"I've already done this, what else do you have to say?"

Shi Jian snorted, interrupted Jiu Shu's words, and walked into the gossip array himself, he wanted to make Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin look good!

The ghosts in here can't be killed, but he has to kill enough!

Ninth Uncle and the others have already made an agreement with the ghost messengers to take away these wild ghosts. If too many disappear, it will affect Ninth Uncle, Qiusheng and Wencai.

Ghosts are innocent, killing sins.

If a large number of wild ghosts die in vain and never exceed their lives, Jiu Shu and the others will lose their lives.

But Shi Jian wished they would have their lives cut off.

Ninth Uncle could only shake his head. If Shi Jian continued to die, he could only clean up the door himself.

Because Jiang Lin is likely to join their lineage in the future, Jiu Shu didn't want Jiang Lin's hands to be stained with the blood of Shi Jian's master and apprentice.

"Husband, I'm sorry, I was careless."

Caiyi blamed herself. She didn't even know that her hair was falling out. If she hadn't been discovered by her man, it would be terrifying to think about.

"It's because I didn't think about it thoroughly. Don't leave the Daotang after tonight."

Jiang Lin hugged Caiyi and patted her back to comfort her.

After the episode, everyone no longer waited and watched, and all entered the innate gossip array, ready to collect ghosts.

Daoist Qianhe danced the crane stick and evoking spirit banners, Daoist Wangui held a tortoise shell lotus in his hand, and Uncle Jiu held the altar bucket and began to collect the ghosts into the magic weapon.


The two little ghosts screamed and fell to the ground, then turned into nothingness.

Seeing this, Uncle Ninth stepped forward with the altar bucket to stop him and said, "Senior brother, you have to raise your hands high. If you use lightning to run through the Thunder Fist, these soulless souls will never be born again."

"That's not better, to save them wandering, do you want to be the master of these lonely souls?"

With a snort, Shi Jian had a ferocious expression on his face. He waved his arms again, thunderbolts flowing on his body, and the electric current gathered in his palms.

It's about to start killing again.

Jiu Shu looked at Shi Jian, his eyebrows became W-shaped.

Jiang Lin had already seen Shi Jian's actions in the distance, this old bastard's heart is really vicious!

They finally finished discussing with the ghosts, and they wanted to capture these ghosts, but Shi Jian wanted to beat these ghosts to pieces. It was really heartbreaking!


The two yang fingers hit Shi Jian's hand like bullets.

With a scream, Shi Jian shook his aching palm and took a few steps back.

Yang finger sword?

Shi Jian looked at Jiang Lin with a shocked face, even if it was a fire spirit body, it was not that easy to cultivate into a Yang Finger Sword.

Moreover, Yang Zhijian belongs to the spell of the Chen Dao faction, how could Jiang Lin be able to do it?

Yes, Lin Jiu and the traitor of the Chen Dao faction became neighbors, and he must have asked for the Yang Zhijian for his disciple.

He was repeatedly humiliated by Jiang Lin, his son was severely injured by Jiang Lin, and now he was attacked by Jiang Lin again, Shi Jian finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Lin Jiu, what do you mean by apprentice? Do you still have my uncle in your eyes?"

"You still have the face to ask me what I mean? These wild ghosts are all to be handed over to the ghost messenger, and the number needs to be counted. You are killing indiscriminately here, do you want us to be unable to explain to the ghost messenger? Let us lose our lives? People? You look like a human, and the heart is more poisonous than snakes and scorpions! What do you mean by asking me? It's just cutting you! Master doesn't want to be laughed at by others, and bear with you again and again, I don't care who you are! Shameless!"

Jiang Lin stared at Shi Jian, his voice was sonorous and powerful. Daoist Qianhe and Daoyuan Simu, who were collecting ghosts, also stopped their work and looked at Jiang Lin and Shi Jian.

Being scolded by a junior pointing at the nose, the volcano in Shi Jian's heart erupted completely.

The thunder was loud, and countless thunderbolts flashed on Shi Jian's body, and the lightning overflowed, making Shi Jian a source of thunder.

There are lightning arcs within ten meters around.

Chapter [*] I thought I was a great god, but I was actually a soft-footed shrimp

The powerful aura erupted from Shi Jian's body without reservation, causing all the wild ghosts around to retreat.

"Idiots, don't come in yet, waiting to never be born?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest unfolded his umbrella, and a group of ghosts scrambled to drill inside.

Daoist Qianhe and Ninth Uncle also quickly collected the ghosts into the magic weapon. If these ghosts were there, Jiang Lin would be tied.

"Thunder and rain, it's ridiculous to think that no one can cure you at this level."

Jiang Lin sneered mercilessly, Shi Jian's momentum was not small, the whole person seemed to be a thunder and lightning king, but the real power was like that.

Compared with the thousand-year-old evil princess Jiang Lin had met, Shi Jian was like a little baby who had just learned to walk.

The thunder and lightning spewed out of Xie Ji's mouth at the beginning made Jiang Lin, a thousand-year-old zombie king, feel better for a while. Compared with Shi Jian's lightning bolt punch, the gap is too great.

Feel great?

Looking at Shi Jian, who seemed to have turned into a giant thunder and lightning bell, Jiang Lin sneered and stepped closer to the thunder and lightning area.

"Jiang Lin, don't be too big, Lightning Strike Thunder Fist is no trivial matter."

Ninth Uncle hurriedly reminded Jiang Lin when he saw that Jiang Lin was going to use his body to carry Shi Jian's Lightning Lightning Fist.

"Senior brother, don't worry, although I don't understand Jiang Lin's approach, he is not a person who cares about the big."

Daoist Qianhe had confidence in Jiang Lin. Although he knew that Jiang Lin had become a Celestial Master, he could not see through Jiang Lin more and more.

After entering the Thunder Territory, fire snakes appeared all over Jiang Lin's body. As long as Lei Si was a foot close to his body, it would be swallowed up by the flames.

Under normal circumstances, the burst intensity of thunder and lightning is higher than that of flames, and even strange fires cannot suppress violent thunder.

However, in the Yang Yan within Jiang Lin's body, there are traces of the Sun's True Fire. Shi Jian's Lightning Fist of Thunder had no success at all. This level of thunder and lightning can only make the Sun's True Fire hiccups.

How can it be!

Shi Jian's eyes widened suddenly, Jiang Lin was not hurt at all in his thunder domain, what kind of physique is this kid?

"This is the lightning bolt punch you are proud of?"

There was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth, Jiang Lin slowly raised his hands and made a knot.


The twenty-meter-high three-legged Golden Crow woke up from a hibernation state and raised its arrogant head.

"It's going to die!"

"No, it's going to die!"

Originally, the wild ghosts in other areas were not shrouded in the Thunder Domain, and they didn't want to be taken away by the Taoist priests for a while, but when the three-legged golden crow appeared, they all drilled into the soul-calling flag and the altar barrel.

As a ghost, they never imagined that there would be such a day, like rushing to reincarnate, into the Taoist priest's ghost collecting instrument.

In their eyes, the Three-legged Golden Crow is no less than the Great Poison Sun.

The eyes of the giant Golden Crow shot out a golden light, which fell on Shi Jian's body.

Being stared at by the three-legged Golden Crow, Shi Jian felt as if he was locked by a beast of a flood, his heart was beating violently, and a sense of crisis arose spontaneously.

In just a few breaths, Shi Jian's aura was forced back by the three-legged Golden Crow. The pressure emanating from the Golden Crow made Shi Jian feel indescribably depressed. This pressure seemed to penetrate every pore of his body, causing him There is a sense of suffocation.

And the most difficult thing for Shi Jian to accept is that the lightning arc generated by his Lightning Running Thunder Fist did not seem to dare to make a mistake, and it rolled back one after another.

As long as it reaches the sun, all laws are difficult to invade.Now the three-legged Golden Crow that Jiang Lin has condensed has faintly had such signs.

"This is Li Huo Jue? Master is biased! Master is biased!"

Shi Jian was like a fool, and like a shrew who scolded the street, he looked at Jiu Shu with jealousy and hatred written on his face.

Ninth Uncle's face was speechless, what Li Huo Jue, he wanted to get Li Huo Jue to Jiang Lin, he was really busy and got shot.

In Ninth Uncle's heart, he always thought that Jiang Lin could achieve such an achievement all because of his own physique and talent, which complemented the Pure Yang Art. As for the strength of his physical body, Ninth Uncle also attributed it to the Tianyang body.

Daoist Wangui looked confused, wasn't Lihuojue with him?The big brother is really jealous, no matter what.

"This is the three-legged Golden Crow, how could you condense the inner yang to form the three-legged Golden Crow? It is not the Vermillion Bird or the Fire Phoenix, but the Golden Crow!"

Shi Jian looked hysterical, and Jiang Lin's performance was completely unexpected.

"Why can't I condense the three-legged golden crow? Turtle! Today I'm putting my words here, you won't care if you don't help, but if you continue to make trouble, don't blame me for being rude! Master doesn't want to care about you, I'm not used to you! If you think you can't be cured, you can try."

Hearing Jiang Lin's threatening words, Shi Jian froze in his heart. If he really wants to fight Jiang Lin today, he is really not an opponent.

It is not a hero who suffers immediate losses. I will let you stand out today. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

With a livid face, Shi Jian took back his Thunder Domain, and said shamelessly: "Humph! This old man is also an elder after all, and the juniors don't know the superiority and inferiority, so I won't bully the small with the big one."

Although Shi Jian was stubborn, it didn't mean that he was going to be tough with Jiang Lin. Besides, the Lightning Strike Thunder Fist he was so proud of couldn't help Jiang Lin at all. Fighting Jiang Lin at this time was just asking for trouble.

hateful!What kind of physique is this kid?Even if one has practiced Li Huo Jue, it is impossible for the inner yang to appear as a golden crow.

What kind of incense did Lin Jiu burn? It's just that the master is biased, and even the sky is biased to let him accept such a disciple!

Just let you be proud, none of us who offend our father and son will have a good end!

Shi Jian made up his mind. If he doesn't want to be with Jiang Lin, he will be secretive if he can't. He has a hundred ways to make Jiang Lin exhausted. At that time, he will let Jiang Lin have a good taste of the pain of relatives and enemies. .

Seeing the resentment deep in Shi Jian's eyes, Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, he wished Shi Jian came to trouble him, and then he would be able to kill Shi Jian justifiably.

It was also because of this thought in his heart that Jiang Lin did not show his true strength and level of cultivation.

If Shi Jian knew that he had become a Celestial Master, he might run away.

What Jiang Lin didn't want was that Shi Jian and his son ran away.

For those who looked at him like a poisonous snake, Jiang Lin not only had to pull out their fangs, but also burn them to a cloud of ashes.

Hehe, Shi Jian, who has always been strong, actually has a time to be soft.

Many of the comrades who arrived looked at Shi Jian with strange eyes. In this Dharma-ending era, Celestial Masters are rare, and not many can cure Shi Jian.

Shi Jian's two famous stunts, Lightning Running Thunder Fist and Wooden Pile Dafa, are both powerful spells. Even an alchemist-level monk at the same level as Shi Jian may not be able to take advantage of Shi Jian's hands. .

But now, it has become a soft-footed shrimp!

I thought I was a great god, but in fact I was just a soft-footed shrimp.

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