Twenty years ago he dared to fight, and twenty years later he dared to smoke.

Shi Jian snorted, walked directly past the ninth uncle, and walked towards the main seat behind him.

"Master, this is my master's seat, sit there."

Jiang Lin walked over and stretched out his arm to stop Shi Jian.

Now his identity is Ninth Uncle's disciple, so even if he wanted to trouble Shi Jian, he still called his uncle.

This is Ninth Uncle's righteous village, and Jiang Lin doesn't want outsiders to think that Ninth Uncle's disciples don't know how old and young are in order.

But this was just a title, Jiang Lin didn't think of Shi Jian as a teacher.

This old guy really doesn't deserve it.

When he came to Yizhuang, he offended both of his two masters, saying that Zhang Han was a traitor to Maoshan, and he wanted to occupy the magpie's nest to deceive the master and let Jiu Shu continue to lose face.

The idea is quite good, and the shelf is not small.

But stay where it is cool.

Want to sit in the main seat?you too?

Shi Jian never thought that someone would dare to block the road in front of him, and he was actually Lin Jiu's apprentice.

After an angry grunt, Shi Jian's eyes filled with anger, and he exuded an aura from his body, pressing him towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's eyes looked elsewhere, so as not to see Shi Jian's disgusting big nostrils.

As for Shi Jian's aura, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously at all. He was just an alchemist. Shi Jian, who was a thousand-year-old zombie king, could abuse him and called his father, not to mention that he also had the identity of a first-level celestial master.

Therefore, although Shi Jian's aura was quite powerful, it had no effect on Jiang Lin at all.

After everyone felt Shi Jian's imposing manner, they despised him even more. An elder was not ashamed to be cruel to a younger disciple.

Jiang Lin is still yang and restrained, and he has not shown his own momentum, causing everyone to mistake him for a very ordinary disciple of the younger generation.

Jiang Lin's Taoist name is louder than his real name. There are indeed many people who have heard his name, but not many people who have actually seen him.

Even if you have heard of his Dao name, there are still many things that you don't know that he has become a Celestial Master.

Although Jiang Lin showed great strength when he was in Xiaoleiyin Temple and acknowledged his identity as a Celestial Master, there were not many colleagues present at that time, and Xiaoleiyin Temple was too far away, so the spread of rumors was slow. , again in conflict with the news of his fall.

Therefore, outside, there are various versions of Daoist Li Yang, and many people even insist that Daoist Li Yang has died in Tengteng Town.

Even if it is the same family of Ninth Uncle, Daoist Qianhe, Daoyuan Simu, and Aunt Zhe only know the real situation of Jianglin.

Jiu Shu didn't tell the other juniors about Jiang Lin.

As Shi Jian's momentum became stronger and stronger, many eyes in the hall fell on Ninth Uncle. Now Shi Jian made it clear that he wanted to show his prestige, but he didn't know how Ninth Uncle would respond.

But Uncle Ninth looked indifferent.

Since Jiang Lin went to stop Shi Jian, if Shi Jian could sit on it, he would stand with a brow.

Shi Jian stared for a while, and found that his aura did not affect Jiang Lin. He was very surprised.

Just an offspring, not affected by his aura?

Is this kid strong?

When Daoist Qianhe and Aunt Zhe saw this scene, they felt that their senior brother was ridiculous. Jiang Lin had killed Zombie King, Hongyu, Ghost King, and even accepted the Demon King as a pet, so he could face Fei Zong head-on. , what kind of momentum he has never seen before.

As far as the momentum of your little alchemist cultivation base is concerned, you are too embarrassed to show it off.

"It is rumored that Lin Jiu has a powerful apprentice, is it true?"

With suspicion in his heart, Shi Jian's face turned a little dark. Because he basically had no contact with others, his news was relatively backward. He just heard that Jiu Shu had a powerful disciple, but he always took this rumor as a joke. .

Now suddenly remembering this "joke", Shi Jian was a little confused, and he found that he couldn't see through Jiang Lin.

"Lin Jiu, your apprentice is good at teaching, don't you know the seniors and juniors? Do you still have my uncle in your eyes?"

With an ashen face, Shi Jian no longer confronted Jiang Lin, but turned to look at Ninth Uncle.

And your uncle?

Without raising your foot and kicking your face, you can smile with bared teeth.

Ninth Uncle didn't talk to Shi Jian at all. Jiang Lin didn't beat Shi Jian to the point of vomiting blood.

Take the air, be a great god, and still want to be the master here, so great prestige.

With a snort in his heart, Ninth Uncle went straight to the main seat and pointed to the guest seat on the side: "Senior brother, your seat is over there."

"Lin Jiu... hum!"

Shi Jian was so angry that his five internal organs were hurting, he came up to Ninth Uncle to command the First Army, but he was returned so quickly.

Now all the eyes around the hall are on him, and he can only continue to be embarrassed by standing.

Shi Jian was so angry that he blew his beard. After he sat down, Shi Shaojian stood behind him.

Shi Shaojian didn't have a good face when his father was disgraced by a junior, and stared at Jiang Lin with a pair of eyes.

Jiang Lin didn't look at Shi Shaojian at all. Although this illegitimate son's cultivation base was higher than Qiusheng and Wencai, it was a pity that he wasn't enough to look at, and he was just a Taoist.

It's okay to be honest, otherwise, I'll let you repay your father's debt.

"Who did this thing?"

As soon as he sat down, Shi Jian asked knowingly that although he could not be the main seat, he still wanted to take the air of being a big god.

Chapter three hundred and fifty-ninth self-inflicted humiliation

"It's my two incompetent disciples, Qiusheng and Wencai. I'm going to use..."

Ninth Uncle originally thought that Shi Jian should be more restrained after he was shriveled. Since Shi Jian asked, he responded, but before he finished speaking, Shi Jian interrupted his words.

"What is incompetence?"

Shi Jian stroked his beard, and his voice was full of strange sounds.

"Master, if you don't make it, you are stupid, or stupid, or a donkey, or you are an idiot!"

Shi Shaojian looked at Qiusheng and Wencai with a sneering expression, his eyes turned to Jiu Shu again, and finally stopped on Jiang Lin's face and glared.

Originally, he and his father came here to watch other people's jokes, but they were turned against the first army. Now that the father has sung, of course he should go along.

Shi Shaojian's eyes were very presumptuous, and he was talking, but his eyes swept away Jiu Shu and others, and responded to his father.

Shi Jian was very satisfied with his son's performance, as it was.


Being scolded as stupid idiots, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai couldn't stand it, so they wanted to step forward, but Jiang Lin stopped them.

Originally, he was still worried about how to continue to find Shi Jian's trouble, but now it's good, his son came to the door himself.

"The elders are talking there, what are you doing? What are you?"

Jiang Lin took a step forward, and a flash of fire flashed in his eyes. Almost at the same time, he completed a corpse transformation in an instant, and a thought rushed towards Shi Shaojian.

Don't you like to stare at people?I'll stare at you.

Don't think you can do whatever you want by standing behind your father. What is your father?Do you think your father is Li Gang?

After Jiang Lin is corpse, he can use his mind to control objects, or he can use his mind to impact other people's minds. Although the effect is small, it is enough to make people feel unprepared and suffer when they are caught off guard.

Being stared at by Jiang Lin, Shi Shaojian felt as if his temple had been stabbed with force by a needle.

Although it was only a momentary pain, it was fleeting, but it also made him hold his head, screamed in agony, and retreated again and again.

"Lin Jiu, what do you mean by master and apprentice? Do you still look down on me as a big brother? Let's just say it if you're not welcome!"

Shi Jian was so angry that the armrest of the chair was cracked. Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin had already made him lose face. Now Jiang Lin actually touched his precious son in front of him, which made him unable to bear it any longer.

I remembered!

It was only at this moment that Daoist Wangui recalled that he seemed to have forgotten something.

When he came to Yizhuang, he wanted to ask Uncle Jiu if the rumors outside were true.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at Yizhuang, he was scolded by Taoist Qianhe as a king of ten thousand years, and he forgot about this matter.

Could this be the disciple that Senior Brother accepted?Is he the one who killed the Zombie King in Tengteng Town?

It's so awesome, it's like slapping his apprentice in the face in front of the big brother.

Powerful to burst!

After his eyes stopped on Jiang Lin, Daoist Wangui looked at Shi Shaojian again.

This stinky boy is so used to by the senior brother that he doesn't know how high the sky is. When the elders speak, you come to interject, and he dares to scold the elders in different ways. He really lacks a lesson in his life.

This apprentice of senior brother, but the master who dares to cure even the zombie king, really thinks that no one can cure you.

"Hmph, I really thought that the senior brother would take care of the face of the teacher, so you can knead it? Since you are shameless, then slap your face."

Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Simu whispered to each other, ready to watch the play, not worried about Jiang Lin at all.

Shi Jian's master and apprentice found fault again and again, and now he is still openly yelling at Jiu Shu.

Since there is no need to care about Shimen's face, if Shi Jian doesn't count again, there will definitely be a popping sound on his face.

"Senior, if you think that Master's righteous house can't accommodate your great god, or to come to see a joke, you can leave on your own. Anyway, the uncle stayed in the inn yesterday. But I think this senior has a stinky mouth. , eyes are a bit cheap, if the uncle hadn't disciplined him properly, the nephew wouldn't mind letting him know what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao!"

Jiang Lin held his arms and stared at Shi Jian. As for Shi Shaojian, he didn't take it seriously at all.

"I mean the same as Jiang Lin."

Ninth Uncle glanced at Shi Jian, and when he came to help, he would help. If he didn't want to, he would leave as soon as possible.

As for Shi Shaojian, Ninth Uncle really wanted Jiang Lin to teach him a lesson, no matter how big or small, to have the same virtue as Shi Jian.

You can't get used to it without education and lessons.

"Not convinced? Give you a chance to challenge me."

Seeing Shi Shaojian's resentful expression, Jiang Lin squinted at him, stepped out and kicked you in the face without any ambiguity.

"What a big breath!"

Being accused by Jiang Lin of having problems with his upbringing in public, Shi Shaojian was so angry that he wanted to fight Jiang Lin immediately to let him know what cruelty is.

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