Xiao Li was going crazy. This time, she was clearly fleeing in the direction away from Renjia Town, but she was caught by Jiang Lin.

Absolutely ghosts!

"You bastard, you want to accept me again, I've run so far, you must be stalking me, you idiot) (Han! Seeing people are beautiful, you always want to accept them. You are a shame!"

Tail line idiot)...(Han?

Jiang Lin's face was speechless, who is the one who stalks you?

But after thinking about it, Jiang Lin felt that Xiao Li was really a little aggrieved when she really cared about it.

After running more than [*] miles in two hours, I thought it was safe, but he ran into him anyway.

But it's not his business whether Xiao Li is wronged or not. Even if this female ghost is crying with pear flowers and rain, he will not feel distressed.

It is impossible to feel distressed, and it is necessary for Xiaoli to repay the interest first. Except for Yinlian, he will settle the account for Xiaoli first.

This female ghost, since he met, he didn't take a second look. As a result, he was teased and molested by the female ghost again and again, and now he is still scolding him as brother pig.

Didn't you always say that he was plotting evil?

That's what she wants.

"Over and over again, either flirting with me or scolding me as a lecher, I wondered if I didn't do anything to you, is it in your opinion that I am too honest, so you can be unscrupulous? You are not Obviously bullying honest people?"

With that said, Jiang Lin's eyes wandered over Xiao Li without any scruples, and looked at Xiao Li all over the place.


A slap slapped on Xiao Li's rounded upturned) (on the buttocks, Jiang Lin commented: "The elasticity is very good."

Xiao Li's handsome face turned into a red face, and she looked at Jiang Lin with hatred.

"Don't look at me like this, you are the one who bullied the honest person. Now I'm letting you know that the honest person is not easy to bully."


Slap on one side, symmetrically.

The elasticity is really good.

Chapter [*] was eaten by the Taoist priest

Who bullied the honest person, are you also an honest person!

Xiao Li rolled her eyes in anger, but when she thought about it, she always broke her mouth and didn't dare to speak out against Jiang Lin, so she could only take advantage of it verbally, but now it's better, Jiang Lin took advantage of her. .

Also arrogant.

Jiang Lin didn't continue to be wicked, he just wanted to teach Xiao Li a lesson.

Just go straight up and you're done.

"Spit out the silver lotus, or you will be at your own risk."

Now Jiang Lin needs to ask Xiaoli to spit out the corpse anemone as soon as possible. The anemone has just bloomed, and now is the time when the medicine is at its best.

I am afraid that the zombie leader has kept Yinlian, that is, for this moment.

It's not that Jiang Lin doesn't want to use force, but the corpse mercury lotus is very easy to destroy, as long as it is stained with blood, it will turn into ordinary mercury particles.

Even if Xiao Li wasn't human, if Jiang Lin cut her off or injured her, Yinlian might be ruined.

Seeing such a priceless treasure, he didn't execute the punishment immediately, but forced Xiao Li to count her as a good person.

"If you eat other people's tofu, you must be responsible to them!"

Xiaoli didn't mention Yinlian at all, and he said that he wanted to delay time. If she melted Yinlian, Jiang Lin would not be able to get it.

And she really didn't do anything to hurt the world. If Yinlian could not get it, Jiang Lin shouldn't take the risk of committing evil to kill her.

Although she only met Jiang Lin today, Xiao Li could see that Jiang Lin didn't seem like that kind of unreasonable Taoist priest.

At the very least, it's not the kind that kills the hell out of it.

"Don't be careful in front of me, I keep putting up with you because you're not an evil ghost, but that doesn't mean you can really be presumptuous in front of me."

He tapped Xiao Li's body with his fingers a few times, Jiang Lin frowned, and his voice became colder.

"You are unreasonable! The treasures of heaven and earth are not owned by the owner. Whoever gets it will be counted. You are a robber!"

Her body was sealed by Jiang Lin, and Yinlian was also isolated. Xiao Li couldn't dissolve it, so she could only grit her teeth and stare at Jiang Lin.

It's slapping the butt and touching the body again, taking advantage of others, and being so fierce to them.

Hehe, reason with me?

Jiang Lin shook his head lightly, and said lightly: "You want to be reasonable? The Ghost Festival confuses the Taoist priests and leads to the emergence of ghosts. What qualifications do you think you have to be reasonable? Silver lotus has no owner? When it doesn't exist anymore. If I hadn't killed the zombies in this zombie forest, could you go into the coffin and swallow the silver lotus?"

Xiaoli was speechless for a while, this corpse of the mercurial lotus was really Jiang Lin's trophy, and she couldn't account for it at all.

But how can someone take out a duck that is under its stomach? This is a rare treasure in the sky and the earth.

Can't hand it over!

Yinlian can't be taken by force, and Xiaoli feels that her life should be fine, and she will suffer from flesh and blood at most.

As for Jiang Lin taking advantage of her body, Xiao Li endured it, she thought that Jiang Lin really couldn't handle her.

She has no worries about her life and will not lose her chastity. For Yinlian, she will endure it!

Jiang Lin's fingers moved, and the yin fire whip wrapped around Xiao Li's body tightened fiercely. She didn't know her situation if she didn't give this ghost a bit of suffering.

"Master, you hurt people."


Jiang Lin felt that his ears were numb.

"You think I can't do anything about you?"

Putting a magic talisman on Xiao Li, Jiang Lin took a breath and swallowed Xiao Li directly into her stomach. This female ghost is not bad, otherwise don't blame him for destroying the ghost.

The yin fire in her body surrounded Xiaoli and sent her directly to the corona of her dantian.

Jiang Lin didn't need to do anything, he was a civilized person, how could he torture a weak female ghost.

Just put her in the stomach.

What torture can compare to the Yang Yan in his body?There is a real sun inside.

Xiao Li didn't understand what was going on when the surrounding heat wave fell on her. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's smouldering fire around her, the corona flame would only take a few blinks of an eye to make this female ghost go away. A layer of skin.

"Daoist, if you eat others, will you be responsible!"

From Jiang Lin's stomach came Xiao Li's whimper.

Now Xiao Li knew that her torture was unavoidable, so she could only think of a way to grind Jiang Lin's ears, so that she could suffer a little less. When her body was able to move, she immediately began refining silver lotus.

This leprechaun!

Jiang Lin also pointed to the dantian, and Xiaoli's voice came from inside her body.

"Daoist, you are good or bad, you have touched someone's chest."


Jiang Lin seemed to really feel that he had touched something, and his body's touch was much stronger than that of touching it.

Do you want to come again?Forget it, the taste can't be that heavy.

"You better be honest."

Yinlian will not be transformed into Xiaoli's body for a while, Jiang Lin will take advantage of this time to let Xiaoli taste the poisonous fire.

Take his spoils as his own, and don't want to spit it out, not even a fairy.

"It's a pity, it turns out that there are two silver lotuses here, and one was destroyed with blood."

Jiang Lin checked the pile of coffins again, and when he saw the decomposed Yinlian in the Zombie King's coffin, he cried out a pity.

He went up to take out the coffin fungus, and Jiang Lin processed all the zombie's stumps again before returning to the Taoist hall.

"Ah... Daoist Master, Xiao Li is in pain."

"You know it hurts?"

Jiang Lin opened his mouth and spit out Xiao Li. At this time, Caiyi and Ren Tingting heard the sound outside and opened the door.

Xiao Li was disheveled, her hair was scattered, and she knelt on the ground, dripping with sweat.

She didn't expect Jiang Lin's methods to be so powerful, it was even crueler than the scorch in hell.

"Daoist, you have touched all the protruding parts of people's bodies. You let Xiaoli go. Are you okay with Xiaoli?"

A group of daughters-in-law looked at each other, what did Jiang Lin do to this female ghost?Why does she keep screaming in pain and disheveled.

Are the bumps touched?Isn't that Mi)...(mi and butt are both...

Caiyi and Ayan looked at Jiang Lin, and their expressions became strange.

Did their man really attack this female ghost?

Xiaoli knew that there were five or six women with outstanding appearance in Jiang Lin's family. Now when she saw Ren Tingting and the others, she knew that these were Jiang Lin's daughter-in-law.

"Sisters, Xiaoli has already been eaten by the Taoist priest, can you please help me? He wants to accept me now."


The eyes of a group of women suddenly turned to Jiang Lin. There was a little red at home, and they went to eat the ghosts outside.

"What are you thinking! This female ghost ate your medicine."

"So husband, you just ate her?"

Ren Tingting's words almost made Jiang Lin stumble. He just ate Xiao Li, he swallowed her, not completely!

"Do I have such a strong taste!" Jiang Lin glared at a few women, then looked at Xiao Li, and said, "Hand over Yinlian."

If Xiao Li was ignorant again, Jiang Lin wouldn't mind adding fire to her for three days and three nights.

Yelling at him was of no use at all.

Do you think that rubbing his ears will make him soft?

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