But it's different now. "Going to the horse" are some beasts who have practiced for more than a hundred years. They are not the same as ordinary monsters. They walk the right way, and their blood is similar to the blood of a cultivator. Once the thousand-year-old zombie king is stained with this kind of blood , can be so fierce that you are afraid of yourself.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to leave, a fresh aroma hit his nose, a bit like the fragrance of lotus seeds.

Frowning, Jiang Lin moved his nose and found that there was a strong mercury in the aroma.

Wait, the description of this smell...

Is this another corpse farm?

Jiang Lin paused for a moment, recalling the descriptions in the corpse raising books he had read.

At this moment, the thin old man was trembling all over, and endless panic and despair struck him instantly, almost making him collapse.

But he still forced himself to calm down. If he didn't calm down, if he didn't have money, he might lose his life.

The thin old man swore that he would never do such a thing again.

Having never faced the Zombie King in person, it is difficult to understand that kind of fear.

A few little Taoist priests were carrying the coffin lid, and the white-faced Taoist priest who was in charge of sucking the coffin bacteria almost broke down when he saw the zombie king with a face full of dead flesh.

As long as I run out, the money is mine!

Although they all made arrangements, the white-faced Taoist priest did not believe that there was no risk.

In an instant, he made up his mind that it was important to save his life with his own money.

As long as other people are stunned for even a breath, they can win a chance for his life.

The white-faced Taoist priest was all focused on the Zombie King, but he didn't notice that in addition to a mass of coffin fungi that went in and out of the Zombie King's mouth, there were two baby palm-sized flowers on the two corners of the inner wall of the coffin. anemone.

Suck and run!

Without waiting for the other partners to put down the coffin lid, the white-faced Taoist directly sucked the coffin fungus away with his mouth, and then ran wildly outside as if he was rushing to reincarnate.

After the entrance of the coffin fungus, the white-faced Taoist priest seemed to have reached an extremely cold place in an instant, and his whole body seemed to have lost the temperature.

But no matter how cold or cold he is, he has to run away, and the zombie king behind him will be handed over to Master and the others.

The thin old man was stunned for a moment, he hadn't given the order to take the coffin fungus yet.

"This is the moment!"

Shaman Qiyuan gave a low drink and asked the disciples behind him to act as planned.

After the white-faced Taoist priest ran five meters, a rope loop flew over and covered it, and then the white-faced Taoist priest flew in the other direction like a sack.


An Zi and the little shaman behind him took a bamboo tube like a needle and sprayed two splatters of blood over it, and the accuracy was very good.

Shoot the zombie king in the face.

After an anemone on the corner of the coffin was stained with blood, it immediately turned into a pile of liquid, like mercury.

This series of events happened almost in one breath, Jiang Lin didn't expect him to take a breath, and the shaman sprayed blood.

Damn, these guys are dead!

Jiang Lin's brows jumped wildly. These idiots couldn't tell the difference between the zombie king and the thousand-year-old zombie king because of their low cultivation.

And that thin old man only reacted at this time.

That unworthy disciple wants them to stay here to block the Zombie King!

But by the time he reacted, it was too late.

The Zombie King woke up when he lost the coffin fungus, and its Dao Fruit was taken away, and then he was given a mouthful of blood, which smelled very bad.

It got angry.

When it senses that the anemone in the coffin has turned into mercury water, its anger can skyrocket!


The Zombie King rushed out of the coffin like a shadow, and killed one of the little Taoist priests who was lifting the coffin lid with a confused expression on the spot.

Is this a thousand-year-old zombie king who can teleport?

Jiang Lin's mouth twitched, feeling a little dry.


Jiang Lin's body was like an agile cheetah. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the shaman.

Chapter [-] This peach can't be picked without picking it

At this time, there were several bloodstains on the throat of the white-faced Taoist priest.

An Zi pursed his lips and looked like a fox, holding a jade box in his hand.

"Run away!"

Seeing that the action was going smoothly, Qi Yuan had a smile on his lips, and he didn't even turn his head, so he was about to retreat.

For the rest, just run away desperately.

Suddenly, a fire bar flashed away, and the jade box in An Zi's hand disappeared.

"Who, who is!"

"Who the hell picks Laozi's peaches halfway!"

Qi Yuan screamed wildly, and An Zi also let out a piercing scream.



Just when Qi Yuan and An Zi were so angry that they were smoking, the shrill screams of the group of Laoshan Taoists came over.

In the eyes of the thousand-year-old zombie king, the formation they arranged was like a building block made by a child.

The four little Taoists carrying the coffin cover were already lying on the ground, their faces turned pale as snow because of the lack of blood.

The thin old man and his junior brother ran away long ago. The horror of the zombie king was far beyond their expectations, and they would definitely die if they didn't run.

Now they wish they had an extra dog leg, and even their third leg became as long as both legs.

The legs run faster!

"Senior brother, didn't you say that this zombie king is weak?"

The slightly fat middle-aged man just wanted to slap his senior brother's two big ears. Although he had never seen other zombie kings, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run. He could hear zombie kings who jumped dozens of meters. never heard of that.

"how could I know!"

The thin old man didn't care to speak, and replied in his heart.

He doesn't care about the younger generation behind him now, even if there are his direct disciples.

The disciple's life is as important as his life.

Even the unworthy disciple who swallowed the coffin fungus alone, the thin and old man doesn't care, at this time, life is the first.

For the shaman hiding behind them, the thin old man is not angry at all. If there is no one else, the Zombie King will definitely chase them, but now with this group of shamans, it brings them hope of living.

If he can escape, he will definitely send pennants to the shamans, thank them for sending heads in the snow, and draw hatred for them.

In the zombie forest, the smell of fresh blood permeates the surroundings. The zombie king not only sucks blood, but his nails are four or five centimeters long, almost as long as a scalpel. Once he catches a person's nails, he wears them directly.

Except for the zombie leader, the other zombies were stimulated by blood, and the coffin board couldn't hold them down.

With a push of his arms, the coffin board flew into the air, and zombies jumped out of the coffin and began to hunt down the Laoshan Taoist priests who had fled.

Hearing the screams, the shamans turned around and saw the zombie king who jumped dozens of meters behind them. .

Really frightened.

The Zombie King could feel that its coffin fungus was among the group of people, and they smelled of coffin fungus.


At this time, they didn't even think about who robbed them of their coffin fungus, it was important to escape.

Better to be picked peaches than killed!

"It's useless for you to take this group of coffin fungi. Although it's not very kind to pick peaches halfway, there's nothing you can do about it."

Jiang Lin first jumped to the top of a giant tree, took out the jade box he grabbed, put it in a bone box made of red glutinous bone, and pasted a talisman on it.

Since the coffin fungus of this thousand-year-old zombie king was sucked out, Jiang Lin couldn't let it go back, or he himself wasn't sure whether he would deal with this stubborn scumbag.

Jiang Lin never imagined that the Zombie King of Zombie Forest would be a thousand-year-old zombie king. He didn't do much work. Without the blessing of the formation, he might be able to kill a thousand-year-old Zombie King, but he might have to pay some attention. Hang heavy.

So he has to pick the peaches without picking them.

A punch smashed a hole in the huge branch, Jiang Lin put the bone box in it, and then he took out the rune pen and began to draw runes on the edge of the hole.

If the coffin fungi had two layers of isolation and there were also rune papers and rune seals, the Zombie King should not be able to find them. Jiang Lin didn’t want this group of coffin fungi to be affected during the battle. This is the coffin fungus of the Millennium Zombie King. Mao Zong's corpse pill is the best in this group.

Moreover, the thousand-year-old Zombie King has no coffin fungus, and his strength needs to be discounted, so he can't let it get him back.

The tree shook twice, and every time the zombie king jumped, it was like a giant road rammer, causing the ground to shake a lot.

For the Zombie King, who can jump dozens of meters, the shaman's speed is similar to that of a turtle.

Trying to escape is just a daydream.

In the blink of an eye, the two little shamans were penetrated by the zombie king's arm.

With a flick of their arms, the two little shamans flew into the air and landed on the zombie brothers behind.

As a former robber leader, he still takes care of his brothers.

Dozens of zombies surrounded them, and the two little shamans were directly dismembered.

"Ah~ ah!"

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, Qi Yuan began to make strange screams, beating the cowhide drum around his waist, and chanting obscure incantations at the same time.

In two breaths, he was just like his junior brother, hunched over with his hands open, acting like a weasel.

The advantage of inviting immortals is that after possessing the body, it doesn’t take too much time to cast spells to gain extraordinary power. After the zombie king rushed over, Qiyuan and Anzi fled to both sides like two giant weasels and foxes. and power many times faster.

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