Jiang Lin spread out his hands and said, "This female ghost doesn't have much injustice, don't go too far."

Xiaoli is quite beautiful, but she made a mistake, and Jiang Lin's name for protecting his wife is not for nothing.

Caiyi and Ayan were angry, and the war between the women was temporarily ignored by Jiang Lin.

Seeing Jiang Lin throwing herself directly to his two women, Xiao Li's smooth forehead was covered with black lines.

This man didn't mean to be sneaky at all, that is, no matter how high her deceit was and how beautiful she was, it was useless.

"Two sisters, Xiaoli dare not, Xiaoli said the wrong thing."

Xiaoli suddenly felt that she was shooting herself in the foot with a stone. She wanted to compare Jiang Lin's two women and fascinated Jiang Lin, but now she was handed over to Caiyi and Ayan by Jiang Lin.

This time it is definitely not only as simple as being accepted, but also suffering, the baby is suffering!

"I still recognize my sister, I need to clean up!"

"Accept this fox, lest she charm people."

Caiyi took out a handkerchief and cast a spell to turn it into an octagonal box. She pointed her jade finger at Xiao Li, and Xiao Li lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Because her hands and feet were entangled by the strong yin fire whip, Xiao Li could only curl forward like a caterpillar.

So round, so round...

Jiang Lin was standing behind Xiao Li. Although she had no intention of wiping Xiao Li's oil, when she saw Xiao Li's upturned patpat, Jiang Lin made an automatic evaluation.

"Two sisters, why do women make it difficult for women."

"Aren't you still broken? Not a woman."

Caiyi and Ayan had smiles on the corners of their mouths, it's too late to serve at this time!

The handkerchief burst into attraction, making Xiaoli roll around on the ground a few times.

"Daoist, even if you already have two sisters, it's not too much for me to have one more."

Seeing that Xiao Li was taken away, she could only put on a pitiful look and sneer at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin felt very speechless towards Xiao Li, and you are not afraid of losing yourself with this expedient measure?

Or do you think that being a Taoist ghost wife is much stronger than going to the underworld?

"I'm sorry, there are five or six beautiful women like them in my house, and I can't sleep in one bed. I'm already very melancholy."

Xiaoli: "..."

The woman at home can't sleep in one bed...

It's so hurt, no wonder this man doesn't take her seriously. There are seven or eight beautiful women like her in the family, and they really aren't very interested in her.

Xiao Li regretted it very much. Why did she discharge electricity to such a man? It was useless. Now it's better, and she has offended the two women in Jiang Lin.

After Qiusheng and Wencai heard Jiang Lin's words, they almost lost their feet.

It's melancholy, if they can have a woman who can't sleep in a bed, they can wake up laughing from their dreams.

"Just give her a little pain."

Jiang Lin instructed Caiyi and Ayan that this female ghost had never harmed anyone, and she had no grievances, but her cultivation level was higher than Xiaohong's. Give me a lesson.

"Junior brother, do you really want to hand her over to the ghost messenger?"

"Can you let her go?"

Qiusheng and Wencai had not said a word before, just to see if Jiang Lin was angry. After seeing him and joking with Xiao Li, they both thought that there should be no big deal, so they whispered and discussed with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's eyes fell on Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, looking at a fool.

The two white-eyed wolves didn't seem to have any consciousness. At this juncture, they were still thinking about Xiao Li.

"I was obsessed by ghosts and forgot to trick ghosts into eating tofu. To be honest, I didn't care too much. That's because the two of you don't have a long memory. It's almost enough to have a few more meals. But when collecting ghosts, you could have helped. But for the sake of the female ghost, I stayed away from the uncle and the others, and did nothing to help."

"For the sake of a female ghost, I forgot my master once, and even if I get beaten up, it's fine. But it's only been a day, and for the sake of this female ghost, I'm watching Master give you the aftermath, just like watching an old cow. I'm indifferent, indifferent! The ox that pulls the cart? Your conscience won't hurt?"

Ninth Uncle's work was not over yet, so these two treasures wanted to go back first and have a tryst with the female ghost.

If you have two dogs, they all know that they will be by your side when Uncle Ninth is busy.

Jiang Lin's eyebrows formed an inverted figure, and Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both took a few steps back.

This was the first time they saw Jiang Lin angry with them.

Being fascinated by ghosts, joking with female ghosts, and even telling the secret of beans in beans for Xiao Li, Jiang Lin was not really angry with Qiusheng and Wencai.

He was angry that the two white-eyed wolves had forgotten the ninth uncle!

Girlfriends can be forgotten, but the master who paid so much for them can also forget them again and again.

The eight characters float away?If you have a female ghost, do you forget your master?

Let you float, let you forget.

"Caiyi, Ayan, write a letter to Shanshan and Zhenzhen tomorrow about the situation of the past few days. It will be divided, and I don't think they want to marry a white-eyed wolf."

"No, brother!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were so frightened that they were about to cry. If Shan Shan and Zhen Zhen knew what they were doing, it would be a no-brainer.

"We're just afraid that Xiaoli will be discovered by Master..."

The two quickly explained that in fact, although they had been fantasizing, they knew that they couldn't control Xiao Li at all, and they just wanted to play and be ambiguous with Xiao Li.

For this reason, they didn't want Xiao Li to be taken away, and they didn't mean to be lazy.

"I've been with you all the way. If you really want to, just find a reason to let go of the female ghost and can't go back to help the uncle? Do you have his old man in your heart? I hate people who are ungrateful."

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Lin no longer looked as sad as a bitter gourd.

It's over!

Girlfriend is breaking up!

The two living treasures didn't dare to speak to Jiang Lin at all. They hurriedly turned back, hoping to admit their mistakes so that Uncle Ninth could help them speak kind words.

Chapter [*] must be a special fate

Caiyi and Ayan were playing tricks on Xiaoli in the octagonal cloth box. They poured the chili powder for self-defense into the cloth box.

Seeing that Caiyi and Ayan were almost out of anger, Jiang Lin stopped them: "Let her out."

The two daughters-in-law frowned and looked at Jiang Lin, are they going to let this slut go?

Although she didn't know what Jiang Lin was thinking, Caiyi cast a spell to release Xiaoli from the cloth box.

After Xiao Li came out, she immediately fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed, her hair was messy, her face was snot and tears, and she was choked to death.

Seeing Xiao Li who was so embarrassed, Jiang Lin chuckled lightly. She no longer has any fairy spirit.

All three of you are bad people!

Xiao Li's tearful eyes were full of resentment, especially for Jiang Lin, a man who didn't know how to love fragrance and jade.

Indulge your woman like this to her.

She has used the beauty trick, and she can't escape the fate of being accepted.

Jiang Lin flicked Xiaoli's lustrous forehead lightly, what kind of eyes do you have?

With disheveled clothes, messy hair, beautiful eyes with tears, and a little resentful expression on his face, did I eat you?

Xiao Li's expression and demeanor were very similar to the kind that Jiang Lin had done to her and left after eating and wiping.

"I let you go this time, and the next time you appear in front of me, when we meet, I will definitely accept you."

Caiyi and Ayan have already taught Xiaoli a lesson. Jiang Lin will spare her this time because of her intention to help him. As long as she knows how to advance and retreat, she will not mix with Qiu Shengwen, otherwise Jiang Lin will not Be merciful to her again.

"Husband, why did you let her go?"

"Could it be that your husband really likes this female ghost?"

Caiyi and Ayan didn't understand very much, thinking that Jiang Lin was thinking about Xiaoli.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Lin slapped the second daughter's patpat and explained.

After knowing the reason, Caiyi and Ayan stopped investigating Xiaoli for the time being.

Xiao Li didn't expect that Jiang Lin would let her go, hum, it sounds so nice, it's not that she is reluctant to give her to a ghost messenger.

Just as she was about to leave, Xiao Li thought about it, there are many Taoist priests around here now, and there is that stinky Taoist priest who can let off thunder and lightning. Even if she is temporarily safe, there might be a lot of risk of being caught again.

If you can follow this Taoist priest who is not close to women, no, not close to her, you don't have to worry about being caught, and you can still be an umbrella.

"Daoist, let Xiaoli stay by your side, okay? You can serve the Taoist as a slave and a maid."

In fact, Xiaoli knew that even if she followed Jiang Lin, she would not lose her life. If people and ghosts communicated, it would do harm to people without any benefit. As long as Jiang Lin did not think that his life was too long or that his foundation was too stable, he would not Recklessly.

Xiao Li's eyes were a little mean, and she looked at Jiang Lin, as if she was saying: If you like someone, just say it straight, and you have to be brave.


Jiang Lin didn't expect that he would let Xiao Li go, but the female ghost didn't want to leave. Caiyi and Ayan were also speechless.

Female ghosts stick to their men.

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Jiang Lin stared at Xiao Li. It was the first time she said she was a slave and a maid, because she didn't want to be accepted. This time she was going to be a slave.

Do you really think I'm being deceived?I have so many daughters-in-law, why don't you come to be a slave?

After thinking a little bit more, Jiang Lin knew what Xiao Li was thinking, and it was safe to follow him and be covered up.

As soon as I met, I was willing to be a slave and a maid. Is it true that everyone's brains are the same as Qiusheng and Wencai?

Playing clever in front of him really doesn't know whether to live or die.

Jiang Lin turned his face to look elsewhere, and then looked at Xiao Li again.

"Okay, this is the second time I've seen you. I gave you a chance and played tricks with me. I want to be a slave and fulfill you."

If you want to be a slave so much, isn't it enough for you?

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