Uncle Ninth frowned, remembering the past, then shook his head slightly and sighed: "I thought I would never think of that past event again in my life. Jiang Lin, you know that I have grudges with your master and your uncle, but this is actually the case. It was all [*] years ago. At that time, some people got the news that Yinshan Cave was the site of the Shenxiao Sect. Junior Brother Mu, Brother Dian Dao and Senior Brother, as well as your master, are the ones who got the news, and that's when we got together."


Shi Jian studied Lightning Bolt and Thunder Fist, and Master's formation skills were much higher than those of his peers. The two inheritances of the Shenxiao School were quite attractive to them.

Jiang Lin nodded and continued to listen to Uncle Ninth talk about the past.

"At that time, we also heard that there was a zombie king trapped in the ruins of the Shenxiao faction. At that time, we were basically just out of school, and I was young and energetic, and wanted to make a name in the cultivating world. It's almost there, I'm ready to fight with vigour and vigour, now that I think about it, it's really a newborn calf that's not afraid of tigers."

Looking at Jiang Lin, Uncle Jiu gave a wry smile and said, "Shenxiao faction's Tiangang Wulei Array and Qixing Xuanji Array caused us a lot of losses. Except for the few of us, almost all of them died."

"Master, you must not go."

"Yes, Master, the zombie king is very scary."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai originally thought that they only needed to deal with a zombie king, but they didn't expect that there would be a thunder array and star array.

Is the master tired of living?If you have nothing to say hello to the zombie king, is that an annoying existence?

To break through this battle, Grand Master made it clear that he wanted to set the master down, but the master still dutifully drilled into it.

"Are you two itchy again?"

Ninth Uncle glared at the two apprentices with cold eyes. If he was not sure, would he be so stupid and ask for trouble?

The brothers and sisters lowered their heads in embarrassment, not daring to speak any more, otherwise Master's caress would be much more comfortable than their four-eyed uncle's face-pinching Dafa.

After his ears were clear, Uncle Jiu continued: "We want to break into the underground palace, and we haven't even seen the shadow of the zombie king, let alone Lei Fa, who is expected to advance to the celestial master, and the seven-star array of flying dragons, the crown of the formation."

Flying Dragon Seven Star Array!

Jiang Lin also knew that this formation was a great formation capable of defying the sky and killing immortals, and it could almost be compared with the Immortal Death Bureau and Immortal Execution Formation in the cultivator era.

It's just that the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation was lost decades ago, and the inheritance of the Shenxiao School has also been broken a lot. Since then, there is basically no news of this formation in the world.

"There were too many comrades who died in that action. Because of my desire to become a Celestial Master, I wanted to learn from Lei Fa, who used to be the leader of all methods, to lay the foundation for future cultivation. I brought a few friends into the underground palace again. Later, you also found out that it was your master who went back to save me, and because of this, you missed your wife."

"Since then, those of us who have survived have decided to never mention this matter, and never go to the underground palace again."

After listening to this, Jiang Lin couldn't help but sigh. It turned out that Master and Ninth Uncle still had such an experience. If he encountered such a situation, he would not be willing to recall such an experience.

"You may be wondering why I promised your uncle to get the coffin fungus. In fact, the coffin fungus is not worth mentioning compared to the flying dragon seven-star array. Jiang Lin, I was going to discuss with your master after you return to Maoshan. Let me tell you this, your formation skills are beyond my and your master's expectations. If you can get the inheritance of the flying dragon seven-star formation, I believe there will be no problem in dealing with Fei Zong. Now that someone asked me to go there to deal with the zombie king, Anyway, I have to go there sooner or later, so I agreed."

The corner of Ninth Uncle's mouth raised slightly, Shi Jian thought that he was soft-hearted and took into account the affection of the same family, but in fact, he had other plans.

In Ninth Uncle's view, although Jiang Lin is now a Celestial Master, but if he wants to improve his strength a step further, relying on pure Yang art alone is obviously not enough. If Jiang Lin can learn from the inner circle of Shenxiao School Dan and Fu Lu originally used the unified thunder method, and it was not impossible to further their strength.

"Why do I feel that now the master is more treacherous than the master."

"Yeah, I just agreed so reluctantly. It turns out that I was already beating Xiao Jiujiu in my heart."

Looking at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who were murmuring on the side, Jiang Lin went up and grabbed the back of the necks of the two living treasures, causing them to confront each other.

Jiang Lin gave the two senior brothers an angry look, and said, "Master is called treacherous, Master is called wisdom!"

Seeing the anger on Uncle Ninth's face gradually rising, Qiu Sheng quickly asked, "By the way, Master, what is coffin fungus?"

Although the two knew that the coffin fungus could only be obtained from the zombie king, they still didn't know what it was.

"The grievance or resentment in the body of a zombie will reach the throat after it becomes the corpse qi. After the zombie becomes the zombie king, the corpse qi will flow in and out of the throat to form something like a fungus, which is the so-called coffin. Bacteria. Although it is changed by corpse qi, it is different from ordinary corpse qi and corpse poison. It can be used as medicine to delay aging and treat disfigurement. "

After explaining to Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiu Shu asked Jiang Lin to make some preparations and set off in the next few days.

Chapter [*] Happy to be a father?

"Haha, Lin Jiu, you didn't die in Yinshan Cave twenty years ago, this time I'll see how you can escape."

Shi Jian gritted his teeth, wishing Ninth Uncle and the others would go to Yinshan to die now.

Back then, their group went down to find the inheritance of the Shenxiao faction. There were three alchemists who formed a team and they all went back and forth. Even if Jiang Lin was an alchemist and went down with Ninth Uncle, it would be a near-death situation.

After so many years, Shi Jian gradually forgot about this because he was only half a bucket of water in the formation and could not go deep into the crypt.

After carefully recalling the horror in the crypt, Shi Jian felt that Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin were going to explain where it was this time.

Even if he was lucky enough to go deep inside, he would do something outside.

Shi Jian could not have imagined that Jiang Lin was now a Celestial Master, and his skills in formation had surpassed Zhang Han.

The formations of the Shenxiao faction and even the zombie king in the crypt did not pose much of a threat to Jiang Lin.

"Shaojian, don't worry, Dad won't let you suffer in vain!"

In Shi Shaojian's situation, even if there is a coffin fungus, it will not help. Shi Jian is not prepared to recover Shi Shaojian by means of treatment. He wants to make Shi Shaojian into a corpse demon. As long as there is enough blood, Shi Shaojian can be no different from a normal person.

This kind of revenge must be avenged!

"Jiang Lin, Zombie Forest is really Zhang Dashuai and the others?"

As he was walking, Uncle Jiu suddenly thought of the zombie forest Jiang Lin had mentioned before, and turned his face to look at Jiang Lin.

"Uncle, guess what."

Jiang Lin smiled and gave Ninth Uncle a riddle.

"Guess you are a big head, say it!"

"The zombie king has become a thousand-year-old zombie king. If it wasn't for the coffin fungus being taken out beforehand, it would be difficult for me to kill him."

Jiang Lin didn't say much about the thousand-year-old zombie king, only that it was stronger.

Millennium Zombie King!

Uncle Ninth almost stumbled. He knew that there was a zombie king in the zombie forest, but he didn't expect it to be the thousand-year-old zombie king.

Can Jiang Lin kill the thousand-year-old zombie king?

Although Jiang Lin had already given Jiu Shu a lot of shock, this time, Jiu Shu still looked at Jiang Lin with an unbelievable look.

There is no comparison between the ordinary zombie king and the thousand-year-old zombie king.

A thousand-year-old zombie king can torture the one in Tengteng Town to the death.

Qiusheng and Wencai's four eyes were like copper bells, staring at Jiang Lin in astonishment.

Their junior brother is probably a monster!

"Junior Brother, can you really kill the Millennium Zombie King?"

Qiu Sheng couldn't believe it anyway, it was impossible for Ninth Uncle to kill the Zombie King alone, but Jiang Lin was able to kill the Millennium Zombie King.

"If you're lucky, you might be able to kill it."

Jiang Lin didn't explain or prove anything. He didn't have to make others believe in his abilities.

"Jianglin, return to Maoshan."

Ninth Uncle patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder. In the past, he never confided his opinion on this issue, but now he really wants Jiang Lin to officially join their faction.


Jiang Lin could only cough twice, even if the grace of Ninth Uncle's teaching could be compared with Zhang Han's life-saving grace, but Zhang Han had one more daughter than him.

"I think Master will take this into consideration."

Jiang Lin directly kicked the ball to Zhang Han, who was not present.

Ninth Uncle also knew Jiang Lin's thoughts, so he didn't continue to discuss this topic.

"Although there is a flying dragon seven-star array, the coffin fungus has to be given to Shi Jian. It's tangled."

After returning to the Taoist temple, the more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more he felt a pity. He didn't think too much of a good thing like coffin fungus.

However, since Uncle Jiu agreed to Shi Jian, it is estimated that the coffin fungus cannot be kept.

"Uncle Shi said it's best to suck out the zombie king's coffin bacteria in the crypt first, and suck the coffin bacteria..."

When Jiang Lin thought about kissing a zombie king on the mouth, he was so disgusting that he vomited out the meal overnight.

This arduous and great task is left to his two brothers.

Anyway, in the plot of the movie, these two living treasures sent the coffin fungus to Shi Jian's mouth all the way.

"That's right, Lily!"

Thinking of the plot, Jiang Lin almost forgot that there was a female ghost Xiaoli inside him.

After being tormented for two days, this female ghost should have handed over the corpse of mercurial lotus.

Jiang Lin sat in the living room, took a sip of tea, and then opened his mouth to spit, and Xiao Li came out of his mouth and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xiao Li's tear-stained face, Jiang Lin touched her nose. After all, she was such a beautiful female ghost. He locked her in her body for two days, which seemed a bit too much.


Xiao Li cried so much that the pear blossoms were raining, looking at Jiang Lin's tearful eyes filled with grievances and complaints.

"I'm willing to hand over Yinlian now. You don't have to look at me like that. Although I made you suffer, I have always been protecting you. Otherwise, you might not even have half a ghost life."

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Xiao Li cried even more fiercely.

"I won't give it! You kill me, I don't want to live!"


Jiang Lin's face is speechless, is he still playing the eldest lady's temper in front of him?

For a silver lotus, I don't even want to die, as for?

Seeing that Jiang Lin's face gradually became ugly, Xiao Li's tears seemed to burst.

"People have been like jade for [*] years, and you are still their famous festival!"

Xiaoli approached Jianglin, and Xiaofan punched Jianglin's chest.

The exclamation mark and big question mark on Jiang Lin's head.

Who has moved your name, and you have been guarding your body for [*] years, didn't I just touch it a few times?

As for you!

For Xiao Li's wanton behavior, Jiang Lin also had black lines written all over his forehead.

It's more like a daughter-in-law beating her lover.

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