This female ghost is born to be an actress, and this talent can definitely win an Oscar!

Holding Xiao Li's waist, Jiang Lin wanted to taste what Xiao Li's kiss was like.

He didn't do anything, so he passively became a father, and if he didn't take advantage of it, wouldn't he have lost his life.

"No, she's still a big girl with a yellow flower..."

Also the big girl of yellow flowers, have you seen the big girl of yellow flowers who is pregnant!

Cool and sweet.Jiang Lin was really in love.

"Tell me, how do you know that there are corpse mercury lilies in the zombie forest?"

The first kiss was stolen, Xiaoli gave Jiang Lin an angry look, and then said: "People cultivate in the underworld and rely on themselves to find the treasures of heaven and earth. I have a talent, I can sense the existence of treasures at a certain distance."

Chapter [-] Nine uncles and apprentices cross Yin Mountain, and the sinister Shi Jian plans to plan

Can you sense the existence of heaven and earth treasures?

Jiang Lin couldn't help staring at Xiao Li's face, this talent was simply a positioning aid!

Wherever there is treasure, unless it can't be grabbed, others can't really compare to her in treasure hunt.

In the future, if I go to the underworld to hunt for treasures and bring Xiaoli with me, won't I be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort?

"Do you still miss your family?"

Xiao Liyu lightly covered her cherry lips with her hand, took a step back, and looked at Jiang Lin vigilantly.

I am the father of the child, how many times did I kiss you?

Jiang Lin rolled her eyes at Xiao Li and asked, "How did you know the corpse water silver lotus?"

Although Xiao Li has such a talent and can sense treasures, it does not mean that she is familiar with any medicinal herbs, and the corpse mercury is not something that ordinary people or ordinary ghosts can recognize.

"There is also a square market like the world below, where you can exchange materials for cultivation. I just read the names of some treasures there. Unfortunately, the place where I live is not suitable for cultivation, otherwise I can cultivate to the level of a ghost general. "

Looking at Jiang Lin, Xiao Li complained: "The underworld is so uncomfortable, and she was almost forced to marry by the ghost king. When the ghost door opened, you met him that night. After running away, she finally got the corpse of water silver lotus and was caught by you again. When they arrive, they even put people in the body to barbecue."

Seeing the grievances on Xiao Li's face, Jiang Lin comforted: "I will make up for you in the future, I will arrange a Yin Gathering Formation for you, and you can cultivate well and try to cultivate to the level of a ghost, otherwise it will be inconvenient. My elders are all alchemists, you can't appear in front of them."

"God ghost?"

Xiao Li's mouth was wide open, with a look of surprise on her face.Ghost cultivation is much more difficult than human beings. How easy is it to cultivate to the level of a ghost?

The Heavenly Ghost is even higher than the Ghost King.

Can she do it?

"What? You don't have confidence in yourself? Or do you want to see the light in the future? I have time to take your sisters to play in the mountains and waters, but you can only hide in the magic weapon."

Now that Xiao Li is pregnant, Jiang Lin is also willing to take responsibility for her and accept her, but ghosts are ghosts after all, even if Jiang Lin wants to spoil her again, he can't be blatant.

Before reaching the level of a ghost or a ghost emperor, a ghost is a ghost. If Zhang Han and Jiu Shu knew that he was combined with a ghost, they would be half-dead with anger.

You must know that in their eyes, Jiang Lin is still a person, but he is very perverted. They do not know Jiang Lin's identity as a zombie.

As long as you are human, you cannot combine with ghosts unless you are not afraid of death.

Ghosts are ominous things that combine all kinds of dark sides. Even if people who raise ghosts know how to reconcile Yin and Yang, they cannot completely eliminate the influence, let alone combine with ghosts.

But if Xiao Li cultivated to the level of a ghost, it would be different. Both the ghost and the ghost emperor belonged to the level of ghosts and immortals.

Only then can Jiang Lin end the affair with her. Uncle Jiu and Zhang Han know that he takes a ghost as his wife, and they will only give a thumbs up.

"No, I don't want to!"

Xiaoli didn't want to be a woman who could not see the light of Jiang Lin. There were three kinds of unfilial piety. She had no descendants. She already had Jiang Lin's blood.

"Cultivation is cultivation, and I still need some lotus petals."

Jiang Lin's words stimulated Xiao Li so much that she asked Jiang Lin to treat her as a treasure.

If she cultivates to the level of a ghost, Jiang Lin and his elders will treat her as a good daughter-in-law, then she will cultivate to the level of a ghost!

"I'll give it to you if you don't say it."

Jiang Lin asked Xiaoli to follow him to the kitchen. With Yinlian, he could first solve the negative effects of the ninth uncle's life extension, and the problems of the daughters-in-law could also be managed.

Cultivation means cultivation. After Xiaoli got the lotus petals, she went straight back into the umbrella.

After Jiang Lin boiled the medicine, he scooped out a bowl and soaked the tea leaves. After drying, he took it to Yizhuang.

Today, he will also study with Jiu Shu how to break the formation and enter the Yinshan cave.

"Master, have some tea."

After Ninth Uncle took the tea, he pointed to a huge piece of rice paper unfolding on the table in the hall of Yizhuang, and said, "This is the Crypt Protector's formation that I recovered from memory. Jiang Lin, do you think there is any way to break the formation?"

Jiang Lin looked at the general structure of Yinshan Cave on the rice paper, and saw the array formation above, his eyes lit up, and the formation skills of the Shenxiao School were indeed unusual.

"Tiangang Five Thunder Formation, Qixing Xuanji Formation... Uncle, I don't have a good way to break the Tiangang Five Thunder Formation. I'm afraid I can only use brute force to break it. As for the Seven Star Xuanji Formation, if you want to break the formation, you have to choose the time, and I It’s better if it doesn’t feel broken. The seven stars are composed of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang. They belong to the most yin to cold, and you must not choose the yin time to enter the battle.”

"When the sun shines, the starlight is dim. At that time, I will interfere with the operation of the formation with my profound light, so that it cannot exert its power, and we can enter the depths of the crypt."

Ninth Uncle nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too. You have such talent in the formation, no matter what, the uncle will help you get the flying dragon seven-star formation."

With the sharp sword of Fei Zong hanging over Jiang Lin's head, Ninth Uncle has no pressure. He now regards Jiang Lin as his heir, but he has always felt that he can't be of much help. Now Go with Jiang Lin to get the Seven-Star Array. This operation can only succeed, not fail.

Jiang Lin felt very warm in his heart. He smiled and said, "Uncle Master, if Master asks my opinion about the return, I don't think my answer will disappoint Uncle Master."

"Okay! Wencai, Jiang Lin will eat here at noon and prepare some small dishes for Master. Today is suitable for two sips."

Ninth Uncle drank all the tea in the teacup and gave Wen Cai an order.

Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin had lunch, and after packing up, they left Yizhuang and headed to Yinshan Mountain, which is more than a hundred miles away.

Qiusheng and Wencai also followed. The two brothers thought that with Jiang Lin there, even if there was a zombie king, there was no need to be afraid. They could still see the big scene, and they were more excited.

Seeing the excited Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiang Lin laughed in his heart.

I don't know what your expressions will be when you two know that the coffin fungus has to be sucked out of your mouth.

The four of them walked for a day and a night, and in the afternoon the next day, they found an inn near Yinshan to stay.

"Haha, Lin Jiu, Jiang Lin, you really came."

"Lin Jiu, I will let you die without a burial place, all of you will become zombies, and you will never be superborn!"

Shi Jian had long rented a farm in the town where the inn was located, and arranged the formation. Just now, a little beggar reported the arrival of Uncle Ninth and the others.

Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin must spend a lot of effort to break the formation. Shi Jian has already discovered that there is indeed a zombie king under the crypt, and has set up a corpse control formation in the corresponding position. When the time comes, Jiang Lin and the others will find it. After the zombie king, he will wake up the zombie king inside.

"Wow! Master, it's so bright in this crypt."

After entering the crypt, Qiu Sheng was surprised by the sight in front of him.

Inside the crypt, there are many large and small fluorite lights on the walls of the cave, even if there is no light, it is not dark inside.

"What about the corpses of those fellows?"

After Ninth Uncle entered the crypt, he couldn't help but be stunned. He sealed the entrance to the crypt before leaving, and it seemed that no one had ever come in.

But the body of the fellow who died here disappeared.

"Uncle, there is a strong corpse aura here."

Jiang Lin sensed the surroundings and guessed that the corpses might have been transformed.

Chapter three hundred and ninety

With such a feeling, Jiang Lin had a general understanding of the space he was in and his surroundings.

The triangular passage that he and Jiu Shu and others were in was not so much a passage as it was a triangular space formed by a broken ceiling and the ground.The further you go, the bigger the space, and the deeper you go, Jiang Lin can't sense it.

"There seems to be a relatively pure star and moon brilliance here."

Jiang Lin glanced at it, and the light emitted by the fluorite seemed to be the light of dawn, but it was still daylight, which was a bit strange.

Uncle Jiu explained: "There should be special materials or magic circles around the sect of the Shenxiao faction, which can condense and store starlight and moonlight, so as to maintain the operation of the guardian circles. I guess it should be the top of the above. It was formed after it came down, and these fluorites are estimated to be used to attract stars and moonlight."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but admire this Shenxiao faction that had almost lost its inheritance.

From Uncle Jiu, Jiang Lin learned that the location of the Shenxiao Sect's sect was very secret. It was originally at the foot of a high mountain. , the mountain fell, just like a cover blocked the ground, so that the houses and pavilions below did not become a ruin.

After experiencing such a natural disaster, it seems that this place has been washed by a mudslide, and the formation of the Shenxiao faction can still operate.

It is a pity that the sect is still there, but the descendants are almost cut off.

In addition to admiration, Jiang Lin felt sorry for this sect. The earthquake caused the mountain air to leak, and almost all the disciples of the Shenxiao sect were washed to death.

The flying dragon seven-star formation can go against the sky. For one person, it can change the fate, and for a country, it can prolong the country. This faction suffered from this natural disaster, perhaps because of repeated attempts to explore the secrets of the sky, resulting in natural punishment.

Twenty years ago, Ninth Uncle and his group of [-] people had already explored the crypt here, so the four masters and apprentices did not spend much effort to get to the place where Ninth Uncle almost died.

Jiang Lin looked up and saw that the top of the [-]-meter-high crypt was embedded with seven luminous meteorites the size of a grinding disc, forming the shape of the Big Dipper. In addition, there were many smaller fluorites.

The peak that originally echoed the seven stars in the sky was covered on top of the crypt, and the place was closed. Looking up, it looked like a starry sky above.

That is to say, with these meteorites and fluorites, there is no need for any lighting tools in the crypt.

There are several corpses in the open space in front of them, those of the Taoist priests who died in the Qixing Xuanji Array.

"If you want to enter the depths, you must pass through Xuanji Formation and Five Thunder Formation..."

Jiang Lin felt that either it was a coincidence, or the Shenxiao faction had already reached the end of the calamity, and arranged means to protect the inheritance of the sect.

Now that they are here, even if there are dangers ahead, they have to make a breakthrough. As long as they get the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array and the divine weapon they have, Jiang Lin feels that even if Fei Zong comes to the door, it can be severely damaged. , even killing.

Ninth Uncle stopped here for a moment, looking at things and thinking about people. He was young and energetic back then, and he must have seen the Lei Fa of the Shenxiao faction. As a result, several fellow friends who traveled with him died here.

"Thinking about it now, I suddenly feel that the people who spread this news back then may be the descendants of the disciples of the Shenxiao Sect. They went out before the sect died and saved a catastrophe, and passed on the Shenxiao sect outside. Otherwise, how could it be possible to know so much about the Shenxiao faction."

Ninth Uncle shook his head. They were too young back then. When they heard the news, they would think carefully. After organizing people, they rushed to the crypt, and only a few escaped.

It's a pity that even if you want to find trouble, you can't find anyone.

"Take action."

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