"Don't talk nonsense here. If you touch your butt, you will pay your name back?"

Jiang Lin got up and took two steps back. If someone saw this, he really thought he had done something to Xiao Li.

"I just touched it, would I be so shameless to let you pay it back?"

Xiao Li's tears never stopped, making Jiang Lin feel like a monk with two feet in length, and she couldn't make up her mind at all.

"Don't say if there are any of these, hand over Yinlian, and I'll let you go."

If the silver lotus in Xiao Li's body is not taken out, it will melt into her body. Jiang Lin suspects that this is Xiao Li's acting.

However, isn't this play too realistic?

"Okay, you heartless man, I'll give you Yinlian! In the future, when the child is born, don't let him call you father!"

Xiao Li opened her mouth and pointed to her abdomen, and a silver-white snow lotus floated out of her mouth.


The tea in Jiang Lin's mouth was sprayed three meters away, and he was choked hard.

child born?

What's up with this Nima!

How many times can you get pregnant?

Seeing Xiao Li flying out of the door, Jiang Lin, whose mind was blank, immediately shook the Yin Huo Whip out, wrapped around Xiao Li's waist, and pulled it back.

"What... what's going on?"

Jiang Lin has not completely changed from the state of ignorance. The most ignorant time in his life is now.

Does he like being a father? ? ?

Xiao Li squatted down, hugged her knees, and kept sobbing there.

Chapter [*] Xiaoli's talent

Jiang Lin looked at Xiao Li with such a posture, and when she thought of the resolute look on Xiao Li's face when she was about to leave, she couldn't help but feel a sudden rush in her heart.

Did it really make her belly bigger?

Isn't this Arabian Nights!He didn't do that kind of thing to Xiaoli at all.

"You're a person, don't you know what you've done? Put others in your body, and kidney yang will rush into them."

Xiao Li looked pitiful, this time it wasn't pretentious, she was a big girl, and she and Jiang Lin were not married yet, so she had Jiang Lin's blood.

She also wanted to ask what happened to Jiang Lin, whether she was deliberately making her a mother.

Kidney Yang rushed into Xiao Li's body?

Jiang Lin rubbed his forehead, never believing that such a situation would happen.

He had stayed in the monk era, and when it comes to his experience, there are few people in the world who can compare with him.

But he had never even heard of such a situation.

However, the situation in front of him seemed to make him not believe it.

In the past, he helped Xiaoli up and let her sit down. Jiang Lin said, "Give me your hand."

Xiaoli wiped away her tears and stretched out her right hand, revealing her snow-like wrist.

Jiang Lin put his hand on Xiao Li's wrist, sensing the situation in Xiao Li's body.

This... Xiao Li is really happy.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also sensed that the blob of light in Xiao Li's body (child) palace had a bloodline resonance with him.

He really is a father.

Inside Xiao Li is really his child.

I'm going big!

This is simply a wonder of the world!

Jiang Lin frowned, glanced at the silver lotus on the coffee table next to him, and suddenly felt that the cause of all this should be the corpse of silver lotus.

He is not the only one who has done swallowing ghosts, but even a female ghost would not suffer in this situation) (The only possibility of pregnancy is that Xiaoli has silver lotus in her body, attracting Yuanyang in his body, Hit Xiao Li's body.

After Jiang Lin had this guess, he suddenly became restless. His daughters-in-law didn't know how many times they had been rushed by his Yuan Yang, but there was still no movement at all.

Xiao Li won the lottery.

Could it be because of her corpse incarnation that Xiao Li became pregnant so quickly?

"How do you place me? You are still famous! I don't even know your name..."

Xiao Li said and cried aggrievedly.

She had only known Jiang Lin for two or three days, and she had a child. It was rumored that she really wanted to commit suicide in shame and anger.

"Okay, don't cry, my name is Jiang Lin, and I'm not someone who doesn't recognize the bill."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Lin scolded him in his heart. He hadn't even eaten, and he had to accept the account. Whoever let the child belong to him.

After tearing off two lotus petals, Jiang Lin handed it to Xiao Li and said, "Let's replenish our vitality first."

Xiaoli filled the lotus petals into her mouth, covered her lower abdomen, and looked at Jiang Lin eagerly.

There are not many petals of an silver lotus, Jiang Lin gave her two at once, and Xiao Li also knew that Jiang Lin would not deny the account.

"Brother Lin, we... When will we get married?"

Jiang Lin tapped on his forehead. Inexplicably, there was a female ghost as his wife, and he felt a little bit unable to react.

I didn't expect that I had no children for a few years, and the first child turned out to be a ghost.

Jiang Lin didn't expect this kind of thing, but he didn't mind too much. He was a zombie himself, and it wasn't surprising that his bloodline didn't belong to a human being.

"Don't cry, I'll settle you tomorrow."

After opening a bamboo umbrella, Jiang Lin asked Xiaoli to rest in it for a while to refine the medicinal properties of silver lotus.

Xiao Li wiped away her tears, nodded, and went into the bamboo umbrella. She was already pregnant with Jiang Lin's child, so she decided that Jiang Lin was.

After shaking his head, Jiang Lin went back to rest.

The next day, Jiang Lin asked his women to sit in the room, released Xiao Li, and placed a light-proof spell on her body. As long as Xiao Li was not exposed to the sun, it was not a big problem.

"Hello, sisters."

Xiao Li changed her previous attitude and saluted Ren Tingting and the others one by one.


A group of women have question marks on their faces, how are you sisters?

Does your husband really want this female ghost to enter the door?

Jiang Lin coughed and told Ren Tingting and the others the whole story.

You're going to be a big mom.

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, a group of daughters-in-law were completely confused in the wind.

Their men are really capable, teach female ghosts, and teach a mother to come out.

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu looked at Xiaoli with jealousy. Except for Chen Yu, they were the first to marry. As a result, there was still no movement in their belly. blood vessels.

"Xiao Li will be your sister in the future. The family is harmonious and beautiful. Don't bully her. With her here, you can also protect you."


Except for Caiyi and Ayan pouting a little, Ren Tingting and the others did not object to this marriage.

There is a female ghost Xiaohong at home, and she also has affection for Jiang Lin, so in their opinion, Jiang Lin will definitely have a ghost bride.

Now that something like Xiao Li happened, they were not surprised.

On the contrary, it was Xiaoli. She didn't expect that none of the women in Jianglin would lose their temper because she was a ghost.

Therefore, Xiao Li took another look at Jiang Lin, this man must be so obedient to so many girls, he must be very fond of his wife, and it will not be a grievance for her to enter his door in the future.

"Xiao Li, come out and I'll ask you something."

After taking Xiao Li to meet a few daughters-in-law, Jiang Lin wanted to know about Xiao Li's past.

Before, he was wondering why Xiaoli appeared in the coffin of the Thousand-Year Zombie King so coincidentally, waiting for the corpse to open) (Bud.

As a zombie himself, he didn't notice anything unusual in the coffin.

If he hadn't known that the zombie king's corpse didn't take long, Jiang Lin wouldn't have wanted to go to the place where the corpse was born.

Before Jiang Lin's heart had always been on forcing Xiaoli to spit out the silver lotus, the doubt in his heart was suppressed.

Now that Xiaoli, the corpse of silver lotus, has also handed over, and brought him a doll, Jiang Lin wanted to figure out what happened.

After Xiao Li left the room, she seemed to have turned into a carefree girl again, completely different from last night's attitude.

"I know women are fickle, but I didn't expect female ghosts to be fickle. Why are you so happy?"

Jiang Lin was speechless, and his face changed too quickly.

"Of course I'm happy. Several sisters have a strong medicinal fragrance on their bodies. My husband must have fed them a lot of natural treasures, and Xiaoli will have them in the future. Besides, they will no longer have to be lonely ghosts in the future. Someone hurts. Someone loves her, and her husband is a dangerous gentleman, and Xiaoli has found a good husband."

Jiang Lin: "..."

Especially last night I cried so hard, but today my face is full of spring, it's been a long time to see.

"You know you found a good husband, and you cried like that last night?"

Tankou made a nudity, and Xiaoli snorted: "If I didn't do that, and if you are irresponsible, I wouldn't cry without tears. When people conceived, they decided that you would not marry, but your family is so What a beautiful sister, what if you don't want me?"

"So you were acting last night?"

"It's just for you to see."

Xiaoli stuck out her tongue at Jiang Lin and made a face.

"Player! Playing carefully in front of me again and again to see me accept you."

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