Shi Shaojian looked at Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin with resentment, especially Jiang Lin, who severely injured him. If it wasn't for the fact that his father spent a lot of money on high-quality medicinal herbs, he also caused him to harm several women. Yin complements Yang, it is impossible to get down to the ground so quickly.

Sure enough, it was the two of them. That Shi Shaojian came out so early?

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. Before, he stepped on Shi Shaojian's back ribs, but now this scum is like nothing.

This is not the point, the point is that Shi Jian and his son really appeared here, clearly robbing Ninth Uncle's business?

And boss Qian, what do you mean?Don't know the rules?

There are many right and wrong colleagues, even in the monastic circle.

If Boss Qian invited Ninth Uncle and Shi Jian, then next time Boss Qian's business Ninth Uncle will be pushed aside.

The reputation of the ninth uncle's long eyebrows is not blown by the wind. If you invite him, you have to invite others, which is very disrespectful to people.

And let the peers meet, are you going to shop around?Still want to lower the price?

Jiang Lin laughed inwardly, since Boss Qian doesn't understand the rules, this time, no matter if he succeeds or not, he will have to make Boss Qian spend money once.

Ninth Uncle saw that Boss Qian was sitting with Shi Jian's master and apprentice, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but there was no expression of concern on his face.

"That Shi Shaojian must have used magic to heal his wounds."

When Uncle Jiu saw Shi Shaojian, he tilted his head and said to Jiang Lin, asking Jiang Lin to pay attention.

If it was an ordinary sorcery, he didn't want to ask about it, but if it was a destructive sorcery that was messing around in his territory, then he would never turn a blind eye.

"I know Master."

Jiang Lin glanced at the two of them and turned his eyes away.

If the father and son were honest in Renjiazhen, it would be fine. If they did things in front of him and Ninth Uncle and caused trouble for Ninth Uncle, Jiang Lin would make them regret it.

"Master Qian."

Uncle Ninth and Master Qian shook hands. Master Qian was very enthusiastic and introduced his daughter to Uncle Ninth.

"This is my daughter Mary. Not only is she capable, but she doesn't need to be paid."

Ninth Uncle wanted to roll his eyes, your daughter is capable, and you don't need to give me money, can you tell me a hammer?

Jiang Lin is also quite speechless. It's good for a daughter to be capable. You, a father, tell two big men that your daughter is capable. Aren't you afraid that others will misunderstand?

Glancing at Mary, Jiang Lin felt that this girl was still pretty and had no attraction to him, but to Qiusheng and Wencai, the attraction was not small.

"Mary, say hello to Uncle Ninth for a drink. I'll come over when I'm done talking."

"Junior brother, what a coincidence? I happen to be discussing business with Boss Qian. If junior brother doesn't mind, just sit with us."

As soon as Boss Qian turned around, Shi Jian strode over, as if he was the master and asked Uncle Ninth to follow him.

Chapter [*] We want to be cooked!

Hehe, I took myself as a great god again, and I forgot what the pain in the face was.

"Master, sit down."

Jiang Lin opened the chair and let Uncle Ninth sit down.

"Master, since you are so polite, we don't want to save your face. Master, Master, today, Master invited us to eat Western food."

Turning around, Jiang Lin said to Boss Qian again: "Boss Qian, look at my uncle, I am talking about business with you. In order to show sincerity, he will invite him to help your business with this meal."

Isn't it loaded with cloves of garlic?Don't you want to be the master?

Is it necessary to have a meal in the AA system?

Shi Jian: ? ? ?

When do I say I want a treat?

"Oh, Uncle Jian, it really cost you money. Mary, bring the menu."

The greedy boss really thought that Shi Jian was going to help his business, so he sat down and ordered food.

Although he is the boss, he is happier than anyone else when someone invites him to dinner without spending any money.

Shi Jian almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. I came to you to discuss business, and you asked me to pay the bill?

Ninth Uncle, Jiang Lin, and Boss Qian looked at Shi Jian who was still standing, sit down, treat yourself!

"Boss Qian, my uncle is famous for his love of entertaining guests and his outspoken personality. In the past, he had a business deal with others, no matter whether it was successful or not, the benevolence and righteousness were definitely there, and he treated guests to dinner."

Jiang Lin made another move at this time, making Shi Jian unable to refuse even if he wanted to.

Let you experience the rush of being a master today.


Shi Jian's old face was a little dark, and it was already like this. If he shied away, he would have no face.

Glancing coldly at Jiang Lin, Shi Jian felt that his lungs and bronchi were aching and angry.

Jiang Lin didn't care about this old thing, he clearly came to grab business. With him around, how easy is Ninth Uncle's business to grab?

What about Shi Shaojian?

Jiang Lin turned his face and saw Shi Shaojian following behind Mary, pulling out one of her hair. Mary walked over with the menu smiling and didn't notice it at all.

Jiang Lin closed his eyes as soon as he stopped, pretending not to see it.

With a light snort at Jiang Lin, Shi Shaojian sat beside Shi Jian.

Mary distributed the menu to Ninth Uncle and Shi Jian, and Ninth Uncle looked at it in a big way. Anyway, with Jiang Lin by his side, he wouldn't make a fool of himself.

"First, two cups of coffee and a spoonful of sugar."

For Jiu Shu who has already entered a western restaurant, even if he can't understand the menu, ordering is not a big problem.

"My master is not used to the bitter taste of coffee, so add a little more sugar."

Jiang Lin smiled and nodded to Mary.

Mary smiled slightly, then looked at Shi Jian and his son.

Damn, when did Lin Jiu learn English?

What is coffee?

Shi Jian was expressionless on the surface, but he was struggling with what to do in his heart.

He looked at Shi Shaojian, but Shi Shaojian was okay with women in Western restaurants, but not in ordering Western food.

"Let's also have two glasses of Shirifei first, no sugar added."

After ordering coffee, Shi Jian looked at Ninth Uncle, looking like he was a good teacher, and said, "Junior Brother, it's not good if you can't bear hardship."

Yes, yes, you are right.

Don't throw up when you drink plain coffee for a while.

For people who have never drunk coffee, the taste of pure coffee is similar to drinking traditional Chinese medicine.

This Shi Jian is just for the sake of BB Jiu Shu, drink coffee without sugar, beer.

Ninth Uncle snorted and didn't say anything, he was too lazy to talk to Shi Jian now.

His own apprentice dog can't change and eat corpse rice without teaching him a lesson, and he is qualified to preach to him.

Just now when Shi Shaojian pulled out Mary's hair, Ninth Uncle could see it clearly.

After Mary wrote it down, she asked, "What else?"

"Xileng, I want to be half-rare, and my master is half-rare."

It's alright to ask Uncle Jiu to order some coffee, and Jiang Lin who ordered the food served it himself.

What kind of thing is Xi Leng?

Shi Jian and his son glanced at each other, and then the two took out a small compass under the table.

Lin Jiu and the others sit on the west side, so it is Xi Leng, in this case...

"We want Dong Leng and Dong Dong Leng, [*]% cooked."

Jiang Lin, who was drinking tea, almost choked on the tea. Dong Leng and Dong Dong Leng?Still so very ripe?

Mary couldn't help it and laughed.

"Mary, it's all about Xi Leng, and they are very familiar to Uncle Jian."

Boss Qian held back his laughter and told Mary to hurry down. How could she laugh out loud at this time, it was enough if she couldn't laugh in her heart.

"We want twelve medium rare ones, and we can't get used to them being very cooked."

Shi Jian already knew that they were making a joke, but the words had already been said, so he had to pretend.

"Master Uncle's taste is really unusual, and most people can't eat twelve-done."

"You still need to say it?"

Shi Jian snorted, each of you eats five points, the other eats seven points, and the old man eats twelve points.

"You two, I didn't believe in Feng Shui at first, but this western restaurant hasn't had any business since it opened, so it doesn't work if you don't believe in evil."

With a sad look on his face, Boss Qian talked about business with Shi Jian and Jiu Shu.

Shi Jian said to Boss Qian, "Boss Qian, I have seen the feng shui here. It's very easy to solve. It's a big ocean issue."

After he finished speaking, Shi Jian looked at Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin, how about it, if you want to grab business, you can show it to Boss Qian for free.

Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle were speechless. In order to grab business, Shi Jian could tell the price?

The feng shui of this restaurant is a bit weird. If you really want to settle it, you won't be able to get it without dozens of oceans.

"An ocean? Good good."

Boss Qian was so happy, he thought it would take at least ten oceans to look at Feng Shui once.

Jiang Lin laughed secretly in his heart, what an ocean is the beginning of an ocean plus your daughter)...(Night!

I asked people to look at Feng Shui, and I didn't inquire about Shi Jian's reputation. I wanted to use this to lower the price of Jiu Shu, but I didn't expect to lose my daughter.

Boss Qian looked at Jiu Shu again and asked, "I wonder if Jiu Shu thinks the feng shui of this restaurant is easy to handle?"

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