"It's as if you never begged anyone. When your mouth was whistling like a chicken's butt, you didn't cry and beg your mother to beg my apprentice?"

"I seem to have called Dad when I was pointed at by a gun."

Jiang Lin also spoke at this time. This Ma Madi, who did not pay attention to personal hygiene, wanted to take the opportunity to ridicule Jiu Shu, but he was not qualified.


When Ma Ma was about to spit, he swallowed the thick phlegm.

Dealing with Ren Tiantang was his most embarrassing time. He only wanted to mock Ninth Uncle, completely forgetting that his own embarrassment was in Ninth Uncle's hands.

And now that the other classmates are still there, the words he continued to ridicule were nothing more than those few words, but Ninth Uncle was able to shake him out of being caught in a prison and being kicked out by zombies.

Even the apprentice was reluctant to follow him, and he became a loner.

If you continue to be just, you will be completely injuring the enemy a hundred, and you will lose a thousand.

"Come to me and fix your stinky problems for me, or else I wouldn't mind telling your unhappy things to make everyone happy."

If you want to ridicule me, you are fat.

Ninth Uncle looked at Ma Ma Di lightly, wondering who gave him the confidence, what kind of pride?

you are vicious!

He snorted loudly, no longer thinking about finding fault.

Chapter [-] Shi Jian, you are in big trouble!

"Ouch, the king of ten thousand years."

Dao Qianhe, who was talking with Jiang Lin, glanced at the courtyard from the corner of his eyes and said something that almost made Jiang Lin spray tea.

What the hell is Wannian Wangba?

Following Daoist Qianhe's gaze, Jiang Lin saw a chubby middle-aged man who was approaching.

"Millennium Chicken) (Chicken, are you begging for a beating?"

The chubby middle-aged man was smoking his nose, rolled up his sleeves, and looked like he was going to fight with Daochang Qianhe.

Millennium Chicken) (Chicken, Wannian Wangba?

Jiang Lin had a black question mark face.

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at the two of them and did not make a fuss. He explained to Jiang Lin, "That's your uncle Wangui, our junior brother. He is the same age as your junior brother Qianhe. After joining the school, he likes to play with turtles. , and Junior Brother Qianhe always leads a crane when he learns Taoism."

"The two often fight with their pets, and neither agrees with the other. Once, Junior Brother Qianhe's crane pecked Junior Brother Wangui's tortoise to death, and Junior Brother Wangui fed the crane with a red top. The two got married at that time."


I like to lead cranes, so the Taoist name is Qianhe?Playing with turtles is called Wan turtles?

Isn't this number too random?

And two people got married because of pets, which is really funny.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect Daoist Qianhe to have such a past.

"When the two of them left the school, the master gave them a number, and seeing that one of them liked turtles and the other liked cranes, and they were the same age, he took the meaning of 'the age of turtles and cranes' and gave them two thousand turtles and thousand cranes. Road number."

Jiang Lin nodded, so that was the case. With this understanding, Daoist Master Qianhe and Daoist Wangui instantly became taller.

One of them is fat and one is thin, and they can be described as turtles and cranes.

After laughing for a while, the four-eyed Taoist priest continued: "On the day of taking the road, Junior Brother Qianhe shouted 'I am the Millennium Crane' in public, and Junior Brother Wangui immediately did not want to be outdone and howled. Throat, saying that he is a ten thousand year turtle, that is... a ten thousand year king. This pit, the two will fight after they meet."

Jiang Lin really didn't expect Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Wangui to have such a story.

Really lack of thought.

The disciples of Daoist Master Wan Gui in the south, west, north and west also raised their eyebrows and glared at him. They couldn't watch if the master wanted to fight.

Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and Jia Le glanced at each other, watching the fun without thinking it was a big deal, fight, fight!

"Okay! How old are you. The apprentices are all grown ups, what kind of manners do you have?"

Ninth Uncle scolded, in front of so many brothers and sisters, he was still there at his age.

I'm really not afraid of being embarrassed in front of the younger generation.

I have to say that Ninth Uncle still holds a very high status in the hearts of their juniors and brothers. The two enemies turned their faces and snorted, and took their seats.

"Senior brother is a senior brother. Qianhe and Wangui are fighting each other. I can't speak well."

A trace of regret on the four-eyed Taoist priest's face disappeared in a flash, and was captured by Jiang Lin.

Is it really difficult to speak, or are you ready to watch the fun without speaking?

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and gave him a long look. With your personality, you can't wait to fight and sit on the bench and watch the show.

Seeing that it was almost time to come, Uncle Ninth sat in the main seat, ready to discuss with the brothers and sisters a solution to the problem.

"Senior brothers and fellow disciples, you all know the matter. Now that all the ghosts are running out, if you don't catch them, they will be haunted everywhere, but it's definitely not something I can do alone to catch so many ghosts. Use the innate gossip array as a trapping array to introduce ghosts into it, and finally we put it away and return it to the ghost messenger. I don't know if you have any opinions."

Now all those who can come have come, and those who are on the way have no time to wait. After negotiating, they can start tonight.

Although Jiang Lin has given the ghosts a grace period for a day or two, there are so many ghosts after all, and if they are not led into the formation, it would be too time-consuming to catch them separately.

Jiang Lin also felt that Jiu Shu's method was the most suitable. The congenital gossip array's trapping effect was very good, but the lethality was not very strong. It was the most suitable for dealing with these ghosts that could only be captured but not killed.

As long as the wild ghosts are introduced into the formation, everyone can take it slowly. The plan is very simple and effective.

"Senior brother asked if you had any opinions, why didn't you say anything? Say nothing!"

Just as everyone was evaluating the feasibility of the plan, Aunt Zhe suddenly patted the coffee table and glanced at everyone with her arms folded.


There was silent silence in the living room.

I'm a god.

The veins on Ninth Uncle's forehead burst out. Didn't he see that everyone else was thinking about it?

Jiang Lin covered his face with his hands. He really wanted to persuade Jiu Shu not to stay in Renjia Town, nor to stay in this county, as far as possible, in short, the farther away from Aunt Cane, the better.

"Senior brother, let's wait for the senior brother to come to discuss this matter."

Daoist Wangui said a word, breaking the silence, but as soon as the words came out, Daoist Qianhe choked back.

"Your brain has been screwed by a corpse worm? The elder brother is a big man. People came to Renjia Town yesterday, and they didn't come here to stay in the inn. It is estimated that the small temple of the elder brother cannot accommodate his great god."

Daoist Qianhe and Ninth Uncle have a good relationship, and because of his personality, others are afraid of the big brother Shi Jian, but he is not afraid.

One says one, and two says two.

Although Daoist Wangui was scolded, he could only laugh awkwardly. Since the senior brothers are all here, it would not be flattering to let so many people wait for him.

He didn't want to let others think that he and Shi Jian could get along well.

Shi Jian not only has a bad relationship with Ninth Uncle, but also has a bad relationship with other colleagues.

He is arrogant, and he rarely uses his eyes to see people, but his two nostrils.In addition, he is extremely self-interested, he must be repaid, and his methods are vicious. Not to mention the Maoshan lineage, even Jiu Shu and the others are in the same family, and they all keep a distance from him.

In the monastic circle, Shi Jian's reputation is not too bad.I am not a good bird, and my disciples are not right.

Therefore, in the vein of the ninth uncle, in the eyes of outsiders, the one who carries the banner is a righteous brow.

"Master is here!"

Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian walked from the outside with big strides. Shi Jian looked indifferent and imposing, holding his nostrils to see the road.

The juniors outside were suppressed by Shi Jian's aura, and they all saluted respectfully.

It's even worse than in the movie.

Jiang Lin glanced at Shi Jian and stopped looking at him.

Shi Jian was at the level of an alchemist, and his cultivation was not weak. He might have beaten Ninth Uncle a year or two ago, but now, in a real fight, Ninth Uncle might not necessarily lose to him.

"Big Brother."

Uncle Jiu stood up and went up to meet him.

Shi Jian looked at Uncle Ninth with his nostrils, and after a while, he said, "I heard that you are neighbors with the Maoshan traitor in Hangu? If you hadn't begged me this time, I really didn't want to come here. "

Jiang Lin's eyes became extremely cold in an instant, Shi Jian, you are in big trouble!

Chapter [-] Want to sit on the main seat, are you worthy too?

Ninth Uncle frowned, almost twenty years have passed, Shi Jian still remembers the events of the year, is this giving him a slap at the door?

Daoist Qianhe was so angry that he was about to stand up, but he was held back by Daoist Four-eyed. Now that there are many fellow Daoists, if they clashed as soon as they met, they would undoubtedly be laughed at by others.

This kind of conflict is not comparable to the previous fight between Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Wangui.

Shi Jian also knew the character of the ninth uncle, and took into account the face of the division, so he would come up and fight him.

"Don't worry, Jiang Lin is a good apprentice and son-in-law of Senior Brother Hangu. His master and father-in-law were scolded as a traitor. We can just wait and watch the show."

Four-eyed Taoist priest tilted his head and explained to Taoist Qianhe in a low voice. If Taoist Qianhe opened his mouth, he would definitely not be able to fight against Shi Jian, and then Shi Jian would gain the upper hand.

Watch Jiang Lin perform.

In addition to Daoist Qianhe, many of Maoshan's comrades despised Shi Jian in their hearts.

Secretly saying that the Chen Dao faction is a traitor, is it that you, Shi Jian, who think you can represent Maoshan’s orthodoxy, float to the sky, or are your colleagues in Xiangxi unable to hold a knife?

If you have the ability, go to Xiangxi to say this.

And since coming in until now, he has been putting on a stinky face, who is it to see.

Or are the brothers and sisters in the same sect asking for help from each other? It's all like this. If someone asks for help, do they have to bring a knife and chop them?

I searched all over the cultivating circle and found the second one.

"Master and Master didn't say anything about the Chen Dao faction. Senior brother, don't put on your hat casually."

Ninth Uncle is neither humble nor arrogant. If there were not so many comrades here, he would have slapped Shi Jian hard for Zhang Han and Jiang Lin.

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