"I'll take half of it, okay?"

Xiaoli let go, it was really too hard in Jiang Lin's body, she couldn't help that kind of torment.

Ha ha.

Jiang Lin opened his mouth again and sucked Xiao Li in again.

Take mine and give it to me, eat mine and spit it out for me.

There is no room for negotiation!

"Daoist, you have touched all the places that people can't touch, and you have eaten it again and again. You have no affection at all, you are a man with a heartless heart!"

Xiao Li shouted in Jiang Lin's dantian, making Jiang Lin a black line. He took a soundproof talisman and affixed it to her body, blocking her perception of Xiao Li at the same time.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-seventh false pill first appeared

"Husband, you really didn't eat that female ghost, did you? It's that kind of food."

Ayan pouted and looked at Jiang Lin. The other sisters didn't know Xiao Li's seductiveness, but she knew. If Jiang Lin really brought Xiao Li into the house, with Xiao Li's character, she would be able to convince Jiang Lin. Lin's favor was gone.

"What kind of food? You tell me."

Jiang Lin smiled wickedly, and hugged Ayan into his arms, calling for the daughters-in-law to enter the room to sleep.

Many sisters are watching...

Ayan buried her face in Jiang Lin's chest, Jiang Lin will eat her first tonight.

"The material of this coffin fungus is really good."

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin went to the kitchen. After opening the jade box, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

The coffin fungus is crystal clear and green, like an emerald gem wrapped in smoke.

Except for Mao Zong's corpse pill, this group of coffin fungi is estimated to be the best material.

When the zombie king further turns into a corpse, the coffin fungus will turn into a corpse pill, but if you want to get a corpse pill, unless you kill the zombies, you can't be sucked out like the coffin fungus.

Jiang Lin divided the coffin fungus into several parts, swallowed one part himself, kept a few parts for Chen Yu and Bai Min'er, and put the rest into medicine.

"Go to assimilate the coffin fungus, then upgrade to a level, and then see what the newly acquired corpse attributes are."

After finding a suitable secluded place, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged for a few hours. After assimilating the corpse poison, he exhaled his own system.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [-]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [-])

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [-])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - Sixth Layer)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Charm (Perfect), Fire Collection Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Fire Talisman (Level [-]), Voice Transmission (Level [-]), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Level [-])+

Violence: [-]

Jiang Lin didn't even look at his own anger value, and directly clicked on the corpse attribute column below.

The last corpse attribute made Jiang Lin a little stunned.

Limb extension - the limbs can be stretched and extended up to [-] meters.

Jiang Lin recalled that this corpse attribute seemed to belong to Ren Tiantang.

It seems a little cheesy...

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed in his heart. He now has a [-]-meter Yang Yan Whip and an [-]-meter Yang Finger Sword. He has no shortage of long-range means, and this kind of tasteless attribute actually requires [-] Violence Points. Jiang Lin felt a little worthless.

"Is it true that after obtaining this attribute, I am the man who can be the pirate king?"

Thinking that his limbs can be lengthened, Jiang Lin couldn't help but think of Luffy in Riman One Piece, but Jiang Lin felt that this attribute was more like a long-armed Arhat and a long-legged Arhat.

After weighing it, Jiang Lin decided to improve his strength and reach the peak of the Celestial Master as soon as possible.

After this upgrade, Jiang Lin is ready to accumulate suffocation to obtain the property of being in the air. His current mind control object originally wanted to be suspended in the air. If he can use the results to prove it, it is estimated that the research of mind control object can make some progress. .

If you can research the corpse attributes by yourself, you can save a lot of anger, which is not a loss.

Upgrade your body training first.

After clicking the upgrade arrow, Jiang Lin's muscles began to bulge. During the upgrade process, the changes in his body were relatively large.

The dead body meridians in the body were swept away by Li Yang's flames one after another. Jiang Lin's entire body began to suffer severe pain. There was a tendency to burst open in the body and body surface, causing Jiang Lin to scream in the sky.

Every time he upgrades the body refining technique, Jiang Lin feels that he is being tortured.

After rinsing in the water again, Jiang Lin ordered Yang Mian Jue to upgrade.

The flames in his body shot up again, but Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to the flames. He could clearly feel that the spiritual force liquid in his dantian began to change.

At the very center of the liquid sphere, spiritual power has been accumulated to the limit, and there is a sign that it wants to be transformed into an entity.

"Fuck, fake pill?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a while, but he did not expect Yang Mian Jue to be upgraded to the seventh level, and the ball in his dantian began to gradually change to a fake dan.

For Jiang Lin, who stayed in the monk era, this sign made him too happy. He has not yet reached the peak of the Celestial Master. Now this change means that he can compress more spiritual power in advance. .

Once he becomes a golden core, his strength can grow by leaps and bounds.

Jiang Lin was overwhelmed with joy, but Xiao Li, who was beside his dantian, burst into tears and snot. Jiang Lin's body was like purgatory.

Especially the flame riot in the coronal layer just now, the Yin fire around her suffered the impact of Yang Yan, making her almost die again.

Now Xiaoli is willing to compromise, she really can't stand such torture.

But Jiang Lin blocked her. He didn't even look at her. He was so angry that he didn't listen to her words. He told her if he was taught a lesson. If he didn't hang her for two or three days, Jiang Lin wouldn't let her out.

"One step closer to the peak of the Celestial Master."

Feeling the surging spiritual power in his body, Jiang Lin really wanted to meet a few thousand-year-old zombie kings again, and the monster spawning level should match his own level.

Humming the song, Jiang Lin put on his clothes and went straight to Yizhuang.

"Jiang Lin, come and come, tell my uncle how you got that big bird last night."

When Daoist Qianhe saw Jiang Lin entered the Yizhuang, he and Daoist Simu took him to inquire about what happened last night, and Jia Le followed behind.

Since the flames in Jiang Lin's body formed the Golden Crow, these two uncles have not seen each other, and even Tengteng Town and his party, Jiang Lin has not made the Golden Crow appear. There is no attack power.

Last night, Jiang Lin released the three-legged golden crow, which shocked Daoist Qianhe and Daochang Simu until his eyes were straight. He originally wanted to ask Jiang Lin what was going on, but the matter of collecting the ghost was delayed.

"That's just a move I've researched, and it's nothing special."

Jiang Lin said casually that the three-legged golden crow was related to his physique and cultivation technique, and he didn't want to reveal too much in this regard.

Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Simu looked at Jiang Lin with contempt, nothing special?Have you not seen the expressions of those ghosts when they see the three-legged golden crow, they are even more frightened than seeing the King Yama.

"By the way, Uncle Simu, this is a leg bone of a thousand-year-old red horn. You also helped me sell so many magic talismans and magic weapons. My nephew knows that you like bronze swords, but that magic weapon is not strong."

With that said, Jiang Lin handed Simu Daochang a bone wrapped in a cloth strip.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-eighth love is more than brother Jinjian, a bone is pinched

When the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice was beheaded, the materials were divided into several parts. Ninth Uncle, Zhang Han, and Master Hong Jinbao each asked for a small portion, and Jiang Lin had a large portion.

Later, Jiang Lin took out some and gave it to Daoist Qianhe. Daoist Qianhe often ran around in order to find out about the materials for him, and Jiang Lin would not let him work in vain.

"Thousand...thousand-year-old red scorpion?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest's voice trembled a little, this material is not necessarily available even with gold bars.

Such a good refining material, as long as it is a cultivator's dream, it is more difficult to deal with than the thousand-year-old zombie king. If you want to get its bones, you can't exchange your life for it.

Such a large piece of bone is enough to make an extra-large bone sword.

At that time, let alone a refined zombie like the last royal zombie, even the Zombie King Simu Taoist thinks that he can fight against it.

The bones of the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice are not ordinary hard, and the bones of the thousand-year-old zombie king are not necessarily comparable to it.

If this thing is made into a giant sword, it can not only cut iron like mud, but also has first-class hardness, and it is difficult to break it.

"Master, what is a thousand-year-old red scorpion?"

Jia Le has studied with the four-eyed Taoist priest for so many years, but he still doesn't know the difference between a zombie and a murderer.

"What have you learned? The murderer who was deceived by the animal's breath, grew up and became a scorpion. What are you thinking about every day, Master loves you to death!"

The tragic Jia Le was pinched by his master on his face again.

"Jiang Lin, you didn't kill the thousand-year-old red scorpion, did you?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest stared at Jianglin as if he was looking at a monster. The thousand-year-old red scorpion is not something that a Celestial Master can deal with, at least a few Celestial Masters are needed.

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