It was really heartwarming, even more soothing than Lu Dongbin hitting a dog.

"Oh, I don't know why, my face hurts so much."

"When you say that, it hurts a little too."

Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Simu looked at each other and smiled. When Shi Jian called Zhang Han a traitor, they knew that Shi Jian would definitely be beaten in the face, but they didn't expect to be beaten so fast.

The apprentice was kicked and the master was beaten in the face. See you two still have the face to put a clove of garlic here?

This "great god" is really big~

Chapter [*] Quantity is a flaw

Shi Jian was seen by everyone's strange eyes and felt uncomfortable. He had lost so much face, and he wasn't going to stay here. Anyway, he never thought about helping catch ghosts from beginning to end.

With his hands behind his back, Shi Jian shouted at Shi Shaojian, "Let's go!"

The two father and son clenched their fists with anger, and they will definitely take revenge tenfold and a hundredfold for today's humiliation.

Looking at Shi Jian's clenched fists, Uncle Jiu frowned.

He originally wanted to catch up and remind Shi Jian, if you have any advice, just come to him, don't target Jiang Lin.

Jiu Shu knew that Jiang Lin had not abandoned Shi Shaojian, nor did he fight Shi Jian in front of so many people. It was already for the sake of him and his teacher.

If Shi Jian insisted on angering Jianglin, it would only be miserable.

But seeing the appearance of Shi Jian's master and apprentice, Jiu Shu decided not to have this one.

Good words sounded bad to Shi Jian, and he had learned it twenty years ago.

"Senior brother, Jiang Lin really gave you a face today."

After collecting the ghosts, Daoist Qianhe came up to chat with Uncle Jiu.

In the past, Ninth Uncle had to endure, but today Jiang Lin was really angry for him.

Their apprentice brothers, except for the savage Cane Aunt who never suffered Shi Jian's loss, the other apprentice brothers have basically suffered from Shi Jian's hands.

This time Jiang Lin slapped Shi Jian fiercely in public, making Qianhe Dao grow up hooked.

I stare at people through my nostrils all day, thinking I'm amazing, and I either spray this one every day or teach that one a lesson.

My face hurts so much.

Ninth Uncle also smiled slightly, although he really didn't want to turn his back on Shi Jian, after all, he was from the same division, so it was only a joke, but Shi Jian was getting more and more excessive, and Jiang Lin's actions today were quite relieved.

In the evening, Jiang Lin helped him block Shi Jian once. Although he was not afraid of Shi Jian, this time it was Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who caused the disaster. Less gain or loss of face.

This time, it was Jiang Lin who made Shi Jian humiliate himself. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, even if he really fell out with Shi Jian, it would be impossible for Shi Jian to be so embarrassed.

"But Senior Brother, you should also remind Jiang Lin, Senior Senior Brother is ruthless, unscrupulous, and very vengeful. After this incident, Senior Senior Brother will never give up. Although Jiang Lin is not afraid of him, he is hard to guard against. Jiang Lin is alone. No problem, but his daughter-in-law..."

After thinking about Shi Jian's character and methods, Daoist Qianhe worried about Jiang Lin again.

"I have reminded him that there is a Heavenly Dragon Barrier around the Daotang, and there is a colorful tiger king inside, so there shouldn't be much of a problem. I believe Jiang Lin will also take measures to deal with it."

"This is the best."

Ninth uncle thanked his fellow comrades one by one, let them rest in the town, and handed over the ghost to the ghost messenger, he and his junior brothers would do it.

This time, the colleagues tried their best to help, and the ninth uncle also had to pay some compensation. It is estimated that other people would not like the money.

Isn't it more precious than money to let Yimei Daochang owe personal favor?

Moreover, Jiang Lin is still a disciple of Yimei Daochang, so they will not ask for money.

Therefore, Uncle Ninth had to come up with some treasured materials or instruments, in order not to owe so many people's favor.

Qiusheng and Wencai did not dare to get too close to Ninth Uncle because they were protecting Xiaoli, so they found a reason to return to Yizhuang.

Jiang Lin also resigned from the ninth uncle first, and returned to the Taoist church with Caiyi and Ayan.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai walked with Jiang Lin, but they did not dare to get too close. You must know that Jiang Lin is a Celestial Master. If they found out that they were hiding Xiao Li, it would be a big trouble.

But they didn't dare to get too far from Jiang Lin, that would make them feel guilty.

After walking halfway, Qiu Sheng found that Jiang Lin didn't seem to notice that Xiao Li was hiding in his sleeve.

The thought of being able to bring Xiaoli back to the room made Qiusheng look lewd.) (Dangxiang.

He seemed to miss the feeling of being in love with the female ghost before.

She helped Xiaoli escape the escort of the ghosts twice, but this time she didn't show her promise?

Wen Cai also showed a unique wretched look.

Shuang Wai Wai ah beautiful.

Thinking of Xiao Li's stunning face, he forgot the experience of pissing his pants when he was scared by the Banana Banshee.

Losing himself to such a female ghost, he couldn't ask for anything.

"People are so scared."

Xiaoli hid in Qiusheng's cuff, her little heart was about to jump out, she really didn't want to be taken back by Qiusheng, although she would definitely not suffer, but being brought home by such a pig brother, it was very unpleasant to say it out.

The family is still a big girl.

"But fortunately, I haven't been discovered. This man is so mighty, so powerful that he is afraid of ghosts."

She was glad that she was not found and finally escaped from the devil's clutches. Xiaoli just wanted to breathe a small sigh of relief.

As a result, Jiang Lin's words made her feel like hearing a thunderbolt from the blue.

"Senior brother, does it feel good to hide in your sleeves? Can I eat ghost tofu tonight?"

Jiang Lin suddenly turned to look at Qiusheng.

Do these two living treasures really think that they can cross the sea in front of a Celestial Master?


It was discovered!

Xiao Li felt that her heart had stopped beating, although she was a ghost and had no heartbeat.

The expression on Qiu Sheng's face suddenly stiffened when he was still in unbridled lust one second ago.

Wen Cai's wretched face also instantly turned into a bitter face.

A purple light flew out from Qiusheng's cuff, and Xiaoli didn't dare to face Jiang Lin at all.

She had seen the horror of Jiang Lin before and asked her to deal with Jiang Lin, but the egg hit a stone.

"Did I let you go?"

As soon as Jiang Lin raised his arm, the yin fire whip like a snake instantly wrapped around Xiao Li's body.

Seeing that Xiaoli had kindly asked Qiusheng and Wencai to remind her, Jiang Lin didn't rude her.

If it wasn't for Xiao Li's previous actions, Jiang Lin wouldn't have any pity for Xiangxiangxiyu, and he would have used force to accept her.

This female ghost was the mastermind behind this series of calamities, not only kept them busy for so long, but also asked Uncle Ninth to ask for help for the first time.

Jiang Lin is not like Qiusheng and Wencai, who are full of XXOO when he sees beautiful people of the opposite sex.

After the fire whip wrapped around Xiao Li, Jiang Lin snorted in his heart.

Although he had wrapped Bai Min'er with the Yin Huo Whip, it was a waistband, but now that the Yin Huo Whip had bound Xiao Li with five flowers, how did the whip look like... tentacles!

In particular, Xiao Li's figure is also exquisitely curvy, and the purple skirt on her body was tightened by the fire whip, as if she was wearing tights.

Caiyi and Ayan, who were behind them, gave Jiang Lin a strange look.

Could it be that you want to play bundling?


There seemed to be tears in Xiao Li's eyes, and she made a whistling sound, which made Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai go numb.

Want to obsess me?Don't be afraid of me hitting you!

Jiang Lin raised his brows and stared at Xiao Li. He didn't have the slightest wave in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"You save it, even if I am really tempted, there are still two beautiful people behind me. Do you think I will abandon them for one of you?"

Xiao Li pouted, it was too much, her beauty is also a flower in the city, but there are two flowers behind her.

Even if the quality is not bad at all, but the quantity is not comparable, she only has one, Jiang Lin has two.

Quantity is flawed!

"Daoist, it's different, she's still a big girl~ As long as you don't hand them over to the ghosts, you can be a slave or a maid~"

In order not to return to the underworld, Xiao Li also fought hard!

Ghosts generally don't deceive people, but Xiao Li is very skilled at deception.

Why are the same men treated so obviously differently?

Qiusheng and Wencai were angry. They rescued Xiaoli twice, but they refused to give their promises. As a result, when Jiang Lin met, they could become slaves and maids.

No reason!

Chapter [*] The woman at home can't sleep in one bed

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched, what's wrong with you being a big girl, can you still sleep with me?

Although Jiang Lin felt that even if he was a ghost, he would not have much influence, but his taste was not that serious.

When Xiao Li was showing off herself, she deliberately glanced at Caiyi and Ayan, and then added: "Daoist~ Anyway, they are relatively fresh."

"Husband, accept her!"

Caiyi and Ayan couldn't stand it any longer. This female ghost was tied up and blatantly teased their man.

This is contempt for them!

The most unbearable thing for Caiyi and Ayan was that this female ghost seemed to be mocking them for not being perfect.

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