"We can also handle it, but the price is estimated to be more expensive than the master's."

Jiang Lin directly stated that he would not fight with Shi Jian anymore. He is a big ocean, and he can do it if he likes it.

They can't take it.

Seeing the smug look on Shi Jian's face, Jiang Lin called the waiter.

"Two servings of foie gras in abalone sauce, two servings of pan-fried salmon..."

Since Shi Jian wanted to steal the business this time, Jiang Lin let him take some credit.

Losing money is not enough, let him post back.

Serving) (The waiter opened his mouth wide, these are top-quality ingredients, and most people can’t afford them.

Shi Jian's brows twitched wildly, he didn't need to pay money to eat, so he ordered food there like crazy.

You are cruel!

Ninth Uncle didn't pull Jiang Lin, Shi Jian could do things like this, they just had a good meal.

You don't need to look at Feng Shui, you can eat a big meal, and you won't lose any business if you are robbed.

"Everyone, your coffee still has sirloin."

It didn't take long to serve) (The waiter brought coffee and steak first.

"Master, Master Uncle invites you, you're welcome."

Jiang Lin tasted his medium-rare sirloin steak with a knife and fork, and Ninth Uncle was also very happy.

As for Shi Jian and his son, they stared at the two palm-sized black cakes on the table and swallowed.

The steak is well-done and very well-done, and the medium-rare is specially made by the kitchen for Shi Jian.

The two looked at the steak on the plate of Uncle Ninth and Jiang Lin, and scolded him in their hearts.

To be honest, Jiang Lin felt that the two pieces were not steak, but dried cow dung, and they were exactly the same.

Chapter [*] Shi Shaojian, the Unchangeable

Damn, what this old man wants is vegetables, who made you have a piece of shit!

Shi Jian was so angry that his eyes were like bull's eyes, and his beard was blown out of anger.

"Eldest brother, the steak at Boss Qian's house is really good. Would you like to try it? Very few people have such a taste."

"Yes, Master Master, although Boss Qian's business here is not good due to Feng Shui, his steak is still very good. That's how it is done. Don't Master Master like it?"

After Uncle Ninth made his voice, Jiang Lin also opened his mouth to make up for it.

"Who said I don't like to eat, I just want to drink Shirifei first."

Saying that, Shi Jian took a sip of his coffee.

It doesn't matter if you don't drink it, Shi Jian's face turned green after drinking it.

Too barren to drink!

Shi Shaojian was not much better. As soon as the coffee was in, he wanted to spray it, but he was stunned by his father and swallowed hard.


Being watched by Boss Qian and Ninth Uncle, Shi Jian could only follow the way of Ninth Uncle, pick up a knife and fork and cut the steak.

This is what he ordered himself, and he specifically said that he was very familiar with it, and he was not used to it. If he didn't eat it, where would his old face go.

But the medium-rare steak was as hard as a floor tile and caught the knife.

With a force of his hand, the knife finally cut the steak to pieces, but the brown sauce on the plate also burst out because it was squeezed by the steak.

Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian were shot by the sauce) (a face.

Uh ~

Jiang Lin suddenly felt that his appetite was gone.

He had seen Dashuai and Qiu Shengwen smear the walls with dung and hair, and now they are dung-haired and painted on their faces.

Like a firecracker thrown into a cesspool, it exploded the corpse of rice milk.

Mary frowned as she looked at Shi Jian with a face full of sauce, her small mouth straightened, and a look of disgust on her face.

If you don't know how to eat steak, don't order it, it has to be medium rare.

Shi Jian was so angry that his eyes were on fire. Originally this time, he was here to steal Jiu Shu's business and make Jiu Shu lose face, but now his face has been thrown to Java by himself.

"Master, the sauce of this steak is rich in protein, and it is good for the face. It's no problem to apply it on the face. But you see that Master and I are still so young, so we don't need to take care of our face. Master, let's eat on the side."

Although Jiang Lin said so, but on his face was a disgusting expression on your face.

I don't know anything, but Boss Qian kindly gave you a very well-cooked one.

Shit Larai!

Have a good meal, won't you?Drink coffee until your face is green, eat steak to keep your face up, spend your own money and still have trouble with yourself, talent!

"Uncle Jian used to like to use sauce to improve his face."

Boss Qian sat aside, watching Shi Jian and his son eating steak, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Even if Shi Jian made the sauce burst, he would have to bear it, and he would show the Taoist master of Feng Shui a big ocean, and he didn't dare to show disgust at all.

Raise your old wood face!

Wiping his face with his sleeve, Shi Jian started directly and stuffed the cut steak into his mouth.

Eat and drink enough, leave, and don't have to check out, it's cool.

"Boss Qian, let's say goodbye first."

Jiang Lin said hello to Boss Qian, and then gave Shi Jian a knife: "Master, a steak of twelve medium rare needs to be chewed and eaten slowly. Master can really eat, taste, high!"

Until now, Shi Jian's mouth was still chewing on the steak that had been stuffed into his mouth at the beginning.

Twelve-meat steak is too tiring for dogs to chew on.

Under Shi Jian's angry gaze, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu walked out of the western restaurant.

The two laughed all the way, and the fact that they were robbed of business by Shi Jian did not affect their mood at all.

"Jiang Lin, that kid Shi Shaojian has a bad mind and will not change his stubbornness. It is estimated that he will touch the daughter of the boss. You can handle it as you see fit. Don't go too far."

Ninth Uncle reminded Jiang Lin that Shi Jian didn't want to pay attention to Shi Jian's business grabbing business on his site, but he would never forgive him if he was a ghost in the town.

After that, Ninth Uncle went back to Yizhuang first. He is now fighting for Qiusheng and Wencai to have a meal every day, and he hasn't fought yet today.

"Uncle Shi, you asked the cat to come to me."

Jiang Lin wanted to kill Shi Shaojian, but now that he and Shi Shaojian were in conflict, it was too obvious that he couldn't do it.

Otherwise, Shi Jian and Ninth Uncle would fight because of him. If he didn't want to make it difficult for Ninth Uncle, Shi Shaojian would kill a hundred people.

According to the development of the plot, Shi Shaojian will go to Mary tonight. In the plot, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are in trouble, but now that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are grounded, Jiang Lin decided to promote the plot by himself.

At that time, Shi Shaojian was transformed into a human demon by his father, and it would not be a problem to destroy him.

Jiang Lin is not as soft-hearted as Ninth Uncle. Tonight, he will lose Shi Shaojian half of his life.

An hour later, the colorful tiger king came to town and found Jiang Lin in a forest.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"You go to the brothel."

Panlan Tiger King suddenly got into a fight, big brother, I have no interest in human women, and even if I am, I won't go looking for chickens.

Afterwards, the colorful tiger king was even more shocked, and Jiang Lin even let it go to get the underwear worn by the prostitute and the used moon) (jing belt.

Master, don't touch that kind of dirty things. There are several mistresses at home who are clean and have special hobbies to find them.

The King Panlan looked at Jiang Lin with a look of disbelief.

With one kick, Jiang Lin kicked the colorful tiger king away.

"If you want to do things, just do things. If the efficiency is so low, I will kick your dog's head."

When Jiang Lin was preparing, Shi Jian and his son had already settled the bill in the western restaurant.

"Lin Jiu! Jiang Lin!"

Shi Jian, whose teeth were almost exhausted, roared in his heart, this western meal ate fifty oceans from him!

For so much money, they ate a shitty western meal.

In order to steal Ninth Uncle's business, this time he posted a hundred oceans backwards, and he also made him feel sick.

Originally wanted to disgust Ninth Uncle, but Shi Jian was so disgusted by himself that he vomited.

The two father and son returned to the inn angrily, and it only took an hour to take a bath and wash their faces.

At dusk, Shi Shaojian left the inn with a package.

Shi Shaojian didn't know how excited he was to be able to give Boss Qian's daughter to him.

Shortly after Shi Shaojian left, Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King followed.

Hehe, want to play with a woman?

I won't call you Jiang Lin, if you don't want to die now.

Jiang Lin sneered and looked at the colorful tiger king beside him. The house cat was carrying a bag with a look of disgust, and inside it were all the things Jiang Lin let him collect.

They are all filthy things, things that can break gong.

In a mountain forest ten miles away from Renjia Town, Shi Shaojian found an open space and arranged the magic tools in the package.

Putting Mary's hair in the talisman paper, Shi Shaojian burned it in the incense burner.

The original is to determine the location, and then the soul out of the body.

Jiang Lin watched leisurely not far away, waiting for Shi Shaojian's soul to leave his body, let him feel the sour taste.

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