Shi Shaojian believes that the loss he suffered just now was entirely due to Jiang Lin's sneak attack. If he had taken precautions, there would never have been a second time.

It's more than his ability, he has never been afraid of his peers.

Shi Jian's face was ashen. He and his son were going to watch a joke and lose the face of Jiu Shu, but now it's better. He was successively disgraced by Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu, and Shi Shaojian was scolded for being uneducated.

If he just walks away like this, he will become a joke, and he will be used as a pastime by his colleagues after dinner.

"Shaojian, anyway, your uncle is in trouble. Don't be too arrogant. We are here to help solve the problem."

Shi Jian waved at Shi Shaojian, Jiang Lin's aura was like a pillar of air just now, hitting Shi Shaojian directly, although Shi Jian didn't feel it intuitively, but based on his own experience, he decided that Jiang Lin was definitely not a simple character.

If his son really fights with Jiang Lin, it is estimated that the chicken is fighting the eagle.

What a pity, what a pity.

Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Simu felt like they had missed a wonderful show.

They had seen Jiang Lin beat zombies, but they had never seen him beat people. They finally had a chance to take a look, but Shi Jian would not agree.

"Yes, Master."

Although full of dissatisfaction, Shi Shaojian restrained his attitude.

There was a warning in the look Shi Jian gave him just now.

Going up to fight is only self-inflicted.

I want you to regret messing with me.

Shi Shaojian glanced at Jiang Lin, determined to kill Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Having been tricked by ghosts and witches, he didn't like other people's venomous eyes.

Let him seize the opportunity and kill this Shi Shaojian.

Ninth Uncle saw that Shi Jian was cheeky and left behind, and said: "We have discussed it before, and we plan to use the innate gossip array to collect these ghosts. You have no opinion on the plan to introduce ghosts into the array."

"Since you've all discussed it, why do you invite me here? They don't have an opinion, don't I have an opinion?"

Shi Jian stroked his beard and snorted. It was his business to see jokes, but Ninth Uncle clearly didn't care if he had him or not.

I can watch your jokes, but you can't take me seriously!

"What do you think of the big brother?"

Ninth Uncle looked at Shi Jian curiously. Shi Jian's Lightning Bolt Fist and Wooden Pile Dafa were very sharp, but he was not as good as Qianhe Daoist when it came to the formation.

What about opinions?How about you?


Shi Jian was only concerned with finding faults, forgetting that he was not as good as half a bucket of water in terms of his game.

Pretending to be thinking, Shi Jian stroked his beard and said, "Xiantian Bagua Array? Hmm! Just Xiantian Bagua Array!"

Chapter three hundred and sixty cheating ghosts to eat tofu

Why bother.

Jiang Lin thought Shi Jian was really funny.

Back then, when Shi Jian had a conflict with Zhang Han, the main reason was that he was jealous of Zhang Han's formation skills.

I don't know much about how to play, and I have to show up there.

"It was my two apprentices who were careless..."

Jiu Shu originally planned to ask Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to attract ghosts, but Shi Jian deliberately couldn't get along with him, and ran on him with words as soon as he found an opportunity.

"Cultists have nowhere to go, do they just want to shirk their responsibilities just by being careless?"

He finally said a word that made Uncle Jiu speechless, Shi Jian felt refreshed in an instant, his waist was no longer sore, and his legs were no longer sore.

Who is going to shirk responsibility?

Ninth Uncle called a greasy crook in his heart, can you die if you don't bb?

Seeing that Uncle Jiu was speechless, Shi Jian took a sip of his tea and asked, "There are so many ghosts, who are you going to lead them out? I'm afraid this is not something ordinary people can do."

Shi Jian looked at Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin with special interest, attracting ghosts is not an easy job, you need to be able to pretend to be stupid, ghosts are not so easy to deceive.

What Shi Jian didn't expect was that Ninth Uncle and the others hadn't spoken yet. Shi Shaojian took a step forward at this time, shook his hair, and said, "For such a daunting task, I think I'm the only one who will go out."

Not ordinary people can do it, I can do it!

Shi Shaojian looked at Jiang Lin with a foreign look on his face and seemed to say: Can you?This is not something ordinary people can do!

Can't can't.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but laugh.

Others are shooting their own feet, but this Shi Jian is better to shoot his son's feet.

Ninth Uncle coughed lightly and covered his mouth with his hand, and he almost couldn't hold it back.


Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were already mentally prepared to attract ghosts.

Shi Jian's face suddenly turned black. Originally, he wanted the four masters and apprentices to go, but his son jumped into the pit.

With a snort, Shi Jian scolded: "Master talking to your uncle, what are you talking about!"

Only at this time did Shi Shaojian know that his father didn't want him to be in the limelight.

"I'm sorry master."

Bowing his head, Shi Shaojian retreated again.

"Ahem, although Shaojian is very capable, it would be best if he can do things alone. I think this nephew is not very yang, so it should be good for him to lead ghosts."

Shi Jian smiled slightly and looked at Jiang Lin.

"No, if Jiang Lin goes past, the ghost will only hide and refuse to come out."

Although Jiang Lin still has no yang energy, the aura on his body is enough to make the evil creature feel inexplicable heart palpitations. If he asks him to attract ghosts, it will only lead to farther and farther.

"Qiusheng Wencai, it's better to be a human being and face the reality. Since your master said that one person does things and one person is responsible, you two will lead the ghosts into battle, and you will lead the way when you cause trouble."

Uncle Jiu didn't expect others to take over this job at first, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are not very good at their brains, so if you attract ghosts, you don't need to do any disguise at all, just play in your true colors.

"I know Master."

Even if they were unwilling, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai could only bite the bullet.

After the negotiation was completed, Uncle Ninth asked Daoist Qianhe and Daoyuan Simu and others to help set up the formation, and the other comrades also prepared equipment for collecting ghosts.

In fact, most of them were prepared by Uncle Ninth, and they just chose the ones they were most accustomed to.

Shi Jian's father and son left Yizhuang temporarily. It is impossible to collect ghosts. Today, Uncle Ninth made them lose such a big face, and they couldn't swallow this breath without adding trouble to Uncle Ninth.

"Father, I really can't take this breath, why don't you let me teach that stinky boy a lesson today?"

In the inn, Shi Shaojian was so angry that he smashed the chair.

He has already entered the Taoist level at a young age, and his cultivation is even higher than some of the elders, and the gap with Taoist Qianhe is not too big.

With such capital, he didn't believe that he couldn't defeat Jiang Lin.

"What do you know? That kid's strength is estimated to be not far from the peak of the alchemist. Can you beat him?"

Shi Jian wanted to beat his son, but his strength was not as good as others, and he always wanted to fight with others. In order to show his ability, he even made him laugh at Ninth Uncle.

"how is this possible?"

Shi Shaojian's face was full of shock, Jiang Lin was better than him?Or the alchemist level?

But how long has it been since Jianglin started?There will never be that fool who has been in the beginning for a long time. Although his temperament is a little older, he looks like he is only about twenty years old.

The talent for cultivation is higher than his?

"What is impossible! It seems that Lin Jiu has put a lot of effort into him, this kid is full of medicinal fragrance. Shaojian, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Since Lin Jiu values ​​this kid so much, I will mutilate him! You'd better not provoke him first, with your father here, you won't be angry for nothing."

Shi Jian patted his son on the shoulder. This precious son of his has never suffered a loss since he was a child. This time, he will never give up when he falls in the hands of Jiang Lin.

"Thank you dad."

Even if he was angry in his heart, Shi Shaojian could only endure it first.

Although he was conceited, he was not stupid. Since he couldn't fight against Jiang Lin, he went to provoke him.

Fighting ruthlessly also depends on the target. In front of Jiang Lin, his cultivation and talent are simply not enough. If he chooses to fight head-to-head, it will definitely be a worm in his head.

See how long you can be arrogant!

Shi Shaojian's eyes were full of resentment. If his father came out, even if he was an alchemist, there were not many alchemists in his father's hands.

"Wow! This stinky tofu smells stinky and tastes delicious."

Wen Cai picked up a piece of stinky tofu and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I didn't expect ghosts to like to eat stinky tofu."

Qiusheng was munching on stinky tofu while exhaling the stench.

Jiang Lin was speechless about these two living treasures. These stinky tofu are for ghosts to eat, and the material inside is red beans, that is, there are beans in beans, and ghosts will tremble when they eat them.

But fortunately people eat it without problems.

"If the ghosts eat these tofu, we don't have to be afraid of them. We caught them one by one while they were shaking."

Wen Cai fantasized about his majestic appearance when he was catching ghosts, and that feeling was really invincible.

Ninth Uncle shook his head slightly, these two silly boys really thought that the ghosts would let them slaughter after eating tofu.

The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately his two apprentices are not many.

Ghosts will tremble when they eat beans in beans, but hundreds of ghosts, how can they all eat tofu at once? When those ghosts find out that there is a problem with their companions who eat stinky tofu, they will definitely run wild and take Qiusheng and Wencai. stripped alive.

This is the real purpose of tricking ghosts into eating tofu. Qiusheng and Wencai are two people who are trying to lure ghosts. It is better to count on them to catch ghosts than to expect sows to climb trees.


At night, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were carrying poles and shouting in the street.

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