The two were walking when suddenly a figure appeared in front of them, and Xiao Li in a purple dress appeared.

Qiusheng and Wencai forget about the whole world after seeing Xiaoli.

"You sell stinky tofu, my favorite."

Qiu Sheng's eyes were blurred, and he said to Xiao Li affectionately, "I love your tofu too."

Chapter [*] Picking up the hair

At this moment, Qiusheng and Wencai swept away their previous fears, and did not pay any attention to whether other ghosts would appear.

They just want to eat tofu, eat Xiaoli's tofu.

On the roof of the town, Jiang Lin looked at Qiusheng and Wencai who had been fascinated again, and shook his head. These two people really didn't change their hearts.

Looking at Xiao Li, who was wearing a purple dress, Jiang Lin felt that she had not reached the point where she could overwhelm the country. Why was she so fascinated?


"Husband, look at the two of them, it's really hopeless."

Caiyi was beside Jiang Lin, and when she saw Qiusheng and Wencai who had been fascinated by ghosts again, her face was filled with deep contempt.


Ayan also pouted, the two pig brothers forgot what they were going to do when they saw the beautiful female ghost.

The two girls were brought out by Jiang Lin to open their eyes, to see Maoshan's magic of collecting ghosts, and gain some experience.

Although they are now married to Jiang Lin, the identity of the Microwave School is still there.

In the future, if I have a baby with Jiang Lin, I will be a disciple of the Microwave School.

Jiang Lin has no objection to this either. Her woman can do whatever she wants, as long as he doesn't worry about it, he is willing to support it.

And if Caiyi and Ayan could also cultivate to the level of alchemists, maybe they would be able to conceive a baby sooner.

The following two living treasures did not know that their performance was discovered by Jiang Lin and the others.

Ninth Uncle was worried that Qiusheng and Wen would have problems, so he asked Jiang Lin to take care of him.

"Since my uncle asked me to take care of it, when I go back, I will tell my uncle about the performance of these two living treasures."

Jiang Lin felt that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were still playing lightly.

"Eat, eat, eat."

Wen Cai was so dazed that he forgot that Xiao Li was also one of the ghosts who escaped, and she was also the culprit behind this disaster.

Seeing that Xiao Li wanted to eat the stinky tofu in the basket, he couldn't help urging her.

As long as Xiaoli ate tofu and couldn't move, wouldn't they have tofu to eat?

Xiaoli looked at Qiusheng and Wencai's uneasy and kind eyes, rolled her eyes, and said, "Tofu is so slippery, it will be smooth even if a ghost eats it, but no one would be so stupid and come out to sell tofu in the middle of the night."

"There must be something wrong with these tofu!"

Taoist priests selling tofu to ghosts must be uneasy and kind!

After being yelled at by Xiaoli, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai remembered that they were here to trick ghosts into eating tofu. If other ghosts heard this, they would be miserable.


Qiusheng and Wencai hurriedly made a silent motion, looked around, and Qiusheng whispered: "Let me tell you the truth, this tofu is made of soybeans, but a little red bean is added to it, so it is said that the bean is in the bean curd. If there are beans, after the ghost eats it, it will tremble all over, making it easy to catch."

Qiusheng was talking to Xiaoli, but he didn't notice that there were already many ghosts approaching behind him.

Stinky tofu is still quite attractive to ghosts, and since it was midnight, they smelled the smell of stinky tofu and gathered in Zhenkou.

Jiang Lin on the roof saw such a situation and pretended not to see it. If these two living treasures learned a lesson, he would still remind them, but now, let them suffer more.

Not one by one!

"Husband, we won't take action until these two senior brothers are half dead."

Caiyi and Ayan also directly chose to watch the play.

It turned out that he wanted me to eat tofu quickly just now, because he wanted to arrest me, no, it was definitely not just that simple.

"Are you good or bad, cheating ghosts to eat tofu!"

Xiao Li pursed her lips in anger, and onion pointed at Qiusheng and Wencai, and her voice became a little louder.

But when her eyes swept across Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, she found a group of wild ghosts with angry faces behind them.

Qiusheng put his index finger to his mouth again, and said softly, "Don't be so loud, if the ghosts hear it, they won't come to eat."

"That's right, we agreed with the ghost messengers to catch them all, otherwise there will be big trouble."

Wencai's words made the ghosts at the back get extremely angry, and it was enough to trick them into eating tofu, and they wanted to arrest them to the ghosts!

Xiaoli waved her hand and pointed behind the two of them.

Qiusheng and Wencai turned around to look, and they were blown away.

"Stinky...stinky tofu."

"Eat the buffet, it's free."

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were about to cry, why are they so arrogant, and what they said was overheard by ghosts.

This is killing people!

"These two guys want to drug us, arrest us and go to hell, brothers shred them!"

"Crush them!"

Looking at the group of ghosts trying to kill people, Qiusheng and Wencai can't care whether the ghosts eat tofu or not. Thirty-six strategies, running is the best strategy!

"Master, help. Ghost!"

"Junior Brother, help!"

The two shouted as they ran, their four legs were like wheels, and they hated less when they ran.Although they were so frightened that the three souls disappeared and the seven souls disappeared, fortunately, they did not panic and ran to the open space of the Xiantian Bagua Array together.

Xiaoli was also worried about Qiusheng and Wencai, who were her benefactors after all and kept up with the ghosts.

Do you know how to call for help?

Jiang Lin and his two daughters-in-law watched from behind, and they wouldn't rescue them unless they were scared out of their wits.

When the group of ghosts entered the location of the formation, Uncle Ninth immediately ordered to start the formation.

A huge gossip phantom in the sky was covered, and all the wild ghosts were imprisoned inside.

The innate gossip array arranged by many Taoist priests together, even the ghost king should not try to escape.


Jiang Lin brought Caiyi and Ayan to the front of the Bagua Array. Along the way, Qiusheng and Wencai ran faster than the rabbits. There was no danger, and Jiang Lin did not show up.


When Shi Shaojian saw the two beauties Caiyi and Ayan, his eyes were straight.

Caiyi and Ayan felt Shi Shaojian's gaze, and their eyebrows furrowed together.

No wonder the husband told the sisters not to go out and not to leave the Taoist temple. It seems to be guarding against others.

After the conflict with Shi Jian, Jiu Shu reminded Jiang Lin to guard against Shi Jian.

Shi Jian will definitely report, if the spear is aimed at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin has nothing to fear, but if Shi Jian wants to be detrimental to Jiang Lin's women, it is still a problem worth noting.

Jiang Lin is so fond of his women that he is afraid that they will be hurt a little bit, so at a very early time, he found Xiaohong to protect Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, and later found two powerful demons. Wang, as long as they go out, the demon king and Xiaohong must follow.

Now, the Heavenly Dragon Barrier has been set up around the Taoist Temple.

With such a luxurious means of protecting his wife, even Ninth Uncle can only give a thumbs up.

If Shi Jian was honest and didn't think about it, Jiang Lin would be able to take it by any means.

If he tried to deal with Jiang Lin's women, Shi Jian would not only be severely punished by Jiang Lin's protective measures, but he would also face Jiang Lin's monstrous anger.

You can't even think about dying.

Jiang Lin felt something, turned his face to look, but Shi Shaojian's eyes shifted to other places.

The blue silk of Caiyi was blown by the breeze, and a strand of hair that fell off was blown away by the wind.

Shi Shaojian's eyes were completely fixed on that hair.

As long as he can pick up this hair...

Licking his lips, Shi Shaojian could no longer care about admiring the faces of Caiyi and Ayan, and went to the point where his hair fell.

Jiang Lin's heart is filled with killing intent, pick it up, the moment you bend over, it means that you are not far from death!

Chapter [*] If you don't fight, I'll let him die!

"Junior brother, it turns out that you were following us, and you didn't help us when we were chased by ghosts."

Qiusheng and Wencai looked resentful and felt that their junior brother was definitely fake.

"What can I do for you? Eat the tofu of the ghost girl with the two of you?"

Jiang Lin glared, causing Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to shrink their necks.

If Master found out that they were bewitched by ghosts again, it is estimated that ten cane whips would be indispensable.

"Oh, that's your junior brother, you seem to be very afraid of him."

The female ghost Xiaoli knew that she couldn't escape, so she hurried to Qiusheng and Wencai's side. As long as Qiusheng and Wencai were willing to help her, it was not a big problem.

"If we are beaten, it's just a matter of the younger brother's words for the master to beat the light and the heavy. Can you not be afraid?"

Qiu Sheng smiled embarrassingly. Last time, Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ninth to beat them hard. Now they have a psychological shadow on Jiang Lin, and they are afraid of making Jiang Lin unhappy.

"Eh? Why are you here too, hurry up, master and they want to accept you."

After realizing that Xiao Li was behind her, Qiu Sheng hurriedly asked Xiao Li to find a way to escape, worried that she would be caught.

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