The good news is that it didn't take long for the two of them to get the books that Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin were looking for.

After receiving the two books, Uncle Ninth said to the two apprentices: "You did a good job. Go and suck the bacteria from the zombie king's coffin and put it in a jade box."

"It's us again?"

"How do you suck?"

Qiusheng and Wencai had a bitter look on their faces and asked them to fetch the coffin fungus. Isn't that the equivalent of prying the zombie king's teeth?

It's scarier than pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

"How do you say you suck? Mouth to mouth."

Jiang Lin blinked at the two of them.



Hold the grass!Face to face with the Zombie King, Junior Brother, are you kidding us?

Thinking of that scene, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai retched.

With a light cough, Ninth Uncle looked at the two apprentices and said, "This is a glorious and great mission."

"Don't look at me, my mouth is for kissing Tingtingzhuzhu Jingjing and the others."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and told the two brothers not to count on him.

Your mouth is for kissing your daughter-in-law, our mouth is for kissing the Zombie King, junior brother, you are ruthless!

Chapter [*]: Control the Corpse?Let you taste the taste of backlash!

Just as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were struggling to get close to the zombie king on the stone platform, on the ground just above the stone platform, the formation arranged by Shi Jian had already started.

The black cat buried in the soil was directly pierced to death by the wooden stick, and the blood that flowed out seeped through the hole punched by Shi Jian.

Wen Cai uncovered the two magic talismans, revealing the Zombie King's mouth.

"Wow, amazing!"

Qiusheng used the peach wood sword to pry open the mouth of the zombie king, and he couldn't help sighing when he saw the green mass of coffin fungi.

Wen Cai looked at Qiu Sheng and said, "Don't take a breath."


Qiu Sheng nodded, then pressed Wen Cai's head, letting him kiss the Zombie King affectionately.

Wen Cai didn't react at all, and the coffin fungus in the mouth of the zombie king entered his mouth.

At this moment, Wen Cai seemed to feel like he was locked in an ice cellar, and the temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.


He was trembling all over, as if he had gone mad from a lamb, his face was frozen green, and there was a purple and green patch below his neck.

Coffin fungus is not easy to get, the zombie king's thing, it is extremely yin and cold, and living people can't stand this cold.

"Junior brother, why are you shaking? It's so cold?"

Seeing Wen Cai like this, Qiu Sheng looked at his jokes very unkindly.

Isn't it nonsense, hurry up and take out the jade box!

Wen Cai couldn't speak, he could only point to Qiu Sheng's cloth bag, making gestures in his hand.

At this moment, blood drops appeared on the forehead of the zombie king behind the two, and the blood of the black cat dripped from it.

Although Jiang Lin's corpse-suppressing talisman and immobilization talisman were powerful, the execution was dissolved as soon as they got on the blood, and the rune lost its effect.

"Eh? Where did the jade box go?"

Qiu Sheng touched his cloth belt and was immediately stunned. He seemed to have left the jade box at the inn because he was carrying too many things, such as stacks of gossip mirrors and stacked silver mirrors. .

"Master, Junior Brother, the jade box is gone, you brought it..."

Before Qiu Sheng could finish speaking, Wen Cai kissed him and put the coffin fungus into his mouth.

I was kissed by a man!

Still being kissed by the ugly junior brother!

Qiu Sheng was about to start a fire, but the extreme cold at the entrance made his fire freeze directly.

It's so fucking cold!

Qiusheng is more exaggerated than Wencai, and the whole person seems to be breaking dance there.

After all, Wen Cai is still a boy, and his Yuan Yang has not leaked, so he is much stronger than Qiu Sheng in resisting Yin and cold.

"Wow, it's cool."

Without the coffin fungus in his mouth, Wen Cai felt that he was cool and didn't want it.

"You two guys, where's the jade box?"

The ninth uncle wanted to use the rattan whip again. Jiang Lin prepared a jade box containing the coffin fungus for Qiu Sheng to bring, but it seemed that he did not bring it.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also shook his head, these two living treasures are still you kiss me and I kiss you, all the way to the inn.

"Where did the smell of blood come from?"

As soon as Jiang Lin spoke, the zombie king behind Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai stood up from the stone platform.

The twenty-odd zombies lying on the stone frame outside also smelled blood and all woke up.


In the farmyard of the small town, Shi Jian had a wicked smile on his face. He didn't expect that Uncle Ninth and the others had actually found the zombie king. If it wasn't for the sake of precision, the zombie king's coffin fungus would have been taken away like this.

"Lin Jiu, I think your master and apprentice are still alive!"

Damn, it really was Shi Jian who did the trick.

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, and the Yin Huo Whip jumped out, entangled Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and pulled them over.


The zombie king shivered with excitement when he smelled the breath of the living, twenty years, twenty years!It has never tasted what human blood tastes like. The blood just now smelled so bad.

"Uncle Shi, let's go, this is definitely the ghost of Shi Jian's old man, leave the crypt first."

Jiang Lin didn't want to fight. They were in a crypt now. If they were in an environment like a flat ground or a zombie forest, Jiang Lin would have nothing to worry about, but now it's different.

He can kill the Zombie King, but he can't kill it in seconds. There is no need for him to waste time here.

Moreover, this crypt is not firm at all. Jiang Lin's three-legged golden crow and the flame paper crane can't be used. The Heavenly Dragon Sword and the Sun God Orb have consumed a lot of spiritual power before this, and Jiang Lin does not want to use it anymore. consumes them, so in this case, beheading a zombie king is still quite time-consuming.

Ninth Uncle's face became gloomy. This crypt is basically a closed environment, and even living things are rare. Where does the smell of blood come from, it will still make the zombies become more ferocious black cat blood.

Someone must be doing something wrong. Except for Shi Jian, no one else has such suspicion.

It was born from the same root, so why is it too anxious.

Begging them to take the coffin fungus is already uneasy and kind, and it is still down to the ground, not willing to kill them.

Jiang Lin used his hands as machine guns to clear the way and cut a bloody path, letting Jiu Shu and Qiu Shengwen run ahead.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle came to the front of the Seven Star Xuanji Formation again, with the Zombie King and a dozen zombies chasing after them.

"What to do, Junior Brother, it's too late."

Qiusheng didn't know that Jiang Lin's strategic retreat was because he was worried about them, and thought that Jiang Lin was afraid of the zombie king.

Now there are corpses in front of Xuanji formation, and now the game is over.

"You are afraid of wool!"

Jiang Lin pushed Qiu Sheng's head, causing him and Wen Cai to meet again.

Go suck your coffin fungus.

"Uncle Shi, can you see what's wrong with this zombie king?"

Jiang Lin looked at the zombie kings who were chasing after them and asked Uncle Ninth.

He has the breath of the thousand-year-old zombie king, which is difficult for people to sense, but the same kind should not be unable to sense it.

Even if he hasn't sucked human blood for many years, he doesn't have any signs of being afraid of him.

"It seems to be more violent than the zombie king we have seen, and his intelligence is not so high."

After listening to Ninth Uncle's answer, Jiang Lin was certain in his heart that it wasn't that the zombie king's Lingzhi was not that high, but that he had been "beaten" with stimulants.

This zombie king should be controlled by Shi Jian, but this control is not a control in the general sense, but more like a kind of catalysis and guidance.

And those ordinary zombies are completely controlled by Shi Jian, and they will be bitten to death with perseverance.

Since you, Shi Jian, cast spells on these zombies, I'll give you a taste of backlash.

The whip fell, Jiang Lin entangled a zombie and threw it into the Xuanji formation behind.

Several beams of light suddenly appeared in the formation, and the zombie was almost wiped out.

Jiang Lin made up the knife in time and shot out a yang finger, which became the last straw to crush the zombie.

He also spared mosquito legs.

With his hands dancing, Jiang Lin controlled the Yang Yan Whip and threw all the ordinary zombies into the formation.

Pointing out one step at a time, Jiang Lin stepped in front of the Zombie King, grabbed his collar, and threw him into the Xuanji formation as well.

"Take the Eight Trigrams Mirror and the Silver Mirror, and we will enter the battle."

With these zombies attracting firepower, Jiang Lin threw the silver mirror out, and then dragged Qiusheng and Wencai into the Xuanji formation.

There is an upper limit to the ability of a magic formation. Since these zombies share the power of the formation, Jiang Lin is too lazy to kill them one by one.

Using the array to cause serious damage to these zombies at the same time, as the corpse control Shi Jian, the greater the backlash.

In the farmyard of the small town, Shi Jian was laughing and casting spells. This time, he wanted to let Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin go in and out.

When he was the most proud of his laughter, Shi Jian suddenly felt a strong backlash, causing him to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

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