Jiang Lin didn't expect that tonight he would come to fetch the zombie king's coffin fungus, and the zombie forest would be so lively.

Anyway, he is determined to win the coffin bacteria. Since these people are in conflict with each other, then he will sit on the mountain and watch a tiger fight, no, it's a cat fight.

With the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, Jiang Lin acted as a hunter with a shotgun.

"Ten thousand taels of gold..."

Although Jiang Lin knew that coffin fungus was expensive, he didn't expect it to be worth [*] taels of gold. That's [*] small yellow croakers.

When he thought that the coffin fungus was used as medicine, it would basically consume a lump in a few months, and Jiang Lin was filled with emotion.

Daughter-in-law, how difficult it is!

Burning [*] taels of gold in a few months is just money for coffin fungus.

Jiang Lin felt that the ancients who spent a lot of money for the beauty would be weak.

However, when he thought that his women were all like angels, his heart was balanced.

As soon as he came here, he was attracted by Laoshan and the shamans. Jiang Lin did not radiate his spiritual sense to sense the situation of the zombie king in the coffin mountain.


Jiang Lin frowned, wondering if there was an illusion, the zombie king inside seemed to be very powerful!

Chapter [*] A group of white lotus

There are still many mountains in this area, and the sky is different in ten miles. In Renjia Town, the moon is like a day, but there are dark clouds in the zombie forest.

The moonlight did not appear, the zombie king was sleeping in the coffin, and there was still some residual formation power around, so Jiang Lin's perception was somewhat hindered, and he could not determine whether the feeling just now was true.

"It shouldn't be, if this zombie king was so fierce, it would have been a disaster for the forest long ago."

The stronger the zombie king, the greater the disaster, because it needs a lot of blood.

But since some time ago, there has not been a large number of villagers dying nearby.

Jiang Lin wasn't quite sure, because in the movie, this zombie king was quite scumbag. After being taken away from the coffin fungus, he seemed to have been killed by Uncle Ninth.

"Everyone, be quiet, this time we are here to get the coffin fungus. The first advantage is that it can sell for a good price, more than [*] small yellow croakers! The second is that Manchuria's Sibeile and Zhang Dashuai urgently need a mass of coffin fungus. Baelor has sent the shamans looking everywhere, and the goal is here."

After a pause, the old Taoist continued: "We just want to get the coffin fungus before them, and step on this group of Tartars who treat animals as immortals, and step on them! As long as we take this group of coffins that Marshal Zhang asked for. Once the bacteria are obtained, the banner of Laoshan can be planted all over the northeast."

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, the thin old Taoist spoke generously to the gathered Laoshan Taoist priests.

Although the voice was not very loud, Jiang Lin could hear it clearly, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This group of Taoist monks from Laoshan is simply going for the money, but they want to make their purpose sound like a shaman in the northeast who is a head shorter than them and is driven away by them after they get the coffin fungus.

If you sell the coffin fungus yourself for money, even if you expel the Tartars?

"Master Zhang?"

Jiang Lin thought for a while. He was in the Northeast, and he was also known as Zhang Dashuai. Could it be the "Northeast King" Zhang Zuolin?

Thinking of this, there was a hint of playfulness on Jiang Lin's face, that is, he only interacted with the commanders in the county town, and he didn't want to touch it any more, but these Laoshan Taoist priests wanted to earn money from the big warlords.

Are you a funny guy invited by monkeys?

Don't get the little yellow croaker by then, I'll serve you a drink with a plate of peanuts.

Is it easy to get money for being a big warlord?

Jiang Lin's hearing is not bad, and the group of shamans hiding not far away are not bad either. After inviting the immortals, they can obtain some special abilities of animals, and hearing is one of them.

Hearing that the thin old man called them Tartars, the shaman and his apprentice An Zi were so angry that they could not wait to wake up the Zombie King immediately and kill the Laoshan Taoist priests.

However, the two of them were still able to hold their breath, and they didn't attack immediately. If they couldn't bear it, they would make big plans. If they woke up the Zombie King at this time, then the coffin fungus would also say goodbye to them.

"Senior brother, Qi Yuan and An Zi seem to be here too. If we are blocked by them and there is a zombie king behind us, it will be a big trouble."

The chubby middle-aged man who said Qiyuan and Anzi were the shaman and the short man hiding behind.

"Don't worry, if they dare to block people, Pindao will definitely let them know why Hua'er is so red! A few defeated generals, forgive them for not appearing in front of us."

The thin old man had a look of disdain, and he didn't pay attention to the shaman group at all.

Just as the old Taoist thought, the shaman did not appear in front of them, but hid, and they were not ready to block people, as long as the immortal blood in their hands was sprayed on the face of the zombie king, there was no need to block, Laoshan Taoist priest Not one can escape.

"I don't need to say more about how powerful the zombie king is. If the zombie king in Tengteng Town wasn't the disciple of the ninth uncle, it is estimated that more than half of the people who entered it would have died."

"Yeah, that flaming paper crane and flaming talisman are simply divine weapons. When a grenade is thrown, the zombie king will tremble three times. It's a pity that it's too expensive! Alas! That Daoist Li Yang has lost his money."

The slightly fat middle-aged man highly praised Jiang Lin's flaming paper cranes and flaming talismans. Jiang Lin's exclusive secret talismans can not only deal with corpses, but also wolves, tigers and leopards. Once they explode, they become sleeping babies. , being slaughtered and eaten without screaming pain.

But he didn't compliment Jiang Lin himself.

Now Jiang Lin burns money every day, so the price of the Yang-inducing Talisman he supplies to Daoist Qianhe and Dao-mu Simu has all increased. Yan Zhihe and the Exploding Flame Talisman cost hundreds of oceans to buy. rise.

It's so expensive!

However, it is expensive, and the effect of the flame paper crane and the explosive flame rune is even better than the thunder and lightning rune.

Whether it is for attacking or setting up a formation, Jiang Lin's Yang Yin Talisman can't be replaced by any other magic talisman.

Even if hundreds of oceans started, a group of people lined up to grab it.

The slightly fat middle-aged man failed to grab it several times, which is why he resented Jiang Lin so much.

Several blue veins appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead.

If you don't lose money, why are you giving me money?

"Isn't that right? I've been thinking about traveling in the mountains and water all day long, and going to learn to rob tombs. I've inquired about that person before, but I ended up traveling to Xishu. With such a high level of strength, I really don't have any consciousness at all. He should eliminate demons and guard the way, and he doesn't care if there is a zombie king on the site."

Being told this by the slightly fat middle-aged man, the thin and old Taoist was also a little excited, and he wanted to face Jiang Lin to preach and preach.

I really want to wear these powerful mouth kings with Yang Finger Sword, what to do, online and so on.

Jiang Lin felt that the prehistoric power in his body could no longer be suppressed.

One by one, the idea of ​​fighting coffin bacteria for money, if the formation here was not broken, they would definitely break the formation.

Talking about eliminating demons and defending the road, but not doing good deeds in his hands, that's okay, he even went to criticize others, with a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

What a group of beautiful white lotus flowers!

A look of contempt appeared on Jiang Lin's face. Sometimes this kind of person is even more disgusting than a wicked person.

The white lotus should be put under your feet and stomped hard!

Xiao Li was hiding in a dark place. Because the zombie forest was too yin, and Jiang Lin didn't expect Xiao Li to appear here, and her attention was not around, she didn't find this female ghost.

Seeing Jiang Lin thinking of Hai Bian, Xiao Li covered her mouth tightly, for fear of laughing out loud.

You deserve to be spoken of badly.

I really want to accept others as slaves, and I deserve to be scolded.

"It's almost time. After opening the lid of the coffin, suck the coffin fungus and run away, don't even look back! No matter how much risk there is, there is so much benefit. I don't need to say more about this. Get the coffin fungus and taste tender buns every day, but you can't get it. You have to go to the sea to work. In addition, the treasures for cultivation are also available, and there is the Yang Yin Talisman, which can pull a cart!"

The thin old Taoist waved his hand and let his disciples and nephews start to do it.

Are there young models in this era?

Jiang Lin's heels almost lost his footing, and the classic background line appeared in his mind: win the clubhouse tender model, lose to work in the sea.

However, he didn't think about it any more. He put the breath-holding talisman on his body and approached the zombie forest silently. He needed to reconfirm the strength of the zombie king in the coffin.

Chapter [*] The Millennium Zombie King!

A group of Taoist monks from Laoshan crept close to the pile of coffins, all the peach wood swords and instruments in their hands were tightly grasped, even if there was no zombie king inside, this group of zombies would definitely be enough for them to drink a pot.

This group of zombies must not be disturbed. If they wake up, once the zombie king comes out, there is nowhere to run.

When he arrived at the coffin where the zombie king was sleeping, the thin old man was relieved to see that the other zombies were not awakened.

The slightly fat middle-aged and other little Taoist priests were sweating coldly on their foreheads, and their breathing became heavier.

"Open... open the coffin."

Although the thin old man tried his best to control his emotions, he was a little apprehensive at this juncture.

But the arrow was already on the line and had to be sent. After finally coming here, after setting up the formation, I had to go to get the coffin fungus.

A few little Taoist priests lifted the coffin lid gently, for fear of making a little noise.

The one inside is the Zombie King, and if he wakes him up from his slumber, he won't have enough lives to fill it.

Not only was Jiang Lin concentrated, but the shaman behind him was also attentively watching the stack of coffins. As soon as the coffin bacteria were sucked out, they would trap them and then spray blood.

With these Laoshan Taoist priests in front, even if the zombie king wakes up, their chances of escaping will be much higher.

With a "click" sound, the breath of the zombie king in the coffin leaked out, and the rich green corpse aura overflowed from the coffin like a thick fog.

"This momentum, the thousand-year-old zombie king?"

Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly froze. He didn't expect that the zombie king here has only been a corpse for decades, and has grown to the level of a thousand-year-old zombie king.

The Zombie King is also divided into layers, and its strength is closely related to its age, whether it is stiff or old.

If the age is up, the Zombie King is likely to go one step further and become the Millennium Zombie King.

It's similar to the difference between a black zombie and a zombie.

However, it does not mean that the longer the age, the stronger. In many cases, "thousand years" does not refer to the time, but to the degree and level.

This zombie king in the zombie forest is like this. Although he has only been a corpse for a few decades, he has grown to the level of a thousand-year-old zombie king.

Just like Jiang Lin.

Zombie King Jianglin has met several of them, and the Zombie King and Jin Emperor both have thousands of years of age, but they have not reached the level of the Millennium Zombie King.

This time Jiang Lin met a fierce guy!

"No, I can't let this thousand-year-old zombie king absorb the blood of 'going out'."

After feeling the aura of the zombie king in the coffin, Jiang Lin decided to stop the shaman behind.

If it was just an ordinary zombie king, Jiang Lin didn't have to do this. Even if the ordinary zombie king drank the blood of "going out", he was no match for him.

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