"I'm not alone, there are a few alchemists."

Jiang Lin shook his head, even if he were to deal with a thousand-year-old red scorpion now, it would still be a matter of hanging.

A lot of Japanese died in the place where Hongji appeared, and Jiang Lin did not say that he cooperated with Jiu Shu and the others.

With the character of the four-eyed Taoist priest, his mouth is unreliable, so he doesn't need to tell him.

Thumbs up, the four-eyed Taoist priest can only give Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

Taking the lead in killing the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice, this kid is really a heifer flying on a plane - it's awesome.

Thinking that Jiang Lin killed the thousand-year-old red dragonfly, he must have obtained a lot of good things. The four-eyed Taoist priest rubbed his hands, but he still did not speak. kiss.

"Junior brother, thousand-year-old red glutinous rice, leg bone."

The four-eyed Daoist who got the treasure showed off in front of Daoist Qianhe, and raised his eyebrows, but he didn't know Daoist Qianhe had already had it, and there were more than him.

"Wow! The bones of a thousand-year-old red scorpion."

Taoist Qianhe pretended to be surprised, and let the four-eyed Taoist look like, how about it, envy, jealous?

As a result, Qianhe Daochang changed the subject and said, "I have four bones like this big. Hee hee hee..."


The four eyes of the four-eyed Taoist priest blinked, and he was proud in front of others just now, but he didn't expect that they were the big family.

But this is not the point, the point is that his junior brother has four such excellent materials, and he did not give him a little bit.

"Junior brother, you have so many bones, why didn't you think of giving me one before? It's not too late to give it now, hurry up!"

"Senior brother, what you said is wrong. Why should I give it to you? I helped Jiang Lin find so many materials, and I also helped him sell a lot of magic talismans. I deserve it."

Taoist Qianhe had a wider network of contacts than Taoist Simu, so he brought a lot of gold bars to Jiang Lin several times.

"I said that the two uncles are just a bone, so don't affect the feelings between the brothers."

Jiang Lin used to separate the two of them. If these two made things unpleasant for a bone stick, Jiang Lin would feel ashamed.

In the past, when Daoist Qianhe was bitten by a zombie of the royal family, Daoist with four eyes didn't need to worry about it. Who would have thought that they would be pinched for a bone now.

"Give it or not? The kid from Jia Le doesn't have a share yet."

"No way! I still have four apprentices."

The four-eyed Taoist rolled his eyes, then pulled Jia Le and shouted, "What! Junior Brother Qianhe, do you have two thousand-year-old red bones?"

"Although it's Senior Brother asking for help, you don't have to take it out to reward everyone."

After calling, the four-eyed Taoist priest ran out of Yizhuang with Jia Le.

There are four that don't give me any share, it's in vain that I love you so much, and this will make you bankrupt.

The four-eyed Daoist is quite kind, and he didn't shake out his junior brother's family background.


I @#¥%*~!

Daoist Qianhe wanted to beat his fellow apprentice to death.

"Millennium Chicken) (Chicken, do you have the bones of a thousand-year-old red glutinous rice?"

Hearing the shouts of the four-eyed Taoist priest, the first one who ran out was the Taoist priest Wangui, and then a group of Taoist priests all ran out of the living room.

All of them looked at Daoist Qianhe with green eyes.

"Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin!"

Daoist Qianhe wanted to hold Jiang Lin to help him clear the siege, but unfortunately Jiang Lin had oil under his feet and ran away.

Just kidding, the four-eyed Taoist also knows to run quickly so that no one can see him, if others know that he has red bones, he will not hit the dragon barrier one by one.

The ninth uncle also came out of the living room and looked at Daoist Qianhe with a bit of sympathy. It was not good to show off in front of someone, so he had to scoff in front of the four-eyed junior brother.


Daoist Qianhe wanted to find Ninth Uncle again, but Ninth Uncle had a lot of red bones.

"Junior Brother Qianhe, do you have a red glutinous bone? It just so happens that my brother is short of materials here, so I want to ask you to borrow some."

Uncle Ninth pretended to be shocked, and gave Daochang Qianhe a look that you know for yourself.

Dare to tell me about the fact that I have a red skeleton, and see if I can spare you.

Brother, you are so disrespectful!

Senior Brother Simu, you wait for me!

In the end, Daoist Qianhe's face turned into a chrysanthemum, and he took out half of the leg bones of Hongqi, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to get out of the door of Yizhuang.

Qianhe Road has a stern mouth, only saying that the bones are in exchange, and he doesn't say who the seller is.

Ninth Uncle also took out a lot of materials to return the favor, and sent one by one out of the door, even the ninth uncle did not treat him badly.


Aunt Zhe looked at Ninth Uncle reluctantly. Last night, she successfully slept next to Ninth Uncle's room, but Ninth Uncle ran to sleep with Qiu Shengwencai.

As long as you work hard for one more night, you might be able to successfully get on base and enter the door of Ninth Uncle.

It's a pity that the ninth uncle only came with a message for the younger sister to walk slowly, not to send it.

A basin of cold water was poured down, and Aunt Cane walked away angrily.

The last person to leave was Daoist Qianhe, and Jiang Lin gave him another red bone.Now that Daoist Qianhe would send a lot of gold every few months, Jiang Lin would definitely not let this uncle suffer.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-ninth, rushing for business

"Qiusheng, Wencai, you two can deal with your own affairs. Jiang Lin, they told me what happened last night. I have no opinion on how you should deal with it."

After seeing off the guests, Uncle Jiu changed his face. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were afraid that Jiang Lin would really send the letter, so they would ask Uncle Jiu everything.

"After being raised for so many years, it's not as good as half a disciple."

Ninth Uncle shook his head and entered the Yizhuang. He was surprised that it was so late last night that the two apprentices had to admit their mistakes to him.

Only later did he find out that Jiang Lin was angry, and when he learned about Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiu Shu was so angry that he didn't sleep well all night.

"Master, Junior Brother, we really knew something was wrong!"

When Qiusheng and Wencai saw that Jiu Shu really ignored them, they immediately admitted their mistake to Jiang Lin.

This time, they really made the master chill, and also made the younger brother angry.

Seeing Ninth Uncle, whose steps were a little heavy, Jiang Lin still couldn't bear to do it.

Since knowing that the marriage of the two apprentices is expected, Jiu Shu's mood has improved a little, and the burden on his shoulders has lightened a lot.

He was heartbroken for these two living treasures.

If Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were blowing together now, Jiu Shu might be frowning again.

Qiusheng was a little better, but Wencai wanted no one, wanted money but no money, and didn't have the skills. If he wanted to find a good girl, he wouldn't be blind.

"Okay, in Yizhuang in the future, I will pay Master's rent and tuition every month, and I won't let Master give you any betrothal gifts. These two letters have already been written, if you don't take any action, or you will provoke them again. Master was angry, so he sent it straight away."

These two living treasures will not grow without strong medicine, and if they make progress, they have to go backwards, and they cannot be cured.

"According to what Jiang Lin said."

Qiusheng and Wencai still wanted to bargain, but Jiu Shu's words made them dare not say a word.

You are going to die, you have to pay for accommodation, you have to pay tuition fees, and you have to earn the betrothal gifts yourself.

The two living treasures looked at each other and wanted to die.

Two days later, Jiang Lin was called into the room by Uncle Ninth.

"Jiang Lin, I have something to tell you."

Ninth Uncle poured a cup of tea and said, "I'm going to go outside the Great Wall in a while to pay my respects to my master, Jiang Lin, think about returning to Maoshan."

"I will."

Jiang Lin nodded. In fact, he didn't think about returning, but wanted Zhang Han to make a decision.

Although he learned a lot of his skills from Uncle Ninth, Zhang Han saved his life. At that time, Zhang Han was desperate to heal him, even spending his daughter's dowry.

Later, Zhang Han even married Chen Yu to him. For such a master, if Zhang Han did not agree, Jiang Lin could only shake his head.

"Tomorrow I will go to the western restaurant in the town to show Boss Qian the Feng Shui. You can go too. It is estimated that this is the last business I receive this year."

Now Jiang Lin sometimes has insights on feng shui, so if they have this opportunity, their master and apprentice can also exchange ideas.

Western restaurant?Money boss?

It seems that Shi Jian and his son also appeared in the movie, and Jiu Shu also talked to Boss Qian because of Qiusheng's sky-high asking price.

Now Qiusheng and Wencai are practicing hard every day, they are afraid that if their girlfriends are gone, Ninth Uncle should not take them there.

In this case, Jiang Lin went to see if Shi Jian and his son could steal their business?

On the second day, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu came to Boss Qian's western restaurant.

Boss Qian's daughter, Mary, was helping in the western restaurant. When she saw a guest, she came up to say hello.

But it's in English.

Uncle Ninth didn't understand, so Jiang Lin told Mary in English that Boss Qian had a request.

Since he is here, Ninth Uncle must not make a fool of himself.

"Three grams of oil (thank you)."

The ninth uncle also nodded to Mary and dragged a foreign language.

Mary's eyes lit up, but she didn't expect the two to wear old fashioned clothes, but they drank foreign ink.

"Uncle Nine!"

Boss Qian, who was talking with Shi Jian at the end of the restaurant, saw Ninth Uncle, and waved his hand away. Then he said to Shi Jian, "Uncle Jian, sit down for a while."

Shi Jian nodded with a smile, but he was sneering in his heart: Lin Jiu, I can't think of it, I have already robbed a lot of your business here.

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