After escaping the attack of the zombie king, the two did not dare to fight against it, jumped on the tree, and used the obstacles of the branches to avoid the zombie king's pursuit. It didn't take long for them to run to the thin old Taoist brother two. in front of people.

The Zombie King's speed is too fast, if they don't bring trouble to the east, none of them can escape.

Although running faster than Laoshan Taoist priest does not necessarily mean that it is all right, but it also increases the possibility of escaping.

The thin Laodao who wanted to send pennants to the shamans just wanted to scold in his heart. Hearing the voices behind him getting closer, the thin Laodao and his junior brother were ready to fight to the death and threw a flaming paper crane and an explosive talisman. The Zombie King just paused, the castration did not weaken much, and with a howl, the Zombie King clamped the two shoulder blades with both hands, and the blood basin bit the neck of the two.

After dealing with the coffin fungus, Jiang Lin quickly overlooked the situation below. What he could not have imagined was that in such a short period of time, the Taoist priests in Laoshan were all wiped out, leaving only Qiyuan and Anzi as shamans.

The Daoist level is really not a one-size-fits-all in front of the thousand-year-old zombie king, and there is nothing wrong with being tortured by blood.

Is it so fierce?

Jiang Lin couldn't help frowning. The zombie king was really like a child in front of the thousand-year-old zombie king. The cartilaginous zombie king in Tengteng Town had no way to kill so many people in such a short period of time.

Chapter [*] Ace vs Ace

Jiang Lin was relieved after comparing the black zombie and the zombie.

The adult zombie can abuse the ordinary black zombie to call him father, and the thousand-year-old zombie king can make the ordinary zombie king call his grandfather.

Jiang Lin was not in a hurry. Facing a somewhat strange thousand-year-old zombie king, although he was not afraid, he must not be reckless.

Without assessing its degree of danger, Jiang Lin didn't want to put the prize in vain, but the Thousand Year Zombie King absorbed the blood of "going out".

Moreover, there is still the smell of mercury in the coffin mountain. Jiang Lin had guessed before that this thousand-year-old zombie king may have been raised, and it may be more powerful than the zombie king of the same level.

He didn't dare to guarantee his own safety if he went down rashly.

This thousand-year-old zombie king is still jumping and jumping like ordinary zombies, but the speed has become extremely fast, which is similar to the instantaneous speed of Jiang Lin's outbreak.

"Fortunately it's not teleportation."

Jiang Linxiao breathed a sigh of relief. If this thousand-year-old zombie king knew how to teleport, he would just run away. It would be easier to deal with it by using a formation to limit its movements.

Seeing that Qi Yuan and An Zi were being pursued, Jiang Lin did not allow the two shamans to be buried in their corpses. These two shamans are now possessed. If the zombie king sucks their blood again, their strength will definitely be It will be strengthened again, and maybe it can offset the impact of the loss of the coffin fungus.

He flew and gliding, and when he reached a certain distance, his fingers spurted ten yang qi, and slammed into the back of the zombie king.

Let’s first test the defense of this thousand-year-old zombie king with a long-range attack.


With a mad cry, the Zombie King ignored the pain in his back and rushed towards the two shamans again.

"Don't take me seriously?"

It was the first time that Jiang Lin encountered a zombie who was attacked by him without even twisting his head.

Looking at the Zombie King's back, only the flesh was hurt by his yang finger qi.

fuck!The defense is even stronger than that of the Millennium Red Scorpion.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to catch up, the Zombie King turned around abruptly, and after a roar, its whole body was like a human-shaped rainstorm pear flower needle, spraying out countless silver threads.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect the zombie king to have such a move. He was caught off guard and almost all hit by hundreds of silver lines.

But fortunately, his physical defense is very strong. After the nerves are stretched, the silver lines are like shooting on the steel plate, making a clanging sound.

Jiang Lin covered his face and eyes with his arms, and more than [*]% of the silver threads were blocked by his body, but there were still about [*] roots that had penetrated into his flesh.

Knock in!The first time I saw a zombie like a hedgehog, I almost got hit!

Jiang Lin felt that his cognition had been refreshed. He knew a lot about the abilities of zombies, but he could use himself as a hidden weapon. This was the first time he saw it today.

The Zombie King roared at Jiang Lin and continued to attack the two shamans.

Say I'm looking for death?

Jiang Lin was very happy. Although he was a little bit jealous of this zombie, he was far from being rampant.

Just as he was about to get rid of these silver needles, Jiang Lin was shocked to discover that these silver needles were not silver, but mercury.

The silver thread pierced into his flesh gradually shortened and melted into it.

Heavy metal poisoning.

Jiang Lin did not hesitate, and immediately released the corpse poison in his bones.

Although his body has a lot of resistance to the poisons of the world, but the mercury that enters the body is fused with a large amount of corpse poison, Jiang Lin cannot force it into the bone assimilation. If no countermeasures are taken, the body may become necrotic. .

The corpse poison in the body surrounds the mercury poison that enters the body, pushing it out of the body little by little.

I didn't expect this mercury poison to be so powerful.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Lin felt a little dizzy.

After a brief pause, the Zombie King had already bitten the two shamans to death.

It only took a few seconds for the zombie king to drain the blood from the two of them.

Afterwards, the zombie king looked at Jiang Lin, but he did not expect that Jiang Lin was also a zombie king.

More importantly, Jiang Lin's aura made him feel very depressed, a kind of rush that couldn't be provoked.

But what if you can't afford it, this is its territory.

Before his death, Lao Tzu took up the mountain as a bandit, and lived the life of a local emperor. He was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and he could not become timid after death!


"Damn, kill someone in front of me and let me get out?"

Jiang Lin felt that there was a nameless fire in his body, and this time he was completely despised.

After he took the fortune of the corpse king, not to mention that all the zombie kings of the same level are afraid of him, but at least, he will never be despised like this.

Jiang Lin was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

mad?I'll see what you can do!

Holding the bone sword in his hand, Jiang Lin didn't turn back into a human body and cut off the head of this zombie king!

The confrontation between the thousand-year-old zombie kings, ace vs ace!

This time, Jiang Lin was completely corpse, and his speed was not comparable to when he was alive. A white light flashed, and Jiang Lin chopped his head off.


The Zombie King raised his arm to resist, and the bone-bone sword directly cut open its flesh and slashed its bones.

"Sure enough."

Jiang Lin's brows were slightly wrinkled. The ordinary zombie king was chopped off with such great brute force. He should have broken his limbs long ago, but this time, his bone sword could no longer penetrate an inch.

The defense of the thousand-year-old zombie king is much higher than his.


The Zombie King roared violently, and the sword cut was painful.


Jiang Lin's figure flew backwards, breaking several large trees about the size of a man's waist one after another.

"Damn it! The place where the zombie king turned into a corpse is definitely weird."

Jiang Lin stood up, feeling incredible about the power of the Zombie King. Although he raised his arm to block the Zombie King's attack just now, even if he had the corpse of the thousand-year-old Zombie King, his arms felt numb.

A zombie king who had been dead for decades, stronger than his strength and defense, Jiang Lin really couldn't believe it.

What made him stunned was that this Zombie King had self-healing ability. Silver "blood" flowed out of its wound, and the wound caused by the Zhengbone Sword was restored to its original state in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Zombie King flew towards Jianglin. Every time its feet hit the ground, it would step on a pit on the ground, and the surrounding area would be filled with dust.

When he was five or six meters away from Jianglin, the Zombie King repeated his old technique, and the mercury in his body turned into silver threads as thin as a cow's hair, all of which shot towards Jianglin.

"Do you really think you can do anything to me this time?"

Jiang Lin raised his sword horizontally in front of him to protect his eyes, the corpse poison in his body decomposed into corpse qi, which provided consumption for strengthening defense.

Chapter [*] If you catch me, I will hum with you

Even though the silver thread shot by the zombie king this time was stronger than the last time, under the circumstance that Jiang Lin consumed a huge amount of corpse energy to maintain his defense, none of the silver threads could break through his defense.

However, the corpse energy in his body is also rapidly depleting, and he doesn't know how long it will take to recover.

Many of the zombie brothers watching the battle behind Jiang Lin were accidentally injured by these silver threads, and a small hole was shot out of their body. After the mercury poison entered the body, these ordinary zombies could not resist at all, fell down, and their body twitched twice. will not move.

Even the body of a sperm zombie is not immune to the severe poison, let alone this heavy metal toxin.

Jiang Lin didn't feel relieved when he saw that Yinsi couldn't harm him. This thousand-year-old zombie king was very difficult to deal with.

Even if he is also the thousand-year-old zombie king, it is still more difficult to kill this same kind with his corpse.

The Zombie King's explosion just now, if he didn't turn into a corpse, he would definitely bleed from the corners of his mouth to resist.

Now that he is corpse, first use his meat shield attribute to force out the ability of the zombie king.

Jiang Lin wanted to see what other abilities this thousand-year-old zombie king had. Although he despised this thousand-year-old zombie king in strategy, he had to fight seriously in tactics.

When he jumped up, Jiang Lin jumped out of the range of the silver wire, and as soon as he landed, he dashed with a short body. He had a bone sword in his hand.

During the attack, Jiang Lin discovered that there was a large amount of mercury in the zombie king's body, which had now merged with it and became its blood.

The sword wound on the corpse, as long as the mercury flows out, like a medicinal liquid, the wound will heal.

"It seems that someone hated this robber chief to the core. Before he was completely dead, a large amount of mercury was poured into his body, so that his soul was trapped in the body and never reborn."

Jiang Lin deduced the reason why the robber leader turned into a corpse, because there is a lot of mercury in his body. Although this zombie king is only a few decades old, his flesh and bones have become incomparably strong.

Even Jiang Lin sighed.


Brothers, hold him down for me!

The Zombie King found that he couldn't help Jiang Lin for a while, so he gave orders to the zombie brothers who were watching the battle.

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