Removing his thoughts, Jiu Shu nodded to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin understood, and asked Qiusheng and Wencai to take out the folding silver mirror and surrounded the city in a semicircle.

"Uncle Shi, let's go and return quickly."

The meteorites and fluorites on the top echo the stars. The later the time, the brighter they will be, and it will be troublesome to think about it at that time.

"it is good!"

When Ninth Uncle and the others were ready, Jiang Lin started the Yang Mian Jue, exuding a strong yang-yang light from his body, which was reflected and concentrated by the silver mirror, and then illuminated the seven meteorites above.

"Qiusheng, Wencai!"

Jiu Shu held a piece of Tianzhao Bagua mirror in his hand and drank at Qiusheng and Wencai.

Jiang Lin interfered with the operation of the formation outside, and the three of them formed a three-talent formation and advanced towards Xuanji's formation.

Fortunately, what Uncle Jiu was doing to Qiusheng and Wencai was the special training of the Three Talents Formation.

As soon as they entered the battle, a star blue light pillar with the thickness of a human leg slammed towards the three of them.

"You rush over, and leave the attack of the formation to me."

With a movement of the Yin Huo Whip in Jiang Lin's hand, he rolled up the gossip mirrors stacked on the ground and sent one of them into the formation, blocking the bombardment of the beam of light.

With a click, the Bagua mirror cracked.

The beam of light that was weakened continued to bombard forward. Qiu Sheng held the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword in his hand, and Wen Cai held the Sun Divine Pearl, facing a point in front. The beam of light from the bombardment.


Xing Lan and Crimson Crimson collided, and the surrounding air was swollen, and Ninth Uncle's eyebrows were blown.

"Come on!"

Jiu Shu, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai rushed forward without hesitation.

Not long after, several more star blue light pillars appeared from all sides, and the momentum was bigger than before.

Jiang Lin used it as a long-range shield, and pieces of gossip mirrors were used by him with both hands and feet, rolled or kicked, and flew into the Xuanji formation.

In the end, the three masters and disciples were so tired that their foreheads were sweating, and they finally walked out of the Xuanji formation.

Jiang Lin bit his fingers, and after drawing a talisman on the unfolded folding silver mirror, he threw it out like a blanket.

With the protection of the silver mirror, Jiang Lin's appearance was not a big problem. Even if the silver mirror shattered halfway, Jiang Lin relied on his own flexibility and the few gossip mirrors he carried to get out of the Xuanji formation.

But Jiang Lin found out that he was a living person, and he couldn't even handle a dead formation against Bo, what a goddamn bastard!

When you come back, you must study this seven-star Xuanji formation.

He doesn't have too many formations.

What surprised Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle was that the Tiangang Five Thunder Formation at the back had become incomplete, and so was the formation at the back.

There are many amputated limbs in the formation, belonging to zombies.

"Uncle Master, it seems that we are very lucky. The zombies inside know we are coming and are ready to welcome us."

Jiang Lin made a joke, they prepared so much, and it went smoothly after a Xuanji formation.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

"We searched everywhere, the two senior brothers, when they encountered the danger of the explosive flame talisman and the flame paper crane, they lost it."

It was too slow for the four of them to explore this crypt together. If it was delayed until night, Jiang Lin was not sure whether he could protect Jiu Shu and the others to pass the Xuanji formation outside safely.

It was already midnight when Uncle Ninth and the others went out for the first time. The power of the Xuanji formation reached its maximum, and both alchemists were planted in it.

Chapter [-] This is a glorious and great task

Don't look at how easy it is for Ninth Uncle and the others, if they didn't have an artifact at hand, and without Jiang Lin weakening the starlight with the suffocating Yang Xuanguang, the power of the Qixing Xuanji formation would have weakened.

Split up to find?fair enough.

Ninth Uncle nodded. Although there is a [-]% chance that there is a Zombie King, he has powerful talismans such as the Corpse Suppression Talisman and the Explosive Flame Talisman given by Jiang Lin. .

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both have artifacts given by Jiang Lin. No matter how weak their own strength is and cooperate with the magic talisman, the Zombie King can't help them for a while. As long as they send a signal, he and Jiang Lin will go over to ensure their safety.

Shi Jian, you made a plan to trap us, but you didn't expect that there was nothing in this crypt that could threaten us at all.

Jiang Lin laughed. Shi Jian was sinister and vicious. He repeatedly tried to make them lose face and even lose their lives, but every time he did nothing.

This time it is estimated that I will watch them pick up cheap.

It's better to find what to take quickly, Jiang Lin doesn't intend to take other things sent by Shenxiao, Shi Jian must know about their entry into the crypt.

In the movie, Shi Jian was doing things while Uncle Nine and the others were picking up the coffin fungus. If this old man also came to Yinshan this time, it might not be as simple as just wanting to do things.

The crypt was originally a hollow existence. If Shi Jian used some kind of explosive and wanted to bury them in it, it would be a lot of trouble.

Jiang Lin wandered around in one direction in the crypt and searched for two hours, but did not find anything similar to the Sutra Pavilion.

"Zombie King!"

Just as Jiang Lin was about to rendezvous with Ninth Uncle, Wen Cai's shout came from the other direction.

The three hurried over when they heard the shouting.

After seeing Wen Cai, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu were so angry that they almost kicked the idiot on the spot.

What Zombie King is just a group of zombies. This place is in a mess. It seems to be the storage room of the gods and gods. A space similar to a bookshelf has been opened in the wall, and there are zombies lying on the stone shelf. There are about twenty.

Many of these zombies were transformed from the corpses of Taoist priests who had broken into them before, and they all had obvious scars on their bodies, which should have been injured by the formation of the formation repeatedly.

In this crypt, it is not easy to get in or get out. These zombies have basically never touched blood since they turned into corpses. Their thirst for blood has caused them to break through frantically. Now they are sleeping and recuperating after being seriously injured.

Wen Cai, this funny guy, started shouting as soon as he saw these zombies, but he didn't wake them up.

Jiang Lin approached to check the situation of the zombies. They should all be in a dormant state, and they should not wake up in a short time unless there is too much movement around.

If zombies can't drink blood for a long time, they will choose to fall asleep. Just like people, they will not feel hungry after falling asleep.

Ninth Uncle gave Wen Cai a slap on the back of the head and scolded, "What is it called, these zombies are sleeping, you are so timid?"

Jiang Lin also curled his lips and made a knife: "Senior brother, where is it, where is the Zombie King?"

Wen Cai smirked, seeing so many zombies, he didn't think much about it at all, he shouted, thinking that as long as Master and Jiang Lin came over, there would be no danger.

"Master, Junior Brother, there are some scraps of books here."

Qiusheng saw the old paper in the corner, picked it up and handed it to Jiu Shu.

Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin glanced at each other, and then glanced around. This is not a place for utensils. The zombies should be lying on the bookshelves, but these bookshelves are opened in the wall.

Because many stone frames had collapsed, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu didn't react immediately.

This should be the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, look for it!

In the corner of the Book Collection Pavilion, everyone saw a lot of books piled up indiscriminately.

"Why not?"

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed and leaned against the wall. As he leaned, he seemed to feel that the wall behind him moved slightly, turned around and pushed it, and a rune appeared on the wall.

Unexpectedly, there is heaven and earth inside.

Jiang Lin was too lazy to find the mechanism that opened the door, so he used his own brute force. After a few minutes, he broke the formation, pushed open the wall, and opened a secret door.

Inside is a cubicle, not too big. The four walls of the cubicle are the same as the outside. There is a space reserved for books, and there are many scattered books on the ground.

This is the place where the Shenxiao faction collects the books.

However, on the copying stone platform in the middle of the compartment, there was a zombie wearing a Qing Dynasty official uniform lying on it, also sleeping.

A ball of green light went in and out of its mouth, like a ghost fire.

The Zombie King turned out to be here.

Jiang Lin gestured to Qiusheng and Wencai, it was time for these two living treasures to appear.

Because of their high cultivation, he and Ninth Uncle might have disturbed the Zombie King even if they used the Breath Conditioning Talisman. Now they should let Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai go in first and find out how to set up Lei Fa and the Seven Star Array. Taking the coffin fungus is a trivial matter.

Jiang Lin wasn't going to kill the zombie king right here. They were in the light and Shi Jian was in the dark. Jiang Lin didn't like this situation very much.

When there is a chance in the future, he will come again. At that time, he can kill the zombie king leisurely without worrying about Shi Jian's calculations.

Jiang Lin was worried that if Shi Jian was ruthless enough, he would destroy the crypt and prevent them from getting out, but Shi Jian, an old man with a sinister heart, was not very intelligent.

As long as he cuts off Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle's escape route, Jiang Lin and the others will be "cooked" by the zombie king sooner or later, but he did not think of this method.

In other words, he underestimated the abilities of Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle, thinking that the formation in the crypt was enough to trap them.

Jiu Shu also winked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. You two went in, and Jiang Lin and I watched you perform.

After going in and finding Lei Fa and the Seven-Star Array, the coffin bacteria will be taken. Ninth Uncle is not willing to talk to a corpse.

"How do you let us in?"

"Master... Master, there is a zombie king inside."

Qiusheng and Wencai regretted it now. Originally, they thought that Master and Jiang Lin were there, and they only needed to watch the fun and open their eyes.

But it turns out they think too much.

"This is a glorious and great task. After completing the task, the rent and tuition fees for the two months will be waived for you. If you don't go in, you will pay the rent from the next month, with a deposit of one and three payments."

Bet one pays three?You might as well go grab it!

Qiu was so angry that her nose was crooked, and it was okay to ask them to pay the rent. Now the two of them are more diligent, printing more paper money and tying up some paper figures to sell. They can barely afford accommodation and tuition fees, and let them pay so much money all at once. , Are you going to let them be ducks to make money?

But no matter how angry they are, Qiu Sheng can't do anything about it, who made them chill Master's heart before.

"You two boys, the Zombie King is sleeping in it and won't wake up easily. What are you afraid of?"

Ninth Uncle glared at the two apprentices angrily, raised his foot and kicked them.

Qiusheng and Wencai could only bite the bullet and put a few breath-holding talismans on their bodies, and went into the compartment with their breaths closed.

Paste the corpse charm first!

Add another deadlock!

After the two entered, they took out two magic talismans and stuck them on the zombie king's head, and then rummaged through the books one by one.

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