"It's time for you to reap for so long."

Jiang Lin is about to launch a big move. The silver spear of the Thousand-Year Zombie King just now should not be able to be used continuously, but Jiang Lin does not know when it will strike again. The silver spear turned into mercury and penetrated into the ground. An extremely dangerous dark arrow that cannot drag out the battle for too long.

At this time, the Zombie King had been blown up with wounds all over his body, and the mercury in his body gurgled out of the wound, looking extremely miserable.

Jiang Lin didn't give Zombie King a chance to breathe, Li Yang bombed the chicken and took off!


A forty-meter three-legged Golden Crow appeared on the open space, and the golden light and flames reflected the entire zombie forest.

"too frightening!"

Xiao Li, who was looking for treasures in the coffins, saw the three-legged Golden Crow in the distance, and she was trembling with fright.

She decided that as long as she found the treasures in it, she must stay away from Renjia Town, the farther away the better.

Never see this horrible man again.

"Ah! This... This is the corpse mercurial lotus."

Xiao Lisu lightly covered her lips with her hand, and she saw the silver lotus in the zombie king's coffin.

Really so happy!

Xiao Li jumped into the coffin without hesitation, and was about to pick the silver lotus, but when she reached out her hand, she realized that the silver lotus had not yet bloomed.

How to do?Can't wait?

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Li flicked her sleeves, put a coffin lid on top of the coffin, and lay herself in the coffin, and the silver lotus bloomed in just a few minutes.

Buddha, Bodhisattva, bless Xiao Li'an to swallow this silver lotus safely, and don't make any moths.

Xiaoli prayed in her heart that as long as she swallowed this treasure, it might not take long before she could reach the realm of a ghost general or even a ghost king.

"Run, I'll let you run!"

In the distance, Jiang Lin formed a seal in his hand, and the three-legged Golden Crow fluttered its wings and flew towards the fleeing Zombie King.

After seeing the three-legged Golden Crow, the Zombie King felt a long-lost panic in his heart. This big bird can pose a deadly threat to it!

It has been fearless since becoming a thief, and for the first time there was a frightened expression on his face.

Now the zombie king just wants to swallow the silver lotus in the coffin, and then go to another hill to collect a group of younger brothers, of course, the premise is that he can escape this disaster.

But it still ignored the power of Li Yang's bombing of the Golden Crow, and it didn't run long before it was stabbed to the ground by hundreds of Dao Yang Finger Swords.

The three huge claws of the Three-legged Golden Crow pushed the Yang Finger Sword and the Zombie King into the ground together.

"Mother's shooting, grass and mud horses throwing mines, your uncle's bomber!"

The Zombie King used the corpse language to conduct a three-dimensional series on Jiang Lin. Is this a Taoist priest?Damn it's a moving arsenal!

It howled and struggled with all its strength, but its body was pierced by a hundred swords and pressed by three giant claws. No matter how hard it struggled, it was in vain.

"Don't kill me, Lao Tzu's treasure and women are yours!"

At the juncture of death, the zombie leader actually forgot his identity as a zombie, and wanted to negotiate terms with Jiang Lin.

Go to your second uncle's treasure and women, and play Laozi?

Jiang Lin snorted, a blasting mark formed in his hand, and the three-legged Golden Crow and the Yang Finger Sword under its claws began to emit a blazing light.


A small cloud of mushroom smoke rose from the ground, and as Jiang Lin's Yang Mianjue level gradually increased, the power of the Three-legged Golden Crow also increased.

"As expected of bombing chickens, no, bombing Jinwu."

Jiang Lin watched the scene around the explosion where a tree fell to the ground and the fallen leaves were rustling. He felt the vibration of the ground and couldn't help but praised it.

Chapter [*] Honest people are not easy to bully

The figure of the zombie king in the dust gradually became clear, he was still struggling and twitching, this guy is not dead!

Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to give a thumbs up to the strength of this thousand-year-old zombie king. His Yang Mian Jue had been upgraded by two levels a while ago, so his ultimate move could not kill the thousand-year-old zombie king.

However, although the zombie king is not dead, it is enough.

Because of the explosion, the ground where the Zombie King was located had sunk into a large pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

The entire body of the zombie king's clothes became coke, and all his hands and feet were blown up, turning into a corpse stick.

There are mercury particles everywhere in the pit, giving off an unpleasant smell.

Don't kill me, don't kill me.

Seeing Jiang Lin approaching, Zombie King Bilu's pupils gradually expanded. He was very scared now, and his eyes were full of begging expressions.

Its trachea was pierced by three yang-fingered swords before, and it was hit by the explosion again, and its voice was completely gone.

Begging for mercy now?


Jiang Lin snorted. Before he didn't know how powerful he was, this thousand-year-old zombie king was so crazy, why wasn't he crazy now.

"Keep going crazy, you can do it!"

Jiang Lin rolled over and jumped back, and the seal formed in his hand again. The mercury in the body of this thousand-year-old zombie king was very strange. Even if his body suffered such a serious injury, the zombie king's self-healing ability was still there. Jiang Lin didn't want to cause any future troubles.

Other attacks might not be able to directly kill this corpse king.


Another small mushroom cloud rose up.

"Pop! Kill Green Zombie and get [*] Violent Qi."

Hearing the prompt from the system, Jiang Lin's heart was completely let down.

"Crack! There is a corpse attribute generated."

After the amount of suffocation was prompted, the voice of the system came again in Jiang Lin's mind.

Another corpse attribute?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly. The more corpse attributes he had, the more information he could refer to.

As long as the suffocation value is enough, these attributes can be added to him.

I don't know what it is, is it like this zombie leader, whose body has become a pear flower needle in the rainstorm?

Jiang Lin didn't go to check it right away. He walked to the coffin pile. He wanted to see the place where the thousand-year-old zombie king died.

After decades of raising a thousand-year-old zombie king, there must be something else.

"Scared to death, scared to death."

Xiao Li slept in the coffin, clutching her little heart.

The coffin pile vibrated just now, twice, and Xiao Li was so frightened that her face turned pale.

These two shocks should all be caused by the Taoist priest, I don't know what happened to the zombie king.

When the Zombie King appeared, Xiao Li had the idea of ​​running away, but what she didn't expect was that Jiang Lin would be able to deal with the Zombie King, and later on, he was evenly matched.

While they were fighting, Xiaoli showed up to hunt for treasure.

"That Taoist priest definitely didn't think that he killed all the zombies there, he just helped me a lot. No matter what, the zombie king should not be back in a short time. If you want to accept me, I will take advantage of it. Humph..."

When Xiao Li thought that Jiang Lin wanted to accept her, she was very angry, but she felt that if Jiang Lin knew all this, he would be very angry.

It blooms, it blooms.

Xiao Li opened her mouth wide and bit the corpse anemone Qigen down.

At this moment, the coffin board with the reverse cover on the coffin was opened.

Jiang Lin happened to be watching the process of Xiao Li swallowing the corpse of anemones. He never thought that Xiao Li would appear in the coffin, and blinked on the spot for a while.

Xiao Li didn't even think that Jiang Lin would come back here. All the zombies are gone, only the empty coffins are left. Whoever has nothing to see these coffins.

One man and one woman, one man and one ghost, stared at each other for a few seconds.


Xiaoli's pretty face has a very wonderful expression.

Naturally, she swallowed Yinlian.

why!Why do people want to meet this man again!

"It's you! Hurry up and hand over the corpse mercury!"

After a few breaths, Jiang Lin thought of the silver lotus that Xiao Li had swallowed just now.

That is a rare baby in the world!

The corpse anemone is not only a rare medicine in the world, it can be used directly as medicine, but it is also a treasure that the ancient emperors who pursued longevity and even the monks who raised corpses dreamed of.

In the Jin tomb, Jiang Lin saw the conjecture of the Immortality Returning Yang Pill, and one of the main medicines was this corpse water silver lotus.

This kind of treasure must be a living person with mercury in the body. After the death of a corpse, there is a very small chance that a corpse will be born. A lotus petal can prolong life and youth. If you compare the coffin fungus to isatis root, It is equivalent to thousand-year-old ginseng.

In addition, the corpse anemone also has the effect of promoting practice.

No wonder the zombie leader could become the thousand-year-old zombie king in such a short period of time. It turned out that he often smelled the smell of corpse mercury.

Jiang Lin felt that his heart was about to jump out, and he was willing to exchange half of his fortune for this kind of baby.

If he can get it, not only will he get great benefits, but his daughter-in-law can save a lot of medicinal materials, and the problems of Jiu Shu and Zhang Han can be completely solved.

But this silver lotus was swallowed by Xiaoli just now!

Jiang Lin released his tentacles again, coughing, yin fire whip, and wrapped Xiao Li tightly.

This time she will never let her run away.

Pulling Xiaoli in front of him, Jiang Lin threatened: "Hand over it. Otherwise, I will accept you! No, I was going to accept you, this is the third time we have met. Hand over Yinlian, I will consider it. I won't charge you."

She must spit out Yinlian if she accepts it or not.

Take me again!

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