As for himself, if there is only one person in Jiang Lin, he is not afraid of any means by Shi Jian. Even if he blows up the crypt, with his own skills, he can dig out a tunnel.

Ninth Uncle nodded and handed over the two books he obtained to Jiang Lin.He also knew that Jiang Lin wanted to study the formations of the Shenxiao faction. With these two booklets, it was estimated that he would get twice the result with half the effort.

After going down to the crypt again, Jiang Lin went to the open space where Xuanji Array was located, and read the books in his hand. Throughout the night, Jiang Lin went in and out of the array seven times. hurt.

But after fumbling for a night like this, Jiang Lin also clarified the principle of the operation of the Seven Star Xuanji Array.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, but he did not destroy the Xuanji formation. He could verify the materials used in the formation through his own experiments.

It's not far from Renjia Town, Xuanji will stay here, maybe he may use it in the future.

After returning to the inn and sleeping for a long time, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu returned to Renjia Town.

"Uncle Shi, I will transcribe a copy of Lei Fa and the Seven Star Formation..."

Jiang Lin wanted Ninth Uncle to learn from Leifa and the principles of the Seven-Star Array, but before he finished speaking, Ninth Uncle waved his hand.

"If it was twenty years ago, I was very eager for Lei Fa, but now, I know that I have no hope of becoming an advanced celestial master in this life, so I don't bother. As for the seven-star array, I think I have no ability to keep him, or stay with you."

"Uncle Shi, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are no longer with the Heavenly Master."

Jiang Lin knew that Uncle Jiu's regret in this life was that his cultivation could not be broken through. He couldn't repay the kindness of Uncle Jiu for his teaching. If Uncle Jiu wanted to, he could still find a way to overcome Uncle Jiu's regret.

Uncle Jiu turned his back to the sky, then looked at Jiang Lin, and said slowly: "I am very satisfied to have a disciple like you in my life. Let me advance to the heavenly master. If you are my son, I may consider it. Don't bring it up again."

Jiang Lin said that the method of the advanced heavenly master is nothing more than stacking all kinds of heaven and earth treasures. How could Ninth Uncle let Jiang Lin work so hard for him.

Some treasures of heaven and earth can't be bought with money, and they may even use strange treasures such as corpse pills and demon pills as an introduction. Jiu Shu doesn't want to and can't let Jiang Lin take such a risk for him.

Jiang Lin can have such a heart, he is very pleased.

Ninth Uncle's attitude was very firm. In the end, Jiang Lin still carried Fat Bao Xiaohai and Qiusheng out, and Ninth Uncle was willing to accept Lei Fa.

Returning to the Taoist Church, Jiang Lin copied down the Lei Fa from the Shenxiao School and gave it to Uncle Jiu.

For three days in a row, Jiang Lin was studying Lei Fa. Although he would not practice as above, some of the essence could indeed be used for reference.

Lei Fa is a combination of the inner alchemy cultivation method and the talisman incantation, which has a great guiding role for Jiang Lin, who is now entering the realm of fake alchemy.

The cultivator method is not entirely applicable to Jiang Lin, and the path he wants to walk still requires his own exploration. Even if he has a system, it is not an easy thing to want to go to the next level.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin's vision is no longer ordinary, and he is not smeared about the future of cultivation.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's stay in the monk era, he would know almost nothing about the realm above the Celestial Master, and there are basically no people in the world who can guide him.

In the age of the end of the law, it is very difficult to have a Celestial Master. Even if the time is pushed forward by four hundred years, it is estimated that there will only be a Master Chunhua at the peak of the Celestial Master.

According to Jiang Lin's estimation, even if he collects many treasures from heaven and earth, he may only be able to let his daughter-in-law Bai Min'er enter the celestial master level. As for Chen Yu, Caiyi and Ayan, it is very rare to be able to cultivate to the alchemist level.

Researching Lei Fa, researching formations, and researching zombie abilities, Jiang Lin felt that his life was almost full.

On the way to Xiangxi, kill some monsters and monsters to improve your strength, life is really colorful.

He had already received some news from Daoist Qianhe, and there were quite a few evil spirits on the way from Renjia Town to Xiangxi.

Because the Nine Uncle Ghost Festival was very tired, they went to Yinshan Mountain again. They are also resting these days, and only went for a walk in the town today.

"It's not good, there's a murder, and a lot of people died."

As soon as they arrived in the town, Jiu Shu and his apprentice heard the security team beating the gong and shouting around.

"Ninth uncle, we still want to find you. Please hurry up and take a look. Eight people have died, and there are tooth holes in their necks."

"Yeah, Uncle Ninth, it's really scary, there may be zombies."

"The blood has been sucked dry."

The townspeople who had seen the deceased saw Ninth Uncle's master and apprentice and hurriedly surrounded them.

The way those dead people died is not normal at first glance, and it is more reliable to ask Uncle Jiu for this kind of evil.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll go take a look."

Ninth Uncle frowned slightly, how could there be zombies in Renjiazhen again, so presumptuous.

Jiang Lin has already leveled the zombie forest. It's good to say that there are ghosts and demons nearby. This kind of thing won't hurt people frequently. Even if Jiang Lin is hidden, it's not easy to find.

There was a tooth hole in the neck, the blood was sucked dry, and the ninth uncle also subconsciously thought that it was a zombie.

When they got to the place where the corpses were displayed, the onlookers took the initiative to give way to Uncle Ninth. In dealing with such a thing, Uncle Ninth was an expert.

"Ninth uncle, hello."

The investigation captain of the security team was very polite when he saw the ninth uncle, and asked his subordinates to distance the crowd a little to make room for the ninth uncle and the others.

Having experienced the incident of zombies, even the security team was very impressed with the ninth uncle, and even the guns were not as useful as this Taoist priest.

Lifting the white cloth on the corpse, Jiu Shu was also surprised to see the scene in front of him.

A spell was painted on the face of the deceased, and on the forehead, there were the characters of the deceased's birthday.

All of these dead people were born in a cloudy year, a cloudy month, a cloudy day, and a cloudy day.

Chapter three hundred and ninety-five poke his yang point

This is definitely not bitten to death by zombies!

Zombie bites don't choose the time of birth. The birth moments of these dead people are all four pillars as yin, and there must be something strange.

Moreover, there was no strong corpse aura on the body of the deceased, and there was no sign of corpse poisoning on his body.

But the teeth holes on these people's necks are very similar to zombies. Could it be that some people are raising some monsters?

Uncle Jiu frowned, feeling very strange for a while.

"Master, did the zombies do it?"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were too weak to see the strangeness of the deceased.

Ninth Uncle frowned, shook his head slightly, and said, "They don't have the corpse aura of zombies. They shouldn't have been bitten to death by zombies, and the characters of the deceased are strange. I suspect that some people use these people as blood food to feed the monsters."

Treat people like blood?

Both Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai felt shivering, this was really vicious.

"Treat people like pigs and dogs, they're not people at all!"

"It's really...too vicious."

Ninth Uncle covered the white cloth and asked the investigation team leader, "Are these corpses all together when they were found? Where is the place where the corpses were abandoned?"

"We were together. At the fourth watch, the watchman smelled blood in the abandoned house over there."

The investigation captain pointed to the spot where the body was found. There were already security guards there to prevent anyone from destroying the scene.

"You burned these corpses. These people were bitten to death alive, with grievances, and they may change if it's too late."

Ninth Uncle instructed the investigation team leader, these people died strangely, and their own birthdays were special, and they would turn into corpses by accident.

Just as he was about to check out the abandoned house not far away, Ninth Uncle was pulled up by Wen Cai.

"Master, look."

The restored Shi Shaojian was walking leisurely down the street with his hands behind his back.

"The coffin fungus works, what's so good about it."

Ninth Uncle responded angrily. He was now thinking about these dead people, and Wen Cai pulled him up to see what the bastard was doing.

It is also because of this that Uncle Jiu ignored Shi Shaojian's recovery in such a short time, and he recovered so well.

Jiang Lin made a serious effort when he was treating Shi Shaojian. Even with coffin fungus or other drugs, Shi Shaojian would become a ghost.

"That's not right, Master, the younger brother said that even if the uncle uses the coffin fungus to cure Shi Shaojian, his name will be written upside down."

At this time, Qiusheng also discovered that something was wrong with Shi Shaojian. Jiang Lin was so sure, how could Shi Shaojian return to normal now.


After listening to Qiu Sheng's words, Jiu Shu realized that he had neglected such details.

Even if Shi Shaojian used the coffin fungus, it was impossible for him to recover in such a short period of time.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

The blood of people in the yin year, yin moon, yin sun, yin yin...

Ninth Uncle suddenly thought of a sorcery. Could it be that these dead people are related to Shi Shaojian?

"You must take care of these corpses."

After instructing the investigation captain again, Jiu Shu asked Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to follow him out of the crowd.

Taking out a silver needle of more than twenty centimeters, Jiu Shu said to the two, "Poke his temple and see how he reacts."


Qiu Sheng's eyes widened. Wouldn't it kill someone to poke such a long needle?

Could it be that Master was at odds with Uncle Master and asked him to kill Shi Shaojian?

"Master, people will die!"

Wen Cai was reluctant, let them catch ghosts and collect zombies, they were willing to help, let them stab people, the security team was all here.

"You two guys, what do you usually learn! Let you poke, not forcefully. I suspect that Shi Shaojian has become a monster, and now I need to confirm."

Ninth Uncle wanted to give each of the two apprentices a whip. Even if they were human, a poke would only be a cry. Neither of these two boys had a normal brain.

Although he suspects that Shi Shaojian has become a monster, Jiu Shu is not sure in his heart. Could it be that his senior brother has the heart to make his disciple into a monster?

"Qiusheng, you are good, you go over."

Glancing at Qiu Sheng, Uncle Jiu handed him the silver needle. Wen Cai's clumsiness would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

The teacher's order was hard to violate, and Qiu Sheng just didn't want to take on this errand, so he could only obediently take the silver needle and hide it in his inner pocket to chase Shi Shaojian.

After walking lightly for a while, Qiu Sheng saw that there was no one around Shi Shaojian, and poked his temple with a silver needle.

Qiu Sheng was afraid of killing people, so he didn't use much energy at all. As a result, Shi Shaojian's body was like a piece of tofu across the clothes, and the silver needles more than [*] cm long were almost equal.) (The root submerged into Shi Shaojian's temple.

But Shi Shaojian seemed to be fine, he didn't even notice that someone had inserted a silver needle into his lower back, and he was still walking leisurely on the street.

I'm going!

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