and the fourth-eyed Taoist priest. Looking at these apprentices, they were fascinated by ghosts, and those who were caught by snakes were caught by snakes.

What kind of sin did the two elders do to accept such an apprentice.

"Ha ha……"

This time it was Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who laughed. Jia Le might be the reincarnation of Xu Xian.

"Knorr, the way you eat snakes really impresses us."

"I admire you!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at Jia Le with expressions that were too anxious for each other.

"You two idiots, what's so funny? Where are you better than Jia Le? Does Jia Le dare to be a fool?"

The four-eyed Taoist snorted, where did you two really think you were better than Jiale?

It's all half a catty!

"I didn't beat you for your master, you smiled so brightly!"

Qiusheng and Wencai didn't dare to say anything, for fear that their uncle would give them a rattan whip again.

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at the three living treasures, sighed, and entered the living room.

"Three senior brothers, it is true that you will meet your opponents, and you will meet good talents."

Qiu Sheng Wencai and Jia Le's ellipsis, although Jiang Lin is their junior brother, but even if they laugh at them, they have to bear it.

"Caiyi, Ayan, serve tea to Shishu. This is our fourth-eyed Shishu, Jiushu's younger brother."

Jiang Lin asked Caiyi and Ayan, who were painting symbols on the altar barrel in the living room, to make tea for the four-eyed Taoist priest.

Ninth Uncle wanted to prepare materials, Jiang Lin wanted to receive guests, Caiyi and Ayan could only come over to help.

"Uncle, please ask for tea."

Caiyi and Ayan respectfully hand tea to the four-eyed Taoist priest.Their husbands respected the ninth uncle very much, so the two girls were also very polite to the ninth uncle. Since this is the ninth uncle's junior brother, he can't be rude.

Now the two girls are obedient to Jiang Lin. As for why their predecessors and husbands worship Zhanghan and Jiu Shu as teachers, both girls think that Jiang Lin wants to live an ordinary life.

Therefore, Jiang Lin's age and other secrets have not been disclosed to others for a long time.

The four-eyed Taoist priest saw the beautiful and moving Caiyi and Ayan, his eyes widened, not because of the two girls, but because of Jiang Lin.

Two more?Or a Taoist?

Jia Le was left in the same place. How many wives does this junior brother have now?

Every one of them is the color of the city, and let no one live!

After saying a few good words, the four-eyed Taoist priest took the tea, took out the good magic weapon he carried with him, and gave it to him.

After that, the four-eyed Taoist glared at Jiang Lin. The two girls both had wedding rings on their fingers. They were obviously married to Jiang Lin, but they didn't invite him to a wedding wine.

"Take it."

Jiang Lin asked Caiyi and Ayan to go to work, and explained to the four-eyed Taoist priest that he had already held three weddings, and it was not good to always invite people.

"Jiang Lin, Uncle Shi also knows that you have a special physique. It is more difficult to have children, but you still need to take care of your health."

Jiang Lin: "..."

Take care of your body, the feeling of being hollowed out by your daughter-in-law is the most wonderful.

With a laugh, Jiang Lin didn't let the four-eyed Taoist go down seriously, and chatted with him.

Chapter [-] People are more popular than dead people

"It turns out that Senior Brother Hangu has returned to Xiangxi. I wrote to Senior Brother that you have encountered Fei Zong."

"Master is not here, I met Fei Zong when I went to Shu..."

"Senior brother! What about senior brother?"

Jiang Lin was talking to the four-eyed Daoist about Fei Zong, and the screams of Aunt Zhe came from outside Yizhuang.

"It's called the soul!"

Jiang Lin's black line, he forgot the most troublesome Auntie Zhe.

When Qiusheng and Wencai saw Aunt Cane coming, they immediately greeted them with smiles as if they had caught the last straw.

As long as Aunt Cane protects them, even if Uncle Jiu gets angry again, he won't get angry with them for a while, and after a little longer, the anger will subside.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel, Aunt Zhe waved her arms, and Qiusheng and Wencai were thrown aside.

"Get out of the way, you two white-eyed wolves!"

These two boys didn't go to her for more than a year, and they didn't even bring the news of the ninth uncle. The benefits they had given them in the past were all forgotten.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai can even forget their master and girlfriend, not to mention Aunt Zhe.

Entering the hall, Aunt Zhe looked around, not even under the table.


Jiang Lin and the four-eyed Taoist priest covered their eyes and couldn't bear to look directly. Can you find your brother under the table?

"Uncle Shi is going to buy materials, Aunt Zhe, wait a moment."

"Is he avoiding me?"

Aunt Cane put her hands on her hips, like a dominatrix.

Jiang Lin also felt a headache for this elder, just like you, can you not hide?

It's a pity that Aunt Zhe doesn't understand, the more she behaves like this, the more Ninth Uncle keeps her away.

"Master, uncle and aunt..."

When Jia Le saw Aunt Zhe's appearance like this, he started to gossip, but after being stared at by the four-eyed Taoist priest, he was silent.

Qiusheng explained in a low voice, "My aunt liked my master when she was self-taught, but Luo Hua was ruthless and ruthless. Master can't stand the character of the aunt, let alone Master, even the uncle and the uncle can't stand it."

It didn't take long for Ninth Uncle to return to Yizhuang with a lot of altars and utensils.

There are hundreds of ghosts to be collected this time. If you don't make enough preparations, even if you have all the people, there is nothing you can do.

In order to wipe the buttocks of his two apprentices, Ninth Uncle was also very busy.

"Junior Brother, you are here..."

After seeing the four-eyed Taoist priest, Uncle Jiu said hello to him, but when he turned to see Aunt Zhe, he didn't finish a word.

I want to vomit!

Aunt Cane saw Ninth Uncle, and immediately jumped up from the chair, grinning.

In Ninth Uncle's view, it was definitely a hideous smile.

"Oh, brother, you are carrying so many things."

Aunt Zhe smiled and went up to help Ninth Uncle get the altar bucket, but Ninth Uncle didn't dare to let Aunt Zhe approach, he just ate it and didn't want to vomit anymore.

Always avoid me!

Gu Gu was like a little girl, stomping her feet in anger.

"Husband, this aunt and uncle..."

Caiyi and Ayan saw Ninth Uncle's embarrassment and came over to ask Jiang Lin what was going on.

Jiang Lin briefly told the two girls, Caiyi and Ayan looked at Jiu Shu with sympathy after hearing this.

It's heartwarming to be entangled by such a teacher and aunt.

"Senior brother, you are also heartbroken."

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at the things prepared by the ninth uncle, and was also tired for the ninth uncle. Some of the materials in the ninth uncle's hand had to wait for a while to get it.

"Qiusheng and Wencai two bastards get into trouble every day, what can I do as a master?"

With that, Uncle Jiu glared at Qiusheng and Wencai again.

The two of them involuntarily leaned against Aunt Cane's seat.

"You two, if you make trouble every day, you just don't live up to your expectations. If you don't make trouble every day, your skin will be itchy!"

Gu Gu stood up and scolded Qiusheng and Wencai.

Since the senior brother glared at these two boys, he must have wanted to teach them a lesson.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who originally wanted to rely on Aunt Zhe as a shield, looked confused, Aunt Shi, you just arrived, don't you know anything?

It's like knowing what happened to them.

"Senior brother, am I right?"

After scolding Qiusheng and Wencai, Aunt Zhe smiled at Ninth Uncle, as if to say: Brother, what you say is what you say.

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