Lily: ! ! !

It's broken, and it's been seen through carefully.

Xiao Li didn't expect Jiang Lin to turn her face faster than she turned a book. She turned her face and looked at someone again. Is this the second time they've met? ? ?

Is there such a rascal!

That's not all, what scares Xiaoli is that what Jiang Lin said about slaves just now has a different meaning from what she said about slaves.

If Jiang Lin takes it again this time, she will become a slave.

The Yin Huo Whip appeared again, and the tail of the whip shot out, and it was about to tie Xiao Li again.

Xiao Li was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, and rushed forward desperately. After a few flashes, she disappeared in front of Jiang Lin.

Only the echoes in the woods echoed.

"You are a person who has taken a fancy to others, and you have to die to save face, but you are reluctant to accept them. Now you are angry and angry! I hate it! I don't know if you don't want to see people's bodies like this..."

Jiang Lin blinked. He didn't expect that Xiao Li could escape faster than the ghost generals. After guarding against his Yin Huo Whip this time, and Jiang Lin didn't use any means, Xiao Li actually escaped.

After listening to Xiao Li's words, Jiang Lin was knocking his teeth there, thinking of your kindness and wanting to let you go, but you openly molested me?

"Husband, consider accepting her as a slave."

"Yes, it's not bad to have a servant."

Caiyi and A Yanjiao laughed and joked about Jiang Lin.

Such a good slave, let her slip away like this.

Well, next time we meet, I will accept her as a slave, or the kind that serves as a servant in the room.

Jiang Lin nodded, thinking that the idea was good.

I teased him twice and three times, do you really think he can't go to hell?

Other Taoist priests may not dare, unless their realm has improved to a high level, but Jiang Lin doesn't have to worry so much.

In addition to his identity as a Taoist priest, he also has the identity of a zombie. If he really wanted to, maybe he was the first zombie to go to hell.

After returning to the Taoist Church, Jiang Lin asked Caiyi and Ayan to go to bed first, and then went to the kitchen by himself, preparing to cook medicine for his daughter-in-law and Jiu Shu.

As soon as he checked the materials, he remembered that the medicinal materials similar to coffin fungus were used up. Jiang Lin came to prepare to go to the zombie forest a few days ago, but he has been busy with something.

The yin qi of the Ghost Festival has not dissipated, and the moonlight today is not bad. It is estimated that the zombies in the zombie forest will come out to worship the moon.

Thinking of this festival, Jiang Lin did not delay, and was going to pick up the coffin fungus tonight.

Although he knew from Uncle Ninth that Zombie Kings were unusual, Jiang Lin wasn't too worried. He didn't know how many Zombie Kings were in his hands.

"Tom, if a fly gets into the house, I'll chop you up!"

Jiang Lin kicked the Tiger King to wake up. For a while, he had to keep this lazy cat in a state of high tension.

Although he was not at all afraid of what tricks Shi Jian and his son would play, there was nothing wrong with being careful.

"It really scared the baby to death."

Xiao Li patted herself high) (shrugged chest) (pretty, thinking of escaping from Jiang Lin's hands in a dangerous and dangerous way, she was still a little scared.

She was an arrogant young lady before her death, how could she be someone else's slave.

After running for fifty miles, it shouldn't be so unlucky to meet that Taoist priest again.

Xiao Litan pouted, with a puffed-up look, scolding Jiang Lin for being really incomprehensible at all, and even a beautiful woman like her was rejected if she wanted to follow her.

"There seems to be a taste of material treasure in the front, go and see."

After Xiao Li became a ghost, she has the ability to sense the treasures of heaven and earth. As long as she is within a certain range, she is like a radar of treasures. During these years in the underworld, she has gained a lot of talent by virtue of her talent. Few medicinal materials suitable for cultivation.

It's just that the underworld is too desolate, and not all places are suitable for ghost cultivation. The area where she lives is relatively lacking in spiritual power, so when she has the opportunity to come out this time, she is reluctant to go back.

"A lot of zombies, and Taoist priests, hide first."

Xiaoli hid in the dark place in the woods, looking at the coffins not far ahead.

It has the taste of Tsaibao in it.

What Xiaoli never expected was that Jiang Lin was rushing over thirty miles behind her.

This forest is the zombie forest.

If Jiang Lin knew that Xiao Li was next to the Zombie Forest, he would definitely hum a song: It must be a special fate to become a family along the way.

It is a special fate to meet each other from thousands of miles away.

Chapter [*] Lively Zombie Forest

"Coffin Mountain, Zombie Forest."

Jiang Lin walked on the road and recalled the plot in the movie. In the movie, it seemed that Shi Shaojian had broken his face. In order to take revenge, Shi Jian deliberately asked Jiu Shu and the others to fetch the coffin fungus, saying that Shi Shaojian's appearance could be restored.

In the end, the coffin fungus was indeed taken, but Shi Jian crushed it.

No matter how the subsequent plot develops, Jiang Lin doesn't care, he has to decide on this group of coffin bacteria.

A few decades ago, the Zombie Forest was originally a bandit village. It was full of bandits who often robbed their homes nearby. Later, these bandits were betrayed and killed by officers and soldiers. The leader of the thief is the most unconvinced of the dead.

After the bandits died of injustice, the corpse transformation took place within a few years. The nearby Taoist priests were ready to clear these zombies, but the loss was heavy. Later, they arranged a formation around the zombie forest, and it took an unknown number of years. , the bandit leader turned into a zombie king.

At that time, before the ninth uncle came to Renjia Town, the nearby cultivators gathered and arranged a large trapping formation, trapping the zombie king inside.

The person who presided over the formation was also an expert in formation, and the Zombie King went crazy many times without breaking the formation, and then it was silent for a long time.

After Ninth Uncle came to Renjia Town, he also visited the zombie forest. He was not sure about dealing with the zombie king inside, and because the zombie king had been sleeping, he put the matter of the zombie king on hold.

Later, Jiang Lin broke through to become a Celestial Master and was able to deal with the corpse king in the zombie forest, but at that time the zombie king was still sleeping, so Jiang Lin did his own business first. After several delays, Jiang Lin did not come here until now. A zombie forest.

"There is someone?"

Jiang Lin's night vision eyesight is beyond ordinary, and he can see farther even at night.

Around the zombie forest, there are more than a dozen Taoist priests who are gently burying something on the ground.

They are in formation.

Hehe, another bunch of idiots.

Some time ago, the formation around the zombie forest was broken because a group of Taoists wanted to get the zombie king's coffin fungus, which led to the zombie king being able to leave the forest, and that group of people also became the rations for the zombie king and the bandit zombie.

Now is anyone greedy for coffin fungus?

"Looking at their clothes, they seem to be from the Laoshan lineage."

Jiang Lin had met Qianhe Daoist's friends in the northeast, who belonged to the Jinshan faction, and the Jinshan faction also belonged to the Laoshan lineage, so Jiang Lin guessed their origins when he saw the Taoist robes of these people.

They came here all the way from Laoshan, and their cultivation level was not very high. Jiang Lin didn't need to think about it to know that they had the idea of ​​fighting coffin bacteria.

With these people wanting to destroy the zombie king, it is simply a dream.

"Why is it him again?"

When Jiang Lin's figure appeared, Xiao Li almost fainted.

Does she really have such a relationship with Jiang Lin?Can't escape his clutches?

Can't be a slave!

After running for more than fifty miles, Jiang Lin caught up.

Xiao Li's heart was pounding, thinking about how to run.

No, he doesn't seem to be looking for me.

The flustered Xiao Li found that Jiang Lin had no idea of ​​looking for someone, but just watched the Taoists around the coffin group from a distance.

First wait, hide, if you run away rashly now, it will be completely over if you are discovered.

And there are treasures in this pile of coffins, and Xiao Li doesn't want to retreat like this.

This group of Taoist priests must have come to deal with the zombies. If the situation becomes chaotic for a while, she still has a chance to take the treasure and run away.

"There is a Zombie King here. We come here to get its coffin fungus, is it really okay?"

Outside the zombie forest, a slightly fat middle-aged Taoist whispered to his companions.

"Don't worry, I have already inquired clearly. The zombie king here should be the weaker kind. There used to be a formation here, and the formation was broken some time ago, but the zombie king inside did not cause any major damage to the surrounding area. Disaster. And this time we are only here to get the coffin fungus, not to kill the zombie king, the formation has been arranged, and there will be no major problems."

Next to the slightly fat middle-aged man, a thin old man spoke up. He was the initiator of this operation. Now that he has no arrows, he can't make the people under his hands timid.

Jiang Lin shook his head, thinking that these people really want money and not life. Even the weakest zombie king will go crazy after the coffin fungus is taken away. There is not even an alchemist in this group of people. If the zombie king wakes up, then Definitely a tiger into the flock.

I don't know what these guys are thinking.

As long as the zombie king wakes up, it is estimated that a group of people hates the situation where their parents have lost two legs.

"I was still one step ahead of the Taoist priests in Laoshan."

"Master Baylor, the coffin fungus, is willing to pay [*] taels of gold to buy it, and it must not be taken away by this group of Laoshan Taoist priests."

When Jiang Lin was about to watch the excitement first, two people's voices came from a distance, full of Northeastern dialects.

Looking at the source of the sound, Jiang Lin Haoxuan didn't laugh out loud.

If it weren't for his eyesight, he would definitely take the group of people hidden in the woods as Indians.

Northeast Shamanism, the Great God of Dance is here.

A middle-aged man in the lead was dressed in fancy clothes and had a pair of elk antlers on his head. He didn't know if it was decoration or real horns.

The one who spoke to him just now was a short man behind him, but his clothes were normal and he was wearing a gray robe.

There are seven or eight people behind the two, most of them in the same attire as the leading shaman.

"Senior brother, Qianhe from the northeast has left now. Because of his unfavorable performance, Lord Baylor and the others no longer believe in Maoshan's ability, and Maoshan is also beginning to show signs of decline there. Now is a good opportunity for us to rise. You can't be overwhelmed by this group of Laoshan Taoist priests."

"Yes! Nanmao Beima, we were already crushed by Maoshan, and now Maoshan is excluded in the northeast, we must not let Laoshan take the top. Anzi, immortal blood is ready, after this group of Laoshan Taoists open the coffin, take the coffin fungus. , we will put people over, spray the blood of the immortals, and see that this group of Taoist monks from Laoshan are still alive."

What the hell!

The amount of information is huge.

Even the superiors have come out, what is this special gang rush?The appearance of immortality.

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